Chereads / The Queen of the Rings. A sort of Lord of the rings story / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Taking over a ship with some sweet words.

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Taking over a ship with some sweet words.

Frodo was stunned, he was actually holding a sleeping beauty on his lap. Her black hood was slightly pulled back and he could now see her beautiful face, those long eyelashes of hers, hair so smooth like silk and what seemed like silver, and those juicy parted lips of hers were so tempting. Her body was also so light, it weighed nothing within his hands, she was so weak, so slender, her stomach smooth with a healthy amount of fat on it and two apple sized mounds of tit flesh were right in front of his face. He could see them moving up and down along with her breathing, sure they weren't the size of his head, but they sure were tempting to him. Although he could see something hard covering them, he could hardly believe it, but it in fact looked like this chick had metallic bikini armour underneath. He could see the upper parts of her boobs going up and down, and a bit of the bottom boob, but there was clearly boob armour there.

With all his might he fought against his urges, he closed his eyes and found peace in the moment and her softness. Her softness that he could so vividly feel as his right hand rested on her soft stomach. He could feel abs there, but mostly softness which was nice.

Then he heard the wood of the ship creek a little, opening his eyes he could see the tallest of them come closer to him. The others seemed really scared for some reason, as the tall woman fell on her knees and seemingly began to beg in a quiet whisper.

"Please take me instead. I I I mean if you must then take me."

Wait what did she just say? She wanted him to take her? Now Frodo was really lost, just what was this busty bitch talking about?

Then she, the busty bitch looked at him with tiers forming in her beautiful big deep blue eyes as she pleaded loudly.

"Please mister Frodo, let my sister's take her. And instead you can take me."

Frodo felt so lost, the other chicks were now crying out. "No sister Lailazil, don't do it!"

Though Lailazil didn't listen and merely continued to look at Frodo as he then nodded in confusion and said. "Oh, ok."

Then the tall woman cautiously went on all fours letting gravity take hold of her breasts that didn't seem to be contained by any boob armour. Instead as she began to slowly crawl towards him, her boobs temptingly swayed from side to side, as her big but did so as well.

Heat started to build up within Frodo, he knew that he shouldn't, but how couldn't he. These bitches were totally trying to seduce him. They had to be, they wanted this.

And so with this in mind his control over himself slowly started to loosen and a hardness in his pants began to grow. It was a hardness unseen for all, a hardness that actually hurt somewhat as it pressed against his metallic crotch covering.

With tierful eyes Lailazil looked at Frodo as she crawled to his side, her long silver hair was loosely at her side, and the hood pulled back a little. And as she came before him, she stopped and sat her big butt on her heels. She gestured for Frodo to give the smaller woman to her.

Looking at the one within his arms Frodo didn't really want to let her go. He wanted to squeeze her small button nose, kiss those lips and make her look at him cutely with those deep blue eyes of hers.

But he wasn't one to reject a beautiful woman and so he started to offer the smaller woman to her. And as he did the two shorter haired Chicks rushed over and took her. Though as they did they for some reason looked at Frodo with tierful eyes full of rage, before taking their sister and running away.

Now with him and the tall woman there alone Frodo couldn't help, but gulped down his saliva in nervous anticipation. He didn't know what was going on, however he wasn't complaining as the tierful woman suddenly stood up slightly, and then just turned around and sat on his lap.

What the fuck? Frodo thought as now he had another woman, this one though a few heads taller than him sitting on his lap. He didn't even say anything and yet she came.

Taking this as a sign that it was his lucky day and that his looks and awesomeness must have been the reason for this, he just decided to go with the flow. With some hesitation he then grabbed a feel of the woman's sides and began feeling out her hourglass shape.

In response the woman closed her eyes and let out a few squeamish sounds that almost sounded like moans.

He could feel her whole body slightly tensing up at his touch as he moved his hands from the sides of her big butt cheeks, up her shapely sides and dangerously close to those massive tits that were visible even from the back. Her tits were huge, as big as his head or even bigger.

Frodo wanted to go further but felt a bit hesitant, somehow this all felt so wrong and so sudden. He was still in his armour and due to it couldn't even feel her all that well. Plus she probably wasn't feeling all that good having hard metal pressed against her.

His body was saying yes, but his logical reasoning was saying no, and so he asked.

"Wait, can I, can I touch you? Is that ok? You're not feeling uncomfortable, it doesn't hurt right? I mean your so soft, so tender that I fear I might hurt you with my touch accidentally. Please tell me if it hurts, I really don't wish to damage your beautiful milky white skin or hurt you in any way."

Shaking her head Lailazil acted tough and just said.

"Do your worst, you you beast. I know it's all you want anyways. You're all the same, but I won't complain. A deal is a deal, I won't resist."

Suddenly realisation hit Frodo, his boner vanished and his face turned to a frown as he unceremoniously pushed Lailazil off of him.


She screamed as she fell on her tits, with her ass sticking up into the air. Seeing it all the other girls got frightened as they screamed.

"Ahhhhh, sister!"

Seeing it Frodo was pissed as he roared.

"The fuck is wrong with you chicks! I'm not some kind of a monster! You're the ones who came on to me and started questioning me! All I want is to know if you're going south and if me and my guys can hitch a ride with you!"

Lailazil hearing this quickly turned around, and as she sat on her ass with a shocked look on her face, she asked.

"Huh, so you don't want to have your way with me? But isn't that all that men really want?"

The other girls also seemed to be thinking of the same thing as they looked at Frodo expectingly.

Once again Frodo was totally taken aback. If he was honest he would immediately say, yes. But thinking for a second with his head and not his dick, he then said.

"No, I want you to love me!"

Gasps could be heard, the woman couldn't believe it. All held their dainty armour covered hands on their juicy lips in shock. Then Frodo continued by beginning to hold a small speech as if teaching a bunch of children.

"I see you know very little about men. Well first of all we are all not the same. I mean sure some would jump at the first possible opportunity to have you ladies, so you're not wrong about that. But I for one want you to willingly be jumping on me, as I then answer you back with my love, you see. Love is best when its mutual and not forced. So no I will not have you, unless you want to. And I really mean what I said before! But now seriously just tell me will you take us south or not, just where are you heading to! Answer me, no more games!"

The last words Frodo yelled out with such force that it nearly made the women piss themselves and it even awoke the fainted small one. They were clearly quaking in fear in their heeled thigh high boots.

They were so scared that only Lailazil could muster up a small skittish response saying.

"Wa WA whatever you say. Will go south ok. Just, just don't hurt us, please."

With wide eyes Frodo looked at the woman. Still he couldn't believe it. Why were they so afraid of him? Even now the woman was hugging herself in fear, had his push been too much, he didn't hurt her, did he?

Now feeling a bit bad and concerned, he walked to the woman's side, put his hands on her shoulder and tried to act nice as he said.

"Don't be scared, I'm really not a bad guy, I swear."

Still the woman merely trembled under his touch, he wasn't getting through to her at all, and now the sense of danger was coming back. The others seemed to be thinking about attacking him again. It seemed now that he was out of options, and so with a heavy sigh he decided to pull out his ultimate lady killer trump card.

Getting down on one knee, with one hand on his chest and his other extended towards the woman. Frodo then began his knightly speech with a voice full of made-up affection as he then began to speak.

"Lailazil, oh beautiful Lailazil, the truth is that from the moment I saw you, I have been struck by your beauty. You're eyes, you're lips, you're lovely bossom, you're voice, you're everything is too much for my manly heart to bear anymore. And so I must say this to you, I must confess Lailazil that you are the one for me. I love you, you beautiful thing, I love your eyes that are like the deep blue sky and smile that melts my heart. Please Lailazil could you please love me back. Just love me as I already love you, my one and only Lailazil."

From Gandalf Frodo had learned that the quickest way to a woman's heart is over exaggeration mixed in with a few sweet lies. Sure he thought the woman was an absolute bombshell, drop dead gorgeous, however love her he did not, well not yet. He didn't even know the woman, but it didn't matter. She had big tits, she was tall, older than him and he wanted her.

And as was to be expected the whole ship was silent in astonishment. The women held their breaths, Lailazil's face was a deep red as she then glanced at him, and let out a little girlish squeak as she shyly muttered out a response.

"Noooo, what, why? No way its too fast, I I I I-."

But before she could finish Frodo reached forward, placed a finger on her lips and said.

"Shush, it's ok, my Lailazil. I know its a lot, so don't answer yet and wait. Think it through and then answer me when you're ready, I will be waiting for you, my Lailazil, my love."

Then the ship suddenly erupted into loud, Kyaahhing and girlish squealing. Lailazil covered her face in shame not knowing what to say.

Frodo though merely rolled his eyes, feeling the danger subsiding he then just stood up and announced to all.

"Alright you girl's, how about you meet my crew now? And yes I know that you're all shy and all that, but don't worry my people are good people. They aren't going to touch you if you don't want them to, they aren't even going to speak to you if that's what you want. But they are coming on board and we are going to sail south to the main continent of Europa, and from there my guys and I will head southeast. And this is final by the way. I don't want to hear anymore arguing or whining from anyone. We will do this and that's that, because I'm in charge now! Me Frodo Baggins, you got that right girls?"

Frodo obviously knew his words to be a gamble here. The girls could easily turn on him and if all of them were truly wizards then he stood no chance against them, but having seen Lailazil's reaction and not feeling any hate from these girls he felt that it was alright now.

And indeed just as he suspected Lailazil shyly nodded to his words, and the other eight didn't seem to disagree with him as a few of them even nodded slightly at his words as well. Seeing it he couldn't help but show a victorious smile as he then turned around and went to help the others on board the ship.

With him pulling the others up and Aragon lifting them to him all quickly came aboard. Then they cut the rope letting their shit little boat go. Gimli and Aragon seemed to feel regret, although Frodo merely showed his middle finger at the thing, spat in the water and said.

"Good riddance, you piece of shit. May you find ground where some other poor bastard can have his way with you."

Then with him standing on the higher level where the wheel of the ship was, the quarterdeck to be specific, he looked down on the girls and happily introduced everyone.

"Ok ladies, here are my mates, Aragon the medic and my cousin. Gimli the crazy dwarf and a great drinker, Pippin the smoker and expert drinker plus a great archer, Merry the coin lover and a great archer oh and the both of them are my cousin's as well, and lastly my best friend Sam, my gardener, the cook and a slightly wounded man."

Suddenly as the Nine Chicks eyes turned to Sam they seemed a bit horrified, their eyes were on his legs as if they were worried about his wounds. Lailazil was then quick to step forward as she said.

"We are the Nine ring bearers and pupils of the great Necromancer Olga in search of her one ring. But please let us leave the proper introductions for later, I can see that your friend is hurt. If you would, please allow my sister Bilaril to help him. She as well as being a user of necromancy is learned in Alchemy and can help him."

Hearing the words necromancy the group of 6 seemed a bit taken aback. Frodo knew of the stories of the Invasion of the year 914. Back then the Franchs had invaded Albion with the help of a great Vampire who commanded a huge army of the dead. Needless to say that didn't have a favourable opinion of necromancy.

Aragon was also quick to mention Frodo of the dangers of necromancy as he got close and whispered into his ear.

"We can't trust them Frodo. I bet they're the ones who attacked us in Bree. It has to be them, they're probably planning something even now. And even if they aren't, even one of them if well trained is capable of raising hundreds of undead. They're dangerous and wielders of evil magic, we can't trust them, women or not we either fight or we run."

Aragon was probably right, however Frodo had other plans. Lifting up his hand, he gestured for Aragon to be quiet and so Aragon did.

Looking around he could see the ships wheel moving on its own. Something was moving it, the women's power seemed suspicious and dangerous. He couldn't be on this ship comfortably if he didn't know who he was with, so he asked.

"Tell me Lailazil, how is it that you're ship moves on its own as it does? Is it also a part of your necromantic abilities? Just how have you bent this ship to your will? Tell me honestly."

Lailazil seemed to be a bit offended by these words as she began to defend herself by saying.

"No, we haven't bent anything to do our will. We merely fell in love at first sight with this ship and by doing so we awakened the ships spirit. And now through our love and appreciation of it, the ship helps us through the ships own want of doing good to its friends. The same goes for all the undead we raise, we never force them to listen or to do anything. We merely show them love and affection and in return they usually swear to help us to the best of their abilities. I mean I know what you think of Necromancy, but ours is not what you think. Our magic works by the power of love and friendship. All our undead and spirits are our friends who willingly work with us, defend us and happily do things to please us and further strengthen our bonds of friendship. Our magic is that of love, please you have to understand our undead work on their own, we aren't in control of them like other Necromancers are. Please believe us, we merely wish to help your friend."

Bull shit, was what Frodo wanted to say. The bitches words sounded so ridiculous, he wasn't no wizard, but he knew that he for sure couldn't make his fishing boat ever row on its own before. All this was just way too strange and insane to him, plus the talk of love and friendship was kind of gay as well.

However thinking on it and looking upon the tierful busty chicks it kind of did make sense. Gandalf always did say that women were emotional creatures and easy to go insane, and apparently sound really gay as well.

Although women couldn't really be gay to his knowledge, but the insane part and the girlish shit did kind of make sense. Plus Gandalf was a power wizard and his Grandmother was God so this shit really wasn't all that insane to him.

And so to all the guys surprise Frodo merely casually said.

"Fine, I believe you. Just don't go using your magic on us and everything will be fine. If anything I think you being a necromancers is kind of cool."

The guys seemed like they wanted to complain, but Frodo was quick to give them a deathly glare and then started giving out commands.

"Alright Bilaril, or whatever, help Aragon get Sam downstairs and make him better. Lailazil show us around a bit, I want to know where we can sleep on this ship and the rest of you girls clean our clothes and make us something to eat! Now move, all of you!"

Once again some of the girls seemed hesitant especially as he told them to clean their clothes and make food, but with Lailazil blushing madly and seemingly willing to do anything, and his glare the girls quickly complied.

Frodo wasn't sure how, but somehow it seemed that everything was kind of working out. They even now had a ship with 3 decks, the main deck where the wheel and mast where at, the lower deck with the living quarters at the back, storage in the center and a kitchen in the front. Lastly there was a small cargo hold, but there were just some additional supplies and no space for a person to walk.

However the living quarters were kind of nice, there was a small corridor with two small rooms on either side, rooms that held two beds each. Then at the end of the small corridor was the captain's room, meaning Lailazil's room where there was a bit larger of a bed.

Overall it was quite nice and a definite improvement on their small fishing boat, that was for sure. Also despite most of the girls not really trusting them he was glad to see that the guys were at least trying to get closer to the girls, and the girls were kind of letting them.

While Sam was being treated by Aragon and Bilaril, Bilaril who was a decent sized chick, with well defined muscles, although a bit pale of a complexion. Aragon was also managing to make small conversations with her, while the two longer haired girls who looked like twins watched over them. With all 5 of them cramped into a single small room Sam easily was able to join in on the conversation as well.

Merry on the other hand was looking through the ships coin reserves while being watched over by a quiet girl named Rinil. She watched him carefully, though Merry didn't seem bothered at all and even tried to ask her some questions regarding the gold and its origins.

Pippin on the other hand was in the kitchen helping a girl named Uilanil who was a real beauty as well. And together they seemed to be somewhat hitting it off as they cooked up something for everyone to eat.

Gimli was in a fierce arm wrestling contest with the two short haired beauties. Both were trying to wrestle the Gimlis arm down at the same time and were failing miserably.

Frodo himself was enjoying the slender hands of two beauties who used their dexterous fingers to remove his armour. Lailazil the tallest and Annahil the shortest of the nine were quite eagerly helping him out to his delight. Both had their own shapes to them, and while he was looking more to get himself someone tall to carry his seed, there was a law in Albion that didn't restrict him to one wife. And so he also looked to Annahil thoughtfully. Maybe finallythis was going to be his lucky day and soon he would have two big people beauties at his side.

Licking his lips and grinning hungrily Frodo was in dreamland. Then as his gantlets were taken off, the women suddenly stopped as their eyes landed upon the one ring.

It was right there before their eyes, the one that their master had been searching for hundreds of years now. It was so close, Lailazil could hardly contain herself, and so while she was on her knees before Frodo she looked to him, and pleadingly asked.

"Frodo, that ring? Mmm, could I have it, please?"

Seeing her gaze and how she was kneeling before him. Frodo felt a fire rising inside of him as he then showed a grin and half jokingly said.

"Yeah sure, if you marry me."

Again Lailazil blushed and let out a shocked gasp, her eyes looked at him for a good long moment before then turning away in shame. Annahil also was red in the face not knowing what to say. All they could do was mumble out some words to which Frodo merely laughed at.

"Hahaha! Don't worry girls, I'm a patient man, just bide your time and come to me when you're ready. If you wish I will marry the both of you. Hahaha!"

The girls glanced at each other for a split second after which both ran away out of embarrassment while kyaaaing like crazy. Now left alone, Frodo did although wonder if he was pushing his luck a bit much here.

Though he was quick to just shrug his shoulders and take the rest of his armor off. He really needed some clean clothes and a good bath to wash away his sweat. Which were things that he wouldn't have minded of the girls did for him, but he wasn't feeling that confident just yet. He had already been rejected once by a tall girl, and these two hadn't given her any answer yet, he needed to play it safe for now.

With this in mind Frodo continued doing his thing as the ship slowly sailed along the long river and into the open sea, from where it would then turn south. There Frodo had planned to bypass Franchia and instead land in the nation next to it, a nation of some riches and trade, a small nation called The Kingdom of Maria Tiefland. From there they could go south to see the elves, go through the Empires Western borders and then cross the mountains into Tilea where the holy sea was. Like so they would get to see many wonders surely and slowly make it ever closer to those fallen starts.