Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 226 - Bullied mom 1

Chapter 226 - Bullied mom 1



Subject: URGENT: Inappropriate Situation at Franklin High - Need Immediate Intervention

Dear Superintendent Walker,

I apologize in advance for what will likely be an incoherent email. I've written and deleted this five times now, and I still don't know how to explain what's happened. But I need help.

Three weeks ago, I approached Franklin High about my son Tyler being bullied by a senior student (Brandon Matthews). In my emotional state - and I realize now this was completely irrational - I somehow convinced Dean Rodriguez and Principal Harris to let me monitor the situation by... oh god, I can barely type this... by attending classes disguised as a transfer student. I used my maiden name, Jenny Williams, and they actually agreed to this arrangement.

I know. I KNOW. As I'm writing this, I can hardly believe it myself. What kind of school administration agrees to this? What kind of mother SUGGESTS this?

But that's not even why I'm writing. Things have... evolved. Certain situations have developed that I absolutely cannot detail in writing but that make it IMPERATIVE this arrangement ends immediately. The original bullying issue remains unresolved, but now there are complications that... I'm sorry, I'm shaking just trying to write this.

I need your office to intervene. I have documentation of everything (though some of it I'd rather die than share), but most importantly, I need this "student attendance" situation terminated IMMEDIATELY. I realize this may result in disciplinary action for everyone involved. I accept that. I just need it to stop.

Please understand - I was just a terrified mother trying to protect her son. I never imagined... I never thought...

I'm available to meet at your earliest convenience. Please, PLEASE treat this with utmost discretion. My son still doesn't know everything and I'd like to keep it that way.

Desperately awaiting your response,

Sarah Jensen

555-0183 (personal cell)

P.S. If you need to verify this situation, my student ID number is 24-789 under the name "Jenny Williams" (I can't believe this is real)

P.P.S. Please do NOT contact me through any school channels

P.P.P.S. I'm sorry for the scattered nature of this email. I haven't slept properly in days.

Sent from my iPhone at 3:47 AM



Subject: Re: URGENT: Inappropriate Situation at Franklin High - Need Immediate Intervention

Dear Mrs. Jensen,

I have received your email with great concern. While the situation you've described is indeed highly irregular, I want to assure you that your communication will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity.

For the purposes of proper documentation and to ensure we address all aspects of this matter appropriately, I would appreciate if you could provide a detailed chronological account of events via email, starting from your first interaction with Franklin High regarding the bullying situation. This written record will be essential for:

1. Understanding the full scope of the situation

2. Identifying all parties involved

3. Determining appropriate corrective actions

4. Protecting all students involved, including your son

Please feel free to be thorough and candid in your response. This email chain will be treated as a confidential record, accessible only to necessary parties involved in resolution.

Given the sensitive nature of some details you've alluded to, you may mark any sections as "CONFIDENTIAL - FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW ONLY" if you feel they require additional privacy.

I will hold off on contacting Franklin High administration until I receive your complete account.


Dr. Eleanor Walker

District Superintendent

District 47 Schools

Office: (555) 132-4700

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee above.



Subject: Re: URGENT: Inappropriate Situation at Franklin High - Need Immediate Intervention

Dear Dr. Walker,

Thank you for your prompt response. This is humiliating to recount, but I'll start from the beginning:

On October 12th, Tyler came home different. Withdrawn. I found bruises he tried to hide. He wouldn't tell me who was responsible - just that it was an older student. My son, who used to love school, started making excuses to stay home. As a single mother who's raised him alone since he was three, seeing him broken like this destroyed me.

I immediately scheduled a meeting with Principal Harris. His response still makes my blood boil: "Boys will be boys" and "It builds character." When I insisted on action, he actually laughed and suggested I was being "overprotective" and "hovering." He even had the audacity to say Tyler's issues stemmed from "lacking male guidance."

In my emotional state - and I'll regret this forever - I made what I thought was an impossible suggestion: let me monitor the situation personally by posing as a transfer student. Instead of dismissing this clearly inappropriate idea, Principal Harris smirked and said "If you think you can pull it off..." treating it like some sort of amusing challenge.

To my utter mortification, I was assigned a student ID as "Jenny Williams" (my maiden name), and given a class schedule. Then came the uniform situation - I'm a 34-year-old woman with a... very mature figure. The standard-issue blouse and skirt were obviously not designed for someone with my proportions. When I raised this concern, Principal Harris just shrugged and said "Make it work." I've never been so humiliated.


I've since learned the bully's name - Brandon Matthews. Our interactions have become... complicated. Lines have been crossed that I can never uncross. I have documentation but I'm not ready to share it.


Dr. Walker, I'm currently hiding in the girls' bathroom during lunch break writing this email, trying to adjust this ridiculous uniform for the hundredth time today. The absurdity of a mother my age, with my figure, pretending to be a high school student... I can't believe any school administrator agreed to this insanity.

I need help ending this. Not just for Tyler's sake anymore, but because this situation has spiraled beyond anything I could have imagined.

With deepest shame and regret,


P.S. I have Chemistry next period. The teacher actually makes me solve equations at the board. The mortification never ends.

Sent from my iPhone



Subject: Re: Re: URGENT: Inappropriate Situation at Franklin High - Need Immediate Intervention

Dear Mrs. Jensen,

Thank you for your detailed account. I am deeply troubled by several aspects of this situation, particularly the apparent casualness with which such an irregular arrangement was approved.

For our investigation, would you be able to provide any documentation related to this "enrollment"? This might include:

1. Any written communication regarding the arrangement

2. Your temporary student ID or registration materials

3. Class schedules/assignments

4. Any forms or paperwork you were required to complete

5. Official correspondence about the arrangement

I want to assure you that this matter will be handled with the utmost discretion. Our primary concerns are your son's safety and resolving this highly inappropriate situation.

Please forward any relevant documentation at your earliest convenience. You may scan and email them or bring physical copies to my office.


Dr. Eleanor Walker

District Superintendent

District 47 Schools

Office: (555) 132-4700

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee above.



Subject: FWD: Re: Student Enrollment Documentation - "Transfer Student" J.Williams

Dear Dr. Walker,

With great embarrassment, I'm forwarding the relevant documentation. I can hardly believe reading these exchanges now.

---------- Forwarded message ----------



Date: Oct 15, 2024

Subject: Re: Student Enrollment Documentation - "Transfer Student" J.Williams

Mrs. Jensen,

Per our discussion about your... unique monitoring request, here are your enrollment details as our newest "student" (*wink*). I trust this will help you understand the school environment better.

Assigned Name: Jennifer "Jenny" Williams

Student ID: 24-789

Grade: 12th (placed in your son's grade to "keep an eye on things," as requested)

Standard Uniform Package Issued:

- 2x White button-up blouses (Size S - standard issue)

- 2x Navy pleated skirts (16" length - standard)

- 1x Navy cardigan

- 1x School tie

- White knee socks

*Note: Regarding your submitted measurements (see email thread below), our uniforms are designed for standard student proportions. While we acknowledge your... unique situation, we cannot make special accommodations. You'll have to manage.

Schedule (designed to maximize your "observation" opportunities):

1st Period: Homeroom with Tyler

2nd Period: Chemistry

3rd Period: Physical Education (no exemptions)

4th Period: Literature

Lunch Period

5th Period: Mathematics

6th Period: History

I'm sure this experience will prove enlightening regarding your concerns about your son's "alleged" bullying situation.

Best regards,

Principal Harris

---------- Original message ----------



Date: Oct 14, 2024

Subject: Re: Uniform Requirements - URGENT Concerns

Principal Harris,

I realize I agreed to this arrangement, but I have serious concerns about the uniform requirements. I'm a grown woman - the standard sizes are completely impractical. For reference (and I cannot believe I have to send these):

Height: 5'6"

Age: 34


Bust: 40" (102cm)

Waist: 22" (58cm)

Hips: 35" (91cm)

Bra size: 44K (US)

A standard small blouse and 16" skirt would be completely inappropriate. I'd be falling out of everything! This is mortifying enough without having to worry about constant wardrobe malfunctions. Surely there must be some alternative? Maybe a longer skirt at least? Or a larger blouse size?

The standard uniform would barely cover anything on me. I understand maintaining the illusion, but this seems designed to humiliate me. Would it be possible to at least allow dress slacks instead?

I'm committed to watching over Tyler, but please be reasonable about this. I'm a mother, not an actual teenager.

Desperately awaiting your response,

Sarah Jensen

P.S. Please tell me PE uniforms are more forgiving...

[Attached: Scanned temporary student ID, class schedule, signed waiver absolving school of liability, parent-student handbook with highlighted behavioral requirements]

Dr. Walker, I'm mortified sharing these exchanges, but they show the inappropriate tone from the start. The uniform situation alone... but I've made my own bed here.



Sent from my iPhone



Subject: Re: FWD: Student Enrollment Documentation - "Transfer Student" J.Williams

Dear Mrs. Jensen,

Thank you for sharing this documentation. Principal Harris's inappropriate tone and deliberate disregard for your dignity is deeply concerning. The uniform specifications alone demonstrate a clear intent to create a humiliating situation for you.

Could you describe your first day of attendance? Understanding how this arrangement played out initially will help establish the pattern of misconduct.

Please be assured that your candor is helping build a clear picture of the administration's serious lapses in judgment.


Dr. Eleanor Walker

District Superintendent

District 47 Schools

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee above.

Sent from my iPad



Subject: Re: FWD: Student Enrollment Documentation - "Transfer Student" J.Williams

Dear Dr. Walker,

I appreciate you asking about my first day. It was... beyond humiliating. I arrived early, trying to adjust the uniform in the bathroom. The blouse buttons strained obscenely over my... ample bosom. I felt like a sausage stuffed into that tiny skirt. My midriff was practically bare, and I couldn't bend over without flashing my... posterior.

Walking into Tyler's homeroom was a nightmare. I felt hundreds of eyes on me as I tottered to an empty desk, tugging at my hem. When I dropped my pencil and bent to retrieve it, I heard snickers and a whispered "MILF alert!" I wanted to die.

But the worst was meeting Brandon. I didn't know then that he was the bully. He had his arm draped over Tyler's shoulders - looking back now, I can see how tense Tyler was, but at the time... I was just so relieved to see him with what I thought was a friend.

Brandon was charming, tall, and athletic. When Tyler stammered that I was his mother (oh god), Brandon's eyes lit up in a way that should have warned me. He asked me to help with a "school project" in the AV room during lunch. Like a complete fool, I went - just happy Tyler had such a "nice" friend.

The AV room was full of old equipment and boxes. Brandon talked about Tyler, saying such nice things... I was completely taken in. When he closed the door...


I can't detail what happened next. But pictures were taken. Compromising ones. He made it clear what would happen if I didn't "play along."


Dr. Walker, I've never felt so stupid and ashamed. I walked right into his trap, thinking I was protecting Tyler. Instead...

I need to stop writing now. Just thinking about that first day makes me ill.

With deepest regret,




Subject: Re: FWD: Student Enrollment Documentation - "Transfer Student" J.Williams

Dr. Walker,

I'm sorry - in my scattered state, I forgot you had asked for more details about that first horrible day. I suppose I should start from the beginning...

That morning, I broke the news to Tyler over breakfast. I thought he would be relieved - instead, he looked at me with a mix of horror and disbelief. "Mom, are you insane? You can't do this!" I tried to explain that it was for his own good, that I needed to understand what he was going through. He just shook his head, muttering something about social suicide.

But I was determined. I thought I was being a good mother, protecting my baby. Oh, how wrong I was...

Squeezing into that obscene uniform was a battle in itself. The blouse buttons strained over my ENORMOUS TITTIES, threatening to pop off at any moment. The skirt barely covered my PLUMP, JUICY ASS CHEEKS. I kept trying to tug it down, but it would just ride back up, exposing the bottom of my GIANT, WOBBLING BUTT CHEEKS.

Walking into school, I felt like a cow on display. The male students ogled me shamelessly, their eyes glued to my HEAVING BOSOM and FAT ASS. I heard whispers of "Check out the MILF" and "I'd tap that cougar" everywhere I went. It was so degrading, but I gritted my teeth and soldiered on, convinced I was doing the right thing.

Meeting Brandon was the beginning of my downfall. He approached Tyler and me after third period, all easy smiles and casual confidence. "Hey Ty," he said, throwing an arm around my son's shoulders. "Who's your friend?"

Tyler tensed up, stammering, "Uh, this is... Jenny. She's new."

Brandon's eyes lit up as he looked at me. "Welcome to Franklin High, Jenny. Always great to see a new face." He held out his hand, and I shook it, noticing how firm his grip was.

As we chatted, Brandon mentioned how he and Tyler had gotten close recently. "Your boy here is one of the coolest kids in our grade," he said, ruffling Tyler's hair. "We've been hanging out a lot."

I was so relieved to hear this. Tyler had been so withdrawn lately, and here was proof he had friends! When Brandon invited me to see a project he was working on in the AV room during lunch, I eagerly agreed. I thought it would be a chance to see more of Tyler's school life.

In the AV room, surrounded by old equipment and stacked boxes, Brandon leaned against a desk. "So, 'Jenny'," he said, using air quotes. "Tyler told me who you really are."

My heart sank. "He... he did?"

Brandon nodded. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. I think it's cool you care so much about your son." He paused, then added, "Though I gotta say, if my mom looked like you, I'd probably die of embarrassment."

I felt my face flush. "I... I'm just trying to help him."

"I get it," Brandon said, his voice sympathetic. "Tyler's been having a rough time. But hey, that's what friends are for, right? To look out for each other?"

I nodded, feeling a wave of relief. "I'm so glad he has friends like you."

Brandon smiled, but there was something in his eyes that made me uneasy. "You know, Mrs. Jensen - can I call you Sarah? - I think we could help each other out."

That's when he closed the door.


Dr. Walker, I'm so ashamed to admit this, but... Brandon took a video of what happened next. The things he made me do... the way he used my body... it's all on tape. And now he's blackmailing me with it, forcing me to do his bidding.


I feel so helpless, so stupid. I walked right into his trap, thinking I was protecting Tyler. Instead, I've made everything so much worse.

Please, you have to help me. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

Utterly desperate,




Subject: Re: FWD: Student Enrollment Documentation - "Transfer Student" J.Williams

Dear Mrs. Jensen,

While I appreciate your candid account, I must address the inappropriate language and crude anatomical descriptions in your last email. As disturbing as these events are, please maintain professional decorum in our correspondence. This is still official documentation.

Regarding the video you mentioned - if this material is being used as blackmail, it needs to be submitted as evidence, no matter how compromising. I understand your reluctance, but we cannot properly address this situation without complete documentation. Any such material will be treated with absolute confidentiality and viewed only by necessary legal parties.

Please forward the video file (or information on how to obtain it) along with:

1. Any text messages or communications from Brandon Matthews

2. Dates and times of any subsequent... encounters

3. Details of specific demands or threats made

Remember, you are the victim here, but we need clear evidence to proceed. The sooner you provide this documentation, the sooner we can end this situation.


Dr. Eleanor Walker

District Superintendent

District 47 Schools

P.S. In future correspondence, please refrain from explicit physical descriptions. Clinical language will suffice.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee above.



Subject: Missing Attachment

Mrs. Jensen,

Once again, I must remind you about professional language in these communications. More importantly, you neglected to include the video file you referenced.

Please forward the relevant materials.

Dr. Walker




Subject: FWD: hey sexy momma ;) check this out

Dr. Walker,

I'm mortified. You're right - here's the blackmail email from Brandon. I can barely look at it again...

---------- Forwarded message ----------



Date: Oct 28, 2024

Subject: hey sexy momma ;) check this out

yo mrs J

or should i say "jenny" lmaooo

check out this hot vid i got of u in the av room. damn u got the fattest fuckin tits ive ever seen. way 2 show off that thicc milf body, bet ur loser son would die if he saw this. speaking of tyler, maybe ill show him? or maybe the whole school?


anyway heres the deal - ur gonna keep being nice 2 me, or everyone sees what a whore tylers mom is. dont worry, ill keep being "nice" to ur pussy ass son too as long as u keep putting out

btw wear a thong tmrw. wanna see that fat ass jiggle in class


p.s. those tits looked even bigger when they were bouncing lmaoooo

---------- Original message ----------



Date: Oct 28, 2024

Subject: Re: hey sexy momma ;) check this out


Please, I'm begging you - delete that video. I'll do whatever you want, just please don't show anyone. Tyler can never know about this. I was stupid and weak and I'm so, so sorry.

I'll wear whatever you want. Just please keep this between us.


Dr. Walker, I feel physically ill sharing this. But now you can see what I'm dealing with.



Sent from my iPhone



Subject: Re: FWD: hey sexy momma ;) check this out

Mrs. Jensen,

I have received the forwarded email thread and video file. Our legal team will need to review this material thoroughly. Given the sensitive nature of the content, this may take some time.

A few preliminary questions:

1. Were there other encounters beyond this initial incident?

2. Has Brandon made any additional demands?

3. Are there other forms of documentation (texts, social media messages, etc.)?

Please continue to document any further interactions or demands. While this situation is deeply troubling, we need to build a complete picture before taking action.

I will contact you once we've had a chance to properly review everything.


Dr. Eleanor Walker

District Superintendent

District 47 Schools

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee above.


[VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: MomSlut.mp4 - 00:00:00]

Camera set up in corner of AV room, angled down. Brandon (18, tall, athletic build) enters frame, adjusts camera. Gives thumbs up to unseen person off-camera. Exits frame.

[00:01:23] Brandon re-enters with Sarah Jensen ("Jenny Williams"). They appear to be in mid-conversation. Audio indistinct.

[00:01:47] Brandon moves behind Sarah, places hands on her shoulders. She stiffens. Brandon leans in, says something inaudible. Sarah shakes head.

[00:02:05] Brandon's right hand moves down Sarah's back. Grips her buttocks through skirt. Sarah jumps, tries to pull away. Brandon's left arm snakes around her waist, holding her.

[00:02:39] Muffled audio. Brandon: "--against school rules. --your fault --so sexy."

[00:03:12] Brandon presses himself against Sarah from behind. Grinding motion visible. Sarah squirms.

[00:03:58] More muffled conversation. Sarah shaking head vigorously, pleading body language.

[00:04:40] Brandon gestures to door, mutters something indistinct. Steps back.

[00:05:02] Sarah reluctantly reaches for skirt hem. Her hands shake noticeably.

[00:05:28] Brandon (muffled): "Lift it higher. Show me that phat MILF ass."

[00:05:44] Sarah slowly lifts skirt, revealing MASSIVE, HEART-SHAPED ASS GLOBES barely contained in pink panties. The SUCCULENT, PILLOWY BUTTOCKS jiggle with each movement, PALE SKIN contrasting with the fabric.

[00:06:13] Brandon: "Damn, Ty's mom got a fucking dump truck! No wonder he's so fucked up with you wagging that around. Now lose the panties."

[00:06:33] Flush-faced, Sarah hooks thumbs into waistband. She looks back over her shoulder, ponytail swishing, an expression of SHAME and HUMILIATION on her face.

[00:06:51] With shaking hands, Sarah eases her panties down, letting them drop around her ankles. Her BARE, EXPANSIVE ASS CHEEKS spill free, QUIVERING and UNDULATING. The DEEP CRACK of her BUTT CLEAVAGE glistens with sweat.

[00:07:22] Brandon (groaning): "Fuuuuck, I need to see the tits too. Pop out those fat mommy milkers."

[00:07:40] Sarah visibly tenses, shakes head. Brandon makes another indistinct comment, gesturing at the camera. Mentions Tyler's name.

[00:08:03] Sarah's shoulders slump in defeat. She turns to face the camera, hands trembling as they move to her blouse.

[00:08:17] Brandon: "Don't unbutton it. Just lift everything up. I wanna see those monsters drop."

[00:08:35] Sarah hesitates, then grasps the hem of her blouse. Slowly begins to lift.

[00:08:52] The undersides of Sarah's breasts become visible, pale flesh bulging beneath the fabric. Even half-hidden, each MASSIVE GLOBE appears larger than her head.

[00:09:08] Sarah continues lifting. More and more CREAMY TITFLESH is exposed. The sheer weight of her ENORMOUS UDDERS keeps them from immediately springing free.

[00:09:27] Brandon (breathless): "Holy shit..."

[00:09:35] With a final upward tug, Sarah's LEFT TITANIC MAMMARY suddenly PLOPS free. It SLAPS audibly against her torso, JIGGLING wildly. Her THUMBNAIL-SIZED NIPPLE, surrounded by a SANDOLLAR-SIZED AREOLA, points slightly downward.

[00:09:58] Sarah's face is BEET RED, eyes downcast in utter MORTIFICATION. Sweat beads on her forehead.

[00:10:12] Brandon: "Jesus fuck, drop the other one!"

[00:10:29] Sarah shifts slightly. Her RIGHT COLOSSAL BREAST falls free with a heavy PLAP. It swings ponderously, finally settling into a QUIVERING TEARDROP SHAPE.

[00:10:48] Both TITANIC TITS now fully exposed. They heave with Sarah's rapid breathing, ripples of movement cascading through the VAST EXPANSES of IVORY FLESH.

[00:11:07] Brandon lets out a low whistle. "Goddamn, Tyler's friends are gonna lose their shit when they see these..."

[00:11:23] Sarah's head snaps up, eyes wide with panic. She opens her mouth to speak, but Brandon cuts her off.

[00:11:37] Brandon: "Ah ah, don't worry. Our little long as you're a good MILF for me." His tone is mocking, condescending.

[00:11:58] Without warning, Brandon reaches out and SINKS HIS HANDS into the soft flesh of Sarah's breasts. A startled gasp escapes her.

[00:12:15] Brandon (squeezing roughly): "Fuuuck, these are unreal. You really hit the genetic jackpot, Mrs. J. Girls my age don't have SHIT on these."

[00:12:33] Sarah squirms uncomfortably as he kneads the heavy globes, his fingers SINKING DEEP into the pliant titflesh. White milk beads up on her PUFFY NIPPLES.

[00:12:51] Brandon suddenly SHOVES Sarah backward. Her rump collides with a desk, and she sprawls across it, tits SLOSHING WILDLY.

[00:13:12] Brandon (breathing heavily): "You can't just put a pair like that in front of a guy and expect him to behave. No fuckin' way I'm settling for a look now."

[00:13:31] Sarah (stammering): "Brandon, wait, you said you just wanted to see--"

[00:13:45] Brandon POUNCES on top of her, LATCHING ONTO a teat with his mouth. He SLURPS LOUDLY, tongue swirling over the nipple.

[00:14:02] Sarah MOANS in mortification, back arching as the BLONDE BULLY licks and sucks. Her face is a mask of AGONIZED HUMILIATION.

[00:14:23] Brandon FLICKS the unattended nipple with his finger, BULLYING the sensitive nub. LEWD, WET NOISES fill the room as he SUCKLES NOISILY.

[00:14:41] Brandon's hand snakes between Sarah's thighs. She YELPS, legs clamping together. "NO!"

[00:15:00] Brandon sits back with a smirk. Sarah immediately curls up on the desk, shivering and panting, arms crossed protectively over her exposed titties.

[00:15:18] Brandon (laughing): "Really, Mrs. Jensen? You strip down for a student, but now you wanna play the victim?"

[00:15:37] Sarah looks away in shame, tears welling up. Brandon leans in close, voice low and mocking.

[00:15:52] Brandon: "This is all your fault, you know. Trying to inject yourself into Tyler's life...getting carried away showing off for me. Take some responsibility."

[00:16:14] Brandon stands up, towering over the trembling MILF. With a smug grin, he unzips his fly...

[00:16:31] Brandon: "Tell you what - I'm a nice guy. I'll settle for a blowjob instead. So why don't you put that pretty mouth to work and show me how sorry you are?"

[00:16:48] Brandon's MASSIVE COCK flops out, already rock-hard. He DRAPES the heavy shaft across Sarah's tear-streaked face.

[00:17:05] Sarah goes cross-eyed, staring at the VEINY FUCKSTICK resting on the bridge of her nose. The swollen, purplish head PULSES mere centimetres from her quivering lips...



Subject: Re: Video Review - Update?

Dr. Walker,

I haven't heard back from you or your team since I sent over that awful video. I completely understand if you need more time to review it given the sensitive content, but the silence is starting to make me anxious.

I feel I should explain my mental state in that moment, as embarrassing as it is to recount. When Brandon exposed himself to me... Dr. Walker, I've never seen a penis that large in my life. Not even my late husband's came close. It was monstrous, easily as thick as my forearm and just as long. The sight of it short-circuited my brain.

I know you're probably judging me, thinking how could I let things escalate to that point? But in that moment, confronted with this massive, throbbing appendage... rationality went out the window. The sheer SIZE of it, the engorged purple head glistening with precum, the MUSK wafting off it... it was like facing down a wild animal. I went lightheaded.

Brandon was telling me that if I just satisfied him this once, he would make it all go away. Staring at that huge, pulsating shaft, barely an inch from my face, RADIATING HEAT... I'm ashamed to say a part of me wanted to believe him.

So I did it. I wrapped my lips around that fat cockhead, stretching my jaw to its limit. I thought it might dislocate from the sheer girth. It was nothing like the few times I had done this for my husband - the TASTE, the TEXTURE, the WEIGHT of it on my tongue... it was overwhelming.

I had no idea what I was doing. I just kind of jerked it with my lips, trying desperately to take more into my mouth. But it was just so BIG, I could barely fit a few inches past the head. I couldn't breathe. Drool poured down my chin as I gagged and sputtered.

The whole time, my mind was reeling at the absurdity, the utter wrongness of it all. Here I was, a 34-year-old mother, slurping ineptly on the gigantic schlong of my son's barely-legal bully. What kind of woman does that? What kind of MOTHER?

But I just kept going, driven by some mix of fear and shameful arousal. Because as degrading as it was... there was power in reducing that swaggering, blackmailing brat to a quivering mess with my mouth. I felt myself getting wet, even as my eyes watered and my throat burned.

God, I'm mortified sharing this. But I need you to understand the hold he had over me in that moment. That huge, bitch-breaking fuckstick shuts down a woman's higher faculties like you wouldn't believe.

Please tell me you'll be able to get back to me soon. I don't know how much longer I can handle this on my own.

Utterly humiliated,


Sent from my iPhone

[00:17:34] Brandon rests his hands on his hips, GIANT TEENAGE COCK sticking straight out at Sarah's tear-streaked face. He chuckles. "Chop chop, mommy. Class is gonna start soon."

[00:17:51] Sarah trembles, eyes locked on the MASSIVE, VEINY SHAFT mere inches from her quivering lips. Her HEAVY TITTIES sway as she shifts on her knees.

[00:18:09] Brandon (smirking): "Hey, this is all over once I bust a nut. You want that, don't you? To put this behind you?"

[00:18:26] Sarah nods weakly. Slowly, hesitantly, she leans forward. Her PLUMP LIPS part...

[00:18:44] Sarah's mouth stretches obscenely around Brandon's GIRTHY COCKHEAD. Her eyes widen as she struggles to accommodate him. Drool starts to leak out the corners of her lips.

[00:19:01] Brandon GRUNTS as Sarah awkwardly bobs her head, barely taking a couple inches. Her hand comes up to wrap around his shaft, stroking what she can't fit.

[00:19:19] Sarah's cheeks HOLLOW as she SLURPS and SUCKLES the bulbous tip. Slobber pours down her chin, dripping onto her JIGGLING TITTIES as they sway beneath her.

[00:19:36] Brandon (groaning): "Fuuuck... A MILF in a sailor suit, gobbling cock in a supply closet. It's like something out of a porno."

[00:19:54] He looks down at Sarah, smirking. "But damn, you give SHITTY HEAD for a MILF. What's with the hands? That's just fucking HERESY!"

[00:20:11] Brandon grabs Sarah's wrists, pulling her hands off his cock. He holds them high above her head. Her HEAVY MILK BAGS bounce freely.

[00:20:29] Brandon: "HANDS. FREE. That's the basis of a good MILF blowjob. Ain't that right, teach?"

[00:20:46] Sarah GAGS and CHOKES around Brandon's cock as he forces her head down. GLURKGLURKGLURK noises fill the room.

[00:21:04] Tears stream down Sarah's BURNING CHEEKS as she desperately tries to deepthroat the MASSIVE FUCKSTICK. Her stretched lips brush his swollen balls on each thrust.

[00:21:22] Brandon (grunting): "Jesus... For a MILF, you're fucking terrible at this. Didn't you ever blow your husband?"

[00:21:39] Sarah tries to shake her head, eyes rolling back from lack of oxygen. Brandon PISTONS his hips, fucking her slack mouth.

[00:21:57] Brandon: "Blowjobs ain't about the mouth. They're about the THROAT. Remember that, mommy!"

[00:22:14] With that, Brandon RAMS forward. His MASSIVE COCK tunnels into Sarah's gullet, her neck BULGING OBSCENELY.

[00:22:32] Sarah's eyes bug out, TEARS streaming down her face as she GAGS and CHOKES. GLRRRK GLLKKKK HUURRKKKK noises rip from her stretched lips.

[00:22:49] Brandon JACKHAMMERS her throat, Sarah's head bouncing like a ragdoll. Her HUGE PALE TITS fly up, SLAPPING his thighs before SMACKING back together.

[00:23:07] The THICK MILF ASS jiggles with each thrust, skirt riding up to expose her pink panties wedged between her cheeks. DROOL and LEAKING BREASTMILK slick her thighs.

[00:23:24] Brandon (panting): "Fuuuuck yeah... When a cock's down your throat, it squeezes so fucking good. I love that reflex!"

[00:23:42] Brandon turns to the camera, GRINNING SMUGLY. He gives a THUMBS UP as he continues PLUNDERING Sarah's gullet.

[00:24:00] Brandon: "Your mouth-pussy's perfectly usable, teach. The sticky depths of your tight throat are to my liking!"

[00:24:17] Sarah's mascara runs down her cheeks, BLACK TEARS mixing with the SLOBBER coating her tits. GLLKK GLRRKKK HRRRKKKK.

[00:24:35] Brandon's thrusts speed up, BALLS SLAPPING Sarah's chin. "Gonna... gonna bust... Gonna paint your tonsils!"

[00:24:52] Sarah's eyes widen in panic. She tries to pull back, but Brandon's grip is iron. He GROWLS.

[00:24:55] Brandon (through gritted teeth): "Take it... Take my fucking nut, you cock-hungry slut!"

[00:24:58] Brandon SHOVES forward, forcing his cock HEAD RIGHT INTO Sarah's throat entrance. His BALLS HITCH UP.

[00:25:01] Sarah's eyes bug out in shock as a MASSIVE, VIRULENT LOAD OF JIZZ jets directly into her gullet.

[00:25:04] SPLRRRRT! SPLOOOORT! SPLURRRRK! The sounds of THICK, CHOWDERY CUM splattering Sarah's insides are clear over Brandon's grunts.

[00:25:07] Mascara-streaked tears POUR down Sarah's cheeks as Brandon's GIANT BALLS pulse against her chin, PUMPING WADS OF BALL-SNOT down her neck.

[00:25:10] Sarah GAGS, THICK JETS OF JIZZ spurting from her nostrils. Her throat SPASMS around the ENORMOUS SHAFT plugging it.

[00:25:13] Blindly, Sarah reaches out, knocking over a stack of boxes. Her hands futilely grasp Brandon's muscular thighs as he continues EJACULATING.

[00:25:16] Sarah's cheeks BALLOON OBSCENELY, unable to swallow the MASSIVE VOLUME OF SPLOOGE erupting into her mouth. Her eyes roll back.

[00:25:19] CUM bubbles out around her overstretched lips, POURING down her chin and SPLATTERING her heaving tits. Her face flushes dark red.

[00:25:22] Sarah's throat BOBS as she desperately tries to gulp down the BACKED-UP FUCKSLIME. She looks ready to pass out.

[00:25:25] Finally, Brandon YANKS his spit-polished cock out with a WET PLOP. A THICK ROPE OF JIZZ still connects the tip to Sarah's gasping mouth.

[00:25:28] Sarah SLUMPS forward, tongue lolling out, CUM-SNOT leaking from her nose. Her eyes are glazed, makeup utterly ruined.

[00:25:31] Brandon, still fully erect, SPINS the dazed MILF around. He SHOVES her face-down onto the desk, her fat tits SPLATTING against the surface.

[00:25:34] Brandon hikes up Sarah's skirt, revealing her DRENCHED PANTIES. He WEDGES his CUM-SLICK COCK between her plump asscheeks.

[00:25:37] Brandon: "Well gee, that's weird! Guess a mouth-pussy just ain't enough, huh mommy? Looks like I need the real thing after all!"

[00:25:40] Sarah (dazed and hoarse): "Wha... What? No, you said... You can't..."

[00:25:43] Brandon PEELS Sarah's SOAKED PANTIES to the side. His COCKHEAD notches between her glistening pussylips.

[00:25:46] Brandon: "Awww, but that's no fair! You can't leave me with blue balls after all that, can you? C'mon, be a pal!"

[00:25:49] Sarah (coughing up cum): "Young man, that's quite enough! You got what you wanted, now let me go!"

[00:25:52] Brandon continues hotdogging her ass, smearing jizz and pussy juices between her cheeks. He chuckles darkly.

[00:25:55] Brandon: "Aww c'mon, it's not my fault Ty's got such a smokin' hot mom! My cock's still hard, see?"

[00:25:58] Sarah tries to push herself up, tits sliding on the desk. Brandon easily pins her back down.

[00:26:01] Sarah (hoarsely): "This wasn't the deal! I sucked you off, it's over! I'm not letting you... letting you..."

[00:26:04] Brandon: "Let me what? Fuck your brains out? Rearrange your guts? Pound the shit out of you?"

[00:26:07] Sarah shakes her head frantically, drool and snot flying. She's barely coherent, still dizzy from the throatfucking.

[00:26:10] Sarah (slurring): "Nuh... No... 'm not... not that kinda mom... lemme go..."

[00:26:13] Brandon SLAPS her jiggly ass. The FAT CHEEKS RIPPLE. He notches his cockhead against her sloppy pussylips.

[00:26:16] Brandon: "Sure you are, mommy. Just feel how wet you got blowing me! Your cunt's practically drippin' for it!"

[00:26:19] Brandon uses the DROOLING LIPS to polish his cockhead. The bulbous tip splits them open obscenely.

[00:26:22] Sarah (gasping): "That... That's not... I didn't mean to... Oh god, please don't..."

[00:26:25] Brandon: "Shhh, it's okay. Happens to all the MILF sluts." He grips her hips, pulling her back...

[00:26:28] Sarah's protests turn to a GURGLING MOAN as Brandon THRUSTS BALLS DEEP in one stroke. Her eyes cross.

[00:26:31] Brandon: "There we go! See, your cunt was just achin' for some young cock! You're welcome, mommy!"

[00:26:34] Sarah's FAT ASS jiggles wildly as Brandon RAMS into her from behind. CLOP CLOP CLOP CLOP - his thighs SLAP her rippling cheeks.

[00:26:37] Sarah's mouth hangs open, eyes rolling back. "Guh... Ugh... Hnngh..." Wordless moans spill out, drool splattering the desk.

[00:26:40] Brandon (grunting): "Goddamn, you're drippin' wet! Guess you really are just a cock-starved MILF slut after all, huh?"

[00:26:43] Sarah's fists clench, knuckles white. Her HEAVY MILK-BAGS squish against the desktop, nipples dragging back and forth.

[00:26:46] SQUELCH SCHLORP GLORP - the sounds of Brandon's GIRTHY SHAFT plundering Sarah's sloppy cunt fill the room.

[00:26:49] Brandon (panting): "What's the matter, mommy? Not used to a real man's cock splitting you open? Poor baby!"

[00:26:52] Sarah CLAPS a hand over her mouth, muffling a particularly LEWD KEEN as Brandon hilts inside her. His SWOLLEN BALLS smack her clit.

[00:26:55] Cummy drool leaks between Sarah's fingers. Her hips SPASM, ass clenching around the PISTONING FUCKROD. Her lashes flutter.

[00:26:58] Brandon: "Damn, your pussy's a fuckin' work of art! Grade-A mommy cunt, feels like it was made for me!"

[00:27:01] Sarah's spine arches, a WARBLING MEWL escaping her as Brandon POUNDS her cervix. Her SWEATY TITS slap the desk, leaving smears.

[00:27:04] Mascara and tear tracks stain Sarah's flushed face. She visibly trembles, teeth digging into her bottom lip.

[00:27:07] Brandon: "Aww, you gonna cum on my cock like a good girl? C'mon, bust that nut, you know you want to!"

[00:27:10] Sarah shakes her head frantically even as her thighs quiver. Her cunt makes NASTY WET NOISES, squeezing Brandon's shaft.

[00:27:13] Brandon GRIPS Sarah's wrists, pinning them above her head. He RAILS into her harder, snarling. "Milk my fucking cock!"

[00:27:16] Sarah's eyes suddenly SNAP WIDE. Her mouth opens in a silent scream, back bowing sharply. She looks like a woman POSSESSED.

[00:27:19] Brandon: "There it is, there it fuckin' is! Cum, you cock-drunk mommy! Squirt on that fuckin' dick!"

[00:27:22] Sarah's body CONVULSES, thighs SLAMMING TOGETHER against the desk beneath her. Her ass RIPPLES around the plundering shaft.

[00:27:25] Sarah (gasping): "Nuh... No... Oh god, oh fuck, fuck, FUUUUCK-" Her eyes ROLL BACK, tongue lolling out.

[00:27:28] SPLOOSH! A TORRENT OF GIRLCUM sprays out around Brandon's pistoning cock, SPLATTERING the desk and floor.

[00:27:31] Brandon: "HOLY SHIT! You're fuckin' drenching me, you squirty bitch! What a fuckin' mess!"

[00:27:34] Sarah's body SHAKES UNCONTROLLABLY, hips BUCKING WILDLY against Brandon's thrusts. Her cunt FLUTTERS around him.

[00:27:37] Brandon: "Damn, this dick must be way better than your hubby's, huh? When's the last time you came like this, mommy?"

[00:27:40] Sarah can only SOB BROKENLY, face a mask of UTTER HUMILIATION. Tears pour down her cheeks as she trembles through the aftershocks.

[00:27:43] Brandon: "Aww, it's okay. Let it all out. You're just a MILF slut who needed to get FUCKED STUPID by a real man!"




Subject: I'm so sorry but I need to explain

Dr. Walker,

I know you must think I'm a horrible mother. But please try to understand what happened in that moment. When Brandon's huge cock was crushing my cervix, ramming into my womb (the same place Tyler grew!), it was like his way of bullying my son through me. My body betrayed me - I couldn't help but respond to his dominance.

I tried so hard to hold back the orgasm, but his cock was just too big, too powerful. He yanked my ponytail, spanked my ass, and called me horrible names. And then... and then... oh god, I'm so ashamed... I came like a mindless animal. My eyes crossed, I drooled everywhere, I even squirted. What kind of mother does that? What kind of woman lets her son's bully make her cum that hard?

I keep replaying that moment in my head. The way his cockhead felt like it was reshaping my insides. The way my body just KNEW he was superior, more dominant. The way I lost control completely.

Please understand - I'm not some slut who wanted this. But in that moment, pinned down and being bred by this huge young stud... I couldn't fight my biological responses. My body betrayed everything I stand for as a mother.

I feel so broken. So ashamed. How can I ever face Tyler again knowing what his bully did to me? Knowing how hard I came?

Please help me,


P.S. I'm still leaking... god...

[00:27:46] Brandon GRIPS Sarah's wrists behind her back, POUNDING her pussy with loud CLAP CLAP CLAP noises. The table rattles with each heavy thrust.

[00:27:49] Sarah's tongue falls out, a strand of drool connecting to her chin. Her ENORMOUS PALE TITS FLOP WILDLY, each one bigger than her head, SMACKING alternately against the desk surface and each other with wet PLAP sounds.

[00:27:52] Brandon (grinning directly at the camera): "Gotta remember to thank Ty for sending me such a good lay! Little punk finally did something right for once!" He gives a big thumbs up.

[00:27:55] Sarah's ponytail WHIPS back and forth as Brandon JACKHAMMERS her cunt. SQUELCH SCHLORP GLORP - the lewd, wet sounds of her pussy being DRILLED fill the small room.

[00:27:58] Black mascara runs down Sarah's flushed cheeks, tears and sweat mixing. Her eyes roll back, showing whites, as incoherent, high-pitched SQUEALS escape her stretched lips.

[00:28:01] Brandon SPANKS Sarah's rippling ass, the fat cheeks JIGGLING from the impact, leaving a bright red handprint. "Dumb sluts like you are just pure FUEL for my sadism!"

[00:28:04] Sarah (gasping): "Wha... What? I thought... Hnnngh... I thought you were-OHGOD-Tyler's friend! Guh... Oh fuck..."

[00:28:07] Brandon LAUGHS cruelly, SLAMMING his hips forward and hilting inside her with a nasty SCHLORP that sends shockwaves through her asscheeks. "Friend? As if I'd be friends with that fucking pathetic loser!"

[00:28:10] Sarah's eyes fly WIDE OPEN, bulging. She thrashes wildly, trying to pull away, but Brandon easily overpowers her, his iron grip on her wrists never faltering.

[00:28:13] Brandon: "What's the matter, mommy? Just realizing you're getting your world ROCKED by your precious boy's bully? Well too fucking bad!"

[00:28:16] Sarah WAILS. Her whole body shakes like a leaf. Brandon just CHUCKLES darkly, picking up speed. CLAPCLAP CLAPCLAP CLAPCLAP!

[00:28:19] Brandon: "Shut that cock-trap and take this dick like a good slut! Unless you want the whole damn school to see what a nasty whore Ty's mom is?" He reaches down and CLAMPS a hand over her mouth.

[00:28:22] Sarah shakes her head frantically, eyes pleading above Brandon's muffling palm. She bites her lip hard behind his fingers. Drool leaks out the corners of her stretched mouth, coating his hand.

[00:28:25] Brandon: "Yeah, that's more like it! Fuck, this cunt is so goddamn tight... You must not get dick often, huh? Poor neglected housewife slut!" He removes his spit-slick hand from her mouth.

[00:28:28] Sarah's cheeks BURN bright red with utter shame. Her hands clench into fists, knuckles white, as she endures the relentless PLOWING of her married pussy. She whimpers pathetically.

[00:28:31] Brandon: "Awww yeah, soak my big cock with that cream! Your cunt's practically WEEPING for it! You're loving this, aren't you, you mommy whore?" He reaches down and FLICKS her swollen clit.

[00:28:34] Sarah can only let out a high-pitched WHIMPER, even as her wide hips involuntarily BUCK back against Brandon's pistoning thrusts. SQUELCH SQUELCH SQUELCH go her sloppy fucked holes.

[00:28:37] Brandon: "Damn right you are! Bet your dead hubby never fucked this MILF pussy like I can! No wonder he probably ditched your needy ass for the grave!" His balls SLAP SLAP SLAP against her puffy cunt lips.

[00:28:40] Sarah SOBS brokenly, face twisting, fresh tears pouring from her eyes. Brandon just LAUGHS.

[00:28:43] Brandon (panting): "Yeah, that's it... Take that big teenage cock, you dirty mommy-slut! Milk my fat dick with that hungry MILF cunt!" He SLAMS into her cervix with every thrust.

[00:28:46] Sarah's toes visibly CURL inside her shoes, the heels drumming against the floor. Her thick thighs QUIVER uncontrollably, sweat-slick tits SLIDING back and forth on the desk surface, leaving smears.

[00:28:49] Brandon (grunting): "Fuck... Gonna bust a huge nut inside this top-shelf MILF pussy! You ready for a big creamy load, mommy-slut?" He grips her hair and PULLS her head back.

[00:28:52] Sarah's huge tits bounce and flop as she thrashes, fresh mascara tracks painting her cheeks.

[00:28:55] Sarah (gasping): "No... No, please! Not inside! I'm not... I'm not on the pill! You can't cum in me!"

[00:28:58] Brandon grips her wide birthing hips BRUISINGLY TIGHT, fingers sinking into her plush flesh. "Should've thought of that before you SEDUCED me, you fucking cocktease!"

[00:29:01] Sarah's cunt is CLENCHING wildly around Brandon's pistoning shaft. Her tongue lolls, drool spattering her tits.

[00:29:04] Brandon (grunting): "Tell you what, mommy-slut. You last 30 seconds without squirting on my dick, and I won't nut in this married pussy. Think you can handle that?"

[00:29:07] Sarah nods frantically, knuckles white as she grips the edge of the desk. Sweat pours down her back, soaking her blouse.

[00:29:10] Brandon POUNDS into her mercilessly, grinning. "Better clench tight then! Clock starts... now!"

[00:29:13] Sarah BITES her lip, eyes scrunched shut. Her ass RIPPLES with each meaty SMACK of Brandon's hips. She visibly trembles.

[00:29:16] SQUELCH SQUELCH SCHLORP SCHLORP - Sarah's pussy is a sloppy mess, drenching Brandon's cock and balls, dripping down her thighs.

[00:29:19] Brandon (taunting): "Tick tock, Mommy! Sure you can hold out? This cunt's practically milking me dry!"

[00:29:22] Sarah's thighs are shaking violently, barely holding her up. Her tits look painfully swollen, veins visible under her pale flesh.

[00:29:25] Sarah (gasping): "I... I can... I can do it... Just... Just a little more..." Her hands scrabble at the desk, papers flying.

[00:29:28] Brandon HILTS inside her with a powerful thrust. Sarah's eyes fly open, bulging out. A thin trickle of drool escapes the corner of her mouth.

[00:29:31] Sarah (high-pitched squeal): "HNNNNNGGGHHHH!!!" Her body goes rigid, back arching sharply.

[00:29:34] SPLOOOOOSH! A TORRENT of milky cuntjuice SPRAYS out around Brandon's cock, utterly soaking his crotch and the floor beneath them. The room reeks of sex.

[00:29:37] Brandon throws his head back and CACKLES. "HAHAHA! Stupid squirty mommy-slut! You didn't even last ten seconds! Guess you get my nut after all!" He SLAPS her ass.



Subject: Please help me understand what happened

Dr. Walker,

I'm so sorry to keep bothering you, but I'm really struggling to process what happened. I close my eyes and all I can feel is that moment... That horrible, wonderful, disgusting, incredible moment when Brandon finally unleashed his load inside me.

I remember every detail with sickening clarity. The feel of the desk edge digging into my hips as Brandon slammed into me from behind. The heavy, rhythmic SLAP SLAP SLAP of his balls against my swollen clit. The obscene SQUELCH of my treacherous cunt, so shamefully wet, so eager to milk him.

But worst of all, I remember the exact second I felt him throb and swell inside me. That split second of horrible anticipation before he... he... oh god, before he NUTTED directly into my unprotected womb.

I swear I felt the first thick, heavy spurt of jizz SPLASH against my cervix. It was so forceful, so HOT. Like a GEYSER erupting in my deepest, most sacred place. The place my SON came from.

And then he just kept cumming and cumming, flooding my egg-tunnel with what felt like GALLONS of his chowdery ball-sludge. Each massive SPURT triggered another shameful clench of my pussy, trying to suck him deeper, to milk every drop of his potent splooge.

He was marking me, COLONIZING me. Pissing his virile seed into the sloppy hole he'd conquered. Planting his flag in my body, my SOUL.

I remember sobbing, both from the overwhelming physical sensation and the crushing humiliation of it all. The knowledge that I was just a receptacle, a sperm toilet for my son's bully to DUMP his load in.

He spanked me as he pumped me full, laughing at what a "good mommy" I was. Telling me I deserved this for being such a pathetic slut. That maybe if I was a better mom, my son wouldn't be such a loser that even his bully could NUT in his mom's pussy.

I came so hard I saw stars. So hard I thought I might pass out. All while Brandon just kept HOSING my insides with jet after jet of his THICK, NASTY JIZZ.

And then, even after painting my womb white... he didn't stop. He just kept fucking me, scooping his leaking cum and shoving it back into my stretched, ruined hole. Telling me I had one more chance to prove I could be a "good girl" and not cum on his cock again.

He reached around and GRABBED my tits, mauling them, MASHING them together. I felt like a cow being milked, tits and cunt. Just a dumb mommy animal to be bred and used.

Dr. Walker, I'm so disgusted with myself. So ashamed of how I responded, of how GOOD it felt to be used like that. To be put in my place.

I can still feel his load SLOSHING inside me, PACKED and simmering in my baby-box. Like he planted a piece of himself in my most intimate space, a space I can never get back.

Please help me understand how to move forward from this.

Horrified and ashamed,


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