Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 174 - Replika

Chapter 174 - Replika

Your teeth were chattering in your mouth as you stumbled your way across the snowy-plain, leaving the smoldering remains of your shuttle behind. Slung across your pack was as much of the emergency supplies as you were able to shoulder, the burden of them weighing down your every trudging step in ankle-deep snow. Despite your very violent reentry into the atmosphere and subsequent unhappy landing, you were thankfully unharmed. At least, unharmed in any way that might make the search for any sign of civilization any harder.

Your 'luck' thankfully didn't end there though, as you managed to land on a part of the planet where it was still daytime. On Ice worlds like this one, night could sometimes last months and if that had been the case here, you probably would have already froze to death. Another icy wind past you by, sending your whole-body shivering as you pulled your fur-lined hood closer around your head. Your muscles were screaming in exhaustion and cold, but you knew you couldn't afford to stop. You had to keep moving and maybe find civilization before hypothermia could set in. Though even the chance of that was incredibly slim

The planet you were on wasn't important enough to have an actual name, just a designation number for the books. It was a snow-covered mining world for the Eusan, one of the outposts on the fringe of their territory. You were just some bureaucrat from the administration, another desk jockey who was lucky enough to work in a semi-heated building while the Replikas did the actual mining work. You were supposed to transfer from one facility to another when a freak snow storm caught your shuttle and sent it crashing into the tundra. You were lucky enough to survive and now you could only hope that luck would hold out long enough to find somewhere to get warm.

And surprisingly enough, it did.

As you reached the crest of a mound of snow, you saw resting in stark grey against the blinding white of the tundra was a small building. At last, a sign of civilization. Filled with renewed hope and near drunk on it, you clumsily and frantically slid down the side of the snowy hill, coming to an ungraceful and sprawling heap on the frozen ground. After climbing back to your feet and making sure all of your emergency supplies were unharmed, you rushed forward toward the outpost. You tried the door, only to find it shut tight. Taking a prybar from your hip, you managed to force it open with an echoing 'clang!' At long last, you were able to put the cold behind you as you shut the door on the frozen wasteland.

Inside, the outpost was pitch-black, so much so that your own hand was invisible to you even when held in front of your face. You quickly turned on the flashlight that came with the emergency kit, bathing the entrance of the base with a small tunnel of light. There were thankfully no signs of a struggle, but there weren't any signs of anyone living either. You didn't have time to worry about that, however, you had more important things to focus on. Namely, getting the power back on before night fell. You may have been a bureaucrat, but you were still savvy enough to know where to find and how to turn on the auxiliary generators in a base like this.

With a little luck and some elbow grease, you managed to get the generators to rumble back to life. With the power back on, so too did the lights come back to life. More importantly, so did the head. You let out a sigh of relief as you felt the temperature steadily rise, until it was warm enough that you could slip off your insulated coat. Alright, you had power, and you had lights and heat. The only thing left was the food and water situation, as well as trying to find a way to make contact with proper civilization. Heading to the storeroom, your luck came through once again as the place was stocked with what appeared to be at least a few months' worth of preserved food and drinking water.

Now assured that you wont die of cold, hunger, or thirst, you could now focus your attention on making contact with civilization. You knew that somewhere in this abandoned outpost there should be an emergency beacon – something that could get a message out to one of the larger settlements. If you could find it, then you'd be back home in a matter of weeks, if not days.

You were about to start your search when you suddenly heard a sound from beyond the storeroom. Immediately, you were set on edge as the noise continued from the hall. Gripping the prybar tightly, you quietly exited the storeroom and followed the noise. The sounds were coming from what appeared to be a supply closet. With prybar in hand, you slowly turned the knob and threw open the door and….

…Were met face to face with a Replika. The synthetic woman blinked owlishly at you; her head tilted quizzically. "Hello," she said politely. "How may I be of service?"

All adrenaline and fear drained out of you as your shoulders slumped in relief. You nearly buried your head in your hand with the desire to laugh in shame at how easily you let yourself be worked up. "Hello," you greeted the Replika once your nerves were back in order. "Could you please identify yourself."

"Of course," the Replika immediately complied. "I am EULR-S2308, specialized in basic first aid. The former occupants of Outpost 31-D referred to me as Elle, however."

Ah, a Eule. You should've figured. The Eules were basic, low-tier replikas meant to basic, unskilled work. The mines back home were chock full of them. "Nice to meet you, Elle," you said amicably.

"Thank you, sir," Elle still looked at you with some curiosity. "Forgive me, but I was not informed that the Outpost was due for visitation. I apologize for the mess."

"Its fine," you said with a small grin. "I wasn't supposed to be here. My shuttle crashed a few miles away from a storm. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to find anything out here." You glanced around the seemingly abandoned outpost and asked, "What happened to this place?"

"Outpost 31-D was established eight standard years prior as a refueling depot between settlements. After three years however, the area's weather was deemed to inhospitable for long-term habitation and so the outpost was evacuated."

You frowned. "They left you behind?"

Elle shrugged noncommittally. "I was deemed inessential and left on stand-by. The auxiliary power reactivated me, however."

Right, that made sense. Eules were made cheap and in large quantities. They were replaceable. Still, you couldn't help but feel a little bad for Elle, even if she didn't see the problem with it. Even so, you still had to find that beacon. "Do you know where the emergency beacon is?"

"Of course, one moment." You followed Elle down the hall and to a different closet where, after a minute of searching, she pulled out the small beacon. "Here you go," she said, handing the device off to you.

You thanked the Replika and started fidgeting with the beacon. After a moment, you finally managed to get it working. You were immediately connected with someone from the larger settlement. To your frustration, however, you were told that an immediate evac from the area just wasn't possible with the storm picking up as it was. The nearest time they could send a shuttle safely in would be in two whole months. You sighed at the beacon shut itself off, realizing that you were well and truly stuck for the next few weeks. Elle overheard your conversation and when the beacon went inert, you were surprised to find her placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"I am sorry," she said, and you couldn't help but laugh at how earnest she sounded.

"Its fine," you sighed, knowing very well that it could be a lot worse. You food, water, and shelter, more than enough to last six or so weeks in any case. The only thing you could no now was wait.

You felt a delicate hand wrap itself around yours. You turned to see Elle holding your hands and smiling gently at you. "Please, allow me to show you to the living quarters," she said, gently tugging you forward. You smiled and followed her to where you'd be sleeping for the near-future. At least you had some company while you waited.

Rather appealing company at that, you couldn't help but think as your eyes drifted to the Replika's large swaying ass as she unwittingly strutted forward.


As the first week slowly passed by, you were surprised to find that it wasn't nearly as bad as you had initially feared. A large part of this was due to the presence of the Replika you've come to know as Elle. Without her company, you were pretty sure the isolation would have driven you to insanity. Without her former duties to perform, the Replika largely spent her time outside of stasis in your company. There was almost a sense of… domestic bliss… as you and the replika fell into a routine waiting for the storm to pass. Soon enough, you were even thinking of ways to get Elle to be allowed to accompany you back to the main settlement or some other way to prove your gratitude to her for keeping you sane.

Little did you know that these feelings were reciprocated by Elle herself. The Replika was grateful to have company in the outpost once again after spending so long by herself. She wanted to show that her appreciation to you for your company. It was the question of how exactly she would show her appreciation that troubled the Replika that first week, until the answer finally came to her. Elle spent some time combing over her records, trying to find some suitable way to thank you when she discovered one memory from before the depot had been evacuated. A record of human fornication one of the human workers possessed that accidentally was leaked onto her memory. Elle slowly smiled as she downloaded all these fascinating new ideas and sensations.

It was time for her to show you her appreciation.


As the final day of the first week was coming to a close, you heard Elle calling for you just outside the generator room you were maintaining. "Oh hey, Elle, what's going-MMMPH!" Just as you were greeting the Replika, Elle surprised you by grabbing your face and pressing her lips against yours. You let out a muffled yelp of surprise before instinct took over. Your hands fell to the Replika's wide hips as you returned the kiss, your tongue wrestling against her synthetic one until the need for air became too much for you.

You broke the kiss with a gasp, a string of drool running down the corner of your lips as Elle stared at you with lustful curiosity. "Wh-what was that?" you asked the Replika as soon as you got your thoughts together.

Elle pressed her curvaceous body against yours, and you find your hands on her hips once more. "I want to show you how much I appreciate you being here," the android murmured as she rubbed her thigh against your crotch. Lust crept up your spine as the Replika began peppering your neck with kisses, going up and up until her lips were pressed against your ear. "Please let me show you how much I appreciate you… master."

Taking you by the arm, Elle began leading you to the bedroom and overcome with lust you accepted Elle's offer. Placing your hand onto her shapely ass, you gave it an appreciative squeeze, and you can feel the way in her hips as she walks, effortlessly striding forward with a back and forth that's almost hypnotic to admire. You let it draw you deeper, winding you up for what's to come when you reach the bedroom knowing that the pleasures awaiting you can only get more drastic as you let them.

You take your place on the bed, Elle crawling up toward you. "May I take the lead? I have reprogrammed myself with new routines that I would like to try." She speaks softly, hands on your thighs and her eyes staring right at you as she prepares for this. You give her a nod, and she starts at your clothes, tugging them out of the way in her steady, growing pursuit of indulgence. "I've adjusted my body to better service you. I hope you find these features pleasurable; I have never used them before."

It's on that note that the Replika wraps her lips around your cock and pushes her way down, sucking you into her mouth with a steady and desire that comes stronger, an embrace of the senseless pleasures urging you to give in. Elle's mouth is secure around you, pushing down now onto your shaft and embracing the opportunities to give in to you. You're her first, and you let loose a shaky expression of utter delight as you feel the feel the attentions start you up, winding you through pleasures and passions that need only for you to lie back and take this.

"I'm already liking what I see," you groan, staring down at Elle, watching her work with a steady indulgence and a passion that has you ready to give in. You're quickly losing yourself to these desires, shaky needs pulling you deeper. You admire and appreciate everything about the way she moves; there's a grace to it that you wouldn't have expected from a robot. she knows how to suck your cock like a pro, programmed to perform at a level of passion and indulgence that has you steadily falling deeper. There's not a whole lot of calm to this, pleasures guiding you steadily down into her thrall, your gaze firm on her and appreciating the wild indulgences pulling you deeper.

Her mouth tightens against your cock, embracing a pleasure and desire that has you totally shameless. Your hips roll and a groan spills from your lips, body writhing through a spectacular rush of pleasures and desires you really need to let take you. It's almost too hot to be real, with the obedient mouth working with excellent intent. Elle doesn't waste any motion in her treatment of your cock; she's precise and forward, bringing an overwhelming push into desire and obedience bringing you closer to shameless delight. It's a ruinous mess of pleasure, one that pulls you deeper, one that makes you crave what she's offering. Elle has you hanging on the edge of her every motion, eyes following the bobbing of her head and the steady escalation she pushes in for.

Your cock slips into her throat, and she pushes harder down into this, pushing with a steady, sturdy indulgence to keep tending to you, pleasures aching hotter with each push in. Everything she moves with has a marked lack of restraint or sense to it; she's focused, devoted, and brings you closer steadily to a ruin too senseless to know exactly what to do with. "Fuck," you groan. She has no gag reflex, taking you down with little struggle, making only sloppy sucking noises, the inevitable sounds of any blowjob. Elle's eyes remain focused up toward you, indulging harder in a passion and a greed that doesn't feel the least bit sensible. Her every motion brings you a remarkable pleasure, passion inducing something messier within you, bringing you deeper into senseless passion.

The desire pulls you deeper, moans growing louder as you fall into a state of desire and fixated lust. Your eyes remained locked onto her, unable to look away from the glorious sight of your new sexbot fellating you with such passion and intensity. Elle's every second of indulgence leaves you hotter and hungrier, needing to keep sinking deeper into joys that she's eager to push you into harder. Nothing about this feels sensible at all, the pleasures senseless and desperate, bringing a chaos with it that you just cannot fucking resist. It's too much for you to make sense of, and you continue to jerk your way back and forth through these passions, demanding something truly ferocious and senseless. You can't help yourself; giving in feels like it's inevitable, and it's pulling you in deeper.

Elle doesn't speak or pull back, determined to keep pushing and to keep savoring you., She has a sturdiness and a work ethic here that seems a bit too insane to know how to deal with, but you welcome it all, accepting the sloppy oral attention and the desperate pushes into deeper pleasures, a senseless rush of all the devoted heats and needs you crave most. There's no good way to contain yourself here, sinking ever lower into a want and a hunger like nothing else. She has you aching for more, growing more vocal and needy as she keeps you sinking deeper. Everything feels a bit too good to deal with, spectacular rushes of desire and want.

Drawing back from your cock, Elle shifts to licking all over your cock, showing off her sloppy adoration for it with a careless, desperate ush into pleasures that keep you falling. Your hips can barely stay together, and you writhe through the dizzy lust she induces within you. "Do you like how I worship your cock, Master?" she asks, staring right at you, her voice gaining a little bit of warmth. Her hands grasp your thighs, working their way slowly up to your shaft, fondling it and gripping the base before she sucks it back into her throat again, this time taking you all the way down and pushing harder onward. There's little sense to any of this, but it's incredible, pulling you into a senseless rush of bliss that can't be helped.

"I love it," you groan. Elle's touch is remarkable, and it pulls you ever deeper, demanding that you give in harder, allowing yourself to sink steadily deeper and hotter through these messes. There's a senseless mess of delight to all of this, the pleasure pulling you harder, demanding that you keep succumbing to what feels too insane to be real, but it's incredible. Your hips struggle hold still as she fucks her face down onto your cock, harder, quicker, pulling you into a state of ferocious need. Your cock pulses and aches, ready to give in, and you can barely gasp out, "I'm gonna cum," in time

She pulls back with speed like you can't believe, drawn back and accepting the load of cum all over her face. She takes on the hot ropes of messy spunk all over her face. "You are so virile, Master," she moans.She plants kisses onto your cock. "Before I was reprogrammed, I was one of the most trusted Battle type units, and my assignment to you makes sense now." The way she nuzzles against your cock while talking about being a fearsome warrior sure does leave a weird, shaky sense of confusion upon you, but you welcome it, strange as it all is. As she kisses your cock and toys with it, she notes, "And you're still hard. Do you want to have more sex, Master? I am here to serve you, but only on your terms. Whenever you have need of me."

"I want your ass," you tell her. "Turn around, Elle. Also, I want dirty talk."

"Master, you may have both my fat ass and all the dirty talk that you want." Elle turns around and bends forward, sticking her large ass up in the air and motioning toward you in clear need of a pleasure that you're ready to let take you harder. Her hips give an enticing sway, and you're immediately upon her, ready to go.

You grab her clothes and tug them aside, hands crashing down across her round ass and making her gasp as you get rougher with her. There's no restraint in the way you settle in with the idea of going all out on her, throwing yourself into disarray and frantic chaos, your lust carrying you closer. You need her, and you will not be held back from it, pushing into position and guiding your cock between her round cheeks, spreading them out and eyeing her tight ass. If she's really equipped to serve a human sexually, then you're ready to go all out in this, throwing everything forward to embrace your most desperate of needs.

"Master!" Elle shrieks as your cock slams into her ass. You aren't particularly gentle with her.'

"I can fuck you as hard as I want to, right?" you taunt, hand smacking her ass again, making a noisy, percussive smack that has her shouting in delight. "You're a strong android, I can be as rough with you as I feel like being."

"You can, Master. My new purpose is to serve you sexually, and however you want to use me, I will accept it." Her body heaves back and forth, meeting your ferocious thrusts through a pleasure and a passion that really doesn't know sense. You're feverish and greedy, craving anything and everything you can get out of this, all in greedy pursuit of a desire that keeps rising. You need to go harder, need to fuck her into drastic submission, and her words only egg you on harder. "Do you enjoy my ass, Master? Is it to your pleasure?" There's a shakiness to your voice. How real it is--how real anything is-feels like a matter steadily slipping further away from sense, but still you push on, desperate to seek more of the things driving you into madness.

You groan, "It's perfect," and dig your fingers into her cheeks, tugging her back harder against you. "It's perfect, and it belongs to me!" Skipping right past vaginal sex to pound your bottom heavy sex robot just feels right; this is an ass made to be fucked, and the irresistible joy of throwing everything into pure joy is simply unstoppable. Your bodies smack together, and everything about her feels so real. Warm. She's the perfect, most convincing replacement for a real woman, so impossible to discern that this could all be an insane joke and you wouldn't know. It makes the idea of even caring about this matter a silly, shaky mess. You're riding high on the simple thrill of pushing harder, fucking Elle's ass with all you have, coaxing dizzier moans from her as she takes you harder, as your every indulgence carries forth with greater desire to completely unravel her.

"I already know I'm going to enjoy serving you, Master," she moans. She's getting louder, greedier, slamming against you with a vigor that only ramps up as she meets your thrust. Your balls swing forward, smacking against her neglected pussy, which drops and aches with a convincing heat that continues to deceive and confuse you. 'You and your--unf, your big cock!" Even with some reprogramming, her voice lacks a bit of confidence, which insists that you fuck her harder, throwing yourself into the pleasures that keep you throwing all your efforts behind these desires. Fucking a more vocal response into her is all you can do, throwing yourself into the brutal fevers that guide you deeper into indulgence.

The ferocious pressure you impose upon Elle is only getting further out of control, messier pulses and desires keeping you abandoning sense, both of you thrown into a beautiful disarray. It's incredible, and your body heaves through a joy like nothing you've ever felt before. All in shameless, greedy pursuit of an ecstasy keeping you moving, keeping you pounding into her without a shred of sense. You want nothing more than to do your part to throw everything into sensation, into a purity and a hunger you don't want to let up on. Her ass is almost sucking your cock in, begging it to keep fucking away, and you won't slow down. No, your life basically depends on keeping the pace. You can't slow down.

"Master!" Elle gasps, jerking about harder back and forth, as you induce pleasures inside of her so ferocious that she seems almost doomed to keep giving in. You embrace the chance to break her down thoroughly, using her harder and tending to pleasures beyond your wildest imagining. Everything feels too good to resist, and you aren't sure having a sex robot is going to be a healthy way to live your life in the future, but it doesn't matter. You throw everything together, embracing the messes of delight and indulgence that hold their sway over you now. "Master, your cock is amazing, and I look forward to my new life serving you. You deserve nothing but the best, and I will trend to you whenever you want! I am a tireless lover made to serve you."

You keep going, urged on by her words and doing your best to keep up with the pace driving you harder along. You don't care about anything other than fucking her, using her harder and faster through spectacles of desire and greed beyond reason, too senseless to believe and too wild to believe. Elle's gorgeous body is now yours to enjoy, and you won't hold back. You keep moving, inching closer to decadent ruin, throbbing in her snug ass and keeping up the pleasures that keep you begging to keep going, embracing the desperate thrills and wants that will not stop. You feel like you can barely contain any of this, thrown into a delirium and a passion beyond reason. You go all out on her, pushing her to a dizzy crash into pleasures and delights that just can't be helped.

She shrieks for you again, calling, "I'm cumming! Master, I'm cumming, I love you!" She thrashes about, heaving under a pleasure too strange and dizzy to handle, bringing you a sensation that can't be helped. You slam into her, burying your cock into her snug hole and allowing yourself to give up fully, pumping her bowels full of cum and embracing the most reckless of joys, a pleasure that can't be contained. You welcome the wildest, weirdest joys of it all, holding deep inside of her, shaking and shuddering through these ecstasies. Elle slumps down onto her stomach, lying prone and dragging you down on top of her. Suddenly, you weren't in any rush for the evac anymore.

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