Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 175 - Michelle Myers

Chapter 175 - Michelle Myers

Smith's Grove, Illinois

October 30th, 1978

It was a dark and stormy night. A bit of a cliché description, but an accurate one. Rain drops drummed across the roof of Nurse Marion Chambers' car as it steadily drove down the empty country road under a pitch-black night sky. Outside the night was alive with the patter of rain, the rumble of thunder, and the occasional booming crack of lightning, but inside the car was a different story. Inside the vehicle there was only bleak silence between the two passengers sitting within. Nurse Chambers sat behind the wheel, eyes firmly affixed to the road before her, the only light coming from the high beams piercing through the rain and darkness, and the lit end of a cigarette clutched between her fingers.

Beside her was her passenger, a balding older man with a silver beard, his dark eyes firmly set forward. This man was Dr. Sam Loomis, a veteran psychiatrist of Smith's Grove Sanitorium, the very destination they were headed towards. Neither doctor nor nurse had said a word since the drive began earlier that evening. Despite Nurse Chambers' feeble attempts at small talk, the Doctor had only given brief and cagey answers, too focused on the task ahead of him. That silence reigned until this very moment, when Dr. Loomis suddenly turned toward Nurse Chambers and spoke.

"Have you ever done anything like this before?" The Doctor asked, the sudden noise causing Nurse Chambers to jump slightly.

She glanced at the veteran doctor briefly before immediately turning her eyes back toward the road. Still, she did answer. "Only minimum security," she said distantly.

"I see," Loomis nodded and returned his gaze forward as well. "The driveway's a few hundred yards on the right," He added, as the car began passing a long length of chained fences. Signs were posted on the side of the fence, warning that passing hitchhikers may be escaped patients from the sanitorium.

Nurse Chambers' eyes briefly flickered towards the warning signs. "…The only thing that ever really bothers me is there gibberish," she admitted. Perhaps it was unfair to say so, she knew they couldn't really help themselves, but still, "When they start raving on and on…"

"You haven't anything to worry about," Dr. Loomis assured her as she took a nervous drag off her cigarette. "It hasn't said a word in fifteen years."

"Are there any special instructions?" Nurse Chambers asked as the automated gate to the sanitarium slowly opened to let them in. Transferring patients between facilities was always a gamble. Most of the time, it was a simple process of coaxing the patient into the vehicle, but sometimes you got the more extreme cases.

"Just try to understand what we're dealing with here," Loomis said, frowning darkly. "Don't underestimate it."

Nurse Chambers glanced at the Doctor briefly, frowning. "Don't you think we could refer to 'it' as 'her'?"

The corner of Doctor Loomis's mouth twitched in amusement. "If you say so."

"Your compassion's overwhelming, Doctor," Nurse Chamber's muttered, taking another brief drag off her cigarette. "What do I give her when we take her in front of the judge?"

"Thorazine," Dr. Loomis answered distantly.

Nurse Chambers frowned in confusion. "She'll barely be able to sit up," she remarked.

"That's the idea," Loomis retorted. Silence reigned once more for a brief moment as the conversation came to a lull, before Nurse Chambers turned to the doctor questioningly.

"You're serious, aren't you?" she asked incredulously. "You mean you actually never want her to get out?"

"Never," Doctor Loomis said firmly. He turned back to the road, his eyes distant as he thought about what they were approaching. The Shape that they were to take out of its cage and how much he wished it could just stay there, stay and there and rot until the day it died. "Never," he repeated. "Never…"

Still, that answer didn't satisfy the Nurse. "Then why are we taking her up to Harden County if you just-" She began, only for Loomis to cut her off.

"Because, that is the law," the Doctor answered, though his tone made it clear that he wished it wasn't. "And we…"

Loomis cut himself off and stared ahead. They had reached the sanitarium, Smith's Grove looming over them half hidden under the rainy night. But that wasn't what the doctor was focusing on. Standing out in the rain, milling and wandering about the parking lot of the sanitarium were dozens of figures clad in white, looking like ghosts in their death shrouds under the darkness. But no, these weren't ghosts, Loomis quickly realized, they were patients.

"Since when did they let them wander around?" Nurse Chambers asked as orderlies from the sanitarium were trying to corral the patients back into the building.

Loomis didn't answer her. "Stop here," he demanded, unbuckling his seat belt in a hurry. When Nurse Chambers started to protest, he simply barked at her. "Now!"

The car came to an abrupt halt, high beams bathing the front of Smith's Grove in light as Doctor Loomis scrambled out of the car and marched toward the front steps of the sanitarium. Standing at the top of those stairs was the facility's head psychiatrist, Dr. Terrence Wynn. Wynn was barking orders at the orderlies to get the patients back inside when Dr. Loomis marched up to him and seized superior by the lapels.

"What happened here?" Loomis all but demanded, his eyes wide and near-crazed.

"I-I don't know," Dr. Wynn stuttered out. "The storm must've cut the power to security; the back-up generators didn't come on." Loomis was quick to cut him off, though.

"Where is she?" Loomis all but hissed, his face panicked. "Where is Michelle Myers?"

"W-we're trying to find everyone, Sam, but its going to take time-!"

"We don't have time!" Loomis practically shouted, shaking Dr. Wynn by his lapels. "You let her out! Tell the orderlies to arm themselves and find her! She needs to be sedated and back in custody before she can leave the facility grounds!"

While this was happening, Nurse Chambers remained in her car, the doors firmly locked as the patients were led one by one back into the hospital. The Nurse nervously took out another cigarette, and was starting to light it when there was a sudden thumping sound from the roof of her car. Nurse Chambers only had the briefest second to react before her door window was smashed open, a hand grasping through. She just barely managed to scramble to the other side of the car as the hand blindly searched for her throat.

Fumbling with the door, Nurse Chambers watched as the person on top of her car dropped down. She finally managed to get the door to open as two empty, black eyes stared at her from the other side. Nurse Chambers fell out of the car and onto the ground as the Shape climbed into her car. The engine roared to life just a second later and Nurse Chambers could only watch as her stolen car sped out of the front gate, leaving Smith's Grove behind in its dust.

"NO!" Dr. Loomis shouted, running from the stairs towards the gate in a mad attempt to catch the fleeing vehicle. But it was too late. The car spend down the road and disappeared into the night beyond, carrying its driver to God knows where. "No," Loomis despaired quietly to himself. "Its escaped! The evil is gone!"

And he knew exactly where it was headed.


Haddonfield, Illinois

October 31st, 1978

Brightly colored leaves fluttered to the ground as you walked down the sidewalk, the chill of an autumn morning nipping at you despite your jacket. Tucked under your arms were your textbooks, your school not seeing Halloween as an important enough day to take off, unfortunately. Not that stopped the rest of Haddonfield from embracing the holiday in full force. On the corner of ever porch was a Jack O'Lantern with a crooked grin, plastic skeletons and cut up sheet-ghosts hung from bare trees, swaying in the wind, and the neatly cut yards were dotted with cheap, foam headstones. Maybe it would all seem creepier when the sun was down and the all of greedy, sugar-addicted half-pints of Haddonfield were on the hunt for candy, but right now, it all just seemed kind of shlocky.

A good kind of shlock, though. The kind that makes you want to turn off the lights early, take the leftover candy and just watch a horror movie in the dark. As fun as that might sound to you, however, you had other plans. The sound of someone calling your name broke you out of your thoughts. Turning your head, you saw a girl with a mess of brown curls jog up to you, books clutched in her arms and a smile on her face. You returned the smile. "Hey, Annie."

Annie Bracket was a classmate of yours, and a longtime friend as well. She also happened to be the daughter of Haddonfield's sheriff, though that didn't keep her from being something of a free-spirit. "So ready for the party tonight?"

The aforementioned plans, of course, being a Halloween party that Annie had cooked up that would be taking place later tonight. "As ready as I can be," you answered with a shrug.

"And the venue?" Annie asked conspiratorially.

You rolled your eyes before digging you hand into your pocket and pulling out a small key. "Let's go check on it."

A short walk around the suburbs led to your temporary stop on the way to school, and left both you and Annie standing at the door of the most infamous house in Haddonfield: the Myers Residence. A simple and unassuming two-story Victorian house left weathered and dilapidated from years of abandonment. Your dad was a realtor and had the keys to most of the empty homes in town, so snagging a copy when Annie told you about her plans for a party had been a breeze. The fact that it was in a less populated neighborhood and big enough wasn't the only reason that it had been chosen for a Halloween party though. The reason was the story behind the old house.

"Hey, what happened to the family that lived here?" Annie asked. "I heard something nasty when down here years ago, but dad never told me anything."

"I don't know for sure," you admitted, having heard a story from your own dad about the Myers family. "But I've heard some things."

"Apparently, 15 or 20 years ago, there was a murder here on Halloween night. A little girl, Michelle Myers, she walked into her older sister Judith's room still in her costume and stabbed her in the chest sixteen times. By the time, their parents got home, Judith was dead, and Michelle Myers was standing out in the front yard, a blank look on her face. Apparently, she got taken away to some mental hospital in another state and her parents moved out. I guess they didn't want to be reminded of what happened by still living here."

Annie had been totally silent as you told the horrible tale of the Myers family. As the story came to a close, Annie sighed. "Jesus," she muttered…

…before grinning widely. "This party's going to be great!"

You gave her a flat stare "You're all heart, Anne." You placed the key beneath the doormat for safekeeping and turned back to the sheriff's daughter. "C'mon, let's get to class." Leaving the Myers house behind, the two of you started heading for Haddonfield's local college…

…Unaware of the Shape staring intently at you from just behind the door to the Myers home.


Later in the afternoon, you were sitting in class, half-listening to your professor drone on and on. You were sitting by the windows, and in sheer, mind-numbing boredom, found yourself vacantly staring out them in a futile attempt to drown out the unending dull hum of the classroom. As you were boredly staring out on the street, something caught your eye.

There, standing directly across from where you were sitting, was a person. A woman, specifically. A very womanly woman, you were quick to realize, seeing as her coveralls didn't quite cover all. And yes, she was wearing coveralls. Dark blue and stained with what you could only presume was grease. That wasn't what was strange about her appearance, however. No, what was strange about the mystery woman was that she was wearing a Halloween mask.

It wasn't anything too crazy, not a zombie, or a witch, or a jack lantern. It was more or less just a mask of a human face, with a mat of dark brown hair. However, that only seemed to make the mask creepier. It was stark white as well, like bone and from where you were sitting, you couldn't make out the woman's eyes. The eyeholes of the mask were empty and dark, like a pair of long pitch-black tunnels. Like the woman was hollow and there was nothing beneath the mask. You found yourself staring at the woman as she stared back, never turning her head or even moving. She just stood, statue-like, staring directly at you with her black empty eyes…

The sudden ringing of the bell snapped you back to reality. As the rest of the class began shuffling out of the room, you turned back to the window only to see that the masked woman was nowhere to be seen. You stared out the window in sheer confusion for a brief moments before the sound of someone calling your name broke you out of it. You gave the window one more brief glance, before moving onto to the next class.


Evening had finally come, and you and Annie were walking to the party at the Myers house, weaving your way through the scores of Trick Or Treaters all in their costumes on the hunt for sugary treats. Both of you were in costume, Annie's being a cat costume you knew Sheriff Bracket had no idea existed or else Annie wouldn't even be allowed outside her room. You on the other hand were dressed in some old, tattered clothes you found in your attic, alongside a wide brimmed hat and a Jack O'Lantern mask, going as a pumpkin-headed scarecrow. While you walked, Annie was talking about finding someone you could hook up with at the party. "How about Linda?"

"The cheerleader?" You asked, before shaking your head. "No."

"Aw, why? Linda's nice." Annie defended, but you shook your head again.

"Maybe, but I also don't want to hear," you briefly adopted a stereotypical 'valley girl' accent. "'totally'" between every other word."

"C'mon," Annie gave you a light shove, though she was smiling. "She doesn't do that."

You shoved her back with a smile of your own. "You totally knows that she totally does, too..." Your voice trailed off as you rounded a corner. You immediately froze in place, eyes wide as a familiar Shape stood by a hedged yard at the end of the sidewalk, her black eyes boring holes into you.

Annie quirked an eyebrow at the woman. "Bit old to be trick or treating, don't you think?" She asked, turning to you. Only for her to look concerned at how you were staring back the masked woman. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"That girl, earlier today in class I saw her staring at me through the window from across the street," you whispered to Annie, not taking your eyes off of the empty black holes where the masked woman's eyes should be.

"What?" Annie asked, taking another glance at the masked woman who hadn't moved in inch since you noticed her. "What was she doing that for?"

"I don't know, but it's freaking me out," you admitted. You were pretty sure that the woman had been following you throughout the day, having seen a shadow outside your window while you had been getting into your costume.

"Maybe she has a crush on you and is just shy?" Annie snidely suggested. When she saw the flat look that you were giving her, she rolled her eyes. "Well, why don't we find out what her deal is?" Annie suggested and before you could stop her, she cupped her hands around her mouth. "Hey! Hey, coveralls! I like your mask!" She started walking towards the masked woman, leaving your panicking behind her.

"Annie! Annie, no!" You hissed, trying to keep Annie away from the masked woman. She shrugged you off however and kept marching towards the mystery woman, even as she walked out of sight and behind a row of hedges.

"Hey, don't just walk away, I'm talking to you!" Annie demanded as the mystery woman disappeared from view. "Hey, Casper! Why're you creeping on my friend?" Annie rounded the hedge only to freeze. You caught up to her and froze as well.

The masked woman was nowhere in sight. Annie looked around the empty yard in confusion. "Where the hell did she go?"

"I don't know, and I don't care," you firmly stated. That woman, whoever she was, scared the hell out of you. "Look, let's just head to party, alright?"

To your relief, Annie agreed and the two of you started heading to the abandoned Myers home. Totally unaware of the Shape following you back to it lair.


The woman once known as Michelle Myers had not returned home for very long before she had already found her new prey. She had been upstairs, staring at her reflection in the window overlooking Haddonfield, staring at her new face, when she heard prey approaching. She liked her new face, the pale latex skin like bone, the eyes that hid her real ones and made her look as hollow as she felt. As she stared into the empty pits reflecting back at her, she head new prey approach.

When she glanced down, she saw you and the girl, walking so close to her home, right at the foot of her lair. She heard you when she went downstairs, her ears pressed against the thin door separating the two of you. Heard you say the Name. The old one that used to be hers, the one the Doctor still called her even when she long stopped thinking of it as her name. She only ever though of herself as the Shape now.

It would be you, she decided. You would be her first here in Haddonfield. The first she killed. She had killed only twice before. Her sister Judith on that Halloween night fifteen years ago and the man in the truck who gave her her clothes. The Shape followed you throughout the day, watching, waiting for the right moment. At school, on the way back, as you slipped that Jack O'lantern face over your own. The Shape liked Jack O'Lanterns, liked carving them, lighting the candle. That little dancing light that make them seem alive.

She would snuff out your light tonight.

Michelle slipped through the backdoor, some remnant of consciousness within her finding it appropriate that her first kill back home would be where her first took place. Inside, her old home was more alive than it had been in years. Noise thrummed throughout the house as dozens of drunk college students danced and reveled in their costumes. There were vampires, ghosts, celebrities, politicians… Michelle in her white mask and coveralls was hardly glanced at as she waded her way through the mass of partying idiots.

She spotted you easily in the crowd, mingling, talking, with your pumpkin mask off. Michelle stared intently at you as she reached up the collar of her coveralls and slowly began to pull down the zipper, exposing her rather buxom chest squeezed into her plain black tank top… and the black handle of her butcher knife. Without taking her eyes off of you, Michelle wrapped her hand around the knife-handle, feeling the comforting weight of the blade as it glimmered beneath the blaring and pulsating lights of the party.

Without zipping her coveralls back up, Michelle began to stride toward you, knife clutched tight in hand. She was so close to you, the killing hunger rising in her throat like scream as she tightened her grip on the knife. But just as death was mere feet away from your oblivious self, someone crashed into Michelle, sending her knife flying onto a table of costume accessories where it fell with a clatter. The drunken witch blinked blearily at Michelle, before letting out a sloppy giggle. "Like, I'm totally sorry about that," she said before stumbling off as Michelle glared daggers at her from behind her mask. She idly thought giving change and burying her knife in the witch's neck…

…but no. Not right now, she still wanted you to be her first.

Turning back to you, Michelle blindly grabbed a knife from the table and resumed stalking toward you. You were leaning against the wall, taking a breather and watching everyone else party. You didn't see her as she approached, not until she was practically on top of you. You turned you head… and froze. Michelle tilted her head slightly as your eyes met hers once again. She stood straight in front of you, blocking any means of escape and shielding the sight of her impending murder from the rest of the crow.

"You again?" You started to ask, but Michelle was sick of waiting. She reared her knife back and thrust it forward, plunging it right into your stomach. She expected blood, running warm down her arm. She expected a gurgling death rattle, she expected a half-put up fight as the strength and life slowly left your body.

What she did not expect was for her 'knife' to just barely poke you in the ribs hard enough to earn a small and indignant 'ow!'.

Michelle froze as her brain short-circuited. What? You should be dying. Why weren't you dying? Michelle held the knife to her face and saw how it didn't gleam in the pulsing strobe lights. She pressed her finger against the edge and felt…


It was a fake. A prop, she must have grabbed the wrong knife by mistake. Michelle stared in disbelief at the toy blade in her hand before slowly becoming aware that you were talking at her. "…Ok, what is your problem? Why do you keep following me?!"

"…" Michelle was only half-listening to you tear into you as continued to stare at the fake knife before finally dropping it to the floor. Fine… this was fine. She flexed her fingers. She would just have to do it with her bare hands.

How intimate.

Michelle slowly raised her hands up, intent on wrapping them around your throat only for another voice to come from behind. "I told you she was just shy!" It was the girl, the one in the cat costume from before. Before Michelle could do anything, she felt a hand push against her back, shoving her forward into you. "You two have fun, now!"

Michelle grunted and fell forward against you, clinging to the fabric of your shirt. Unfortunately, Michelle being as tall as she was, this only served to drag you down with her. The two of you fell to your knees on the floor, Michelle's masked chin was resting above your head. As for you…


Your face was firmly planted in Michelle's deceptively soft cleavage. The Shape moved to push you away from her busty chest, only to freeze at the feeling of your hot breath against cool skin. Something hot and strange started to pool in Michelle's stomach at the sensation. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling, but not an unpleasant one. It almost felt as good as killing. Almost. Instead of pushing you away, Michelle wrapped her powerful arms around your head and pressed you deeper against her huge tits. Michelle bit her lip as your muffled protests into her bust sent pleasurable vibrations across her nerves. She rubbed her thighs together as heat pooled between them.

You were squirming, flailing against Michelle as she kept your face buried in creamy tit-flesh. The feeling of your face being scrubbed against her huge breasts was driving her wild. Michelle climbed into your lap, practically straddling you as she ground her sizeable ass against your crotch. Your struggling was fading, and Michelle panted as the heat between her legs steadily reached its crescendo. What if she killed you this way? Smothered in her massive chest. It'd be original, certainly.

Sadly for Michelle and luckily for you, that wouldn't be the case. As the Shape lost herself to the building pleasure, you managed to get a grip on her shoulders and forcibly shove her away. You fell back against the wall, gasping for breath and your face beet red. Slowly, you pulled yourself up onto your feet and Michelle followed. The Shape glared at you, angry that you interrupted… whatever was about to happen. Maybe your death, or… something else, but whatever it was, it was sure to have been good!

Michelle pinned you against the wall, her massive breasts pressing tight against your chest as the urge to wrap her hands around your throat and squeeze started to rise. Before she could so that, however, you face set into an exasperated frown. "Fuck it," you declared before grabbing Michelle's mask by its fake hair. Before the Shape could react, you tugged the mask above her mouth. Michelle only had a brief second to experience the revolting feeling of her bare skin exposed to cool air before your lips were upon hers.

Michelle's eyes widened under her mask as your lips mashed over hers, her shocked gasps sounding like pleasure moans, and you were encouraged. Once the shock of being partially demasked faded, Michelle found herself returning the embrace, wrapping her arms around your shoulders as she began to vigorously kiss you back. Your tongue pressed against her teeth, and she immediately folded, letting you into her mouth. You slipped one hand beneath her tank top, the other placed firmly on her ass. The Shape jolted as you grabbed her boobs, fondling them inside her thin black top, mashing her creamy tit-flesh between your fingers.

You groped and tugged at her breasts, drawing out sensitive gasps and shivers from the horny killer. When you broke the kiss, ropes of saliva hung between their mouths. Michelle wheezed for air, her chest surging up and down with each huge breath, while you continued to maul her fat tits. "Not here," you muttered. "Upstairs."

Michelle nodded. Yes, away from prying eyes.

… So she could kill you of course. No other reason than that and certainly nothing to do with the boiling heat between her legs that grew more unbearable with every passing second. Honest.

So Michelle allowed you to pull her upstairs, away from the noise and crowds of the party. The upstairs of the Myers house was empty so far, though there was no telling how long that would last as the night went on. It didn't matter to Michelle, as long as she got satisfaction first. For a brief moment, Michelle was worried you'd take her to her sister Judith's old room, where Judith's headstone was lying atop her bed after Michelle had ripped it from its foundation in the cemetery this morning. Luckily for her, you moved right past the former murder scene, instead leading her straight to her parents' bedroom. What a relief, the headstone would surely have been a mood-killer.

The door to the master bedroom burst open with a dust-scattering kick, before being blindly kicked closed again as you practically threw Michelle onto the bed. The Shape just had enough time to roll on her back before you were upon her. Michelle's head snapped back sharply as you pressed hot kisses against her heaving breasts. The Shape writhed atop the bed as you pulled her coveralls over, exposing her voluptuous pale body, just barely hidden by her tank top and plain sanitarium-issued boxers. Neither of which lasted much longer, as they too were swiftly stripped from her curvy form.

Michelle assumed you were done undressing her, which meant she was caught off guard when you started removing her mask. She turned away from your hand, but was unable to keep you from taking the mask off her head. Michelle hissed at the grotesque feeling of her bare face exposed, but was silenced as you placed another tongue-mingling kiss on her lips. The red-hot tingle of pleasure made her eyes roll back. Her body wanted this so badly, but her brain was riddled with doubts. The kiss successfully distracted her from her mask, as well as anything else. Including the sound of a zipper being unzipped.

The Shape only had a brief moment to acknowledge that something was pressed against her soaking pussy before she suddenly arched her back as your cock barged its way into her cunt. Michelle's eyes flicked all the way back in their sockets, her mouth cranking open in a silent HOWL. She was immediately stretched wider than she'd ever dreamed possible, her taut stomach bulging around your shaft. Her tits jiggled wildly as you were thrusting, hammering her sopping pussy with your cock!

Michelle wrapped her arms around you, her nails digging into your back as she was rocked back and forth on your cock. Her tongue lolled from her open mouth while her eyes lost all focus. You were supposed to be her victim, now your pounding her mind into oblivion, breaking her on your cock… and there wasn't a single thing she could do about it! Michelle was panting, her tongue lolling outside her mouth as something was building in her throat...!


A sound, soft, feminine, pleading was whispered into the cool air as you and Michelle rutted like animals. The Shape glanced weakly around, where did it come from?


There it was again, a little louder, a little more desperate. That needy, begging moan. Where could it be coming from?


Michelle's eyes widened as realization set in. It…It was her! She was making those sounds, those pitiful, slutty moans. Her voice was raspy from years of disuse, yet that only made the sweet, panting moans all the more sultry. Michelle threw her head back and let out a low, crooning wail, as she was fucked into the mattress. Each thrust drew a fresh yelp out of her, made her tits leap and her belly bulge as after so many years, Michelle Myers spoke. She could only imagine the look on the faces of all those doctors as the first noise she made in years were the wailing moans of a whore getting fucked!

You focused on screwing Michelle senseless, determined to see the darkness fade from her eyes and be replaced with something entirely different. When her legs wrapped all the way around your waist, you smirked and flattened your palms on the mattress beside her head, getting himself in the perfect position to slam her without mercy. The slaps and claps of their joyous sex rang throughout the room, and could probably be heard throughout the entire house. You buried your face in her huge tits once again, closing your eyes and exerting himself to the limit, working his thrusts up to an inhuman tempo. Michelle felt like she was truly losing her mind – and when, a moment later, her orgasm burst bright and star-like across her consciousness, she went blind for almost a minute.

"Huaaaahn!" Michelle squeezed her arms and legs around her rutting lover, her over-stretched cunt clenching and squirting all over the mattress as your cock continued to ram mercilessly through any and all resistance. Your balls clapped brutally down on her asscheeks, making them ripple and wobble like jelly as you pumped towards your own massive orgasm. Just as you were about to reach that point, you dipped your head and bit her left teat, gnawing on it, making her squeal as you mashed her tender, pink nipple under your tongue. And then – at last – you crushed your hips down and bottomed out inside of her, holding your balls against her ass as you dumped a vast, churning load into the back of her womb. You held yourself inside her, lying on top of her like that for a long time, while low squelching sounds rang out…until, several minutes later, you began to pull out. Michelle panted where she lay, staring at the ceiling, her tongue flopped out the side of her mouth, convinced you were finished with her.

She couldn't have been more wrong.

As Michelle lay panting in a daze, you recovered quickly. The Shape barely had time to catch her breath before she was suddenly flipped over, just managing to catch herself on all fours. She got just as far as opening her mouth to say something when her entire body froze, stiff and shocked as she felt you suddenly surge forward. Her asshole, as virgin as the rest of her (well before she'd met you, anyway) and completely untouched, was now being speared open by her would be victim's fat cock.

"Auggh---!" Michelle wailed as her entire body was pushed and rocked forward by his forceful, rough thrusts. Her ass collided harshly against your crotch, her tits swung wildly between her arms and her legs shook wearily. The Shape's sinfully buxom body writhed wildly under you, but made no effort to stop this brutal fucking. Your cock was already so far in her ass that her body seemed to have no choice but to welcome the invading cock, and fat ass cheeks hugged your dick sinfully as it sank deeper and deeper inside of her.


As before, you were showing Michelle absolutely no mercy, forcing her to get used to this brutal act of ass-fucking the hard way. You gripped her slender waist tightly, using all your height and weight to slam into her fantastic, pale, wobbling booty. Her ass rippled and jiggled behind her, and Michelle bit her lip, partially to keep from screaming again and partially to hide her shame at how her lewd body shook and danced with a man's fat cock stirring up her insides. She babbled anyway, the sensations ripping through her body were too intense for to stay quiet.

You briefly took one hand from her waist, raising high before bringing it down on her wobbling ass with a singing 'Whap!' Michelle eeped and tipped forwards, forced to grab the shaking headboard to keep herself steady. Her mind reeled at the sensations, letting out little whimpers and moans around her now bleeding lip that drove you absolutely wild and only spurred you on to fuck her that much harder and faster as you delivered another WHACK to Michelle's ass, sending it into glorious, frantic jiggles.

Michelle was teetering on the edge from her brutal ass-fucking when a third and final bright-hot, stinging SLAP was launched across her asscheeks, and finally her arms gave out. Michelle collapsed face first on to the bed, her massive tits pancaking out under her as she was sent into a second, screaming orgasm. Her hands clutched weakly at the sheets and her mouth bit deeply into them to muffle her wails as her hips shook and shuddered. "EEEEE!" Michelle's head shook and her ass wobbled as her pussy clenched and then squirted, her legs shaking and her eyes almost going blank for a second, mind completely lost. Being fucked twice in her own home like a slut had driven her to an exhausting orgasm that threatened to steal the very breath from her lungs. She arched up, still yelling...and you slammed your hips against her gloriously fat ass.

"Just...ahh fuck! Just lay there and enjoy your first anal creampie, you beautiful slut." Your words sounded like a death sentence to Michelle's ears, while the sounds of your balls emptying themselves into her ass filled the room.

Spllrt! Splllrt! Splllrch!

Her asshole was being filled by her would be victim's cum, and that thought drove Michelle mad, prolonging her twitching, mind-wrecking orgasm. After what felt like minutes her thoroughly broken-in cunt cumming itself silly, you finally began to pull out. You fell next to the near-comatose killer lying on the bed. Michelle Myers could only groan and gurgle weakly as you pulled her insensible and buxom body closer to yours, her head resting atop your chest as the both of you took a breather.

Internally, however, Michelle's mind was a sluggish, fucked silly mess weakly trying to find the strength and resolve to commit the murder she had intended to do tonight. Which she still intended to do, by the way! Just… not right now. Later, once she gotten feeling back in her legs. But she was still going to kill you!




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