Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 146 - Twi'Lek Diplomacy

Chapter 146 - Twi'Lek Diplomacy

Shiri Tualin scowled as she arranged her headscarf and found that the fabric was loose. Normally, the wraps she used to decorate her lekku maintained a comforting, almost pleasurable tightness, and the particular headdress she'd chosen for her upcoming trip to Arken 5 was one of her favorites. However, something had stretched it out, leaving it frumpy and far from fashionable. "Mother!" she whined. "I've told you so many times not to wear my clothes!"

Lyn Tualin was only a few feet away, busying herself next to a dressing mirror. "I'm sorry, dear," she apologized. "But I couldn't find mine, and I had a function to attend-"

Shiri tossed the headdress aside with an exasperated sigh. Twi'lek females were well known for their graceful lekku, the two tentacle-like protrusions emerging from their heads. Shiri's were particularly fulsome and smooth and purple-complexioned, traits considered desirable, and normally she would slide on her head cover as simply as a pair of shorts - one lekku in each hole. She favored tight, black numbers that were more than a little risque, and the head covers were always the crown jewel. Her mother had rendered this one useless, however.

Much as Shiri's lekku were plump and dangly and seemed to promise an infinite number of delicious synapses and nerve-endings to stimulate, her mothers brain tails were something different entirely. Lyn Tualin was known all over Hosnian Prime for having the thickest, fattest lekku that anyone had ever seen. Though she was a diplomat and not a dancing girl (as she felt constantly compelled to remind her daughter!), this higher station did little to stop males of every galactic species from gawking at the plump, thick, swaying protrusions as they bounced behind her every step. At the base, each one was far thicker than any man could hope to encircle with both hands, and many marveled at how her slender and graceful neck could remain unbowed under the weight of so much delicious brain-meat!

Though the offers of credits and barter to dance and whore on Hutt slave worlds had been several orders of magnitude higher than her salary as a diplomat of the New Republic, Lyn always turned them down, insisting that she wanted to work toward a greater galactic good in ways other than helping horny smugglers reduce their stress. Now, Mon Mothma herself had entrusted her with an important task - the bringing of the neutral world Arken 5 into the fold. She would, with her own daughter as a diplomatic aide, be sent to negotiate with A'ron, the young ruler… and Lyn was determined that nothing would go wrong.

Well, almost nothing. It was true that her daughter's headscarf had been rendered all-but-useless from the sheer thiccness of her lekku. But they could always purchase a new one. Lyn looked to the side, ready to apologize again, but let out her breath in a huff when she saw that Shiri was wearing a midriff baring outfit that included skin-tight leggings and a halter top. "Shiri!" she scolded. "Just what do you think you're wearing?" Lyn herself was in a gentle cream-colored silk robe in the style favored by diplomats. This wasn't entirely successful, at hiding her wide hips, bulging buttocks and enormous breasts, but it at least made the attempt at modesty.

Shiri rolled her eyes. "Those robes look like a Toydarian trader's tent," she complained, wrinkling her cute nose in distaste as her mother held out a second billowing garment and bid her take it. As young Twi'leks always seemed to do, she was testing her boundaries, bucking the yoke, wishing to wear and do whatever she pleased. But her mother was having none of it. Red-skinned Twi'leks like Lyn, though rare, were often seen as taskmasters, while purple or blue-skinned had reputations as free spirits. An old superstition, but accurate in this case. Lyn had escaped the sexualized, man-pleasing destiny that seemed to consume so many young females of her species, and she was determined that her winsome daughter would follow in her footsteps.

Once Shiri covered herself in the robe, they were two Antarian peas in a pod. "There we are," Lyn said, soothingly, placing her hands on Shiri's shoulders and bringing her over to look at them both in the mirror. Her breasts were so large that they pressed into Shiri's back, but Twi'lek females thought little of physical contact between female family members, accidental or not. A cultural quirk of their people that horny aliens were more than happy to add to their sordid fantasies.

"I look like a nerf-herder," Shiri grumbled, not happy about hiding her explosive young body under such a stuffy style of dress. But her mother only waved the comment away.

"You look like a respectable diplomatic aide," Lyn said. "And together, we'll bring another star system into the fold of the New Republic." She smiled confidently.

"The briefing says there's a lot of First Order sympathy around the Arken system," Shiri offered. "The ruler might just tell us to get lost."

Lyn made a tsk noise with her tongue. "Oh my! You actually read the briefing! I'd just about given up hope you were interested in anything but shopping, and those togruta boys down by the markets!"

Shiri's purple skin blushed a bruised color. "Mother! I'm not interested in them!" But this was an obvious lie. "I'm just saying, you're making a big deal about this trip, when we might just get sent away after one meeting!"

Lyn smiled and tipped a wink. "It will be our job to be very convincing," she urged. "We must find a way to make magistrate A'ron see the benefits of working with the New Republic!" And with that proclamation, she turned and walked toward the exit, where an anti-grav trolley was piled high with luggage. The suite - bought and paid for by the New Republic's government - provided an amazing view of flight traffic moving in and around the Hosnian Prime capital.

Shiri followed after a moment. Examining her face, one could detect that she hoped something would go a little awry. An unforeseen problem, a difficulty to be overcome. She was young, beautiful, and wanted to explore the galaxy. She wanted an adventure. A diplomatic mission sounded boring, but it didn't have to be.

Little did she know her trip would provide all the excitement she'd ever wanted, and more.

The administrative center of Arken 5 was not on the planet itself, but rather a space station attached to one of the small moons. From the vantage of a hallway viewing window, Lyn and Shiri watched as the station - golden and lit with auric lights along the edges - grew larger and larger as their transport approached. Their ship had no official New Republic affiliation; it was officially a neutral freighter. This precaution, recommended by Mon Mothma, seemed to indicate that Imperial remnants - the so-called 'First Order' - might be strong in the region.

Shiri deemed the moon station 'pretty', and the exotic appearance of it excited her. It was a desert moon, and so many desert planets were home to the smugglers, kingpins and trade moguls who employed twi'lek dancers. The planet beneath, much less appealing and dotted with hellish deep mining patches that seemed to lead to the very core, was a stark contrast, and did not concern her at all. Already in her mind, she imagined the young leader, A'ron, as a dashing desert prince. She knew nothing about him except that he was half-zeltron, a race known far and wide for their allure, and capable for his age. It did not escape her that the scenario she had so often seen in holo-tapes - a young prince falling in love with a twi'lek girl and taking her from rags to riches - could be within her grasp.

Yet even as they disembarked with floating luggage trolley in tow, her ever-watchful mother seemed to read her mind.

"Now, don't you go getting any funny ideas," Lyn warned, her breasts bouncing beneath the silken front of her robes as they moved along. She bounced everywhere - it was impossible for her to do otherwise. In front it was her breasts, in back it was her buttocks and her impossibly plump lekku. "I know what you're thinking. But we're here to work on behalf of the New Republic, not to flirt around."

"I know that, mother!" Shiri huffed. "Stop treating me like a child."

"Remember that local customs may differ from what you are used to," Lyn went on. "You must maintain a modest and reserved demeanor at all times- oh!"

She was stopped in her lecture abruptly, nearly walking into a duo of greeters. The first was a togruta female and the second was a twi'lek, cerulean-skinned and athletic. Her comments about modesty quickly seemed absurd, as both were dressed in the most immodest of slave girl costumes! The outfits - baring the underside of breasts, accentuating buttocks with a scant thong, and wrapping up the rest in sexualized strips of bantha leather - were utterly risque, and Lyn was immediately blushing crimson. Why, any leering onlooker could see the outline of their puffy nipples, and even the curves of their quivering, plump pussy mounds! And there were a lot of leering onlookers!

"Lyn Tualin and Shiri Tualin," the togruta said, more statement than question. She was curvy, bright-eyed, and youthful - the pigments of her montrals and head tales were a striking sunset orange-on-white. "You are expected. We will guide you into the waiting chambers of the administrative palace, where you may prepare for your audience."

Lyn was at a loss for words. Though the togruta spoke as if nothing was amiss, there was no hiding the large bruise that was swelling her half-lidded left eye nearly shut. It was as if someone had punched her directly in the face! Hurriedly, the diplomat collected herself. Surely, this young assistant was only showing courage by performing her duties while injured. Perhaps she'd suffered an accident while playing scoopball.

"Yes," Lyn said at last. "And may I ask for your names?"

The togruta and the twi'lek gave their names, one after the other. Lyn blinked. At first, the names seemed to make no sense. The togruta's name was Shiim… but that was simply the togruti word for 'stupid'. Even more vexing was the twi'lek's name. Vex-Nal-Ot-Shutar. Not a Twi'lek name. Roughly translated, it was a long and vulgar set of sexual slurs that seemed to borrow from several languages. Essentially - 'semen tank of zero worth'.

"You can call me Vex, if it helps," the twi'lek clarified. Lyn peered at her face. She was beautiful, but her bottom lip was split, the healing cut dividing it into two halves. This, combined with some bruises on the underside of her exposed breasts and her thin, lithe frame, made her look thoroughly used. The bruises around her neck, in particular, looked like they had been put there by a pair of choking hands!

Small choking hands.

Shiri spoke up, her brow furrowed with confusion. "I'm sorry, did you say your name was-"

Lyn cut her off at once. Clearly they didn't understand some of the customs of Arken, and in such a case, the solution for any good diplomat was to remain silent until they could get their bearings. "Let's proceed," she said. "And perhaps you could tell me something of Magistrate A'ron, while we walk."

"Of course," Shiim said. Despite her injury she was chipper and enthusiastic on the subject. "Arken 5 would be in the midst of civil war were it not for Lord A'ron's wisdom." They began to walk, and she spoke as they did so. Shiri couldn't resist staring jealously at her bouncing, exposed buttocks - she was feeling very overdressed in her billowing robes.

"Lord A'ron," Lyn clarified. "Is that his official title?"

"It is how those such as you or I should address him," Shiim clarified. "To us he is Lord A'ron. Officially it is Magistrate. But he is a king, a venerated king, to the many who have taken shelter under his shield. You may call him Lord, or King, or any appellation which conveys the proper respect."

"I see." Lyn made a mental note not to be careful in her words about the young 'king'. It was clear the women had much admiration for him. "And by his shield-"

"It is by King A'ron's will alone that the remnants of the imperial military have allowed life to continue here unimpeded," Vex explained, speaking up. "The situation is most precarious. You will see for yourself." She sighed, filled with admiration. "It is truly a miracle that he has kept the hungry akk wolves from our gates."

"I very much look forward to meeting him."

"And he, you," Shiim replied. "You have very big ones."

Lyn, for a moment, dismissed the comment. Then her eyes went wide. "Big ones! Oh! Well, I…" She was utterly disheveled with embarrassment. "I don't know what you're referring to!"

"Yes. You have serious brain," Vex said. "He will enjoy that. All that lekku meat. We must find you a flattering headscarf when it comes time to change. Or perhaps you should just let them dangle free."

Lyn put her hands to her head self-consciously. "Oh! Well, I highly doubt that my… wait. What do you mean, 'time to change'?"

Shiim stopped and turned back to look at her, her face expectant. "To change clothes, of course," she said, gesturing toward the billowy robes of the two diplomats. "You cannot wear such garb in the presence of King A'ron. It would be insulting, to conceal yourself so, and undermine his intent with the First Order representatives."

Lyn's eyes went wider. "The First Order? They have diplomats here too? Right now?" Her panic and confusion was mostly hidden, but not totally.

Vex smiled. "Do not worry," she said. "All will be made clear to you."

As they approached the outer ring of the administrative palace, Lyn really, really hoped that was true.

Because of the pigmentation of Lyn Tualin's skin - that deep, devilish red - it was almost impossible to tell when she was blushing. And a good thing, too, because after changing into the 'court' outfits that Shiim and Vex had provided, she felt utterly scandalized. Looking at herself in the mirror of the lavishly decorated sideroom, she realized that her getup was quite fitting for what seemed to be the quarters of a high-class concubine. The 'changing room' was bedazzled in silks, filigreed with precious metals, and containing a large and ostentatious bed with enormous pillows.

I avoided a life of dancing and prostitution to become a diplomat, and meant to keep my daughter from the same fate , Lyn thought. Only now to be dressed like… like...

"Oh dear," Lyn said, biting her lower lip. Her enormous breasts were absolutely bursting out of their triangular bra cups; which were gold-inlaid leather and barely covered her large, puffy nipples, let alone all of her bountiful titflesh. In fact, she could see the large pores and burnt red coloring of her areolas peeking out! The underside of her breasts, absent the more secure bras that she usually wore, hung nearly down to the level of her navel! And in behind, the getup was no more modest - less so, even. A tiny thong with the smallest possible triangles of leather over her pubis and lower back left her bulging, spherical buttocks completely exposed, jiggling with even the smallest movements. The outfit even had what could only be considered a 'lekku-thong', a headdress that was little more than two circlets of leather, decorated with dazzling gemstone trim. The obvious intent of the garment was to squeeze and accentuate the thickness of her brain-tails… a task at which it succeeded, making them look larger than ever.

"This is no big deal, mom," Shiri said. Predictably, she was enjoying her outfit, which mirrored her mother's. Her purple skin gave a cooler vibe, but she was no less enticing. Her body had taut, athletic dancing shapeliness where her mother had matronly volume. The fact that the two of them were barely covering anything, their tits and asses exposed, their underwear so flimsy that the nub of their clits was visible in the cradle of their puffy labia, didn't seem to bother her in the least. "People in these remote territories just expect Twi'leks to dress like this, that's all!"

"Quite so," Shiim reassured. "It is a role we all gladly play to aid Lord A'ron."

"Lord A'ron is so amazing!" Vex added, with her breathy voice making it seem like she was creaming her equally-scant panties at the very thought of their as-yet-unseen magistrate.

"If you are ready, we will escort you to the audience chamber now."

Lyn gulped in response to Shiim's question. How had she gotten into this situation so quickly? It seemed like forces beyond her control were always trying to pigeonhole twi'leks like her into the bawdiest of circumstances; she had only recently finished telling Shiri that her role as a diplomat would deliver a good example to young twi'lek girls who wished to be something other than dancers and prostitutes. And now, there she was - in an official role as a New Republic delegate! - about to engage in diplomatic relations with her tits, ass, and lekku on display in utterly lewd fashion… with her teenage daughter observing every sordid detail!

Yet she was swept up in it all. Shiim moved to the exit and beckoned Lyn and Shiri follow; and instead of protesting, Lyn only meekly went along. If she was able to secure the cooperation of the Arken system for the New Republic, she told herself, all would be worth it.

They emerged into a hallway and ventured deeper into the palace. Along the way, they passed many other twi'lek, togruta and human women, as well as parties of people who were unmistakable refugees. There were zeltons, too, almost indistinguishable from humans except for their pinker skin colors - almost all of them were head-turningly attractive. Especially the males, with their aquiline features and high cheekbones. Each one seemed to carry a glamorous, hypersexual air about him that was distracting.

"Lord A'ron offers refuge to any alien displaced by the ongoing war," Shiim explained, as they walked. "Yet his benevolence is dearly bought. It is only by his wiles and wisdom that the remnant forces of the First Order do not take control of this moon."

"The First Order. They hate anyone who isn't human," Shiri ventured.

"Yes. And normally a resource-rich system offering succor to alien refugees would be an ideal target," Shiim explained. "But Lord A'ron stands up to them. He has convinced them that the system is more valuable to them in his hands."

"Quite a trick," Lyn said, feeling unbelievably exposed as they walked. Her nipples were slipping out of her bra cups. Her buttocks were jiggling as they walked… and try as she might, she couldn't stop her lekku from bouncing. The hallway was curving around the main audience chamber now, and messenger droids zipped busily to and fro among the legs of the many delegates and packs of refugees. Shiim explained many things that seemed unbelievable to Lyn - that A'ron personally saw to the situation of each major refugee group, ensuring they would have their needs met. That there was enough good and shelter for all, paid for by a minor tax on the wealthy mining barons who operated on the surface. Each race was represented and each baron accountable for the well-being of his own kind, with A'ron at the center, negotiating, bargaining, and dealing with trouble as it arose. By the time they had circled around to the large double door which entered into the audience chamber, Shiim had made Magistrate A'ron sound like the greatest leader since Mon Mothma herself.

Lyn snuck a glance at her daughter as they prepared to enter. Shiri's eyes were full of adventurous expectation. That she was interested in A'ron - who sounded like he was the same age as she - was clear from her expression. Her young twi'lek body - purple, breedable, bountiful - seemed ripe and vulnerable in a way that made Lyn's stomach tremble with alarm. "Remember, Shiri," she whispered, as the doors opened with a deep creak. "Comport yourself as a representative of the New Republic!"

Shiri shot her a look up and down, gesturing toward her risque clothing as if to say 'who are you kidding, mother?', but before any argument could happen, they were bathed in the light and sound of Magistrate A'ron's receiving room.

"Oh stars!" Shiri blurted.

The seat of the magistrate, an ostentatious throne of plush pillows, was at the very center of the chamber, and nodes of delegates and visitors extended out from it like the petals of a flower. Above, light was cast from many splendid chandeliers and torch-lit esconces. There were twi'lek and togruta girls everywhere in various stages of undress - some were even nude - and two of these stood on either side of the throne, slowly waving at the magistrate with long-stemmed fans made from Arken sandshark ruffle.

As for A'ron, he was much different than expected.

Much… smaller.

From hearing Shiim's gushing stories - and hearing the obvious note of sexual subservience in her voice when talking - Lyn had expected a young king of sixteen or seventeen years. Rather, the boy sitting on the throne was a lad of about ten, and, given the propensity of zeltrons to develop quickly, his true age might even have been younger. He reclined in his pillows, bare-chested except for a vest that shimmered with desert jewels. A crown was perched on his head in a precocious askew fashion - the tilt seemed full of childish impertinence. He wore billowy, loose-fitting pants typical of desert kings and smugglers.

Shiri made a noise with her mouth. "That's the king?" she muttered. "He's just a brat!" Lyn gestured for her to hush. A'ron was just a child, it seemed, but he carried himself like a king. His face, cute-to-handsome, held a knowing expression. He had long eyelashes, feathery neck-length hair that seemed almost silver in color, and his body was nothing like the slovenly kingpins and flesh peddlers that so often held court in remote worlds.

He may be a brat, but he's cute , Lyn thought. And if he's keeping all these women satisfied, then… doesn't that mean…

She blinked the thought away as she approached, following Shiim to a free bank of pillows near the throne. A'ron had not even acknowledged their presence, rather, he was engaged in talking with a group of refugees. As the leader of the group described their plight - fleeing war, displaced from their homes by galactic conflict, like so many - A'ron listened intently. His eyes, a beautiful light blue, seemed gentle, and in that moment, in which he gave his full attention to the group despite his higher status, Lyn could sense the benevolence that Shiim had described.

Lyn watched. His presentation complete, the robed refugee, a neimoidian leading a ragtag group of varied other species, bowed deeply and prostrated himself before A'ron, begging any mercy that might be afforded him. A'ron surprised Lyn again by sliding down from his pillows and bidding the neimoidian rise, much to his surprise. "Stand up," A'ron said. His voice was melodic, child-like, but still carried the weight of authority all the same. "All we have shall be yours. You may work, and live, under our protection."

The neimoidian couldn't help bowing and scraping again in obsequiousness that was almost pathetic. His race, once mighty, had been laid low by galactic events during the Clone Wars. Now, they were a shadow of their former selves, and subject to massive reparations and economic sanction. "But, my lord," he objected. "The First Order-"

"You have nothing to fear from them here." And the boy said it with such cocksureness that Lyn believed him. But how? How could a mere boy, with no more than stewardship of a few mining concerns, keep at bay the might of a faction that had inherited thousands of still-operational warships from the old Empire?

"Send word to the rest that their transports are expected," A'ron said. "All will be well." And the neimoidian was so touched that his shining, oversized eyes began to leak tears. Lyn and Shiri also found themselves touched, and Lyn knew at once that her diplomatic mission was of utmost importance. A fearless leader willing to take in refugees was precisely the sort of person who might be of use to the New Republic. Still, it was disconcerting to see him hold court wearing an outfit she associated more with lecherous males than kindhearted children.

"When may we speak with him?" Lyn asked Shiim.

"Tomorrow. It is best you see with your own eyes first, to understand the role you have to play."

"See what?"

To this question, the togruta was silent. Lyn only watched as the refugee delegation was led to the chamber doors, which creaked open to allow them passage, eventually closing with a resounding boom that suddenly seemed a bit ominous. There were no delegates or visitors in the chamber any longer, only females of various species, reclining on pillows. More than ever, it felt sordid and harem-like. The boy king was so young! And yet, surrounded by all these women - it was enough to make Lyn feel lightheaded. There was a scent in the air, spicy and foreign and intoxicating. She had heard the rumor that zeltrons used pheromones to attract mates. Yet they were so rare in the galaxy, their ways were little-known.

A'ron gripped a rod that was leaning against his canopied throne; it was made of stout Arkenian wood and had a leather tassel at the end which seemed like it would sting if lashed. He pointed at Vex. "Get over here, you worthless piece of shit," the boy ordered. Lyn and Shiri barely held in their gasps. The boy pointed to Shiim with the rod. "You too, retard." His pubescent handsomeness was at odds with the ugliness of his words, but both Vex and Shiim instantly obeyed. The distance between their front-row pillows and the throne was perhaps fifteen paces. Again, Lyn looked around. No stuffy diplomats, no desperate refugees. No one but girls - no one to see the change in the magistrate's demeanor. What was happening was a secret!

Vex and Shiim knelt before the throne, their curvy hips and trim waists forming hourglass silhouettes. Shiim stared straight ahead as A'ron spit in her face. "You really are alien trash," he said, and amazingly, it was materially the same voice that had so deftly negotiated a new place for refugees just minutes earlier! Only the tone was different. Darker. Meaner. Brattier. The boy cudgeled Shiim's breasts with his rod, then her hips, making the flesh bounce and drawing moans from her mouth. She had not moved to wipe the flecks of his royal expectorate from her face; she looked, in fact, awestruck to be blessed with it.

"Stupid togruta whore. Your entire race of worm-dick faggots and comfort women are so disgusting to the First Order that I can barely keep them at bay." A'ron spat.

Lyn's jaw dropped. She reached out instinctively to cover her daughter's earbuds with cupped palms, and saw that Shiri's eyes were wide with interest. Shiri pulled away, but Lyn's hands chased.

"Yes, my lord," Shiim moaned, biting her striped lip. "My entire race should be snuffed!"

"Take out my dick," A'ron spat.

At first, Lyn thought she might have misheard, and was still clinging to hope that A'ron's verbal abuse was just some strange Arkenian custom or leadership tactic. Yet there was no mistaking the order once Shiim and Ven obeyed it. Their graceful hands ran over the boy's billowy pants and found a series of buttons, which they busily undid. From there, something was pulled out that Lyn and Shiri could barely believe.

"S-Stars!" Shiri blurted, breathily. "That kid has a huge fucking cock!"

Lyn blurted nothing, she was at a loss for words. Twi'leks were accustomed to males of all species producing their genitalia with little preamble of social lead-in of any kind; it was part of the burden of being the galactic race with the consensus 'most beautiful' females. And yet in all her days of unexpected penile involvement, Lyn had never seen anything like this. Not in her younger days of dancing (and sometimes things more tawdry) and certainly not in her new capacity as a servant of the New Republic!

It was enormous. The kid could barely be ten cycles old, but his cock would make a wookie look small. It was long, smooth, and aesthetically pleasing. His pubic area was taut and bare, soft-looking, utterly hairless… and his balls! They were so massive, they hung over the front edge of his throne and down toward the pillows laid in front, the scrotum stretching like a pink strand of tepasi taffy! A'ron's pisshole was glistening, as if already leaking, indicating a libido and virility so prodigious that he could scarcely contain the cum in his oversized sperm tanks.

Lyn had seen brutal, hole-reshaping wookie dicks . Twisted, girthy gammorian cocks with porcine nuts that seemed to be the size of her head. And yet the boy king A'ron's cock surpassed even those! It was longer and thicker than the arms of either Shiim or Vex, and they cooed like brainless slaves as they produced it, holding it in four different places with reverence, as one might hold a culturally-treasured artifact. Her hands instinctively moved from Shiri's earcones to her eyes, trying to shield them from the sexually-oppressive display. Yet she herself couldn't look away, and Shiri peered all she could through the gaps in Lyn's red, slender fingers. The oppressive, spicy scent in the room seemed to grow even more oppressive.

It's not just pheremones, Lyn thought. It's cock. Balls. Cum. Wet pussies! These women are in heat! She glanced around at the other women, a mix of togruta, twi'lek, human, with some more exotic races thrown in. They were all enraptured, all lounging languidly, fingering their pussies. Several were massively, degradingly pregnant, and there was no doubt who the father could be. Though not old enough to operate an airspeeder in the Republic, A'ron had plowed and planted the fertile slits of a half-dozen voluptuous female aides!

She felt her own pulse racing. All that meat, on such a young boy! A handsome, authoritative boy, too. A king. That feathered, white shock of soft, neck-length hair. The intense blue eyes. Pert lips, a thin, athletic body with that brutal hose of subjugating cock attached. Her pussy and nipples tingled, unbidden by any conscious desire.

Stars! What am I thinking about? Lyn did her best to bring herself back to reality. She was a diplomat - and this was a diplomatically-complicated situation to say the least. She couldn't very well rise up, declare the whole thing a lewd disgrace, and storm out. That would drive Arken and all its precious resources right into the arms of anti-Republic elements! Mon Mothma herself had entrusted Lyn with the responsibility to… to…

"Fuck, it's huge!" she whispered,audible to no one but herself, biting her plump lower lip. "And he treats all his women like bantha shit! What a hung little bastard!" She felt her crotch become so hot, it seemed that steam would begin rising from it. And a glance at her daughter revealed that Shiri was experiencing the same sensations. Stars, just from placing hands over her eyes - ineffectively - she could feel the pulsing in Shiri's lekku, the surefire sign of an aroused twi'lek. Their brain tails were part cognitive center, part erogenous zone. Elements of their mental acuity were threaded throughout, in sensitive bundles of synapses and nerves.

Shiim and Vex began to lick A'ron's huge balls, rubbing their flat tongues on them, making them slick with spit, dragging swathes of scrotal flesh with the craning motions of their necks. They kissed, sucked, and slobbered all over the fat, cum-swollen orbs. "Thank you for letting me lick your balls, God," Shiim said, mindlessly, her eyes utterly blank with devotion. This was nothing like the capable and information-filled adjutant that Lyn had been communicating with since her arrival. In her submissive state, she was nothing but a brain-dead whore! Her blackened, beaten eyes were empty. It was frightening to watch. And Vex was the same. Whatever brightness and ambition had once been inside the twi'lek girl had been utterly snuffed . She was licking sack like a puffer pig, nothing more than an animal.

"That's it, you dumb bitches," A'ron growled, and then took his rod and thumped both of their skulls with a sickening thump - first Shiim, bringing the blow down perfectly between her striped montrals, and then Vex. The impact of the blow actually left an indent on the soft flesh of the twi'lek's lekku. The response from both women was instant - they shuddered, their tongues hung from their mouths, dripping saliva, their eyes rolled back, and their thighs trembled and rubbed together.

"Nnnghghgh!" Shiim groaned. "Thank you for beating my stupid skull, Masterrrr!"

Meanwhile, Vex was only moaning and drooling. Lyn looked at the indented bruise on the base of her lekku and felt a surge of unbidden arousal once again. After all, her lekku were twice as big as Vex's and twice as sensitive!

"Can you not even remember to thank me, retard?" A'ron said, and rained down blows with his rod on Vex's back and buttocks.

"Shhhaank… youuuu… for fucking up… my brainshshshhh!" Vex warbled. And as she did so, A'ron planted his bare foot on her skull and pulled her lekku taut, before stomping her head straight down and to the floor. There was a crack as her nose was broken. Lyn let out a yelp, sure that Vex must be unconscious at the least and dead at the worst - yet the slender twi'lek girl shuddered and stirred, and her athletic, bubbly buttocks quivered as she had a sordid, squirting orgasm, soaking through her thong and spraying all over the floor!

"Mother! He's beating them like whores… and they're loving it!" Shiri marveled.

"Don't look, Shiri!" Lyn said, automatically. But neither of them could tear their eyes away. The benevolence of Magistrate A'ron had a dark side, that much was certain - and wasn't that so often the way of things in the galaxy? As the Jedi had the Sith. Lyn herself felt divided, between the upright diplomat she wished to be, and the nagging twi'lek need she felt in her loins!

A'ron stood up from his throne and held his half-hard, flopping pink cock, planting his feet evenly as he looked down at Vex's face-down body. "Twi'lek trash," he grunted, and then directed a stream of hot, steaming piss down all over her lekku. The stream was as big and thick as expected from his monstrous young cock, the width of a finger, and seemingly endless in its vitality. Shiim cooed and kissed his ballsack as he defiled Vex's unconscious body, marking it anew as his personal toilet. Yet A'ron's gaze was directed elsewhere - he was looking directly at Lyn and Shiri, who occupied the bank of pillows nearby.

"Oh, god… mother… he pisses more than a wookie!" Shiri breathed, and her expression made it clear that, in her current pheromone-assisted state, she considered this a compliment. Lyn, watching her daughter corrupted before her very eyes by a hung brat king, nonetheless found herself powerless to influence events. Every time she gathered her courage to stand up and drag Shiri away, an even more powerful compulsion forced her to stay… and watch. That fat, golden, spraying nozzle of piss, absolutely degrading a young twi'lek, right in front of her. A female of her very own race… her very own background. Lyn looked at Shiim, worshipfully burying her face in A'ron's balls, and yet more unbidden thoughts flew to the front of her mind.

I would serve him better. I would get behind him and spread his young ass and slide my tongue inside it. I'd lick his smooth, hairless asshole while he pissed all over these other whores. I'd prove I was the best. Stars, I'd even beg him to piss on Shiri, my very own daughter-

Lyn bit her lip and shook her head. She turned to her right and saw Shiri looking back at her. They asked a silent question of each other: What were you thinking about? To which they both blushed and had no answer. Clearly, Shiri's mind had been filled with fantasies just as filthy, or worse. The scent rising up from A'ron's hot, spraying pissload was making the air seem heavy with pheromones.

A'ron maintained smoldering eye contact as he continued to piss, covering every inch of Vex's powder blue skin with his waste, before his stream began to flag more than two minutes later. Dutifully, a half-dozen of his concubines moved to clean up the mess, enjoying their duty, wallowing in it, using not just rags but their clothes and mouths. They wore identical submissive expressions, as if all dignity had been thumped out of their bruised faces. And as the task proceeded, the boy-king, crown adorably askew, beckoned toward Lyn and Shiri with one imperious hand.

Lyn found herself moving, almost unbidden, as if some elemental quality of her twi'lek nature decreed she would respond to the call of an authoritative male - even one who stood no taller than the nipples of her low-hanging, enormous breasts. Shiri approached alongside her, tentatively. Only with difficulty did Lyn avoid the urge to crawl. She was just so… turned on! Inwardly, she cursed her twi'lek physiology. Mon Mothma had told her that this mission would be the beginning of a new role for the twi'lek people, and yet… and yet…

"I will tell you what is expected of you," A'ron said. And the very act of being charged, being given instructions by the handsome zeltron boy, nearly turned Lyn's pussy to liquid. Both mother and daughter rubbed their quivering thighs together. "The resources of Arken are within the grasp of the New Republic. But the First Order is getting paranoid lately. They're planning something big. I'm going to prove to them that we're no friend of refugees or the New Republic. Tomorrow, you'll help me convince them once and for all. You, and your daughter. Do you understand?"

"I… we… are to help you fool the First Order," Lyn said, swallowing with nervousness. "And Arken will join the New Republic." Her heart skipped a beat. The end goal of the mission was within her grasp… but at what cost? Could she really return to Hosnian and say she had proven the worth of twi'leks in the new galactic community if she had to… had to…

A'ron walked toward them. His penis, half-hard, jutting out horizontally, was a slick, flawless pole of pink flesh. The tip glistened with piss and leaking sperm. His ball hung fat, banging, swaying against his smooth thighs. An intense wave of cock-scent assaulted their noses and Lyn and Shiri both moaned out in unison, eyes becoming unfocused. The pheromones, the musk… it was like the boy's sheer virility was assaulting their brains, shutting down cognition with pure, overpowering essence of fuck!

"Then kneel and show your willingness with a kiss," A'ron said. "For tomorrow, we will meet as strangers, having never had this conversation."

Stars, no, Lyn thought. This is too much! This little *brat* is ordering me and my very own, beautiful daughter to kneel and kiss his cock like a couple of twi'lek whores! Made us watch while he beat women and used them as toilets! This is beyond the point of no return! How can I call myself a diplomat, and not a prostitute?

The corner of her mouth trembled. She clenched her fists. She opened her mouth to say that no demonstration would be necessary, that they would find a diplomatic solution that didn't involve what the young king was obviously proposing. But before she could even get one word out, she heard the soft impact of Shiri's knees hiding the floor. And she could not help but look.

Her daughter… kneeling in front of a boy's huge penis… leaning forward. Her plump lekku hanging, her breasts full in their slave-girl bra, her buttocks jutting. She closed her eyes, revealing those long, graceful eyelashes, and then pursed her lips. The kiss was gentle, reverent enough to make no noise, but that somehow made it all the more disgraceful. Shiri kissed A'ron's penis as submissively as her people had once worshipped the goddess Kikkalekki.

Lyn also sunk to her knees, not from weakness, not even from arousal, but from utter dismay and humiliation. Her child was kissing the biggest, fattest, most copiously-leaking cocktip in the galaxy. She was having her first romantic experience... with a ten-year-old boy's monster cock! And the pisshole was disgorging semen even as Shiri pressed her lips against it, smearing her mouth. All of her talk about a new beginning for her race in galactic affairs… and…

We're still the same whores, Lyn thought. It's no use! It's in my daughter's blood! My blood!

The combination of the musk, the pheromones, and the obscene display changed something in Lyn's brain. She felt like she had tried to escape the gravity of her racial fate, and been pulled back in. Now, all she could do was complete the task that had been given her. For the New Republic.

"Thank you," she said. "For letting us aid in your plan." In a kneeling position, her red-tinted body seemed to pour out of her scant underwear in every direction. As she leaned forward and braced on all fours, her tits hung nearly to the floor. Her buttocks wobbled like huge, spherical sacks of meat. And her lekku, the biggest and plumpest of any twi'lek in the galaxy, as far as anyone knew, only added to the weight of submission that was bowing her head. So juicy, so grabbable, so squeezable!

Lyn leaned forward, brushing her cheek against Shiri's, and mother and daughter kissed A'ron throbbing, leaking child cock together.

Twi'lek diplomats. Performing twi'lek diplomacy.

That night, Lyn and Shiri stayed in what was called the 'Administrative Quarters'. It became clear immediately that these rooms could have been called Whore's Quarters. There was no sign of their impressive trolley of luggage. Rather, they were given a wardrobe containing various risque outfits, each sluttier than the last, and a single, modestly-sized bed. The rest of the contents of the room - washing station, a dressing mirror with perfumes and makeups, a collection of self-sizing shoes - was more prostitution than parlay.

They slept naked, huddled face-to-face on the narrow bed, mouths only inches apart. In the dim light, Lyn's skin was a deep, burned red, and Shiri's a shadowy, bruised purple. Both of their stomachs were filled with Maridunian carrier butterflies after what they had done, and the promise they both had made.

Lyn's breasts were so large that they swelled out in front of her and brushed against her daughter's; their nipples rubbed against each other with the soft rise and fall of their chests. Neither could sleep, and so they lay on their sides, close enough for their faces to feel the soft breath escaping from the others' nostrils.

"I'm… scared, mother," Shiri said, at last. Side-by-side, poses mirrored, it was easy to see she was the smaller of the two in hip, thigh, breast, and lekku - but her body had a compact athleticism that Lyn's did not. She still had visible abs even at rest, and her buttocks were bubbly and round, spherical protrusions that seemed to explode off her hips. "The things he intends to do to us…"

"We… shouldn't think about it, Shiri," Lyn whispered. "Think only of the duty we'll perform… for the New Republic." Both of them shifted in bed, rubbing their bare thighs together. They both had one lekku under their head like a pillow, providing a pleasing feeling of pressure. Twi'lek physiology was such that pressure on the lekku restricted blood flow slightly, enough to help with falling away to a peaceful sleep. Their topmost lekku were curled atop their exposed arms, and Lyn's was so large that it nearly reached all the way across to poke against Shiri's. No different than the rest of her sex-bomb twi'lek matron body.

"I can't believe I… kissed his penis," Shiri admitted.

"It wasn't your fault," Lyn said, instantly. "He… made you. The strange scent in the air… the circumstances-"

"You did it too," Shiri went on, her voice low.

Lyn said nothing, thinking of that hot, leaking mess of semen that had poured out of A'ron's young pisshole and painted both of their mouths. They breathed in silence for a moment.

"He might make us do it again tomorrow," Shiri went on. "Make us… kneel in front of him." She swallowed thickly. "Even just with one kiss… he filled my mouth with so much semen!"

They both wiggled their thighs again, both bit their lips in identical expressions of arousal… and when their eyes met, they both quickly played it off as discomfort.

"Yes, it will be… terrible," Lyn said. The air seemed thick with the same scent she'd felt in the audience chamber. That scent, and the scent of needy, percolating twi'lek pussy! "He will… probably do many things. We will have to bear it… as diplomats."

"What things?"

"He will have to prove that he has no respect for the New Republic, and is strong enough to rule Arken, rather than having the First Order take over," Lyn explained. "He will… have to show his strength. And his cruelty."

Shiri gave out a moan. "Cruelty… you mean… like he did to those others?"

"Yes," Lyn said, and a starburst shot through her pussy as her clit tingled. "He will… beat us. He will beat us and make the other watch."

"Oh… mother… to think of you… having to watch him… scramble my brains!" Shiri hissed. She crossed her arms over her belly as if trying to seal in an unwanted sensation. "Just kneeling there, watching a hung 10-year-old youngling… beat me like a stupid whore-"

"It will be awful!" Lyn burst out. "Or he might beat me! A little boy, thumping my skull like his favorite drum… stepping on my lekku, smashing them flat… fucking up my brains! You will have to be strong - you must not object as he does it! You must let me bear the burden, or the plan will fail!" Her body surged forward a little and the two of them pressed together, their breasts bulging in close contact and compressing into flat discs. Lyn's thigh found the nexus between Shiri's legs and found the slit between to be absolutely soaking wet. At the same time, Shiri's more slender leg pressed an upper thigh against Lyn's quim and found it just as sordidly ready.

"Yes," Shiri breathed. "He might… he might piss on my face, mother!" They both moaned in unison at the idea, and their hands moved to knead their swollen nipples and grope huge handfuls of their own breast flesh. In the semi-darkness, with eyes closed, neither one could see the other, and they were in denial about the true meaning of their actions. "He might simply pull out his dick and piss on me like a whore! I might be a cute young boy's toilet, all day!"

"Oh, stars!" Lyn moaned. "That would be-"

"So… degrading!" Shiri went on. "Did you see how much he could piss? He would fill my stomach - fill my body up with his piss until I looked pregnant! Dosh, what would all the boys on Hosnian think of me… sucking piss out of that fat young cock until I was fit to burst!"

"They'd think you were nothing more than a piece of shit!" Lyn blurted, unable to stop herself. Her pussy was on fire . Shiri's thigh grinding into it… it was too much. "That's what he will treat you like, Shiri - like his personal toilet! He'll call you a cunt and whore, and stupid, retarded bitch… he'll degrade you until you're lower than garbage!"

"Yes!" Shiri hissed back. "He'll make me sit at the base of his throne, with his cock down my throat… just pissing into my stomach any time he likes-"

"Until he rapes my throat with his cock!" Lyn interjected. "He will demonstrate his viciousness to them - he will take me… any time he likes… anywhere he likes. That wookie-sized kid cock will… it will fuck me up. I only had one child - you - and now, after this, I will never have a child again! My womb will be completely fucked!"

Shiri groaned out a mewling cry and gripped her mother's hand, bringing it to her taut midsection, pressing the flat palm against her shapely abs. "What about me, mother? I've never even had sex with a boy… I was supposed to give you grandchildren… and now I'm going to be raped like sub-sentient trash!" She pressed her palm harder. "Can you feel my womb?"

"Y-Yes!" Lyn groaned. "Stars, did you see the size of his cock?" Her hand traveled up Shiri's torso, pressing between her breasts. "If he rapes you, he'll split you open… from here… to here… your cunt will permanently take on the shape of his cock!" She pressed their palms firmly into Shiri's body and they both shuddered.

"He'll make you suck him hard… he'll make you get him as erect as he can be, so he can use that monster youngling cock to fuck up my pussy!" Shiri breathed. Both of them were panting with arousal as they drew horrendous sexual scenarios in their own heads, lost in a spiral of imagination.

"Yes… he might… he might throat-fuck me and bang my head against his throne until my brains are scrambled and I can't even breathe!" Lyn wailed, and there was no hiding the trip her opposite hand was taking down between her legs, sliding two fingers into her slit, schlicking her soaking wet gash and letting her juices flow in a wet heat against her inner thighs and her daughter's invading leg. Her tongue emerged and licked around her shapely lips. "F-Fuck! It's so… so terrible!"

"Then he'll make you watch me get raped, mother!" Shiri moaned. "Raped and knocked up!" Her own hand was down to her own crotch, fingering wetly. Their plump pussy mounds were slick with their emissions, with flecks of wetness splashing from one to the other as they dug digits into their slits. And as Shiri began talking of her impending defilement, both mother and daughter groaned out shuddering breaths that gave voice to their sordid climaxes. When they surged into each other's arms, abandoning all pretense of distance, it was an escalation neither one of them could deny.

The galaxy, in the darkest corners, knew twi'leks as slaves, dancers, prostitutes. And the whispered conversations at tables in the most wretched hives of scum and villainy would all tell you the same thing - that twi'lek girls were all dykes for each other, that they loved to lick cunt, and if you had a twi'lek slave who gave birth to a daughter, you could count on that whore to train her own kid to suck alien cock and give you a hot pussy-licking show as soon as the younger came of age - or sooner, if you had the credits! This, being the butt of every nasty joke, was the cultural destiny that Lyn had always tried to avoid… but laying in the sweat-soaked sheets, embraced with her daughter, she felt the truth of it strongly enough to crush any denial she might have had.

They were alien trash. They were incestuous, filthy dykes! A demonstration of alien depravity was what the mission called for, and she and her daughter were the perfect duo to handle it!

Lyn and Shiri embraced, tits compressing together, cunts scissoring, and mashed their lips together in a sordid makeout session. They swapped spit and sucked on each other's tongues as each explored the other's mouth. After thirty seconds of breathy kissing, they broke apart and panted intimate, hot breath. "Mother," Shiri gasped. "We're-"

"We must be," Lyn said. "We must be all the First Order will expect, and more! A'ron might… he might order us to kiss. Or for you to suck my breasts, as you did as a baby. Or for us to eat each other's cunts!" They both bit their lips at the thought - like mother, like daughter.

"His penis is so large, mother," Shiri ventured, and her eyes were half-lidded, her face blushing furiously. "My throat… my pussy… I need to practice. To prepare for all the terrible things he might do to me!"

She craned her neck forward and kissed softly at Lyn's cheek, then at her earcone, then slid forward and kissed against the base of her enormous, plump, bulging lekku. Lyn moaned and shuddered. "Shiri!" she gasped. "If you do that-"

Shiri licked her tongue down the red length of one of Lyn's brain-tails, drawing a mind-interrupting jolt of pleasure and another escalating moan. She continued to lick, kiss and caress until she reached the very end of the appendage, with its glossy, red, roughly conical tip. Lyn's lekku were so enormous that they expanded quickly in width as the length approached her skull, but the ends were still tapered enough for what Shiri had in mind. She opened her mouth wide and started to fellate one of her mother's hyper-sensitive brain tails.

"It's the only thing here as large as his cock!" Shiri hissed. "Larger even!" She pressed her mouth as far as it would go, which was only about four or five inches. Lyn's lekku were just too big, and the sight of Shiri distending her jaw to try to take the semi-hard girth was completely obscene. A daughter, giving her mother some serious brain-suck! Lyn's eyes fluttered and rolled back a little. The tissue of her lekku was not unlike a half-hard penis, soft but sturdy at the same time, it could compress under the pressure of Shiri's throat, but only to a point. The act of lekkufellatio was one of the most sordid of twi'lek sex acts, usually the climax of any twi'lek lesbian sex holotape.

"Gllrrrk...nnngh!" Shiri gagged, and a splatter of hot saliva washed over Lyn's appendage. Shiri pulled for a moment and coughed, then addressed her mother plaintively. "You must be rough with me, mother! As he would! Treat me as he would, so I can prepare myself!"

Lyn, pushed to the edges of arousal, found herself awash in a convenient wave of anger. Anger at the situation, the tide of events which had washed them here. Frustrated by her own inability to avoid a typical twi'lek role as a concubine and sexual pawn. Furious at the betrayal of her own body, which was feeling tingling arousal at the most sordid of indignities. As luck would have it, this made it very easy for her to channel the emotion that Shiri wanted, and for it to ring true. With a firm grip, Lyn clamped a hand on the lekku that Shiri had been sucking, and another on the back of her daughter's neck, holding it fast. Shiri's eyes went wide.

"You little whore!" Lyn seethed, and jammed her enormous brain-tail straight into her daughter's mouth. The extra force allowed nearly seven inches of plump lekku to drive all the way to the back of Shiri's throat. Shiri's eyes rolled back. Spittle sprayed down her chin as she dry heaved. Her body hitched against Lyn. And stars, it felt good! The pressure of her daughter's slick, spasming throat was giving Lyn the ultimate brain-suck, deliciously tantalizing every neuron!

She began to shove her lekku in and out of her daughter's mouth. "This is what he will do to you!" she seethed. "Because you're a piece of shit!" Shiri groaned and splattery bursts of spittle splashed from her lips. There was a clicking noise as her jaw reached its limit. "You think I didn't see it when you were growing up? The way you'd look at all the boys at the Hosnian market and size up their cocks? My precious daughter, just a loth-cat in heat!" She clenched her teeth and drove her lekku in as hard as she could.

Shiri gagged and dry heaved again as Lyn pounded her throat. "It feels so good!" Lyn moaned, and scrambled up on the bed in a squatting position so she could lean directly over Shiri and drive her lekku straight down the girl's throat. Straddling her, with her huge tits hanging and her round ass in a lewd pole-dancer's lunge, back arched, she looked ten years younger. One could imagine how she had come up through the seedy deathstick-joints of Hosnian Prime. "I hope he skull-fucks you until you can barely think!"

With one hand, Lyn drove her lekku tip deep into Shiri's throat. With the other, she fingered her own soaking slit, already leaking and splashing lube all over daughter's big, pert tits. Shiri arched her back off of the bed and thrust her pelvis upward, two slender fingers buried deep in her slit, squelching in and out as quickly as her muscles would allow. This tension of muscles reached an apex as Lyn thrust her plump tentacle-tip as hard and deep into her daughter's gagging mouth as she could. It was impossibly thick the further up the length she went, and as a ninth inch of brain tail choked Shiri into heaving, choking unconsciousness, there was a crack as her jaw dislocated from the sheer girth.

The brutal violation drove Shiri's spasming young body over the edge, and the sound and utter depravity of mouth-raping her own daughter was enough to take Lyn to the same forbidden place. The 'crack' sound of Shiri's jaw put an exclamation point on the disgrace as mother dropped her thick ass down on her daughter's tits, causing a wet clapping sound. "Gllllrk!" Shiri choked. "Glauuuuuuuuuuuuuurk! Glurk! Ngllllk! Gluuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaarrrgh!" She squirted like a fountain, halfway across the room, her entire body spasming with a soul-tearing orgasm.

Lyn pulled her fat lekku tip from Shiri's stretched-open mouth and a geyser of throat slime, spittle and phlegm sprayed out and splattered down. At the same time, she squatted over her daughter's face, throwing her head back, making her spit-slick lekku bounce and jiggle in heavy parabolas. She cried out in orgasm and violated Shiri's eye-rolling, tongue-lolling countenance with a massive, endless squirting climax, filling her mouth to the brim instantly and painting her features with a sheen of wetness. Shiri, still squirting all over the sheets herself, reached out and groped Lyn's red, round, bulging ass-globes, squeezing the buoyant flesh between her fingers, wanting more!

When Lyn's knees gave out, it was an avalanche of slick, gorgeous crimson flesh. Her bulging ass-mounds slapped onto her daughter's taut, athletic belly, after which she slid down and lay on top of her, shuddering and trembling together, their orgasms not subsiding for minutes. They lay in sweat and lube and cum from their slick pussies, not moving, their heartbeats slowing by degrees with each passing moment.

A medical droid rolled out from a compartment near the bed, unfolding into a four-limbed spider-like configuration with a sphere at the center.. "Ma'am, I detect you are injured," came the droid voice, a rather high-class accented tone for a tawdry occasion. "Please lay still while I render aid." Lyn rolled off of Shiri only with difficulty, allowing the droid to clamber up near the side of the bed and, with two agile front appendages, reset Shiri's jaw with a clicking sound. This drew a moan that was either pain or pleasure - or maybe a little of both.

"I will now deactivate," the droid said, thinking nothing of their nakedness or incest, simply rolling back into its compartment near the bed. One had to wonder how many hundreds of times, or thousands, that the droid had attended to Lord A'ron's concubines. The black eyes, the split lips, the broken noses, the bruised tits and buttocks from the boy's precocious beatings. The livid choking marks around throats.

Mother and daughter locked hands and stared up at the ceiling, chests still rising and falling. At first, neither said anything.

"Mother?" Shiri ventured, after a minute.


"I… understand now," she said, softly. "I… I love being raped and beaten. It's my entire purpose in life." She swallowed thickly and winced at the pain in her jaw… but loved it too. "I… I honestly wouldn't be sad to be passed around, beaten, and raped every day from now on."

Lyn shut her eyes. "We're whores," she said, squeezing Shiri's arm. "I have to admit… it makes me cum to see my daughter get mistreated. To know you're a raped piece of shit. That a youngling is going to make you his bitch and ruin your womb with his huge cock. We're whores. Whores who lick each other's cunts." She realized there were tears welling in her eyes. Memories of the days she'd spent trying to be a responsible mother, keeping Shiri away from bad influences, slavers and smugglers at the spaceports and markets of the Hosnian underbelly. The hopes she had had about her beautiful, purple-skinned daughter's purity. The tears felt sinful . They felt good .

She looked over and saw Shiri was leaking tears as well, lamenting the same loss of innocence. How they had tried! But they were twi'leks. And there was only so far they could go. Now, their locked gazes asserted, they were home. And it felt so good to be home.

"We're… worthless shit-eating whores, aren't we, mother?" Shiri whispered.

"Yes, darling."

They shifted and kissed passionately, then lewdly. Previously it had felt forbidden, a spur of the moment act, now it felt natural. They pulled apart and strands of saliva, thin as silk from a miniature spice spider, scintillated in the darkness before snapping wetly. Shiri giggled and caressed her mother. "Your lekku are so fat," she purred. "Even bigger than that big, pink youngling cock!" She licked the corner of her mouth.

Lyn blushed and looked away. Shiri shifted on the bed, moving quickly, showing her athleticism. She leaned back, grabbed her knees and pulled them up near her shoulders, exposing her fat, purple pussy mound to her mother in the lewdest way possible. "Mother. Please… for tomorrow. I need it. I need to learn what it feels like, in my cunt."

Lyn let out a mewling noise. Her lekku were absolutely enormous by the standards of twi'leks. Each one was nearly three feet long, and even at a depth of twelve inches, the plump girth was as thick as her daughter's leg. What Shiri was asking for was obscene.

"If I do that," Lyn said, "it will totally wreck your tight little pussy. You'll be of no use to-"

"The droid," Shiri begged, impatiently. "The droid can fix me up before morning. I don't care." She wiggled her toes. Lyn sat up and shifted, moving into position. She held her own lekku, feeling it tingle, and measured the size against her daughter's slit. Stars, it seemed impossible. It would rip her open!

"Shiri, it will-"

"Who cares?" Shiri wailed, even more impatient? She licked her lips with arousal. "Who cares what happens to me? I'm a piece of shit!" She exhaled and then looked at her mother intently, her face desperate and haunted. "I don't care if that boy snuffs me tomorrow, you understand? I'm a twi'lek. I deserve it!" She swallowed thickly and paused, using her hands to spread her pussy and emphasize what she wanted. "Please, mother. I want… I want my cunt to be ruined by morning. I… I want it to be worthless!"

Lyn seethed through her teeth and reached out to grasp Shiri's throat. Turning her over so that the younger twi'lek was face-down, ass-up, she pressed the fat tip of her lekku against Shiri's molten slit, moistening it with her lubrication. When she poked the first one or two inches inside, spreading her outer labia in the process, Shiri let out an immediate moan. "It's… so big!" she gasped, clutching the rumpled bed covers.

"You asked for this!" Lyn seethed. "Size queen! Rape whore! I should have let the slavers have you!" Shiri pressed back into her, and several more inches drove sordidly into her young cunt. The lekku had reached a thickness of a bicep muscle from a sentient male species. There was a wet, stretching noise as the membranes of Shiri's pussy were brought to their limits and beyond.

"My… cunt… is… garbage!" Shiri moaned, thrusting her pussy back against Lyn's lekku, which the older female was holding firmly in place. "My… body is garbaaaaaagg….nmnnnnnngh!"

Lyn shoved as much of her uber-plump lekku as she could into her daughter. Shiri, knees braced on the mattress, pussy completely exposed, warbled out a brainless cry as several more inches surged inside her, displacing cunt lube in a splatter. There was a tearing sound - like a stubborn root being pulled from soil - and her guts seemed to rearrange inside her, a bulge appearing in her lower abdomen. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth. The tip of Lyn's tentacle was now poking into the back of her womb, and the base was easily thicker than her calf muscle.

It was pleasurable for Lyn too - her lekku being so sensitive, the pressure of Shiri's body on her plump appendage was indescribable. It was even better than the throat-job from earlier - so wet, so hot, and such a feeling of deep penetration! When Shiri's insides clamped down on her, it put an intense crushing sensation on her very synapses!

"You… used to talk about me giving you… grandchildren…" Shiri moaned, tongue lolling. "Now… my womb will be… nothing more than a… fucking… toilet!"

"Nnngh!" Lyn seethed, and shoved forward. Shiri's belly bulged such that her womb was totally tented up into her upper abdomen and her ovaries stood out in throbbing, energetic balls beneath her taut purple flesh. Her cunt was obliterated… her mother's enormous lekku had stretched her slit so wide that four wookies could have shoved their dicks inside. It was the most obscene juxtaposition possible - instead of a protecting, nurturing act of motherhood, Lyn had utterly womb-snuffed her own daughter, rendering her barren. The pain and pleasure reached a crescendo and Shiri lost consciousness from the overload of sensations, orgasming helplessly, slumping face-first onto the mattress, arms limp.

Lyn saw the future of her daughter - being passed around by gammorians, Hutts, every bipedal race in the galaxy, taking turns tearing open her stretched-out cunt, laughing about how her wrecked womb could only give birth to stillborn freaks. Perhaps the medical droid could repair her, perhaps not. Harem masters beating her face and thudding her skull with blows because she couldn't bear them children. An existence of abuse, rape, beatings, humiliation, every minute of every day! To think of her daughter being abused, it was… it was… so…


"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Lyn groaned, collapsing in a hands-free climax that buckled her over and lessened the lekku pressure at last. She, too, lost control of all her faculties for a moment, only twitching in spasms, next to her motionless daughter. The medical droid emerged from its creche and busily approached the bed again, giving the same warning about medical attention being needed, but neither twi'lek heard it in the extremity of their mind-altering orgasms. Notions of family, morality, dignity were incinerated, leaving their minds in ephemeral puffs.

Only the idea of service, to King A'ron and to the New Republic, remained. The notion of being useful in some way.

As the droid prepared a bacta solution for Shiri's gaping pussy (busted so wide that her cervix, too, was yawning and her oviducts were visible as quivering little ventricles), mother and daughter lay motionless, collapsed in utter exhaustion.

Tomorrow would be the test of how much abuse they could take.

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