Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 147 - Pokémon babysitter

Chapter 147 - Pokémon babysitter

Wendy couldn't help but get a little excited as she felt the wind blast through her hair; it was her first time riding in a convertible. The expensive looking car zoomed through the countryside as its driver, Ms. Verma, clearly did not concern herself with silly trifles like speed limits.

Wendy was almost 23 years old, above average height, and had her brown hair tied back in a ponytail that was now whipping behind her. She had just graduated, but her grades weren't the best, and the job market in her field was highly competitive, so her applications had all been rejected. Lacking a family to stay with, she had looked for live-in nanny jobs, figuring it would save her the need to pay rent until she could find a job she actually wanted. However, Wendy knew she couldn't really complain. This job promised to pay well, and Ms. Verma was planning to employ her for the whole summer: plenty of time for her to apply to other jobs.

Wendy glanced over at her employer, who looked completely unphased by the high speeds they were travelling. Ms. Verma was a successful businesswoman and eccentric millionaire who lived in a mansion in the middle of nowhere. She was in her early-40s, and her platinum blonde hair was tied in a bun behind her head. Ms. Verma was an intensely private woman; gossip mags sometimes tried to find out details of her life, but rarely found anything concrete other than distant pictures of her property. Still, Wendy had interviewed with her five times before today, and she seemed perfectly nice, if somewhat odd, so she was looking forward to working with her.

Noticing her gaze, Ms. Verma glanced towards her. "We're almost there now, Wendy. Need I remind you the details of the job?"

Wendy resisted the urge to roll her eyes; they had only gone over this a half dozen times. But she knew this woman was responsible for her paycheck, so she tried to be polite. "I'm happy to go over it again, yes."

Ms. Verma nodded as she watched the road. "Well, I have to be out of the house a lot for my job, and I worry that my pokemon get lonely while I'm gone. So your job is to feed them, keep them washed, make sure they aren't getting into any trouble, and play with them when they're bored. They can mostly take care of themselves, but you will be just in case they need anything or some emergency happens."

Ms. Verma slowed the car and took a turn off the highway. Wendy stared at the huge properties now surrounding her, and at the mansions in the distance, but continued to listen. "Now, I've had some bad experiences with the help in the past, so let me be clear: every room in my house has a security system, complete with cameras. If you take anything, I'll know. I also need to be sure you aren't selling anything to the press, so if your phone has a camera, I will be keeping that with me. I will provide you with another one in case of emergencies, but only for emergencies. Other than that, though… when the pokemon don't need you for something, you are free to do as you will."

Wendy's eyes only grew wider as they pulled up to a very fancy gate, and Ms. Verma began typing a code into her phone. The mansion slowly came into view as they made their way down the long driveway. Wendy couldn't believe this woman lived in a house this big alone. It was two stories tall and about four times bigger than where Wendy had grown up. Ms. Verma put the car in park, and Wendy got out to look over the massive property. There weren't any fancy gardens or anything, but the whole thing was well kept, with trees dotting the landscape, and not another house in sight.

Ms. Verma was already unlocking the front door, and Wendy hurried to follow her inside. Wendy got the full tour, her amazement only growing with time. There was a large kitchen and dining room, several guest bedrooms upstairs, multiple baths, and a huge living room with the largest TV she had ever seen outside a theater. There was also a gigantic portrait of Ms. Verma in the living room—stretching all the way from the floor to the ceiling, in fact (which Wendy thought was more than a little self-aggrandizing)—but other than that, the whole place felt luxurious, and she realized she was looking forward to spending the next couple months here.

As the tour went on, she met all six of Ms. Verma's pokemon. Breloom was relaxing by the window in a small chair, seemingly made just for him; Glaceon and Lopunny were play fighting in the hallway; Lairon was fast asleep on the floor of one of the bedrooms; Braixen was psychically rearranging the dishes in the kitchen; and Boltund had been gnawing on a chew toy, but jumped up as soon as he saw the two humans enter the room. He ran over and began to jump around them, clearly looking to play, and Wendy was happy to oblige. But the tour wasn't over, so Ms. Verma showed Wendy where the balls and other toys were, as well as where the human and pokemon food were, and finally the massive bedroom where Wendy would be sleeping.

Wendy happily unloaded her bag as they discussed the exact details of her pay. She didn't have much—it was mostly clothes, hygiene supplies, and a dozen books she was particularly fond of—but it had been enough for her in college, so she knew it would suit her fine here. She begrudgingly handed over her phone and took the flip phone Ms. Verma gave her. The thing had no internet connection or camera, but could still make calls, so it was better than nothing. Besides, she could understand why Ms. Verma was being so cautious; Wendy could only imagine the tricks journalists got up to in order to learn the secrets of her private life.

Once everything was settled, Wendy went off to play with the Boltund that had been happily following them since they arrived. Ms. Verma watched them as Wendy threw a ball down the hallway, hoping that her pokemon would like their new nanny. She had taken the morning off to show Wendy around, but now her work called… and she realized she would likely get home very late to make up for her missed morning. Ms. Verma sighed; the sooner she got to work the sooner she could return home. As she locked the front door behind her and got into her car, she smiled to herself slightly. Wendy seemed like a wonderful girl, and Ms. Verma had no doubts she would do an excellent job of taking care of her pokemon.

A couple of hours later, Wendy sat on the couch, watching a movie. She couldn't help but think what a fun, easy job this had been so far. After about an hour of playing fetch and other games with Boltund, he had gotten tired and wandered off to take a nap. After he left, Wendy straightened a few things they had knocked over in their games, filled up the food and water bowls, and checked in on the other pokemon to make sure they were doing ok. Lairon and Glaceon seemed to be mostly easy pokemon, as they contentedly lay in a patch of sunlight in one of the bedrooms, and the others weren't much more difficult. Lopunny had some training equipment he was diligently boxing in one of the side rooms, Breloom was content to waddle wherever Wendy went and receive pets and scratches, and Braixen's domain seemed to be the kitchen, and he happily prepared a fancy granola-bar-looking-thing for Wendy to eat.

She was happily munching on this small meal as she watched the movie, Breloom dozing beside her on the couch. The food wasn't the best she'd ever had, but it was very good. Braixen had used a lot of different ingredients in its creation, and Wendy's mouth was filled with an odd combination of flavors that she didn't quite recognize, but overall it tasted delicious. Her hand absentmindedly scratched Breloom's head as he cuddled up beside her but, distracted as she was by the movie, she didn't notice the small spores that began to leave his body and drift up towards her.

Wendy yawned; Boltund had a ton of energy, and his games had taken a lot out of her. Plus the movie wasn't as interesting as she was hoping it would be, so her eyelids began to droop. She leaned for the remote to shut it off, and quickly finished the bar she had been eating. Everything was going so well, and Wendy knew she might have to stay up late waiting for Ms. Verma to return, so a nap started to feel very appealing. She shifted her body away from Breloom, lay down on the large, soft couch, and before long she had drifted away into a peaceful sleep.

Some time later, Wendy shifted in her slumber, a pleasant feeling filling her body. The couch was so comfortable, and the sunlight drifting through the windows felt great. But there was also something else she couldn't quite identify that was making her feel so blissful. She let out a small moan, still half asleep, and let herself soak in this odd feeling. Her body was very hot, and her fingers and toes curled as a tingling sensation passed through her. She continued to vocalize her contentment as she felt it wash over her, as she enjoyed the embrace of the one holding her, and the feeling of whatever was gently pushing into her pussy.

Wait, what? Wendy's eyes snapped open as she suddenly realized what was happening. She was still on the couch, but her clothes were gone, and Breloom was laying on top of her. The pokemon was much smaller than her—his head barely reached her collarbone—but he was very strong, and Wendy found her arms pinned as he wrapped his own around her whole body. Meanwhile, her legs were in the air, unable to do anything to effectively defend herself.

Breloom was panting as he rapidly thrust his dick into her, and despite her shock, Wendy's body was still enjoying it. She was now fully aware of the source of the sensation, but that didn't make it feel any less incredible. Despite herself, she continued to moan as he fucked her, her head still cloudy from her nap, and her body unnaturally warm and sensitive.

It wasn't very long before she felt her pleasure build to its peak and she climaxed. She lost all control of her voice and screamed out her pleasure, and soon felt Breloom's seed shooting out into her. He continued to pump as he filled her with his cum, as Wendy twitched in ecstasy.

Once he had finished, Breloom dismounted her and stood on the ground. He gave a satisfied chirp and waddled off to another room as sperm began to drip out of Wendy's pussy. Wendy lay there, breathing hard, and still feeling the remnants of her sexual pleasure. Her body was extremely hot now, and though she had already climaxed, her pussy was hungry for more. But as her grogginess finally faded, her senses returned, and she was overwhelmed by her emotions.

She was in shock, she was horrified, she was disgusted, she was interested, she wanted more… As she sat up and tried to clear her head, she began to realize how odd she was feeling. She had masturbated many times before, but she'd never felt this horny. Her body was still hot, and refused to cool down, and she could feel her pussy crying out, desperate for another round.

But she kept herself under control; she was still on the job and should NOT be fucking her employer's pokemon. She began to look around for her clothes, and eventually found them laying in a haphazard pile in the corner of the room. As she walked over to them, though, she realized they had been torn to shreads; none of them were remotely wearable now. Had the Breloom done that on purpose? She didn't like the thought of that, but among the wreckage she found the phone she had been given. She thought about calling Ms. Verma, asking whether this was normal behavior for the mushroom pokemon, but couldn't bring herself to do it. How could she possibly explain what had just happened, or how she was still feeling?

As Wendy stood there, contemplating the phone, Boltund ran into the room again, looking to play. "Hey, not now, I need to- ah!" As he jumped around her, she suddenly noticed he was fully erect. Wendy quickly realized how bad this situation just got: she was still naked, and he could likely smell that she was in heat. She needed to get away before something bad happened.

She tried her best to hurry to the stairs, thinking she could get to her room to put on a new pair of clothes, but it was hard to move with Boltund weaving around her. Before she could make it four steps towards the foyer, Boltund's nose was between her legs, and his tongue shot out. "Ah! No, wait, I need to- ah!" Wendy froze as her body reacted to his licks. It still feels so good, why does it still feel so good? She began to pant again as he devoured her pussy, losing herself to the pleasure. But just as her mind was about to go, she pulled herself out of it, brought her hand down and shoved Boltund away. "I said no!"

Wendy immediately regretted her decision. Boltund tensed as electricity shot out from his fur and flooded Wendy's body. It didn't hurt in the way a Thunderbolt would, but her muscles began to tense up, and her legs collapsed as she felt paralysis take hold. She sat on her knees as she tried to make her limbs respond, but her movements were jerky and uncoordinated. She couldn't stand up no matter how hard she tried.

Boltund sat for a moment, tongue hanging out as he happily watched Wendy struggle. She eventually managed to force herself into a crawling position, and began to make her ways towards the stairs again, but she realized too late that this was exactly what Boltund had been waiting for. He trotted up behind her, briefly paused to sniff her pussy again… and then leapt up to mount her.

Wendy's arms gave way as she gasped, then began to moan in pleasure again. She hated how much she liked this, but the feeling was indescribable. Boltund's cock was slightly larger than Breloom's had been, and his quick, short thrusts combined with the electricity in her veins to cause her muscles to spasm—the discomfort drowned out by overwhelming ecstasy. He continued to send waves of electricity into her, stimulating her further, and by the time he finally came she had orgasmed several times.

Fresh cum fell from Wendy's pussy as Boltund curled up for another nap. She lay there, continuing to twitch from the residual pleasure. Her willpower was fading—she had been fucked twice, but her body was still hot, and still wanted more—but she steeled her resolve: she needed to get out of here and call Ms. Verma to come pick her up.

Wendy grabbed the phone that was now laying on the floor and slowly crawled over to the front door. The electricity still made it hard to move, but she was beginning to get the hang of it, so long as she didn't try to stand. As she pulled at the doorknob, however, she realized it wasn't budging, and in her current state she couldn't figure out how to unlock it. Moreover, she looked down at the phone, and discovered it had been completely fried by Boltund's attack.

Wendy began to panic, but she had one last hope to hang onto. She knew her bedroom locked from the inside; she could hole up in there until Ms. Verma got home. She crawled towards the stairs, still leaving a trail of cum behind her, and gradually made her way up. Soon enough, she could see the open door to her bedroom, and felt relief as she knew how close safety was.

Suddenly, a strange force grabbed her whole body, as her hands and legs slowly lifted up and away from the stairs. She turned her head to see Braixen standing on the bottom step, holding his wand aloft, and grinning mischievously as he wagged a finger at her. He swished his wand, and the psychic power that was holding her aloft began to pull her back towards the bottom of the staircase, as she saw the exposed cock that was waiting for her.

To Wendy's surprise, however, Braixen did not bring her to him, but rather redirected her body until it had gently floated into the kitchen. As she hung frozen in the air, he walked over to the counter, and picked up another of the granola bars she had eaten earlier. She flinched as he approached her again, but he gently held her head in his hand as he began to feed her the bar. After she had eaten the whole thing, Braixen slowly backed up, crossing his arms as he watched her and waited.

It took a minute, but Wendy soon realized the significance of the bars, and the odd tastes she had noticed inside them. No one was touching her, but she felt her arousal rise even further than the heightened state it had been in before. Her mouth was hanging open as she felt desire well up uncontrollably inside her, and she couldn't take her eyes off what lay between Braixen's legs. A part of her realized that the bar she had eaten earlier was the reason for her horny state when the others were fucking her, and she was horrified by the amount of preplanning these pokemon had apparently done, but those thoughts were drowned out by lustful anticipation as she waited for what she knew was coming next.

Once he was satisfied the aphrodisiacs had taken hold, Braixen flicked his wand again, pulling Wendy back into the living room where there was more space. He positioned her at a 45 degree angle, her breasts facing the ground, her arms held behind her, and her legs spread wide. Once she was floating at just the right height, he put the wand away, brought his hands to rest on her hips, and let out a sigh of contentment as he began to thrust with gusto.

If one bar had been enough to make her enjoy the previous fucking, two were enough to make Wendy's head spin. Her mind went blank as he thrust, and her voice rose to a scream as the ecstasy shot through her body. Braixen was not being gentle with her, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

She was not surprised in the slightest when she saw Lopunny enter the room—by now, she had realized all the pokemon must be in on this—his sizable cock swaying slightly as he approached her immobilized form. He smiled as he got up to her, and gave her a small kiss on the forehead before resting his hands on her hair and gently pushing her head downwards. Braixen yipped in annoyance—he had liked the position he had her in—but before long Wendy was fully horizontal, her face pressed against Lopunny's cock. She knew what was coming, and a large part of her was even looking forward to it now, so she did not resist. As he moved himself into position, she opened her mouth wide, and closed it back around his dick as he pushed forwards.

Wendy was fully resigned to her enjoyment, and used her tongue as best she could while Lopunny face fucked her. She felt wonderful as she lay suspended in the air, spitroasted by the two pokemon who were clearly enjoying themselves as well. Her willpower was completely gone now, lost to the hopelessness of the situation as well as the pleasure and excitement of what was happening to her. They continued to use her for a long time, and Wendy once again lost track of her own climaxes, but eventually Braixen came, filling her pussy with a third load of cum.

As he stepped back, satisfied, he watched as Lopunny continued to use her mouth. After another minute, Lopunny came too, and Braixen flicked his wand again with an amused look on his face. Wendy's head and body bent back until she was facing the ceiling, Lopunny's cum still filling her mouth. She tried to cough it up, but in this position there was nowhere else for it to go. As the two pokemon leered, she began to swallow it down, and Braixen waited until she was all done before waving his wand one last time and causing her to fall clumsily to the floor.

Wendy lay there in a pool of cum and sweat as the pokemon looked on. A small part of her knew she should try and run for it again, or see if she could hide, but the electricity was still making movements hard, so that part of her brain was quickly outvoted by the part that knew there was no point in running as well as the other part that still wanted more of this pleasure.

As she lay on her back, breasts heaving, she noticed the giant portrait of Ms. Verma again, staring down at her judgingly. She smiled up at it—even this image was no longer enough to bring her to her senses—and suddenly heard a thumping as Lairon began to trudge towards her. The other pokemon made no attempt to restrain her as she stared wide eyed at his huge cock; they knew she was done trying to escape them. The iron armor pokemon was slow, but he eventually managed to get its body into position over Wendy's, and he grunted slightly as he made sure not to trample her under his weight.

His first thrust was unlike anything Wendy had felt on this already new-experience-filled day. His cock completely filled her up, and her whole body was pushed backwards into his front legs with each thrust. His dick was hard and cold, which felt wonderful against the extreme heat her body was experiencing. Her voice rose to a yell again as she felt the ecstasy wash over her, and her climaxes came more and more frequently.

Lairon's load was the largest of all the pokemon, and it was half a minute before he had finished cumming inside her. As he slowly dismounted her, Wendy realized that Breloom, Glaceon, and Boltund had joined them in the living room, and though Lairon was now momentarily spent, the rest were ready for more.

Glaceon walked over first—he hadn't had his turn with her yet—and lay down beside her, his cock mere inches from her face as he motioned towards it with his head. Wendy's mind was fully lost now, and she let her hand reach out towards it. His dick felt freezing in her grip, and the paralysis still made consistent movements hard, but she did her best to stroke it up and down. She stared lustfully at the Glaceon as he purred, and Breloom, Braixen, and Lopunny began to stroke themselves at the spectacle. Boltund, however, clearly wanted to enjoy himself too, but had no way to pleasure himself, so he stood over Wendy's other hand and looked at her expectantly. Wendy obediently brought her hand up to stroke him too, and the room was soon filled with the sounds of the pokemon's moans.

Before long, Glaceon's cold sperm landed on her face, and the other pokemon began to cum as well. She smiled as she felt their seed fall on her, covering her hair, her breasts, her stomach, her arms, and her legs. She only had a moment to enjoy it, though, as Glaceon soon nudged her until she rolled over, and began to mount her from behind. His body felt so gloriously cold as her own continued to radiate heat, and soon enough he had filled up her pussy as well.

She stared around at the pokemon as she felt another cock begin to thrust into her. She didn't know how long it had been, and she didn't know how long it would be until Ms. Verma got home, but she no longer cared. The sun set as they continued to take turns with her, and Wendy felt nothing but bliss as she realized what a wonderful day it had been.

The moon was high in the sky when Ms. Verma's car finally pulled back into the driveway. It had been a long, frustrating day at the office, and since she had left for work at noon, she was only now getting home at 11pm. She felt relief wash over her as she finally walked up to the doorway: she was excited to see her pokemon, and curious how well the new hire got along with them.

"Hello! I'm home!" Glaceon slinked out from the living room and nuzzled up against her leg. She bent down to scratch his chin. "Did you have a good day with your new nanny?"

Suddenly, while bending down, Ms. Verma noticed something on the floor. Small puddles of sperm dotted the wooden panels, and a fresh trail of it led up the stairs. She quickly stood up and began to follow it, Glaceon trotting behind her. By the time she was halfway up the stairs, she could hear Wendy's moans. The door to her bedroom was ajar, and the unmistakable sounds of lovemaking were coming from within.

Ms. Verma rushed down the hallway, threw the door open, and stared at the scene in front of her. Wendy was on the bed, naked and completely covered in sperm, while working on four of Ms. Verma's pokemon at once: Lairon was in her pussy, Breloom in her mouth, and she had Braixen and Lopunny's cocks in her hands. Crumbs from what looked like several granola bars lay on the floor, and the whole room was covered in sweat and cum.

Wendy froze—though the excited pokemon did not—and stared at the now open door. She pulled her mouth off of Breloom's dick, and desperately grasped for something to say. "Wait- I- uh- I can explain!"

But to her surprise, Ms. Verma's face broke into a wide smile, and she slowly made her way over to sit beside her on the bed. Ms. Verma let her hand fall on the confused girl hair, and began to gently stroke her forehead as Lairon continued to thrust. "Oh, aren't my pokemon wonderful? They just have so much energy. I used to be able to keep up with them, but these days… I find it's better to get some help."

Wendy couldn't reply, she was too busy orgasming again under Lairon's thrusts, and soon the steel type was cumming as well. A moment passed as the heavy pokemon dismounted her and crawled to the floor, leaving only the two women on the bed. Ms. Verma gently held Wendy's head and placed it in her lap as she continued to pet her.

It took a moment, but Wendy eventually managed to overcome her post-orgasm ecstasy. "Wait, you- Ah!" But her question was quickly interrupted as Ms. Verma reached her hands out to grope and pull at her cum-soaked tits.

"Honestly, who do you think bought that aphrodisiac you've been enjoying all day? You must admit, Braixen's a wonderful chef, isn't he? He can really hide the stuff underneath all those flavors…" Ms. Verma continued to smile as she toyed with Wendy's breasts, causing the girl to moan and yelp. "How many did you eat, anyways? I keep telling him not to waste so many on one night…"

Wendy couldn't answer if she wanted to: every time she had shown even a slight decrease in arousal, Braixen had eagerly fed her another one, and she had long since lost count. She was still fully under their effects, and all she could do was moan as Ms. Verma spent the next few minutes playing with her body.

When she was finally done, Ms. Verma stood up and gently picked Wendy up in her arms. The still-conscious part of Wendy's mind was somewhat surprised by how strong the woman was, and at how willing she was to let cum stain her business suit. But whatever fight Wendy had in her was completely gone now, and she lay loosely in Ms. Verma's arms.

Ms. Verma continued to talk as she walked Wendy out of the room and back down the stairs, her pokemon following happily behind. "Now, I think you've done a wonderful job for your first day, Wendy, and I would love it if you would reconsider how long you'll stay here. I know we said this would just be a summer job, but my pokemon would be so sad to ever see you go, so how about we make it a little more permanent than that?"

Wendy stared up at her "employer's" face; Ms. Verma was still smiling, but it was very clear that "no" was not an answer Wendy would be allowed to give. Taking her silence as a "yes," Ms. Verma continued. "Wonderful. Now let's go over all your duties, shall we? You will continue to play with my pokemon as much as they want, as well as the pokemon of any guests I have over. You are not to leave the house or make any phone calls for any reason, and will obey my orders in all things. Now that we have that all cleared up… shall we complete the tour? There's one more room I forgot to show you earlier…"

Ms. Verma came to a stop in front of the floor-to-ceiling portrait of herself in the living room. Realizing her hands were full with the cum-soaked girl, she motioned to Lopunny, who jumped up and reached a hand behind the frame. After a moment, Wendy heard a click, and the entire painting began to shift to the side, revealing a hidden room behind it.

The room was small, and somewhat cramped. Five simple beds took up most of the space, and small bowls half-filled with the granola bars sat on the side tables between them. And on one of those beds…

"Oh, you're finally back! We've been waiting so patiently…" Two girls, both slightly older than Wendy, looked up at them as they entered. They were both completely nude, and from their positioning it was clear they had been licking each other's pussies just moments earlier. Their faces lit up in excitement as they saw the pokemon, and they jumped up from the bed and hurried towards them.

"Wendy, meet your coworkers, Ava and Lucy. They've been working for me for a very long time now, and have only become better at their jobs with time. Sorry I didn't introduce you all earlier, but they tend to make a bad first impression on new employees…" Wendy watched the two as Ms. Verma spoke. They were both clearly under the effects of the aphrodisiac as well, and wasted no time in going for the pokemon's cocks. Soon enough, Lucy had presented herself to Lairon who happily got on top of her, while Ava had Braixen's cock in her mouth as Glaceon thrust into her from behind. Despite this lustful display, Wendy's eyes lingered on the third girl, who still remained in the room.

"Ah, that one." Ms. Verma's voice was filled with disdain as she followed Wendy's gaze to the other girl. "She's been in my employ for six months now, but she absolutely refuses to get with the program. I'm still not sure how or why, but she appears to have some natural immunity to the aphrodisiac. But unfortunately, I only realized that after my pokemon had already had their fun with her, so I can't exactly let her go now… I keep trying to let her move freely around the house, but every time I do she tries to run away or call the police, and we just can't have that, now can we, Vivi?"

"Fuck… you… bitch…" Vivi's face was defiant, but it was clear she was in no position to fight back. The space that had clearly been designed for another bed instead contained a pillory, in which her head and hands were restrained. There was a small matt under her knees as they lay on the floor, but it did not look comfortable in the least. Wendy could only watch as Boltund happily trotted over to the prisoner, took a sniff, and jumped up to mount her in her restraints. Vivi's moans soon joined the other girls', though curses aimed at Ms. Verma found their way out as well.

Wendy watched all this with fear, seeing how obedient Lucy and Ava were, and how even Vivi was clearly trapped. But at the same time… the bars she had eaten were still affecting her, and the lewd show brought her arousal to new heights. Despite everything, she could not deny that she desperately wanted to join the orgy before her.

Seeing the look on her face, Ms. Verma gently placed Wendy face-up on one of the beds, as Breloom and Lopunny approached her. Breloom tilted Wendy's head back until she was looking at him upside down, and began to push his dick down her throat. Lopunny, meanwhile, lifted her hips as high as he could, and began to thrust into her again. And within moments, what little was left of Wendy's mind vanished, completely destroyed by the sexual pleasure.

Ms. Verma sighed as she drank in the sights and sounds of the horny girls in front of her. It always felt so wonderful when the new help fit in so well. Wendy's moans mixed nicely with the chorus the other girls were making, and even Vivi's insults were just an additional treat in the auditory feast.

She spent a few moments contentedly watching the orgy, as her pokemon covered the girls in their sperm and switched partners as they pleased, before making her way to the couch. On top of everything, she had hours of security footage of Wendy's day she could watch. Ms. Verma always loved watching new hires as they adjusted to the job, so she eagerly flipped on the TV and sat back to enjoy the show.

The whole thing was a sight to behold, especially when combined with the noises coming from behind her. She watched as Breloom's spores put Wendy to sleep, her pokemon worked together to remove her clothes before arguing amongst themselves about who would get to go first, and Wendy made futile attempts to escape. Ms. Verma couldn't help but laugh when she saw the phone get fried; she had been wondering why Wendy hadn't tried to call her. The phone was designed so a call made to anyone other than her wouldn't go through, and Ms. Verma normally loved listening to a new hire's desperation as her pokemon slowly broke them. She had been somewhat disappointed she didn't get to hear that today, but thankfully her security system had good audio, and the sounds of Wendy's fall were now music to her ears.

Ms. Verma spent the rest of the night watching the show on her TV as well as the one happening all around her, but eventually it was time to go to sleep. A few of the pokemon and girls had fallen asleep, but as she walked upstairs, the sound of fucking still echoed behind her. Ms. Verma took a quick shower, and smiled as she tucked herself into bed. Wendy's first day had gone perfectly, and Ms. Verma couldn't help but look forward to the services the girl would provide in the future.