Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 117 - Mirajane Strauss vs Donkey

Chapter 117 - Mirajane Strauss vs Donkey

The crowd in the stands roared as the beautiful woman shivered in the belly of a mud pit. The thrones of evil bandits catcalled and hurled slurs at the pale voluptuous beauty bound in a pillory crudely constructed from magic sealing stones. Without access to her magic, she was as strong as any other willowy young woman. Her ivory hair was caked in mud after she'd been dragged through it by her arms, kicking and screaming, but that was days ago. Her clothes had been stripped from her porcelain body, leaving her supple breasts hanging beneath her lewdly. Her torso resting on a sawhorse kept her pert ass on public display. Wet and shivering, Mirajane Strauss sniffled as her plump pussy lips were exposed to her rabid fanbase.

It'd only been three days since she'd been specially requested for a job, a supposedly easy task in the countryside. The note had reportedly been written by a little girl who'd been her fan since the Grand Magic Games and wanted a chance to speak with her. Mirajane was honored to be a little girl's role model, and any excuse to escape Gray and Natsu's bickering was welcome. Not to mention, she'd been meaning to treat herself to a little vacation after all her hard work. Prancing down the road in her maroon dress, she was excited to enjoy a little relaxation in a stress-free environment. She'd no way of knowing the real threat awaiting her.

"How does it feel?" The ringleader of the bandit clan, a roguish and grizzled man named Spyne, lorded over the naked beauty. "The great and powerful Mirajane of the lauded Fairy Tail taken down so easily." He tugged at the magic sealing stone collar they'd snapped around her neck. "You know, you still have a chance. Beg us to fuck you, and we might let you go after we're done."

"Fairy Tail will find me," Mirajane weakly grinned, baring her teeth. "And when they do, they'll kill all of you!"

"Maybe," Spyne leaned close to her face, "But we didn't go to all the trouble of luring out Sorcerer's Magazines hottest number to wait around for your little friends. That magazine has you in tight little outfits, is this tight enough for you?" He gripped her tit digging his fingers in, she hissed angrily. "Fiery, you're going to need it. You're about to do an X-Rated photoshoot for us." She glared up at him with large angry blue eyes, before spitting on his black boots. "Stubborn. We've got the perfect co-star for you."

His tongue trailed up her cheek, tasting her sweat. Mirajane shut her eyes as he slobbered over her face. She wanted to strike him, but her hands were locked firmly in place. He pulled back, wiping the side of his mouth, "So sweet. Let's see how long that lasts." He gestured behind her, beckoning unseen men to come forward. Twisting, trying to catch a glimpse of them, Mirajane could only gauge the reaction of the audience's cheers growing louder.

Despite it all, she was still brave. Even if they were finally going to rape her, she'd suffer through it. She'd taken worse from worse people, and she'd make sure they'd die for whatever they had planned for her little body. But if they wanted to rape her, why hadn't they tried to do it before they snapped the magic sealing stone collar around her neck? After being caught off guard and falling before the clan, they beat her senselessly with kicks and weak spells. She'd only managed to cover her face, gritting her teeth as they left her bruised on the forest floor. Weakened, they clapped her in the pillory and stripped off her torn and precious maroon dress. Beaten and hungry, she waited for the latest indignity to befall her.

Mirajane squealed as something hard and cold was jammed unceremoniously into her puckered backdoor. It was so sudden she didn't have a chance to clench her muscles until after it'd been rammed inside her. It felt…like a pointed dildo of some sort. She could feel its little ridges running along her innards, like it was ribbed. A rough hand nestled it in further. She whimpered, kicking at the unseen face but missing completely.

"You're stubborn, you kick, and you bray like an animal." Spyne dragged his hand along her bare flesh as he strode around her. She shivered, as it dipped into the small of her back and then between her two cheeks. He played with whatever had been shoved inside her asshole, before clicking his tongue several times. "You'll be perfect for one another."

Mirajane shrieked in surprise, a burst of hot and wet breath blew across her sex as something snuffled behind her. She tried kicking again, but her feet bounced off something strong and hairy. Again, it snuffled around her ass. Heavy and moist lips felt around her skin, and a tongue far too long for a human ran up her dry slit. It was so warm and slick, she almost cooed at the first pleasant sensation she'd had in days. Responding to it, she pressed back against another long lick before she heard the clack of teeth.

"No! Please! I'll be good!" Mirajane screamed, eyes wide at the thought of ferocious teeth sinking into her backside. The crowd only laughed, enjoying her frantic pleas. She pulled and tugged at the pillory, only to lean into the hungry mouth. Teeth tugged at the plug inserted into her anus and she yipped when it was abruptly yanked from her ass with a scchhlrrpp! Loud crunching sounded behind her. Was it bones snapping? No, more like…a carrot.

"Good boy, Fuckstick." Spyne said, and she heard him patting something.

"F-fuckstick?" Mirajane squeaked.

"We thought it'd be funny." Spyne grabbed Mirajane's pussy despite her cries and rubbed his hand up and down her slick nectarine. "How about it, Fuckstick? You want to ride her?" She heard a loud snort and quickly put two and two together.

"A donkey?!" She screamed, "No! No!" She tried pulling her head out of her bindings, but the collar kept her in place. Despite being little, her hands still weren't small enough to slide between the holes. And as much as she wanted to collapse her back half, she was still propped up on the sawhorse. "Please! Let me go and I promise not to come back! Nobody ever has to know about this!"

"I think everyone should know about this" Spyne chuckled and slapped her plump ass. He gestured to a few bandits surrounding her holding heavy Magitek cameras. "You know how much people will be willing to pay to see the famous Mirajane fuck a donkey? Not to mention, we'll get to relive this moment over and over. And don't worry, Fuckstick has taken quite a few women. He knows how to treat a girl. Isn't that right, boy?" The donkey nickered and she heard the muddy ground pawed at. "Up, boy. Up!" He ordered.

The wind was knocked out of her as the donkey reared up on its back legs and slammed onto her back. He was heavy, flattening her belly against the sawhorse as he clumsily humped against her backend. Winded, she let out muffled cries as the thick cock struggled to find it's opening. He was so hairy, the fur would've been nice and soft if she didn't know what was coming next.

"Please! I'll fuck you! I'll fuck all of you!" Mirajane watched the cameras circling her, taking the best angle as she was mounted by the beast.

"You had your chance, now it's his turn." Spyne smiled.

It bumped against her brown rosebud and Mirajane shrieked in fear. Propping herself up on her tiptoes, she helped it find her pussy and almost let out a sigh of relief when she felt it dive into her moist peach. That was until it slammed its whole length inside her.

Mirajane screamed, he was too big for her, far too big. At most she could take a cock around a foot long, but he filled her up so completely with extra inches to spare. His cockhead kissed the entrance to her womb, bashing against it over and over. A shriek bubbled up inside of her throat, spilling out the moment he tried to mash even deeper into her pussy. She writhed, struggling to escape the never-ending thrusts as her cunt was battered by the animal's dark appendage. He'd break her. She was certain he'd split her wide open.

Despite going in dry, the donkey's dick was slick with precum and easily coated her insides with lube. He glided in and out of her, sawing away with little difficulty. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and her body contorted when a human hand rubbed her clit. Rubbing circles over her like she was a pet. "You're getting wet. You realize that don't you. You're getting nice and juicy for him."

"No!" Mirajane hung her head, trying to hide the blush in her cheeks. She couldn't be, but his cock was so big and filling, it was impossible for her not to respond to how eager and energetic he was. She bit her bottom lip, trying her hardest not to moan as he pummeled against her deepest places. God, how he stretched her. It wasn't fair. It simply wasn't fair how good this was beginning to feel.

"Admit you like it for the cameras."

"I don't!" Her breath was labored, her face red and sweaty, and her lower lips dripping. Her inner walls were somehow tightening around his already wide member. The simmering in her belly was turning into a full boil, she was about to cum. As much as it disgusted her, the thrusting was driving her faster and faster toward the edge. Whatever came next, she couldn't possibly handle it. Not something so shameful, not in front of all these people.

The donkey brayed loudly and smashed itself past her seal and into her womb. She felt him pulse, a heat flooding her insides like sticky molten lava. That was all it took.

Mirajane shrieked, her body flailing in the binds as she threw her head back and gurgled out an orgasmic cry. God, it felt so damn good. The heavy cream spurting out and over her clit, dousing it in warm donkey juice. Her body covered in sweat; she quivered as she was filled with his creampie. It oozed down her legs and the back of her heels. She was ruined forever; no cock would ever fill her this good again.

The donkey, having had its fill, hopped down. His cock plopping out of her well used pussy and allowing a flood of cum to gush from her juicy folds. Mirajane was still cum drunk, her eyes half lidded and her face flushed red. She breathed heavily, slowly becoming aware of the crowd around her. Their cheers grew louder and their clapping wilder. They'd seen it all, they saw her cum from being fucked by a donkey.

Sobbing in shame, Mirajane tried to bury her head into the pillory. The cameras had caught everything, every moment of her cumming on a donkey's dick. She was ruined. Even now, she knew they were likely zooming in on her gaping cunt as donkey gruel oozed out of her like a faucet.

To her surprise, Spyne unlocked the magic sealing device, and she rolled off the sawhorse. She splashed in the mud, her body still tingling from the orgasm. Her pussy gaped open like a baseball bat had been jammed inside her, yellow cum pouring out of her and mixing with the mud. She was too weak to summon her magic, but it still didn't matter, the collar was still in place. With wide blue eyes, she looked up at his face and asked, "Why let me go?"

"Because I thought we'd set you up differently for when he fucked your ass." Spyne shrugged.

Sobering up, she instinctively covered her chocolate bud. "Please, no! I can't take something that big! I'll do anything! Please!" She pawed at his pants, her mouth opening into a weak smile, "I'll fuck you. I'll fuck all of you! Better than any girlfriend you've ever had." She pawed at her pussy, attempting to spread her lips apart only to find them gaping already. A sickening wet noise oozed from her cunt as donkey cum spilled out.

Spyne jerked away from her like she was diseased, "After you just fucked a donkey? Hell no."

Mirajane's lower lip trembled, she felt disgusting. She'd cum from being fucked by an animal and now not even a filthy criminal would touch her. He was right, she was diseased. Sick. How could she not be after suffering from such a great orgasm. But that wasn't her last card.

"What if I sucked you all off?" She smiled, tracing a finger over her full lips. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? To have these famous lips wrapped around your cock? Maybe even suckling on your balls, licking your taint like a good girl?" She swallowed, "Maybe even a little tongue in your asshole? Does that sound good? Better than watching me fuck a donkey, right?"

Behind him, the crowd murmured amongst themselves, busily trying to decide which would be better. If she could sow dissent in the bandits, she could still escape while they were too busy bickering over her holes.

Spyne smirked, "You really know how to play to a man's heart, don't you? But you had the chance to share the spotlight with us. Maybe if you get him off with your mouth, I'll leave your ass unscathed. How does that sound?"

It didn't sound much better, but even a little better was enough. "I'll do it!"

"Do what? Say it to the camera." He gestured to the man, bringing it around her shoulder and up to her face. Mirajane saw her reflection in the lens, her mud covered body, a sheen of sweat over her pale skin, and cum oozing from her wide pussy.

"I'll suck the donkey off!" She proclaimed for always and eternity.


"Fuckstick!" She felt filthy proclaiming it before everyone, "I'll suck Fuckstick off! Please!"

"If you insist." He led the donkey around her by a fraying rope, the crowd of bandits laughing as Mirajane finally had a good look at the beast. It wasn't anything special, a gray donkey with a white muzzle, but it was easily the most terrifying thing she'd ever laid eyes on. It trotted around to the front, his cock was easily over a foot long, maybe a foot and a half. Completely black, it bounced beneath its belly as it waved hello to her. It was still slick with both of their juices, still ready to go another round.

His long cock bobbed before her lips, and Mirajane smelled the thick and acidic musk emanating from his filthy member. Flies buzzed around it like garbage, and she struggled not to dry heave. Spyne brought him round his side, right before her huddled form. Slowly, she crept toward it, a trail of cum left behind her as it still oozed from her gaping pussy.

"Talk to it, he likes dirty talk." Spyne snorted. "And for the sake of your little ass, you better make it fucking believable."

"Who-who's a good boy?" Mirajane asked, reaching her hand out and shooing the flies away. "You…you wanna cum? Is that what you want, boy?" A front hoof pawed the ground impatiently. Slowly, carefully, she wrapped her hand around the black member, feeling how slimy and rubbery it was. She cringed, about to gag, but took a breath and began pumping his length. Her hands couldn't wrap around it, but she still gripped it tight.

The mushroom head, large as a baseball, began to leak precum again. Mirajane marveled at how quickly he'd recovered, her pussy was still gushing, and she couldn't believe he was already set for more. Picking up the pace of her hand job, she began panting, breathing in his masculine musk. "You getting hard for me? Is that it? You want me to suck you off?"

The donkey whuffled.

Mirajane rubbed the head of his dick, lathering her hand up with old cum. She held it in front of her face, smelling the oily substance. Her eyes darted towards the cameras and Spyne, who only gestured for her to smile. Mirajane grinned, feeling herself dying inside, and began talking to the heavy cock in front of her.

"You…you getting hard for me?" Mirajane asked, her voice still high pitched as she stroked him off. She nibbled her bottom lip, turning back towards the camera with wide doe eyes. "H-he was so big inside me." She pressed her face against his cock, shuddering, forcing herself to sniff the length of it up and down, "God, you're so thick." She stuck her tongue out, running it up and down the cock. He was so long; it took a full minute for her lips to travel all the way around. She stopped at his balls, mashing her face into them, and sniffing in his scent. She busily began lapping at the large beads of sweat trickling down, hungrily slurping them up. Her shame didn't matter, her feelings didn't matter, only saving her ass mattered.

"You ready for some action?" She asked, withholding a sob, her tongue slipping to the head again. She jammed her tongue into his slit, fucking it. God, he tasted rank and disgusting, like slipping her tongue into rotten fruit. Mirajane slurped at his cockhead and guzzled down his precum. His balls tensed and a spurt shot into her mouth. She apprehensively gulped it down, her eyes twitching as she willed herself to grin. "You're so nasty." She whimpered, "You know just how to treat me." A quick glance at the camera was all she needed to know she was satisfying them. Two of cameramen were stroking themselves off. But Spyne wasn't. She had to push herself harder.

Thus, Mirajane started to use the animal lube to play with her pussy. Her fingers busily jammed into her gaping cum filled snatch, curling around to find the most sensitive points. "You're so thick and gooey in me." She cried, tears leaking down her face, "My hand goes in so easily now." She pressed her fingers inside her worn snatch, it didn't take much stretching for her entire hand to slip in. She quivered, the feeling wasn't too bad, despite everything else. She went back to his dick, "So let's get you ready, big boy."

Her mouth wasn't big enough to take the whole rubbery head, but it didn't stop her from trying. She jammed it against her face, rubbing it up and down her lips and over her nose. She licked and slobbered over him, swallowing his rancid flavor. She had to look like she was in love and needed him to show that he loved her too. "You gonna cum for me?" She sniveled. "You gonna cum all over my beautiful face and tits?" She pulled her hand away from her pussy to slap her right tit. "Stop being selfish and give it to me! I need you to cum! Please!" With both hands, she pumped up and down his thick shaft. "Cum you fucking bastard!"

The donkey brayed, and a gush of cream bubbled up in his cock. Mirajane quickly pointed it at her face as cum sprayed over her and into her mouth, the best way to hide her tears. She gobbled it down, letting to cascade over her chest and down to her pussy. He didn't stop there, another thick load of goo sprayed into her hair and another over her nipples. She latched her mouth around his slit, the burst of cum squirting down her throat and out her nose. Falling on the mud beneath him, she let the rest of his load drip down on her chest while she rubbed it into her skin.

She'd been defiled, no, she defiled herself. Mirajane looked into the cameras growing closer to her and struggled to smile. "It only seemed fair." Bubbles of cum formed at the edges of her mouth as she spoke. "He made me have the best orgasm of my life. I…I just did…the…" Her façade cracked and her eyes spilled over with tears, "Oh God! What did I do?!" She rolled on her stomach, vomiting load after load onto the ground. Cum sprayed from her nostrils as she openly wept in front of everyone. She sobbed for what felt like hours, but it might've only been minutes.

Curling up into a little ball, she receded into her mind to escape what happened to her. What she'd done to herself. But Spyne didn't care, he rolled her over with his boot, pushing her through the mud until she was directly under the donkey's leaking cock. It dribbled on her face and in her open eye, but Mirajane was too broken to care. That is, until its' cock twitched, and it suddenly began to spew hot frothy piss.

Nobody had to order her to do anything, she opened her mouth and accepted his gift.

"Congratulations," Spyne said as her mouth filled with steamy hot piss. "You're not getting fucked in the ass today. But theirs always tomorrow. And the next day. And the next…so keep being a good girl."

She obediently guzzled down her bitter golden drink. Why did she feel like this was just the beginning of something much, much worse?