Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 118 - Taimanin Asagi: Apocalypse

Chapter 118 - Taimanin Asagi: Apocalypse

Most people would have found it hard to sleep in a helicopter that was cutting through the air above Tokyo, for obvious reasons. Asagi Igawa was not most people, nor were the four other members of the Taimanin Rangers with her. Each of them could have, and had in the past, gotten rest in worse conditions. So Asagi was not surprised that the other Rangers were taking this opportunity to close their eyes and rest as they could.

Next to Asagi sat Kirara Onisaki, the excitable and loose blonde, half-demon and half-human, slumped backwards in her seat, the straps of her seatbelts squishing her sizable bust against her chest, quietly snoring. On the other side of the helicopter from Asagi sat Mirabell Bell, the serious, dark-skinned Union Forces soldier, her arms crossed in front of her, her nostrils silently flaring with each breath. Further down sat the Slashing Taimanin, the great swordswoman Akiyama Rinko, her eyes closed but her fingers beating an idiosyncratic rhythm to music that only she could hear. And rounding out the team for the mission was Kousaka Shizuru, the blonde master teacher of spycraft at Gosha Academy.

But it was not the physical environment that kept Asagi from resting. It was her own mind, with the niggling sense that things seemed to be getting worse and worse. Demon attacks were being made at key people and institutions seemingly every other day, and not just in Japan. The increasing tempo of activity was taking a toll on the Taimanin, as it seemed like only a few hours after fending off one attack, they would be sent back out. Asagi knew the cost of it – more and more mistakes in battle, more casualties, more dead ninja. That Fuuma had been forced to pull Kousaka for this mission worried Asagi – were they so low on manpower that second-line Taimanin were now thrust into frontline fighting?

"This seems like a desperation attack," Fuuma whispered through Asagi's earpiece, sitting in the front of the chopper as he was. "At current rates of demon infiltration, these attacks have resulted in the deaths of 20% of the past decade's worth of demon arrivals. Nomad can't keep that rate up, none of the demon factions can." His voice was as tired as Asagi felt. "But why gut themselves of manpower? Why would all of them weaken themselves so terribly? You'd think some players would hold back and attack the weakest rivals. I just don't get it, Miss Igawa." Even tired as he was, he kept the title for Asagi, his old teacher.

Asagi didn't answer. She couldn't figure it out either. Was it just the urge for self-destruction? Had Edwin Black finally thrown off that veneer of civilization and descended into pure nihilism? She wished she knew. At least this mission was to a preemptive attack on an identified gathering place for demons. Being on the offensive gave Asagi a better sense of agency.

As the helicopter turned northeast, Asagi glanced out the window at the city, flashing by below her. She was suddenly struck by the gap between herself and the average citizen down there. What did they know of what was happening, and who was protecting them? They surely didn't know any details, but they must hear things in the distance, screams that pierce the heart and freeze the limbs. People going missing and the government without any explanations. Being told not to fear, but confronting quarantine zones around dead demons, with human limbs still in their maws. How could they not be afraid? Even animals could sense dangers on the horizon.

"Something's going to give soon…" Asagi thought to herself. But what would break first? After a week of constant violence without respite, she was worried it might be her.

The helicopter touched down in a small city north of Tokyo, utterly unremarkable. There were still a few hours until dawn, but she could easily see the blinking lights on top of Mt. Tsukuba to her east. Fuuma laid out the mission parameters, and it was all straightforward. "And don't worry, I'll have eyes on all of you through the mini-drones," Fuuma added.

"Well, if you're going to keep an eye on me, I'll make sure you get some good pictures of my ass so you can fap to it later!" Shizuru said, smiling and serious about her offer. Asagi and Rinko both shot her a disapproving look, but Kirara giggled at Fuuma's blushing.

"The old maid's all talk, Fuuma. But if I get any injuries, you have to promise to kiss them all better!" Kirara laughed.

Asagi was too tired to tell them to knock it off, but she didn't have to, thankfully.

"You can flirt later, sluts," Mirabell growled, the metal suit she wore on her limbs whirring as it flexed from her annoyance. "We've got a job to do."

The team split up, leaving Fuuma at the helicopter, approaching what looked like any old warehouse from every side. Asagi didn't see any sentries, and took it as meaning the demons here were still unorganized, probably trying to assert their hierarchies inside before making a move.

"No guards," Rinko echoed from her side.

"Go in blasting?" Mirabell asked.

"That may be our best bet, just catch them totally off guard. Alright, weapons free!" Fuuma announced.

Asagi heard a window smash, followed by the sharp boom of a grenade going off, and immediately after the huge crash of Mirabell smashing through the wall with her power suit. Asagi and the other Taimanin took the distraction to flash into the warehouse, and the moment they did so, Asagi knew it had been a mistake.

Inside the open space were hundreds of demons – little more than beasts in intellect, but possessing horrible shapes and mutated forms that brought to mind amalgams of extinct animals. Each one was weak on its own, but in groups they were a danger even to Asagi. They began to surge towards the Rangers, and each and every one of them instantly snapped into the battle mindset.

Mirabell's rifle began barking in the dark as Asagi swung her blade in huge arcs. Her sword sliced through a dozen at a time, but it was all she could do to keep herself from being overwhelmed. She could hear the distinctive ringing of Ishikiri Kanemitsu, and began trying to cut through the crowd to get to Rinko.

"Group up on Rinko!" Fuuma yelled.

Asagi heard Shizuru scream to her right, before she was drowned out by the hideous, clacking chittering of the slave-demons.

"No you don't!" Mirabell shouted, moving towards Shizuru's location. Demons were flung into the air in chunks and pieces with each swing of her armored limbs.

"No, Mirabell!" Fuuma ordered.

Asagi parried a bladed forearm and lashed out with a kick that sent the offending demon's head into another demon's chest, shattering both. She was in the battle-mind, focusing on the flow of combat, rather than on each discrete moment. She was a whirling nightmare, surrounded by blood. She was hard-pressed, but she could find the skeins of choice that would lead her to grouping with Rinko. From there, their options were much greater.

"Wait… Taima particles detected?!" Fuuma called out as something in Asagi's back tingled. "No! Something else… something underground! Rangers, it's a trap! Get out of there!"

The ground began to buckle beneath the melee. Asagi kept her balance as the concrete cracked and subsided. But it was enough of a distraction that the arms of shadow that reached out of the ground could grab her limbs.

"No!" Asagi cried out. She tensed her body, preparing to unleash one of her own techniques, but it was too slow. One more hand grabbed her face and pulled her into the hard ground, and all consciousness and sensation fled from her.


"She's waking up." A male voice, interested, but also worried.

"Good, I was hoping she wouldn't miss out on the welcoming party!" A female voice answered. It stirred something in Asagi's memory.

But there were other sounds. Moans of pain, wet slapping, demonic voices growling. She heard the voices of the Ranger squad, shuddering and erotic. But it was the smell that woke her up. Sour and biting in her nostrils, it soaked into her sinuses and down into her lungs. She knew it intimately, could remember it in her pores.

Asagi woke with a gasp, her eyes shooting open. "Oboro!" she screamed, but she was met with a laugh from a different voice. Her eyes focused on the figure in front of her, slowly resolving the blurry image into that of an orc standing next to a woman with long brunette hair, red eyes, and a motherly figure, enhanced by the late-stage pregnancy she was in.

"It's not the Chaos Arena, Asagi. But it's nice to see you too," the woman said.

"Sh-Shiranui?" Asagi said, surprise and worry mingling in her voice. "What's…!"

Shiranui and the orc stepped aside, giving Asagi a view of what was happening behind them. There she could see the other Rangers being horribly assaulted by a group of almost two dozen orcs. Mirabell was being spitroasted by two orcs, held up only by their cocks, while next to her Shizuru had had her legs folded up and constricted around her arms, and was being used like an onahole by another cluster. Rinko had her face buried in a deep container, an orc's foot on the back of her head, and Asagi could see bubbles of thick, slimy orc cum popping around her head. Kirara was the subject of three orcs attempting to try and fit three of their cocks into her pussy at the same time, while she screamed and moaned around a fourth in her mouth.

In a moment Asagi took in the evil, and the look she gave Shiranui could have wilted flowers. "Traitor." She spat the word out, and behind it was every accusation of cowardice and oath of vengeance that a novel could hold.

Shiranui giggled at Asagi's anger. "I'm really not sure why you think that's such a bad word. Am I a traitor? Certainly . But did humanity deserve my fidelity in the first place?" Shiranui let out a condescending laugh. "You of all the Taimanin should know the depths of filth humanity is willing to sink to. These demons do what they do because it's what they are, and they have no pretensions to the contrary. Humans are animals, but they pretend to be otherwise. If I remember one thing about you, Asagi, it's your hatred of hypocrisy. Am I right about that?"

Shiranui's hand was already stroking the orc cock next to her, bringing him to hardness as her other hand glided over her belly, where Asagi noticed a glowing tattoo, made of delicate curlicues, strokes, and arrows in the vague sigil of a heart . But it glowed with a pale green light that made Asagi sick.

"I'm here to make you understand the same reality I did, Asagi. You and all these other misguided sluts. Humans are just animals, and can be treated just the same way. If you don't want to be an animal, you need power." Mirabell sputtered and came as the orcs spitroasting her started blasting ropes of semen into her holes. Shiranui smiled and clapped. "But let's get started, shall we?" she said, looking at Asagi.

Asagi's leg shot out in a move that even other Taimanin would have had trouble noticing, let alone blocking. It should have connected with Shiranui's temple, ending her wretched existence. It didn't. Asagi's foot quivered in Shiranui's palm, and the traitor flipped Asagi over and around, slamming her into the ground painfully.

"I remember that trick of yours. Remember to add some of those muscle poisons to her meals later," Shiranui said to the orcs around her. "But not too much! The more we can keep her intact, the stronger she'll be."

A few orcs surrounded Asagi, and their grips on her arms were like steel clamps. They hauled her up, and before she could lash out again a heavy fist thundered into Asagi's belly. The ninja bent over, coughing painfully, before her hair was grabbed and yanked back to pull her face up. A slap struck her cheek, her head instantly turning one way before another slap sent it the other.

A few more moments of selective violence, and the orcs seemed to figure Asagi wasn't going to try something like that kick again then. Another one tore apart her suit, letting her breasts fall out to their obvious delight and exposing her pussy, growing damp from the sexually-charged atmosphere reacting to the latent enhancements to her sensitivity, even through her mental training.

"Haha, she's already getting wet!" one of the orcs crowed. Asagi didn't even deign to acknowledge them.

"It's time to prepare the girls for some fun. Yank out the bars, boys!" Shiranui said, letting the orc she'd been stroking take a place behind her and start thrusting his cock between her thighs.

The moment what Shiranui said sank in, Asagi grimaced internally. Each female Taimanin had an IUD in place to try and prevent pregnancies from capture. Taking them out meant that Shiranui had an interest in seeing the Rangers all end up as gravid as she was.

"Why are you making that face? I know how the suits work, they'll repair themselves," Shiranui asked Asagi, as clearly some of her disgust had become visible. "Unless it's motherhood that disgusts you? You're much older than I was when I had Yuki-chan. You're more than ready to be a mother, and these orcs have a good track record for breeding, and I'll attest to it personally!"

An orc with a speculum and tweezers came up to Shizuru. He thrust the tool into her gaping hole, making her throw her head back and gasp. As he grabbed the IUD with his other tool, Shizuru started groaning and squirming in the grips of the orcs, shaking in pain.

"I'm trying to work!" the orc bellowed, slapping Shizuru's mouth hard enough to send a bit of blood flying onto Kirara's worried face. With Shizuru coughing weakly, he yanked out the little device from her cervix, and dropped it with a metallic clang into a medical pan. The doctor then immediately moved onto Kirara, while Shizuru herself was bent over on the ground and immediately mating pressed.

One by one the Rangers had their IUDs removed. Kirara came from the way the orc medic manhandled the inside of her pussy, but Mirabell and Rinko both felt the pain clearly. When the medic came to Asagi, she'd prepared herself for it. She felt the painful stab of the tweezers on her cervix, then the deep discomfort from the device being dislodged. When it came free, she let out a sharp cry.

"Doesn't this bitch feel shit like a thousand times more? She's not cumming yet," an orc said, perhaps a little annoyed.

"She thinks she's better than orgasms," Shiranui responded. "But don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to find her buttons and see the pathetic faces she'll make."

Once the medic was out of the way, Asagi had mere seconds before another orc stepped up in front of her and thrust his dick into her. She grunted, feeling every rough patch of skin and every uneven bump on his length as his meat seared the insides of her tunnel. She closed her eyes, trying to put internal distance between herself and the situation. The orc saw it and growled, pistoning himself in and out of her harder and faster.

Sensations came in, and Asagi's mental training worked to separate them into levels of importance. Her heart rate was going up and her breathing was getting shallow. Arousal was beginning to show itself in her body, but that was to be expected. She could ignore that. She could hear the noises coming from the other Rangers though, and they concerned her. She could hear Kirara squealing as she came over and over again. Mirabell was busy moaning around an orcish tongue shoved deep into her mouth. Shizuru gasped and let out indecent giggles as she was filled by yet another orc. Even Rinko was being driven to climax, her legs shivering as they crossed around the back of the orc inside her.

A sagi felt the orc in her also come close to climaxing, and when he did, he hilted himself deep into her, and fired off rope after rope of molten-hot orc jizz into her. Asagi knew the possibilities. Orcs were virile, but the IUDs in her and the other Rangers had chemical components that would last for some time. Long enough for Fuuma to launch a rescue operation, she was sure of it.

The orcs continued to pump themselves into the Rangers, and even Asagi found herself exhausted by their inhuman stamina. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Shiranui sandwiched between two of her underlings with her heels hooked around the neck of the one in front of her, their pillars plowing into her holes from below, and saw her in ecstasy. Her head was thrown back in abandon, her voice low and lusty as she encouraged the orcs to fill her. Asagi didn't know what Shiranui was pregnant with, but whatever was in there, how was Shiranui able to engage in such acts? Didn't she worry about the orcs hurting the unborn child? Or was she unconcerned about the possibility?

Asagi counted the times the orcs came in her. 87 separate orgasms fired off in her alone. She counted her own orgasms, and reached 11 before exhaustion set in and she passed out.

The last thing she heard was Shiranui. " I hope you're all ready to see your real selves!"


"I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting my cellmate to be you, of all people."

Asagi awoke at the sound of the voice, a low female voice, tired but unbent. She could feel orc semen coating her entire nude body, coagulated and hardened as she'd slept. She wiped at her eyes, even knowing it wouldn't be perfect.

She was in a small concrete cell, sitting on a thin cot attached to the wall. Across from her, a few feet away, sat a dark-skinned, pink-haired demon woman. "Asagi, is it? Murasaki spoke highly of you. I wonder if she's still alive."

Nodding, Asagi moved her stiff limbs. She remembered Ingrid, called the Hell Knight, from Murasaki's debriefing. But her presence raised a whole host of questions that Asagi needed a moment to sort through. "How long…?"

"You? You got dragged in here a few hours ago. As for myself?" The demon looked down over her nude body, at the marks of whips and bites and handprints among other traces on her body. "A week or so. Not that long, but they seem to think we'll be here for some time more."

Asagi noted all the marks on the demon's body. She knew Ingrid could see the bruises and marks on her own body, and that more would show up on her soon enough if she didn't get out. "Why do you think that?"

"That ninja slut is still using the easy stuff on me. These orcs are getting disappointed that I'm not cumming from being spanked, the imbeciles." Ingrid turned to look at the door to the cell, without any handle on the inside, and sneered.

"This isn't a NOMAD operation?" Asagi's mind turned. Who else had the resources to set up these attacks to draw the Rangers in?

Ingrid furrowed her brow and shook her head. " We're certainly not in Yomihara, that's for sure. I thought this was some absurd Taimanin business, until I saw you. How did that pregnant bitch get you?"

Feeling the semen drool out of her pussy onto the bed, Asagi grimaced. " No, I can tell you there's no Taimanin involvement here. There have been demon attacks all over the world since last week. I got careless and made some mistakes, and got grabbed with my team ." Ingrid's eyes roamed up and down Asagi's body, and she felt a momentary surge of embarrassment, like she should cover up her breasts before a lurid observer . But it was useless, and she fought down the urge.

"Well, if you're being honest about that, then I have to reciprocate," Ingrid said. "I was ambushed by the bitch herself. I've never seen a pregnant woman move so fast, or without any regard for her unborn child as to willingly throw herself into battle as the aggressor."

"She's fast," Asagi added. "Shiranui stopped one of my fastest moves, like she moved before thought was even possible." Asagi stopped for a moment, wondering how she could fight that kind of speed. She remembered the gross feeling she'd gotten from the tattoo on Shiranui's belly. "What is that brand on her? Do you know?"

A negative noise came from Ingrid's throat. Clearly she was going through the same kinds of questions in her head as Asagi was. " No, it's nothing I've ever felt before."

"Is it not demonic?"

Ingrid looked Asagi in the eye and shrugged. " Maybe, but not something I know. I've traveled far and wide in the demon realm, and I can tell you that I can't remember feeling anything that made me so sick as what that woman has done to her soul. Whatever comes out of her mouth is filth. "

The two fell into silence, but they could tell what they were thinking about. How long would it take someone to mount a rescue operation? Would they find a chance to get out on their own? If they did escape, how to escape or fight Shiranui's strength?

Food was delivered a little while later, and Asagi could smell the poison on it, meant to weaken her body . But starvation wasn't going to keep her strong, either.

"Sometimes the orcs don't distribute the stuff evenly," Ingrid explained, poking at a vegetable with an oily sheen on it and holding it up for Asagi to note. "They're not the sharpest tools in the shed, and any dram that doesn't end in us is a dram of them thinking we're weaker than we are." It was a strange thing, taking advice from a demon, but Asagi knew good action when she saw it.

A few hours later, Ingrid was called out, and she walked out of the cell with her head high. Asagi spent the next few hours with her ear on the wall, listening to the sounds of this prison. She could hear orc voices in the distance, lusty and reveling in their violence. There were other voices, screams, but she couldn't be sure whose they were.

When Ingrid was returned, the Hell Knight was bedraggled. Her entire body was covered in rivers of thick orc jizz, her eyes half-lidded, her legs unable to keep her upright. The orcs that brought her back threw her in without regard, and Asagi had to jump to catch her.

"Th-thank you…" she mumbled as Asagi laid her on the cot. Asagi brushed Ingrid's hair from her slimy forehead and nodded.

Before she could say anything though, an orc hand grabbed her wrist, and Asagi knew it was time for another endurance test.

She was dragged through cramped halls to a small room, where Shiranui waited for her already. The traitor was seated, but not on any chair. She was sitting on Kirara's face, the blonde's body squirming on the narrow table as Shiranui kept her face buried between her ass cheeks.

"She's a good ass-eater, this one," Shiranui said as Asagi was pushed inside. "You did such a good job of giving me toys to play with, Asagi! I have to thank you."

"I will kill you," Asagi said, prompting Shiranui to throw her head back in a harsh laugh. The movement made Kirara quiver and stiffen, before she started squirting from her pussy as a hard orgasm hit her.

"Look at this pretty little sow, Asagi! Half-demon, half-human? More like she's half-pig!" Shiranui reached forward and hooked two fingers into Kirara's panting hole and pulled up hard, forcing Kirara's hips up. More orgasms rocked Kirara's body, and muffled sounds filtered out from below Shiranui's ass. "Why are you so against feeling good, Asagi?"

"This isn't pleasure, it's torture," she replied.

Shiranui smiled. "Who says they can't co-exist?" She then pointed to a strange, high chair near the corner, and the orcs pulled Asagi to it, and before she realized it, Asagi was upside down, her legs spread and her body constrained. "You can start your fun, boys!"

The orcs started jerking off around Asagi. The mere sight of them wasn't as intimidating as they might have been when she was younger, but she still detested them for their brutality, their base animal nature. They were organs for reproduction, but warped into making it a sick, lusty game. She knew that the thoughts her imagination could come up with would be worse than whatever the orcs did, and so she tried to banish anxious fantasy.

An orc stepped behind the chair, and Asagi saw that her exposed pussy was at the perfect height for him to dip his cock into her hole. He started playing with her pussy, his rough fingers squeezing and prodding at her sensitive folds. Asagi relied on her training to push the feelings out of her mind, separate her personality and her body.

The first orgasm only took about ten minutes to hit her. Once his fingers were sufficiently moist, the orc pulled his dick out and started slapping at Asagi's crotch with it. The sound of the wet, meaty slaps were almost as painful as the pure impact of his heavy organ on her clitoris. Asagi's body flinched with each blow, electric shocks running straight from her clit through her limbs. When he stopped, Asagi realized she'd been holding her breath in anticipation of the next one.

But the relief she'd wanted didn't come just yet. The smell of the unwashed orc cocks around her made her head spin. She felt the fire in her womb that needed quenching. But it wasn't real. The aphrodisiac nature of orc cum and musk was well-known. It wasn't her that was getting aroused by this, she assured herself. This wasn't pleasure, it was an attack. She could defend against those.

She stared at one cock in particular like it was a weapon, the green shaft and purple head an ugly combination of colors. She noted every boil, every bump, every stray sharp, scraggly hair. She watched as the flesh morphed as the broad hand grasping the based jerked back and forth, seeing the veins pulsing under the stretched skin.

She focused on it so intently, she didn't notice the orc spreading her pussy with the speculum again until it was inside her. "Ahh!" she let out a yelp.

"Haha!" Shiranui crowed. "I saw how engrossed you were in these orc cocks! Really, Asagi! Be honest! Life's more fun that way. Isn't that right, my little ass-eater pig?"

Gritting her teeth as the orc spread her tunnel wide, Asagi refused to respond. She wondered why they were spreading her so far – were they going to jerk off into her open tunnel? Almost all of their cum would fall out the moment she went upright.

That was when the orc reached into her pussy and grabbed at her cervix. The pain was unbelievable, like she was being stabbed. "Hhgggnnngghhh!" she grunted, her face a mask of strained endurance. The orc pulled, and every movement made her hurt more. But she could feel her muscles shifting, her organ being pulled down her vaginal canal. Inch by inch she felt her uterus slipping further and further out of its normal position.

"Would you be surprised to know that childbirth is worse, Asagi?" Shiranui asked, though whether she expected an answer or not was unclear. "But there's a way to make any pain into pleasure, to make any sorrow disappear! Would you be interested?"

Asagi couldn't respond. What was the purpose of this? Just to impregnate her?

After what felt like an agonizing hour, but had been closer to a few minutes, the orc let go of Asagi's cervix. It was deeply out of position, mere inches from her spread hole. Sweat covered Asagi's body, her whole frame shivering in pain.

That was when one of the orcs stepped up, took out the speculum, grabbed Asagi's cervix and started pounding his dick against it.

The scream escaped Asagi's mouth before she could think. It filled the room, and the mere fact of her response was enough to make the orc's grin evilly. "Hey, the bitch does feel things!"

With her eyes screwed shut, Asagi couldn't see the orc trying to push his way into her womb. But she felt every thrust against her cervix, the forces that spread through her pelvis and down into her intestines with every thrust. As much as it hurt, the aphrodisiac and her own sensitivity meant she could feel the orgasms beginning to build within her.

The orc kept his tip firmly pressed against Asagi's cervix, and started to cum. The dense ropes of orc jizz sprayed across the round cap of flesh, so much filling Asagi's shortened tunnel until it was almost like a little island surrounded by a lake of semen.

She shook her head violently. "No! No! Nnggaaahhh!" she wailed as she orgasmed violently with the orc . It was only her training that kept her from losing her mind right then and there.

Each orc came around one at a time and joined in, battering at Asagi's defenseless interior gate like siege engines. Each one sprayed his filthy genetic material against the gate, perhaps thinking that even if some birth-control chemical remained inside Asagi, overwhelming it with sheer physical amount might work. They thought that if they could just overwhelm and fill her womb with their seed, at least one would take as Asagi's ovaries were flooded.

It wouldn't, as the chemical was meant to disrupt Asagi's reproductive cycle more than harm any particular kind of sperm. At least, that's what Asagi told herself to keep from losing her grip. The sensations buffeting her were as bad as anything she'd taken from Oboro, and she wasn't as young and stupid as she'd been back then.

There was a fear in her, as she saw Kirara squirming and shivering, continuing to use her tongue on Shiranui's asshole and pussy as the traitor Taimanin moved her hips around, that the Rangers weren't as strong as Asagi had thought they all were.

Orc after orc came in Asagi, and every time Asagi came, Shiranui made sure to crow, her laughter biting at Asagi's consciousness. "I can see right through you, Asagi," she said. "Everyone can! Such a high and mighty woman like you is just begging to be ruined, it's inevitable!" Shiranui stood up, showing Kirara's slimy face, her expression full of exhausted bliss. Walking over to Asagi, she grabbed one of the orc dicks next to her and started stroking it over Asagi's face.

"You look down on me for enjoying myself. You feel the same things, and torture yourself with guilt over it! Which of us is the fool? Which of us is the liar?" Shiranui ran her tongue in a long, slow lick along the shaft in her hand, before capping it with a wet kiss on the side of the head.

"Fuck you…!" Asagi grunted.

"You might get a chance, if you're smart!" Shiranui said in a sing-song voice. She nibbled on the orc cock, and the orc let out a low moan as he came. Shiranui angled the shots to land directly on Asagi's face, and Asagi instinctively closed her eyes as the seed splashed on her skin, splattering into her hair, getting on her lips. But Shiranui reached down and spread Asagi's eyelids. "You've got your target, boys," she cooed.

Asagi's eyes darted back and forth as the orcs closed in even closer, the smell of their cocks making her nostrils flare involuntarily. One came, and Asagi groaned as the heavy slime hit her eyeball directly, blurring half her vision instantly. Shiranui made sure to keep her eyelids peeled wide as another orc ejaculated onto the other. "Ggghaah!" Asagi gasped.

Shiranui's grip kept Asagi from shaking her head. "Hmm! Your cute little eyes look great with the glaze. Do you feel it seeping behind your eyes now, Asagi? I wonder what it will do to you?"

T he same question was going through Asagi's mind. It had sounded like Shiranui wasn't trying to permanently ruin them, but if it happened, would she be that disappointed?

Shiranui's voice glided over Asagi's ear as the traitor whispered into it. "It's alright to be scared. But you know as well as I do that fear isn't that much fun, and there's only one way to not be afraid." Shiranui's lips brushed at Asagi's ear, and Asagi felt a wave of revulsion run through her body. "I have power, and you can have it too."

Another orc shot his load onto Asagi's eyes, and Asagi shuddered in suppressed pain. "Go to hell…!" she muttered, not caring that by speaking she let the orc jizz leak into her mouth. It was more important to tell Shiranui what she thought of her offer. Shiranui didn't reply, but she did giggle whenever Asagi came.

Shiranui let all the orcs get at least one load into Asagi's eyes, and had Asagi dragged out after as the orcs gather ed around Kirara. "Asagi…!" she called out once, her voice more vulnerable than Asagi had expected.

Asagi was thrown back into her cell, where Ingrid had recovered just enough to grab Asagi before she hit the ground this time. "One good turn deserves another…" Ingrid muttered as she lay Asagi on the cot, and spent a little bit of time scooping as much of the slime from Asagi's face as she could. Asagi was too tired to speak, and she was half-convinced that she could feel the individual sperm wriggling in her womb and behind her eyeballs, as absurd as it was.

"Control is key," Ingrid said after Asagi woke up. The Taimanin kept rubbing at her eyes, feeling cum in the unemotional tears that dribbled out. But the way she said it, it was almost like the demon was saying it to affirm it for herself as well.

Asagi wanted to say something about her worry about the other Rangers. But was it smart to say anything like that to Ingrid? What if she figured the Rangers were a liability, something to be sacrificed for her own safety? She kept her tongue still.

Every second day or so for a week, one or both of Asagi and Ingrid were hauled out and abused. Asagi felt the physical torture of her body being mingled with orgasms, but it was Shiranui's insinuations that were more painful.

"Humanity is finished. It's weak. Taimanin might have a place in the new world, though…"

As Asagi was beaten again for using too much teeth during a blowjob, she felt weak. But she also knew she wasn't alone. The other Rangers were still here. They just had to hold out for the right moment. Once the demon assault ran out of steam, she knew that the Taimanin would do everything they could to get her and the team out of there.

Asagi told herself that while she had another round of cervix-glazing. When she was being moved back to the cell, though, she looked through an open door to see Kirara laying on a decadent bed, her belly above her womb inscribed with a sigil similar to Shiranui's. The half-oni was being plowed by an orc, egged on by her enthusiasm.

"No!" Asagi found the strength to cry out, only to see Kirara look directly at her, and there was something different about her blue eyes now. There was a greasy sensation behind her gaze, that made Asagi flinch.

"You really shouldn't be surprised, Asagi," Kirara's voice came from right next to Asagi. Whipping her head, Asagi saw wrongness in Kirara's face, like the proportions of her face had been subtly altered. "Shiranui's right." She pointed up. "All that up there, all the civilization and society? Time's up. I figured it's better to be on the winning team." She smiled, and her grin was too wide; her teeth, too sharp. "I feel amazing though. Everything these orcs can do just makes me cum my brains out!" The blonde giggled at Asagi's outraged expression, patting her on the cheek.

"Don't worry, you'll feel this good if you get a brand as well!" Kirara said, before disappearing back into the bedroom, waving her fingers at Asagi in a mocking gesture.

In the cell, Asagi was actually a little glad that Ingrid wasn't there to see her face. She needed some time to compose herself. That Kirara would accept Shiranui's disgusting offer – it made Asagi sick to her stomach. She slammed her fist on the wall, fury running through her system. She froze there for a long time, shaking with anger – anger at Shiranui for this obscenity , at Kirara for being shortsighted, and at herself.

When Ingrid came back, she was covered in scratches and bite marks. Asagi didn't help her to her cot, but the demon was able to shuffle to the damp mattress and sit down, her ass clearly sore.

"What should I expect?" Asagi asked.

Ingrid half-smiled, wiping some cum off her face and licking it off her thumb. "Unless you have a history with hounds like I do, I don't think you have to worry." Ingrid sighed and let her shoulders droop. "But I hadn't thought I'd see another mutt from Dr. Kiryu again, to be honest."

"Him? But how… unless whoever Shiranui's working for is working with him?"

Ingrid furrowed her brow. "Didn't you say there were massive demon attacks going on when you got grabbed?" Asagi nodded. "Tell me more about them."

Asagi gave some details about where the attacks had been, and the targets, and each one she said made Ingrid's eyebrows furrow more and more. Soon she was guessing at targets, letting Asagi confirm them for her. The more information Asagi gave her, the more Ingrid grew tense, as if some dark doubt of hers was becoming true.

Finally, the demon looked Asagi in the eye. "Do you think your people will come for you?"

Asagi nodded. "If they can spare time. When those attacks end…"

"They won't, not anytime soon," Ingrid said authoritatively. "If cooperation between groups is on the table, then your estimates for inflow from the Demon Gates are too low by far, especially if they're focusing on slave-demons. NOMAD alone could sustain this for weeks, let alone using worldwide resources."

"So NOMAD's in this…? Aren't you…?"

Ingrid took a deep breath. "Put that aside for now. If the attacks are being made at that rate, then there's at least 6 months before demon population levels hit critical shortages."

"6 months?! Then we…"

For a moment, Asagi hesitated. She'd been open with Ingrid a bit, but did she need to say more? They might be stuck here for half a year. What horrors might Shiranui concoct before then? Could the other Rangers hold out? The specter of being betrayed by Ingrid loomed over her.

"Why don't you accept whatever Shiranui's offering?" Asagi asked quietly.

Ingrid's eyes lit up. "It's unclean! That worm has something disgusting inside her! I will not allow whatever power has its claws in her into me!" Her vehemence made her look handsome, even through the physical degradation she'd just been through. "Don't tell me you're listening to her talk of a new world coming?" Her voice had the same questioning feel that Asagi's did , and Asagi realized that Ingrid had been thinking of Asagi in the same terms – is she a liability or a resource? If I am open with her, will this come back to bite me?

She was a little too tired to keep up the stoic front, and she let it slip, just a bit, and shook her head. "No. But… one of my team has," the admission came out, and Asagi's hands balled into fists on her thighs. " And I…! I let it happen…!" Asagi felt her heart pierced by swords, thinking of what she could have done. Where were the other Rangers being held? What was being done to them, to Rinko, to Mirabell? She was so engrossed in her emotional whirlpool that she didn't notice Ingrid next to her until her hand was in Ingrid's.

"You are not to blame, ninja," she said. "You may be a commanding officer, but she has a will of her own, and her decisions are her own. If she wishes to wallow in filth, knowing the consequences…"

Asagi rested her head on Ingrid's shoulder, and held her hand tightly.

The torture kept going for days , and it was worse not knowing what was happening to the other Rangers. The orcs taunted Asagi with comments about how many babies she was going to pump out for them. They made her give peace signs while dumping buckets of semen on her head. They promised her that they didn't respect her for anything except her womb.

The orc who made that comment got a knee to his balls, but Asagi wasn't strong enough to fight off the others around her, and her reward was coming back to the cell while completely unconscious, and waking up to Ingrid doing her best to take care of her. "Discretion is the better part of valor sometimes, ninja," she said. But her touch was warm and smooth, a welcome change from the rough hands of the orcs and the oily feeling that Shiranui and Kirara left when they felt Asagi up for fun.

Later, Asagi was brought into a viewing room. On the other side of the glass were Mirabell and Shizuru. Both looked as banged up and in as rough a shape as Asagi. With Shiranui's color commentary next to her, Asagi watched as the two were presented with their prisoner's dilemma. A giant fucking machine was shown to both, with an attachment that looked designed to batter through the cervix and the womb, and pulp the insides of whoever was unlucky enough to take it. They had a choice – either they shared it for a short time, or they could force the other one to take it.

A wall slammed down to separate the two. Asagi saw Shizuru's body language, and knew what was going through her head. Shiranui did too, and she giggled madly.

Mirabell took the honorable option. Shizuru defected. When the UFS soldier was lifted into a setup on her hands and knees, her eyes widened in anger and surprise. "No! Shizuru! How could you!? This'll kill me! It'll kill me!" Her voice was frantic as realization sunk in.

Her restraints kept her from moving, but Asagi's body quaked with barely suppressed rage. Shiranui patted her cheek. "I've got some converts to make, Asagi dear."

As Mirabell was pushed to the brink of human endurance, Asagi watched as Shiranui spoke quietly with Shizuru in the other partition. Clearly they could hear what was happening on the other side as Mirabell was being nearly fucked to death. Mirabell's cries were half-tears, half-pleadings for mercy, interrupted by brute grunts as her diaphragm was pushed by her organs bulging from below. Shizuru stood as still as a statue as Shiranui poured poison into her ear.

Asagi knew what she was saying, knew that she was playing on all the guilt that Shizuru felt, and was promising to make it all go away. She wanted nothing more at that moment than to kill Shiranui.

When Shizuru nodded, walking away with Shiranui, Asagi let out an inarticulate cry of frustration and wrath.

Asagi was not surprised that when she next saw Shizuru, she moved almost like a puppet, with the familiar green-tinged tattoo above her pussy. But a few days after that, when she was shown Mirabell being pummeled by the same machine again, she saw that the dark-skinned soldier also had a brand as well, and was loving the horrific abuse she was taking. Asagi saw her stomach bulge from the inside, so much that it should have ripped her flesh apart and killed her, but it didn't. She took pleasure in the immense pain.

Asagi got to see all the Rangers except her and Rinko enjoying a furious orgy with the orcs. They encouraged the orcs to hurt them and pummel them and impregnate them over and over again. Their auras were as foul as Shiranui's, and Asagi felt sick to her soul.

In her cell with Ingrid afterwards, Ingrid spoke, but the words didn't penetrate Asagi's consciousness. To avoid pure emptiness, she tried to keep the feeling of anger boiling inside her.

"Asagi!" Ingrid's voice finally got through to her, and Asagi looked up. "I asked you if you knew your cycle."

Asagi looked down at her womb. How long had she been here, constantly being inseminated? How long did the contraceptive last in her system? She looked back up at Ingrid. "I think I'm okay. But not for much longer."

A thoughtful nod from Ingrid. Pregnancy – what would they do if they were pregnant? If they had orcs growing in them? Would they kill the child? The questions bubbled in each woman's mind, unable to settle.

Two weeks later, Asagi was pulled from the cell to another small room, this one with a TV screen. On it was Shiranui, squatting and holding her gravid belly. "Yuki-chan, it's mommy! I hope you're excited to see your brothers and sister get born! Especially the little girl! I'm going to raise her right, like I should have raised you, and she's going to be a slave-prostitute just like me! She's going to learn to worship orc cock just like I do!"

Her expression suddenly twisted from cock-drunk to disdainful as she looked off-camera. "No, this is ridiculous. She's my daughter, I'm not reading off your fucking script."

Asagi watched in horror as Shiranui composed herself again, and grunted at the onset of a sudden contraction, her grotesquely-swollen belly clenching and heaving as her labor began on-camera. "Yuki-chan…" she said into the camera, "I know I've been a bad mother. But trust me when I tell you that I only want what's best for you." Bloody water began to splash out of her spread pussy, to spatter on the drain set in the concrete floor below her. "I know what those stupid, blind teachers of yours have been telling you. Be loyal. Be moderate. Protect the weak." Shiranui spat out the words.

"It's all bullshit, my darling girl!" Shiranui gave a wild grin to the camera. "Pleasure is all we need! Feeling good is the best! Ever since Master Ryuuji took me in, I've learned so many wonderful ways to make boys and girls cum, and it all makes me feel even better! I was sad once, but when I realized that cumming was all I wanted, I stopped, and I've become stronger than ever! Hnngghh!"

An orc reached from the side, and shoved his hand into Shiranui's dilating hole. What should have made her shriek in pain instead made her howl in pleasure. Shiranui's head bent back as she came, her hips humping the air.

Horror, and a horrible sense of jealousy that Shiranui could be pleasured by even the most obscene violence, filled Asagi. Her mouth fell open as she stared, unable to look away as the traitor swung her head from side to side. The orc grabbed the child in Shiranui's birth canal, and pulled on it, sliding it down inch by inch as Shiranui's inarticulate cries nearly blew out the microphones.

The first child came out, a fat green orc son, and the orc ripped the umbilical cord and handed the squealing child to one of the others before shoving his bloody hand back in. His searching hand grasped around, and when he found it hard to grab the next child, he pressed down on Shiranui's belly as hard as he could, to help her push out the children. It took a few more minutes, but with his "help," a second orc baby emerged.

Shiranui looked at the camera, her eyes half-lidded, her face a picture of depraved bliss. "Leave Gosha as soon as you can, Yuki! Find the Incubus King, and offer yourself to him, so we can be together!" Her words came between strained grunts. "Please, Yuki… you can even bring that stupid boy you like. I'm sure we'll find some way to use him. But there's no future for mankind anymore. Only…! Nngghhh! Only with these powers can we be happy…!"

An orc shoved a giant dildo up Shiranui's asshole, and the traitor Taimanin orgasmed, squirting blood and birthing fluids. To feel pleasure from something that was a paradigm of female pain… but what had she given up for it? There was something that Shiranui lacked that Asagi was terrified of losing herself. Was it just hypocrisy, though?

Even Shiranui's demonic strength could not last forever though, and the traitor Taimanin's eyes rolled around in her sweaty face as she tried to push out her last child. Asagi saw the head begin to emerge from Shiranui's birth canal. The mother made noises of a purely animal nature, bellowing and howling with the strain, unnameable fluids rushing out of her cavernous vagina to splash on the floor. Asagi fought down the urge to vomit.

Finally, the child's shoulders emerged, the orc attendant quick to it as it slipped out, and Asagi's heart sank even further. Yukikaze now had a little sister as well. The newborn girl and one of her brothers were handed to Shiranui, who regarded them with vile, deranged glee.

No child deserved an insane mother like Shiranui, Asagi thought. What tortures would Shiranui put her through? She tried not to imagine the despair and darkness that this girl's life would be shrouded in. The new mother began to gloat. "My family's beautiful, isn't it Yuki? You'll give birth to so many demons if you join me! Come, Yuki! Join your mother in bliss!"

Then the screen flickered, an awesome tremor making the whole room shake. Dust fell from the ceiling while the guard looked around in alarm. The shaking redoubled in intensity, and the lights went out along with the video, silencing Shiranui. Asagi knew she'd never get another chance this good, and she strained against the restraints on her wrists with all her weakened strength.

The cuffs snapped and she wrenched free, hurling herself at the stumbling guard. Before he could scream, her legs were scissored around his throat, and with a sound like chicken bones snapping his windpipe was crushed. Standing from the corpse and grabbing his keys, Asagi fought down a grim smile. She wasn't free yet.

Chaos reigned in the underground prison. The earthquakes, or whatever they were, continued randomly, sometimes short and sharp enough to make Asagi stumble, rattling everything that wasn't nailed down. In the distance Asagi could hear rumbling and crashing that she was sure were tunnels collapsing. She hoped she didn't need any of them. At some point the emergency lights had come on, and Asagi retraced her steps as quick and silent as a shadow. Any of the orcs that got in her way were dead before they knew it, the demons too disorganized and confused by what was going on.

Asagi got to her cell to find that part of the ceiling had come down, the orc guard crushed under a chunk of the ceiling. She snatched the key off his belt and opened the door. She was nearly struck in the face by Ingrid's palm, but the knight stopped short when she realized it was Asagi. Another quake nearly threw them off their feet, and heavy cracks started showing in the concrete walls.

"Equipment, then we need to leave!" Ingrid decreed.

"I've got one Ranger missing, we need to find her too!" Asagi shot back. Ingrid was about to say something, but stopped herself and nodded in agreement.

The pair went through the complex, taking down a few more confused orcs, avoiding falling chunks of concrete from the ceiling. Finding the armory, Asagi found her suit had repaired to completeness during her captivity, and she got her sword as well. Ingrid threw her cloaked outfit on, and pulled her long blade off the wall.

Equipped, the two cut their way through a few more orcs, heading upwards when they could. Then a voice came out of the PA system.

"YOU THINK YOU'LL BE SAFE OUT THERE!?" Shiranui's voice was a hysterical screech. "IT'S TIME! IT'S TIME! My master will be king of this new world! Flee if you want, but it's already over!"

The ninja and demon did their best to shut out her insane giggling. Near the signs that led to the surface, an open doorway made Asagi come up short. She looked back in, and almost dropped her sword at what she saw.

It was Rinko. Or rather, it was Rinko, deconstructed. Her body had been carefully taken apart, piece by piece, each individual organ carefully kept in a series of fluid-filled jars around her de-limbed torso. Her head had been decapitated, and stared with empty eye sockets and an open mouth, filled with orc jizz. Her brain was kept in a jar on one side of the head, and her eyes on the other.

"No…" Asagi moaned. "No…!" She could piece together what had happened. Rinko had been strong, maybe too strong. And so she'd been taken apart bit by bit, to show that no matter how strong she thought she was, she was nothing without the power Shiranui was offering.

Another earthquake, and some of the jars made clinking noises as they jostled together, metal on glass. "We have to go, now!" Ingrid exclaimed.

Asagi knew what she wanted to say. They couldn't leave her. She looked at Rinko's eyes, and somehow she knew that they were still working, through some horrible demonic medical knowledge. But there was no way to carry everything with just the two of them. To meddle in this was to invite inadvertently killing Rinko. But to leave her behind felt like the grossest betrayal, no matter how rational it was.

Asagi's grip on her sword handle made the rope binding groan. "I'll come back for you!" she shouted, "believe me, Rinko!"

With that, she turned and left, Ingrid already a few paces ahead.

Climbing a long and tall staircase, Ingrid smashed the door open, and the pair were met by the end of the world. The sky was a fiery orange, not only from the conflagrations that could be seen devouring buildings near and far, but from some innate quality of itself, like it was the sky of a foreign world transposed onto Earth's.

"Are we in the Dark World?" the Taimanin asked, the unfamiliar heavens beautiful and violent.

"No," Ingrid said, in awe at the sheer scale of what she was witnessing, "it… it can't be. But… I remember these stars."

Asagi looked at the horizon, and realized they were somewhere in Chiba, just east of Tokyo proper . Without stopping to give the corrupted Taimanin time to catch them, the two started running through the urban sprawl.

Where there was power, they could hear emergency broadcasts being repeated, telling people to evacuate the cities. To where, there was no information. Was anywhere safe? Was this only happening in Japan? Asagi's mind reeled at the devastation in front of her. Here and there they saw clumps of demons running through buildings, covered in blood and gore.

"Why are you running!" Mirabell's voice came from above, and Asagi and Ingrid dove out of the way before her punch shattered the concrete where they'd just been standing. "You're only gonna tire yourselves out before we start having fun with you two uptight bitches!"

The pair looked at each other, and knew they were too weak to fight. They ran. Mirabell laughed, crouching down to prepare to jump into Asagi's back, but just before her inhumanly-bulging legs unwound, a demon-wyrm came falling out of the sky, snapping at Mirabell between its jaws. "Damn you!" she screamed, her arms barely keeping the teeth apart. "Aren't you supposed to listen to my orders?!"

Asagi and Ingrid did not stop to question why, but thanked their lucky stars, especially as they heard Mirabell's enraged voice as she battled the wyrm fade away as they ran with all speed available to them.

Screams, cars wildly careening, the sounds of people being torn apart, all of these came to the pair as they rushed along . But as much as Asagi wanted to stop, if they stopped too close to the prison, it made them easy prey for Shiranui and the others. They killed demons they came across, of all shapes and sizes – from weird spider-like things dragging webbed bodies into buildings to ogres keeping dead women on their cocks.

After a half hour, they heard gunfire. Ingrid and Asagi started running towards the sound. They saw the dead in piles, in pieces, scattered in bloody swatches in the street. Coming around the corner, they saw some self-defense forces trying to hold a perimeter against an overwhelming number of monsters.

Asagi and Ingrid leaped over the embattled soldiery, and in a few moments the crowd had been thinned to a few fleeing stragglers. Asagi looked for the ranking officer, and found none. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Those earthquakes started and then monsters just started dropping out of the sky! We're trying to meet up with regimental HQ, radios are fucked!" one of the soldiers shouted, the terror in his voice only held in check by his training.

"We'll come with you!" Asagi said, leaping onto the top of one of the Humvees as Ingrid landed on the other. "Just go!"

The drivers didn't need to be told a second time. Engines flared, and the small group started weaving through chaos that Asagi had never seen before. She looked at Ingrid, her face twisted in grief and anger. "What did Black do?!" she yelled.

Ingrid seemed as shocked as Asagi, which surprised the ninja. "I don't know! He… he always said he wanted to rule human society, not destroy it!" She balled her fist tightly. "None of these demons come from regions in the Dark World NOMAD recruited from! But if they are as hostile to the traitorous worm and her slaves as they are to everyone else, something tells me whatever plan they had went wrong!"

Another earthquake, and the vehicles swerved on the uneven road, one of them running over an orc with a series of heavy thuds. When he started to stand back up, one of the soldiers fired his rifle, hitting the green bastard.

Above them, a helicopter came into view and started trailing them, signaling to head towards Ueno Park. As the convoy replied that it understood, the helicopter got too close to a high-rise. From the roof jumped a creature like a gorilla without a head and studded with crystals, that smashed into the back of the helicopter, sending it nose-up until the back sheared off, and the whole thing fell to the highway with a heavy, horrifying crunch of flattening metal.

The convoy passed by hordes of fleeing civilians, stampeding without thought, without reason. On top of overturned buses, surviving police tried to direct them to evacuation areas, or at the very least, away from the highest concentrations of monsters. As the convoy crossed the Edo river, the soldiers tried to help where they could, but in the face of rampaging giants, small arms couldn't do much.

Pandemonium. It was the only word Asagi could use to conceptualize what she saw around her. Chaos and death reigned in Tokyo. Explosions gutted a skyscraper in the distance as a pack of helicopters tried to shoot down another infernal dragon, sending the building toppling onto the raised highway next to it. Screams were everywhere, and Asagi thought she could hear each individual one. People tried in vain to either escape monstrous death, or fight it off and still die trying.

Asagi's blade cut through as many demons as were stupid enough to get too close to the convoy. But wasn't it useless? What good was killing one demon, when thousands seemed to be emerging from the ground itself? It felt like a hopeless battle.

The convoy started turning north, to try to get to Ueno, but as they came off the highway and got into the warrens of Tokyo's ground roads, they reached a makeshift barricade of cars and cursed their terrible luck. Asagi and Ingrid started clearing out a space, and mobs of civilians started pouring out of the buildings to crash against the convoy, each person begging to be taken to safety.

A rumbling came through the ground as the soldiers tried to keep the grasping hands away from the vehicles and their own weapons. "Another earthquake?!" a soldier screamed, but Ingrid shook her head.

"Something big," she said to Asagi.

The crowd, now grown to thousands and stretching for blocks, began to surge away from a cross-street in the distance in mad terror, trampling over each other in desperation. Asagi and Ingrid braced themselves for what would come into view, but even their most vivid nightmares hadn't prepared them.


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