Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 72 - Paladins Vs Undead Queen

Chapter 72 - Paladins Vs Undead Queen

"What's the matter, Little Lion? You look like you've seen a ghost," Sylvanas Windrunner purred as she slunk through the entrance to the Stormwind throne room.

"W-w-warchief! What are you doing here? How did you get in?" Anduin stammered, looking around wildly both for the Dark Lady's point of entry and anyone else who might have been nearby. Unfortunately for the young king, he had just wrapped up his official audiences for the day which meant he had been given a moment to collect his thoughts by himself before retiring for the evening. Sylvanas must have taken advantage of the situation, sneaking in and leaving the two of them alone together.

"Surely you must realize that doors and walls are no barrier for someone like me," the Banshee Queen replied, momentarily turning to smoke. "And as for why I'm here? Our negotiations at Arathi ended too soon, don't you think? And now we can have a real discussion. Just. The. Two. Of. Us." Sylvanas punctuated every word with another sultry step forward.

And was it Anduin's imagination, or was the Dark Lady putting an exaggerated sway in her hips? There was no denying that Sylvanas was a beautiful elf, even in death. Her slender, toned body, her well-shaped, hourglass curves, and the vivid pallor of her blue-hued skin and burning red eyes gave her an exquisitely exotic appearance. Anduin's gaze was immediately drawn to her thicc thighs as she sashayed towards him, and he flushed as he felt himself growing stiff under his armor.

Sylvanas continued to advance forward, tapping her finger against Anduin's chestplate even as he retreated in time with her steps. "After all, we don't need a yapping dog or a pretender queen getting in the way. Not when we could accomplish so much more together, don't you think?"

"I-I- guess," Anduin stammered. 'There's no way she's implying what I think she is, right?' the Alliance king thought to himself. 'Surely this is just another one of her tricks?' That was the only way he could rationalize what was happening at the moment, and as much as he wanted to push back, he owed it to his father and to his people to give peace a chance.

"Very well," he said, trying to regain some composure. "You wish to renew our peace talks after they were, shall we say, interrupted?"

"Now, now," Sylvanas began, "there's no need to jump right into things. After all, doesn't pleasure come before business?"

"I don't think that's how-" Anduin started, but was interrupted by the backs of his knees hitting the throne, forcing him into a seated position. But now rather than backing off, Sylvanas instead leaned down before him and traced a long blue finger down his sternum.

"Let us get to know one another a little better before we discuss such a union, Little Lion" she said, winking. Her wandering hand finally made its way below Anduin's waist, cupping his groin and giving a slight squeeze. "Although perhaps this lion isn't so little," Sylvanas breathed, her eyes momentarily going wide in shock at the bulge she felt there.

Before Anduin could react, his trousers had been pulled down his ankles, exposing his rapidly hardening erection to the Dark Lady's hungry gaze.

"Lady Windrunnnnngh!" he started to protest, but his words turned into a pleasured moan at the first touch of her cool lips upon his achingly hot cock. Anduin would have liked to imagine that the sound he emitted was a masculine grunt of acknowledgement, but in reality it was more of a piteous whine. Sylvanas' mouth was paradoxically warm and cold at the same time, the chill of the grave and her necromantic energy working in equal and opposite harmony to create an unforgettable experience.

For her part, the Banshee Queen couldn't keep a smug smirk from unfurling on her face as she saw the effect she was having on the young king. 'This will be even easier than I imagined,' she mused. 'It seems that young Anduin's willpower is not nearly as strong as his fathers'.'

It should have been patently obvious to anyone who saw the Dark Lady in person that she wasn't above using her body to achieve her goals, especially given the way her skimpy bikini armor did more to prop up and enhance her assets than it did to protect her body. But merely getting a glimpse of the infamous Banshee Queen had nothing on actually getting to feel her in action. Sylvanas Windrunner had a long and storied tradition of fucking whomever she wanted whenever she felt like it, a habit that she quite clearly hadn't given up in death.

She pulled out every dirty trick in the book she could think of- a book which she might as well have been the author. Her nimble tongue twirled and thrashed all over Anduin's length, lapping at every crisscrossing vein and probing the sensitive spot just behind his crown until he was little more than putty in her hands. Even though she had no need to breathe, Sylvanas could still hollow her cheeks to apply a fierce suction as she hummed, hyper-stimulating the cock in her mouth in time with the vibrations. The final touch was an ever-so-slight grazing of teeth, a move that always worried her various partners- especially given her pointed canines- but the Dark Lady was no amateur. The often anticipated sting of pain would never come, only pure and unadulterated ecstasy from a world-class blowjob.

Little wonder then, that Anduin was so easily coming undone under the Banshee Queen's touch. While the Alliance king was no virgin, a couple awkward first times were nothing compared to the positively sinful liberties that Sylvanas was taking with his body. As her head descended into his lap once more, completely lacking a gag reflex and easily swallowing him to the hilt, Anduin found himself clenching his fists and desperately reciting prayers to the Light in his head to try and stem the ever-rising tide of his release.

"This is… this is highly irregular," he gasped out for lack of anything better to say, and felt suitably chastised when Sylvanas understandably ignored him.

The Dark Lady had no intention of turning this encounter into anything beyond the bare necessity, focused solely on her mission of getting the young lion to surrender to her will. 'It's a shame that such a big cock comes on such a useless package,' she thought disdainfully. 'That seems to be the only satisfaction I'll be getting from this.' In all her trips around the block, Sylvanas had seen and taken more than a few prime specimens of manhood, but Anduin's measured up surprisingly well with the best of the best. But while her other partners had at least some sense in how to best utilize their gift, the young Wrynn was sorely lacking in that department.

Intending to wrap things up as swiftly as possible- and almost literally suck Anduin's soul out through his dick- Sylvanas reached out with one gauntleted hand and gently cupped Anduin's bulging ballsack. She cradled his swollen, cum-packed orbs with a tenderness that would have surprised anyone who was familiar with the Banshee Queen's barbarism, but tonight she had a different goal in mind. She cradled and massaged the wrinkled flesh, doing her utmost to coax into fruition the load she could tell was begging to be released.

She could feel his rod pulsing in her mouth, and knew her moment of triumph was at hand. But just then, the door to the throne room was flung open with a violent crash, causing Anduin to jolt upward.

"Don't worry, your Majesty!" Sylvanas heard a male voice call from the entrance, "I'm here to assist you!"

Internally seething at being interrupted but refusing to let it deter her, the Dark Lady redoubled her efforts to bring Anduin to climax, not even missing a beat despite his earlier flinching.

"Turalyon!" she heard the boy king exclaim above her. "This.. this isn't what it looks like!"

"Nonsense!" the now-named Turalyon exclaimed. "I know an attempted seduction when I see one! But don't worry your Highness, together we can defeat the she-bitch!"

"Well that was just rude," Sylvanas said, finally removing her lips from Anduin's cock to reply. "There's no need for name calling."

"Prepare yourself, warchief," Turalyon warned her, "for even a creature as foul as you cannot resist the strength of the Light!" His piece said, the bearded paladin also removed his armored pants to reveal another massive manhood, albeit one still not quite as impressive as Anduin's. "Together we will bring you to your knees!"

Sylvanas quirked an eyebrow. "Maybe this won't be as boring as I had anticipated," she laughed. "Well then, let's see if your precious Light will be enough to save you." Not sparing Turalyon another glance, the Banshee Queen turned back to Anduin, bending over him once more and swiftly resuming her oral worship of his prick.

The next thing Sylvanas felt were two muscled hands wrapping around her waist as Turalyon settled into position behind her, fingers clamping down on the junction of her hips and his thumbs digging into the dimples of her back. "Take this, you undead fiend!" he cried, and proceeded to ram his way into her cunt with one furious thrust.

There were few times that Sylvanas was more grateful for her undead resilience than when Turalyon speared into her mostly dry pussy, but the Dark Lady could easily handle a little discomfort. Discomfort that was intensified when the paladin's next move was to give her a hefty spank on her fat bottom. Again, there were very few people that could actually make her feel any sort of pain, but she supposed she had to give Turalyon some credit for at least trying. But 'just trying' wasn't going to be enough for the insatiable Banshee Queen, so she wiggled her hips a little, enticing her sister's husband to try again.

The passing thought that she was indeed stealing this piece of Turalyon from Alleria was intoxicating enough to actually get Sylvanas' juices flowing. While the current fucking she was receiving was pedestrian at best, and the thoughts of subverting Anduin's will could get her a little wet, it was this one-upsmanship over her longtime rival of a sister that really got the Dark Lady turned on. She started bouncing her hips in time with Turalyon, urging him ever deeper into her moistening twat until she was building up a solid rhythm betwixt the two holy warriors.

Despite having the Banshee Queen pinned from both ends, Anduin and Turalyon felt like they were the ones holding on for dear life as Sylvanas rocked back and forth. The obscenely wet sounds of sloppy sex filled the chamber, from the plap-plap-plap of Turalyon's girthy cock plundering Sylvanas' tight cunt to grunts and moans of mutual pleasure from all three of the participants. The cacophony was occasionally punctuated by the resounding smacks of Turalyon's palm landing on the Dark Lady's heart-shaped rear, or those of his strong thighs clapping against the backs of hers. The only thing missing was the lewd choking sounds of a mighty cock being deepthroated, but Sylvanas wasn't one to give men that satisfaction so easily.

Leaving Turalyon behind as a background distraction, Sylvanas once more focused her efforts entirely on bringing Anduin under her thumb. She practically inhaled his entire dick, driving herself forward until her lips were wrapped around the base and her dainty nose was pressed up against his wiry pubes. From there she just held herself still, letting the subconscious ripples of her throat massage Anduin's length until the young king was threatening to explode once more.

"Hang on, Anduin!" Turyalon called once he realized what was happening. "Try to resist her!"

But it was no use. Anduin was simply no match for Sylvanas' unparalleled blowjob skills, and even as he tried to fight it, his cock erupted with a torrent of scorching spunk straight down the Banshee Queen's hungry gullet. Even as her glowing red eyes gleamed in triumph, Sylvanas was caught off guard by just how much cum her victim was producing. Perhaps it shouldn't have been such a surprise given the magnitude of his cock, but nevertheless the sheer volume of his release managed to overwhelm her as it spilt back out of her unworking stomach and spewed from her mouth and nose.

Anduin let out a long, drawn out moan as his climax came to a conclusion, slumping back into his throne and snapping the remaining sticky strands that connected his cock to Sylvanas' eager lips.

"All too easy," Sylvanas grinned, twirling a finger around her chin to catch the last few cummy drops and lick them up.

"Don't think this over just yet," Turalyon grunted, "You still have me to deal with!"

The Dark Lady laughed. "I've already defeated your best and brightest, what makes you think you have a chance?"

"Oh, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Without warning, Turalyon pulled free from Sylvanas' drooling snatch and aimed just a bit higher, reaming into her unprotected asshole in a move that would have surely defeated a lesser being. But Sylvanas was simply on another level of existence, and the only thing that emerged from her lips was a strained hiss as all she felt from the surprise ass fucking was that same old odd discomfort.

Turalyon knew that the play was a long shot, and although his gambit didn't have quite the outcome he was hoping for, the moment of hesitation that it gave the Banshee Queen was enough for him to take a slight advantage, scooping his hands under her legs and lifting her up into air. Now he had Sylvanas folded into a full nelson, her backdoor still viciously impaled on his prick.

But even with her knees squished against her plump tits and her long, slender legs bobbing in the air over her head, Sylvanas was the picture of calm composure. "I guess it isn't true what they say about old dogs," she said, "you can teach them new tricks. But your silly little maneuver still won't be enough to save you or your kingdom."

Undaunted, Turalyon continued to pound away at Sylvanas' tight rosebud, knowing that if he listened to her poisonous words and gave in to despair, it would all be over. Instead he settled deeper into his stance, spreading his feet out wider and giving him more leverage to thrust upwards, aided by the Banshee Queen's own weight and the pull of gravity. His fingers clenched reflexively around her slim neck, obviously unable to actually choke the undead elf but needing all the power he could get to keep sawing in and out of her behind.

Sylvanas couldn't deny that the paladin was doing an admirable job. Unfortunately for him, 'admirable' was not going to be nearly enough to bring down the elf who could take on an entire pack of worgen and emerge victorious- and she didn't necessarily mean in a fight. Even in a supposed position of vulnerability as she was, the Banshee Queen squirmed her way down Turalyon's shaft, forcing even more of his cock into her bowels even as she squeezed her muscles down around him. The already taut ring of her ass clamped down like a vise, keeping Turalyon trapped within her and allowing Sylvanas to set her own pace.

Turalyon grit his teeth as the overwhelming heat and pressure of Sylvanas' anal passage sent him faltering, knowing that if he stumbled now he would never recover. He held on desperately, but he was fighting a losing battle. He prayed to the Light to give him strength, prayed for the will to carry on, but he knew it wasn't going to be enough. He needed a miracle.

Just then, he felt Sylvanas go rigid in his grasp, her perfect domination faltering for just a split-second and giving him the opportunity to re-establish control. Craning his neck over shoulder to see what had taken the Dark Lady by surprise, Turalyon was shocked to Anduin standing tall before the two of them, the king's erection rock-hard once more and throbbing back to life.

"I will not be defeated so easily," Anduin proclaimed, and taking his cue from Turalyon's earlier assault, savagely thrust into Sylvanas' unprotected pussy with furious intent.

"Hmmph, the human spirit is little more than an amusement," Sylvanas sneered once she'd recovered her composure. "Your resilience matters not. But maybe now I'll actually be able to enjoy myself a little before I make you both my thralls."

Locking eyes with Turalyon over the banshee's shoulder, Anduin gave him short, sharp nod and proceeded to rail away at Sylvanas' pussy, matching his thrusts in time with the older paladin's so that either the Dark Lady's ass or cunt was always stuffed to the brim with cock. With the lithe elf pinned between their larger frames, the two humans went to work, jostling her back and forth as each man drove into their chosen fuckhole with all the strength they could muster, always pulling back to the tip and re-sheathing all the way to the hilt in an effort to make Sylvanas feel every inch of their bitchbreakers.

"Now this is more like it!" the Banshee Queen declared. "I'm actually almost starting to feel something! Give me more! Harder!"

Struggling, the two humans tried to do just that, sweat pouring from their brows as they worked Sylvanas up and down their rods, pushing their bodies to their utmost limits, far beyond any sparring session or training regimen they'd previously experienced. Even so, both men could see that it still wasn't going to be enough. The Dark Lady was literally laughing in their faces, once more utilizing her toned abdominal muscles to clamp down with her pussy and ass and milk her light-wielding boytoys for every drop of their precious seed.

Anduin's breath was coming in ragged gasps, his thighs trembling with the effort to keep Sylvanas held aloft. "We're not going to make it," he said, halfway to despair.

"Do not give in, my king!" Turalyon interjected. "We can still defeat her if we work together!"

Anduin shook his head. "She's too strong!"

"It's not a matter of strength," Turalyon said sagely. "It's a matter of will. And I know you have the determination to see this through!"

Anduin closed his eyes, his mind racing to come up with a solution. It was true that he had never been the strongest individual, a fact that he had often lamented when comparing himself to the stalwart Varian. But maybe that was exactly the problem. 'I've been going about this exactly as my father would have,' he realized. 'And every move has played right into the warchief's hands. I need to be smarter about this!'

His eyes snapped open. "Turalyon, hold her still!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

The young king quickly slipped free from Sylvanas' pussy, his cock still glistening with their combined juices.

"Oh, what's this?" the Banshee Queen asked. "Have you thought of a new way to entertain me?"

Anduin ignored her, concentrating only on his next move. He tilted Sylvanas' hips slightly towards him, but rather than thrust back into her cunt, he changed his angle so that he was aligned with her already-plugged asshole.

"Wait, what are you-GWWWUH!" Sylvanas started to ask, only for her question to be cut off by a pained grunt as Anduin's thick cock joined Turalyon's inside her overstretched sphincter.

"You might be more than a match for us individually," Anduin told the cock-shocked Dark Lady, "but together we can defeat you. For the Alliance!"

With renewed vigor, the two humans redoubled their efforts to humble the tyrannical warchief. They pistoned in and out of her overwhelmed backdoor like gnomish machinery, the banshee's previously tight ring losing its grip until her resistance was shattered entirely, leaving Turalyon and Anduin free to violate her ass to their heart's content.

"Nnnnnnghh… I will not… let you… win!" Sylvanas spat, but her body was betraying her. Never before had she been fucked with such brutal carelessness; her ass quickly becoming sore as the two lions treated her like nothing more than their undead fleshlight. She was no stranger to a little pain in the bedroom- or the forest, or the stables- but the unexpectedly unpleasant stinging stretch of her puckered asshole around two enormous cocks was simply more than she could handle. 'Where did these pathetic humans find the strength for such savagery?' she desperately wondered as her thoughts began to spiral away from her.

The Dark Lady's legs started kicking over her head once more, but this time in a more helpless manner as her efforts to free herself from this delicious torment were completely stymied by the light-wielders crushing her between their strong bodies.

Sylvanas wracked between them, drowning in a sea of unexpected pleasure that threatened to wash her away entirely. Her heaving tits bounced wildly on her chest, prompting Anduin to lean down and take an indigo nipple between his teeth, adding another sharp jolt of exquisite pain to the cornucopia of sensations sundering her mind. The Dark Lady's head lolled back onto Turalyon's shoulder, her red irises glazing over in lust as the heat that had become so unfamiliar to her since her death began pooling in her cunt.

"No, please, no more!" she begged, "I can't handle it!"

"Too bad," Turalyon snarled. "We're going to give you all you can handle and then some, you black-hearted snake!" Then turning to address Anduin he continued, "Keep pounding, your majesty, we're almost there!"

Sensing their victory close at hand, Turalyon and Anduin brutalized the banshee's behind with singularly powerful strokes, each man driving their monstrously huge cocks so deep into Sylvanas' ass that she could practically feel them in her stomach.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was all over. Sylvanas let out a keening wail, her eyes rolling back in her skull as her pussy splattered a humiliating orgasm all over Anduin's lap. Her little pink tongue flopped comically from her slack jaw, a bit of drool escaping from her lips as her mind went blissfully blank in the wake of such a cataclysmic climax.

Watching the Banshee Queen's ultimate submission was all the prompting that Anduin and Turalyon needed to follow suit, the two men exploding with such voluminous releases that they could see a lump forming in Sylvanas' normally flat tummy where their cum was pooling. And still their cocks continued to erupt, Anduin's second orgasm not diminished in the slightest by his first, and with Turalyon's load being as equally prodigious as his king's.

With Sylvanas' asshole plugged by the two girthy pricks, there was nowhere for their trapped seed to escape. And so the telltale bulge swelled past her stomach and climbed up beyond her throat where the splooge abruptly came spilling back out her upturned mouth and nose. The defiled Dark Lady coughed and gagged, spitting up cum all over previously porcelain features, where it proceeded to stain her tear-soaked cheeks all sticky and shiny before rolling down her chin and splashing onto her tits.

When their releases finally started to falter and their erections began to flag, Anduin and Turalyon withdrew their spent cocks from Sylvanas' backdoor, letting the delirious elf pitch forward over the throne. The fuck-drunk elf was completely lost to the world, kneeling face-down, ass-up and leaking cum from both ends; her assaulted asshole completely gaped as the river of baby batter pouring from it began puddling between her knees.

"Well done, your majesty," Turalyon congratulated the young king. "You have won a great victory this night."

Anduin smiled and shook his head. "You mean we have won a great victory. Without your aid I would have been lost entirely." Then he turned back to the still-blissed out banshee lying slumped on the ground with cum burbling from between her lips. "But what should we do with her now?"

"Take her back to your chambers," Turalyon suggested, "and don't let her leave until you're confident that our victory is completely secured."

"Very well." Anduin slung Sylvanas across his back, making his way through the empty corridors back to his room, being careful to dodge any sentries that might be curious as to what he was doing carrying the mindbroken warchief over his shoulder like a sack of grain. And so it was quite the mystery the following morning as to why the halls of Stormwind Keep and the streets of the city had rung with the orgasmic cries of a banshee from dusk until dawn.