Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 73 - Tauren Love Potion

Chapter 73 - Tauren Love Potion

In the high mountains of the barrens, one Tauren sat in the ramshackle hut, clearing the smudges from the fur on his nose. "Cinderbloom and Stranglekelp.... somehow equals explosive...." Sniffing at the muck, he recoiled back. "no idea." He finished putting down a journal nearby, putting out the small fire that had formed. For years, Dermak had struggled to find a meaning to alchemy, trying to find a use for it other than the odd healing and mana potions. That, and flasks. Snorting his nose, how he hated every would be adventurer demanding flasks. In his day, there were no flasks! Grumbling, he tossed the shattered vials of... whatever had happened in them, away.

The Tauren was a veteran of a number of wars, although his initial trade had been a stout warrior. But, after getting the snot kicked out of him, he had retired his plate, bought this shack, and tried a new trade. To this day, he was regretting the decision. Sure, being chewed on by a dragon, or an elemental fire lord wasn't fun, but there was prestige in it. Not that those lazy leaders did anything themselves. "At least the female ones have nice tits and asses." He grumbled, looking down the list, and through his supplies.

Raising a brow, he smirked. Felweed, Silverleaf, and Khadgar's Whisker? Must have been one of his drunken ramblings. Well, he had an abundance of all of them. Not like anyone even used felweed or silverleaf anymore. And who named herbs after facial hair of old men? Sighing, he began to mill them altogether, wincing each time he placed them into a flask. Slowly, he began to heat it, watching the deep, viscious liquid begin to take form. Slowly, it began to turn pink, a strange coloration, given felweed, but it hadn't exploded. So far, so good.

Swirling it around, he tried to see any reaction. Other than looking like a healing potion, a thought that irked the tauren, there seemed to be no reaction whatsoever. "Oh great, I found an expensive healing potion." Sighing, he decided to test it none the less. Making several more batches, gathering his gear, he decided to go into Ratchet. Well, if nothing else, maybe he could trick some novice adventurers into testing it.

A few hours in the burning sun did little for Dermak's temperment, as he sat in a stall outside the city. A small supply of pink potions sitting on his stand, as he tapped his fingers. Where was everyone? It was almost like everyone just took a fast track through other, unseen means, while somehow sitting in capital cities. Well, he didn't understand it.

Even after the cataclysm, the Barrens hadn't changed much. Sure, it got some forestation, which had only served to make the air from completely hot and arid, to having a humid kick depending on where you were. About ready to give up, and starting to pack up his things, a voice broke him out of his annoyance. "You sell potions?" Looking over, he spied one of the fairer races of the horde. A female blood elf, dressed in a dark, simple robe, with a gnarled, oaken staff resting on her back. Her hair was tied into a neat, pony tail, with golden hoops for ear rings. Like most blood elves, her sharp features marked her as being extremely beautiful, a stark contrast to most other females of the horde. "Healing potions, or are these those rejuvenation potions?" She was right, with the pink color they shared more in common with rejuvenation potions. "Yeah, those. 10 silver per." Just enough to pay for the vials. Nodding, she took out her money pouch, and the tauren's jaw almost dropped. There had to have been 20, or 30 gold in there.

"I'll take 5 of them." He wondered at first if she was a mage, but buying potions as a mage seemed redundant. Taking the money, and handing it over, he raised a brow when she took a deep, long, drink of one. Well, she hadn't exploded. That was good. A far different reaction took over her. One that the tauren hadn't expected. A deep blush coming to her face, her fel green eyes turning a bit hazy. Even under the thick cotten robes she wore, he could tell her sizable breasts were swelling and retracting, she was breathing heavy? He wondered if the potion was having a heat effect, and then he noticed something else. She was rubbing her legs together, her nipples were perking to full attention. "I... think something was wrong with that." She giggles, seemingly not angry at all. Her eyes drawn down to his crotch, even as she said it.

It took a few seconds for it to dawn on him. All these years, trial and error. Goblin alchemy. All that, and nothing of major merit. Had he... come across a love potion? No way, that only happened in those sleazy romance novels. However, when she spoke again. "Umm... Mr. Tauren... what are you going to do to make this customer... satisfied?" He had several options. The first was to quickly find an antidote, cure her, and laugh this off. The second, tear off her robes, bend her over, and fuck her brains out. "Well...."

"Oh yes! YES!" The Blood Elf panted, her breasts swinging free, knuckles white as she gripped the tree in front of her. Her overstuffed pussy clinging to the fat tauren cock pounding her womb, heavy balls slapping against her cherry red rear end. Dermak grunted, heaved his form, causing the tree she clung onto to shake with every brutal thrust. He already knew her tight little pussy was ruined, likely forever, as he gripped her hips to keep from getting away.

"That's it! Take it! Take it all!" He grunted, piercing into her womb, and causing her to howl in pleasure, her body going limp, as she dropped to her knees, cheek pressing to the ground. That didn't stop the horny tauren, however. Instead, it only spurned him on. All the frustration, annoyance, and anger being taken out on her poor, abused little body. Gripping the back of her hair, he pulled her up. "Who does this pussy belong to!?" He grunted. "WHO!?"

"You, Mr. Tauren!" The blood elf moaned, fel green eyes rolled back, as her tongue wagged out of her mouth like a panting dog. Slamming home several more times, decimating the poor girl's already ravaged cunt, he let her drop back down with an audible thud, before speeding up his own movement. Her pink pussy attempting to recover, but failing miserably.

"Here... I... cum!" Dermak grunted, spewing his potent baby batter into the blood elven womb. Rope after rope staining her as his forever, as he held firmly, each rope getting a fucked silly gasp and grunt from her lips. Every last drop was seeded into her, as the tauren pulled from her ruined, gaping womanhood with an audible popping noise. Pulling her head up, he pushed into her mouth, her lipstick staining the pink pillar of flesh red, as she dutifully serviced him.

He had come up with a love potion. Watching the blood elf bob her head, eyes hazy as she wrapped her pretty lips around the pole, gagging at times, he knew what he had to do. Sure, fucking a blood elf was great. But... there was famous pussy out there. Jaina, Tyrande, fel, even Sylvanas. Could he perhaps even turn them into jibbering, fucked silly messes? Well, there was only one way to find out....


"Come, champion, I must commune with Elune! Or else my beloved may be lost forever!" The voice of Tyrande Whisperwind called out, making her way into the harpy infested ruin. It was surely important mission, to stop the emerald nightmare, to save arch druid Malfurian Stormrage, and to stop the evil Satyr Xavius. And in truth, Dermak couldn't have cared less about the whole deal. But his eyes are glued on her shapely, peach shaped ass as she quickly began to run away from him.

After discovering the miracle potion that turned bitches into heat, Dermak had given out several batches to see if the results would be the same. Each time, if imbibed by a woman.... well, all that drank it immediately sought out the first dick they could get their hands on. An orgy in Silvermoon, a very happy Gamon... and one unfortunate incident in Undercity. That last one had haunted him for weeks, but the Tauren had eventually gotten over the ordeal.

And now, his eyes were fixated on Tyrande's ass as she quickly moved to the stone alter, bending over lightly as she inspected the alter she would pray it, giving the tauren an even better at her purple posterior. She was dressed in what appeared to be an armor top, low cut to show off her impressive breasts, loin cloth, and knee high boots. At her side appeared to be a specialized bow that should have been far to unweildy to use, while her hair was long, kept in a loose bun. All in all, Dermak couldn't fully understand how it would work in battle. But after seeing a female draenei in what amounted to a metal bikini take the strikes of a pit lord... well, he just didn't question it anymore.

Feeling a familiar stirring in his loins, the brown furred Tauren adjusted his plate, as she turned back to him. "Defend me while I commune with Elune! I... trust you... despite our race's differences in the past." Dermak swallowed his pride. Taurens and Night Elves had lived on Kalimdor for ten thousand years, and had been allies on several occasions. But it was something he was going to remember, drawing his weapon as the harpies attacked. Something he would remember indeed.

The fighting was over before long, grunting as he sheathed his weapon. Behind him, Tyrande was a bit scuffed, several of the harpies had gotten through, scraping her a bit, and causing her clothing to open up in several places, revealing the deep purple of her skin. "It was almost as if you let them through." She murmured, raising an emerald brow at him. "I would never do that!" He stated firmly, and with conviction... and it was a total lie. "But there was so many!" That part was true. Why Harpies came out of the wood work while the others stayed back was beyond him. But the cuts were needed, as he produced the love potion. "Here, for your wounds."

Looking the drink over, she debated on it. On one hand, she was a priestess, she could easily heal her wounds without a healing potion. On the other, drinking it would surely build trust between them. Finally, the night elf matriarch extended her hands, lightly taking the drink. She watched the pink vial curiously. She had not seen many healing potions in her long life, but she had always recalled them being red. The pinkish liquid was new to her, uncorking the vial and watching the thick liquid swirl about. Licking her lips lightly, she deeply drank from it, watching as her wounds vanished. And then, the other effect hit. A blush came to her cheeks, as a heat filled her. Not in ten thousand years had she felt this way, as she rubbed her thighs together unconsciously. "Come, champion, back to camp. I'm feeling a bit feverish."

Readjusting himself, he let the bulge that he had carefully hidden come to view. As Tyrande turned, her eyes shot down to the heavy bulge. Bringing up one of her gloved hands, she audibly gasped. 'By the goddess...' She thought, her glowing blur eyes locked on the shaft hidden beneath the cloth. 'It's so much bigger than my beloved's!'

"Like what you see?" The Tauren smirked, standing proudly before the drugged elf. "Yes..." Tyrande stated, before shaking her head. "I mean, no! We have no time to waste, we have to get to my beloved!" She stated, with a not at all convincing tone in her voice. Placing a hand on her head, she felt so hot. And there was a deeper heat growing between her thighs. Turning her back, trying to get the image of that big, fat, bulge out of her mind. She was thankful the armor of her top was thick, otherwise her erect nipples would have been on full display. A sudden jolt pushed her forward, her knees brushing against one of the ruins, as her hands instinctively went out to brace herself against it. Something pressed against her backside. Something hard, and thick. It was the very cock she had been trying to ignore. "What... what is the meaning of this?!" She hissed, attempting to push up. But her strength failed her, gasping suddenly as he began to grind against her womanhood. The thin bits of cloth between them did little to let her feel every inch, to feel the heat.

"What does it feel like? I'm gonna fuck your brains out!" He grunted, grinding against her, before pushing his hands between her thighs. She weakly struggled, as his fingers pushed at her sodden panties. "And judging by this, you want it just as much as I do." He chuckled.

"That isn't true! By the AHH.... goddess, stop!" Tyrande was aware of her voice was heated, becoming more high pitched. Her mind was recoiling at the idea of anyone but her beloved sleeping with her... her body, on the other hand, savored the feeling of the thick fingers pushing against her panties. Of that long, hard, dick rubbing against her backside. Finding herself grinding against it, she blushed in shame. What would her beloved think of her? But that thought fell from her head, as felt him push his fingers push in, crying out in pleasure, before quickly covering her mouth.

"Shit... so tight. So it is true, druids do sleep for thousands of years." Pushing the back of her armor up, revealing the peach shaped, purple ass. "Such a fucking waste..." He grunted, roughly pulling down the sodden white panties. "What kind of man leaves a pussy this tight for dreaming?" The question was more to himself than Tyrande.

"My beloved is a hero! He has staved off the nightmare, and he's twice the maAAAAHH!" The Night Elven Matriach's rant was cut short, as thick fingers shoved into her wet pussy, plunging as deep as Malfurion had ever been. A thick thumb rubbed against her clit, was she was finger fucked. Biting her finger, she stifled more moans, even as she was aware of her impending orgasm. Even as she became wetter. Even as she was aware this his fingers alone were as thick and as deep as Malfurion's own penis. Squinting her eyes, she moaned, muffled, but sure enough it was there. And finally, she could hold it in no longer, crying out in a long, strangled cry of pleasure. Her juices splashed out, coating the tauren's finger, as she clung onto the ruin she had been bent over. When she came down, her heavy breasts heaved for air. Trying to gain her breath back, her ears twitched at the sound of unbuckling. Turning back, her eyes widened, her jaw dropped. The biggest cock she had ever seen sprang from the creature's pants, much like the very nightmare they were fighting.

The long, thick shaft was not human by any standard. It came from a sheath, was bright pink, with a flared tip, and a flattened head. It was near as thick as Tyrande's arm, and long enough to make even her heart skip a beat. "By the goddess..." She marveled, watching as he gripped her hips, pulling her back, and grinding the shaft against her pussy and ass. Through the perky valley it went, as he began to lube himself up. "Yeah, I knew you wanted it..." He grunted, pulling her back, over and over.

"I...I don't want it..." Tyrande grunted, fingers digging into the rocks. "I don't want that... big... fat... cock... oh goddess... please stop... please!" She didn't even to notice she was grinding back against him. Didn't even notice she was grinding back against him. Her eyes were hazy with lust, half lidded, as she licked her lips. While she may have been saying no, her body was saying yes. "It... it won't fit... by Elune you're huge!"

"Yeah it will... and you'll love every inch of it." Tyrande fell silent, watching him line up the massive cock to her tight little pussy. She couldn't find the strength to protest any further, as if Elune had abandoned her. Gripping the masonry, she bit her lip, as she felt the flat end push against her pussy. When he gripped her hips, she braced herself. The first thrust caused her to cry out to her goddess.

Inch by inch the bright pink dick pushed into her. Each inch was a fight, her womanhood fighting to keep out the invader. And each time, he bucked hips hips, forcing more, and causing Tyrande's shapely body to jiggle enticingly. "Get... in... thee!" Each time he pushed, grunting, and causing Tyrande to jerk forward. Gasping in a mix of pleasure and pain, there was nothing the night elf matron could do but hold on, as each jarring thrust pushed her forward with enough force to cause one of her ample breasts to pop free from her top. The dark purple of her nipples on full display, as finally, Dermak had sheathed himself within her. Holding within, he looked down at her, as she gasped and writhed beneath him. Nobody would ever believe this. That he was cock deep in Tyrande Whisperwind. He had always assumed that she would be immune to the love potion. But as her tight slit gripped him like a vice... he honestly couldn't believe it. Grabbing the loose braid on the back of her head, he pulled her head up. "How's it feel?" He grunted.

"I don't like it... I don't like it!" She groaned almost drunkenly, her tongue already hanging out, her tit exposed. Using this as leverage, he pulled back, just to slam back into her. Repeating this action over and over, Tyrande could only grunt and moan as her insides were ravaged by the cock. "Don't! Stop!" Slap, slap, slap. The sounds of the tauren's belly smacking against the heart shaped rear end of Tyrande echoed throughout the forest. Harpies watched, but didn't interfere. Perhaps shock, awe, or some measure of vengeance at seeing the night elf getting fucked silly prevented them. Tyrande's face was far from the dignified one she normally put on. Her tongue hung from her mouth, eyes rolled back into her skull, as she she was fucked stupid. "Don't stooop! Don't STOOOOP! By Elune, itsh shooo goooood!"

"Finally being honest?" Dermak Grunted. "Finally turned into a good little fuck slut?" Each word was punctuated by a hard, deep thrust into her unprotected womb. Her juices ran down her thighs, while her feet were on tip toes, constantly being railed upwards. Each thrust knocked her on balance, as tears of pleasure and pain streamed down her cheeks. And then, she gave her answer. Loud, shrill, and punctuated by an orgasm. It was clear, and simple.

"Your cock shooo good! Fuck me more!" Releasing her braid, and grabbing her hips, he fucked Tyrande with extra gusto, watching the night elf matriarch turn into a dribbling, wanton slut. "Oh Eluuuuune! Itsh making me cum shoo much!" More liquid dribbled down her thighs, staining her panties.

Dermak himself was close, hammering into her pussy, which was a far cry from its initial tightness. Grunting in equal parts triumph and exertion. His thrusts were savage, hammer blows to Tyrande's poor, abused little pussy. Her head lay to the side, tongue out, while her eyes glued to the top of her skull. One breast out, bouncing, while the other threatened to bust loose at any moment. She was nothing like her former self. "Take my seed, slut!" He called out, slamming forward, and holding. Tyrande's cry announced her orgasm, as the tauren spilled his potent cock juice into her womb. Over and over it shot, as the elf howled in sheer pleasure at being taken. So much cock stuffed into her, it bathed her womb, settled, threatening to impregnate the ten thousand year old elf with bestial offspring. As Dermak's climax wound down, giving a few hard thrusts to get the last bit of baby batter out, he smirked. "Who do you belong to now? Your beloved, or me?"

Flipping her over, Tyrande was a mess. Hair disheveled, armor dirty, and her ample breasts gasping, with one out. Pushing up her thighs, he pulled her panties until they hung off one of her off-white boots, before pushing himself over her. Knees on either side of her waist, boots in the air, anyone who came upon the scene would simply see a purple ass, massive Tauren body, and white boots pushed to the sky. All this punctuated with slack, sodden white panties. Gripping her top, he roughly pulled it down, ripping the leather, and causing her tits to break free. Her lower armor followed, until only her boots, gloves, and ornaments of station remained. Looking up, she gave a silly grin. "You.... your cock ish shooo much better than hish..."

"Good answer!" Driving downward, Tyrande's boots soon bounced at the same frequency as her ample breasts, as the Tauren mating pressed her, ravaging her womb. The forest of Val'sharah filled with the sounds of Tyrande's wails of pleasure, and the steady, unrelenting sound of tauren cock battering her womb. Her panties waved back and forth, a surrender to the oversized cock as it ravaged her in the most intimate way possible. But Dermak wouldn't see it, his eyes glued on her bouncing breasts, pinked pussy, and the silly look on Tyrande's face. Her toned abdomen continued to contract, as orgasm after orgasm rocked her athletic form. All these years as a Sentinal, now just a means to please a fat cock slamming her tight quim.

With a grunt, he pushed into her womb, the last bastion of defense against some semblance of purity. The last place Malfurion could have held refuge, gone as the flat tip shoved right on in. Whatever was left of Tyrande's mind was gone, replaced only with cock, and how good it felt. Her head hung off the side of the masonry, bobbing in addition to her legs and breasts. She was a broken woman. "We'll have to work on your stamina...!" The tauren grunted, pounding into with reckless abandon. With another grunt, he seeded her womb again, filling her to the absolute brim.

Tyrande was distantly aware her body was being used, but she was in no condition to count how many times she came, or how much cum was pumped into her.

It was nightfall now, and Dermak grunted, hand grasped to the back of Tyrande's head, firmly in her hair, as he forced his erect cock down her throat. She dutifully, lovingly serviced him, gagging and gurgling as she bobbed her head. Her armor lay strewn across the ground, and save for gloves and boots, she was naked. Tyrande could taste her juice and the cum that liberally dribbled down her leg on the shaft. "Drink it!" Her lover, her beloved, ordered, as he shot a salty load down her throat. She swallowed as much as she could, until it became to much, dribbling from her mouth, going down her cheek, and exposed breasts.

As he finished, Tyrande beamed up at him, before giving the head a kiss. All thoughts of Malfurion were gone. All thoughts of Elune. Only this big, meaty cock, which had given her so much pleasure. Lapping at the sides, Dermak sighed, before tossing her over his shoulder. He ignored the drunken giggle, and wondered.... who would be next?