Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 55 - Orcs Vs Dragons

Chapter 55 - Orcs Vs Dragons

With a cruel laugh, Grimgor slammed Gitsnik into the last Cathayan in his way and watched as the man was cleaved nearly in two by this single strike, the soldier's body collapsing in seconds. The halberd fell to the floor in a clang, completely useless. Somewhere behind him, his Immortulz were in the process of butchering the last defenders as well. Nan-Gau was burning, scores of orcs running around, looting and killing, which was right entertaining.

The greatest threat of Cathays had not been the forces of Chaos held at bay by the Great Bastion, nor the Ogres of the Mountains of Mourn. No, the threat had come from further west, from something that none of Cathay's Astromancer had ever foreseen. Grimgor had formed the biggest WAAAGHH!!! he had ever seen and with him at its head, they had reduced Zharr-Naggrund to little more than rubble and piles of scrap metal, to be picked apart by the Greenskins for shiny loot, or good armour and choppas amidst the corpses of the hated big-hatted stunties. After the demise of the Chaos Dwarfs, the WAAGHH had turned east. Grimgor had fought in the Old World, and had killed countless normal dwarfs, Imperials, Border Princes, Savages Orcs... He had killed so many of that that he had turned his gaze east instead, towards places he had never rampaged through before. Towards something new and more interesting.

And so the WAAGHH had turned east, rampaging and pillaging through the Mountains of Mourn. Fighting off the huge ogres and their beasts, killing their Tyrants, gutting them, pillaging their loot hauls, eating them, sometimes. And the WAAGHH had made the Mountains green, before moving on. They had spilt out of the mountains into the Warpstone Desert where the Skaven dwelled, but the desert hadn't been fun. So instead they continued through the mountains and had eventually fallen into Cathay like a green, angry, mean and brutal avalanche.

The Cathayan had been a new foe, one that Grimgor had never fought before. They favoured crossbows and bows, and their warriors had spears and halberds for the most part. But fighting this new kind of warrior had been exciting to Grimgor. Really, really damn fun, even. Enough to keep him entertained during the weeks the war against Cathay had gone. Village after village, hundreds of peasants had died at Gitsnik's edge. Or bashed with the flat of its blade. Or had their brains crushed, bashed or punched by Grimgor's ists while he retried his axe from one of the war machines that had opposed Grimgor's army.

And after destroying so many villages and had moved on to bigger towns. More heavily defended forts, cities with warriors wearing actual good armour, that actually knew how to fight. From simple canons to weird magic chariots, strange flying horses, and even huge statues that came to life to murder the Orcs. Those moving statues had been very fun to fight. and there had been no bigger city, nor ones as heavily defended, as the fortress-factory of Nan-Gau. It had required him to actually think of a plan of attack beyond "order giants to smash the walls". But the greentide had prevailled. Orcs (and a handful of Goblins that Grimgor had to tolerate for their usefulness, as much as he smashed any that actually came within his sights) and some giant... the Greentide had breached the defense of Nan-gau, and had fought its army, killing hundreds, thousands even, of soldiers on the fields before the walls, on the walls themselves, and in the city. Each human refusing to give ground as the Orcs massacred them, but the ones that fled were not spared either, the boar or wolf riders making a sport out of hunting those defensless civilians. Grimgor himself had led the charge with his favourite Orcs, his "Immortulz" right behind him as they killed the most elite guards, the best armed soldiers, butchered the Longma riders that swooped in from the sky, until the entire city was engulfed in flames and chaos. The city had fallen, its factories ransoacked by enterprising Goblins, Orcs and trolls roaming the streets, defacing statues, killing civilians...

It didn't matter much to Grimgor now; the fighting was done, let the boyz have their fun and grab what they wanted, Grimgor would take the best prize for himself. Grinning, Grimgor approached the last enemy to be defeated, although this one he wouldn't kill.

"You dare, you filthy, disgusting, savage..." The Matriarch of Nan-Gau, Miao Ying, daughter of the Dragon Emperor, stood before him, body cackling with energy and electricity. "You will burn for you affront to the Emperor, and I will destroy you!"

Her regal and proud face was marred with rage as she gazed at Grimgor. Her body cackled with even more energy as she started floating above the ground, ready to transform into her awe-inspiring dragon form. She was going to destroy that Greenskin. She was going to smite him, to destroy his very soul, to...

Energy fizzled out as she felt something around her neck. She had been quick, but Grimgor had been quicker. The enormous Orc had ran to her and clasped a collar around her neck, tackling her to the ground in the same move, pinning her under him as his ugly face snarled at her.

The collar was an ugly, dark thing. One of obsidian incrusted with warpstone. A trinket plundered from Zharr-Naggrund, used by the chaos dwarfs to bind demons to the material world and enslave them. Grimgor had picked it up, remembering the rumours about "huge dragon-lizards" in Cathay, and had slapped it around Miao Ying's neck just in time.

It was made to bind powerful demons. Greater Demons, even, to make them compliant and non-dangerous, and the Storm Dragon was no different. She tried to grab the collar, to shatter it with her magic, with her strength. But the collar held on. Hands that had enough strength to bend swords in halves, coursing with magic powerful enough to explode the head of a Norscan warrior, did nothing to the collar of dark obsidian around her neck. Worse, the magic was absorbed by the warpstone embedded in the dark metal.

For the first time in centuries, panic, terror even, invaded Miao Ying's mind. She was apparently robbed of her power, in her weak human form, and face to face with an ugly, filthy, angry brute that outweighted her, was taller than her, and stronger than her. She weakly reached out, to try to push him away, to scamper away to her feet as her eyes darted around for help...

There was no help. This plaza was empty of anyone living, only Miao Ying, the cropses of massacrd cathayan, and Grimgor.

Grimgor Ironhide, who now had something other than pure anger and violence in his gaze as his eyes ran up and down the woman's body. Something that she had seen plenty of times before and found disgusting, especially now that it was coming from an ugly beast like him : Lust.

"You cannot be thinking..." Her voice was haughty and shocked, but there was a hint of fear within. He was a strong orc, and thanks to that collar, she was nearly as mighty as a normal human woman.

But he was. He absolutely was thinking about her beautiful body in such a lustful way. His knee, nearly as huge as her entire head was, pinned her thigh to the stone floor, making her unable to move as his brutish hands darted. Clothing that had been made by the finest tailors of Wei-Jin to be as gorgeous as comfortable, the fruit of years of labour by the greatest craftsmen, was unceremoniously ripped to shred by the orc brute in an instant. Miao Ying was powerless to stop him, her hands being barely more than annoyances to the towering Greenskin.

That damn collar made her weak, his wieght on her made escape impossible, and no help would be coming.

She became acutely aware that Grimgor was fumbling with his own armour as well, especially the lower half, as his enormous hands let go of her for a moment. She could have used that opportunity to make another attempt at escape, at kicking him, at pushing him... but she didn't. Instead, her entire body was frozen in fear as she watched the tall Orc deftly remove the armour plates protecting his groin. Not with any gentleness, but with rroe care than he had put destroyign miao Ying's own garnments. In a matter of seconds, the dark plate was thrown a short distance away, and there was nothing (of course there wouldn't be anything, were Greenskins even civilized enough for loincloths?). Nothing beyond the heavy mass that smacked against the dragon lady with a meaty "thump" and almost knocked the wind out of her: Grimgor's ccok and balls.

The only word that came to Miao ying's mind as she stared at them was: bigger.

Grimgor's cock was bigger than any she had taken in her life. Not a single one of the hundreds of human subjects that had had the honour of pleasuring her through the millenia had packed a cock that was even a fourth as long as the monstruous member that had slammed against her torso, nearly knocking the wind out of her. None had been even a fifth as thick, the gargantuan Greenskin cock easily as large as her thigh. As for his balls... each of Grimgor's testicle was nearly the size of Miao Ying's head, and even as they simply rested against her thighs, she could feel them rumbling, producing endless virile cum. And the smell! The sheer stench of grimgor's cock made the daughter of the Dragon Emperor want to vomit.

"G...get away from me, you filthy beast!" she weakly spat. The collar had done its job, and not only did she not have any actual strength to fight back anymore, but even her words were uncertain, empty of the haughty pride she usually carried herself with.

The only reply Grimgor gave her was a brutish, cruel laugh, followed by a simple sentence, one that Miao ying somehow understood even spoken in the barbaric tongue of the Greenskins:

"Got myself a nice trophy slave 'ere."

Before she could speak further, he had drawn his hips back. miao Ying felt his thick monstercock slide off her stomach, leaving a disgusting trail of rank... something. Pre-cum, mixed in with disgusting sweat, smegma, and who knew what else, the stench of which burned at her nostrils.

With a terrified shudder, she felt and saw his huge cocktip rub against her cunt, trying to force an entrance that wasn't possible, to stretch her outer lips, to open her more than was possible. With an annoyed grunt, Grimgor grabbed her waist, and slammed his cock inside her, shoving his inhumanely huge dick inside her cunt. In an instant, Miao Ying was in more pain than she had ever felt before, Grimgor's cock so huge it felt like she would tear in half. And yet, her body held on as she howled in pain, as her face took an expression of shock and suffering no one had ever seen from her before. Grimgor's only reaction was another brutish laugh, and to start actually fucking her.

The pain did not diminish in the slightest as the cock that was rapign her literally reshaped her guts, shook her to her very soul. Her eyes, now fearful and swelling with tears, dared look down, and she immediately regretted it. There, stretched more than it had any right to, her stomach was... moving. She could see the shape of the orc's cock moving below her skin as clearly as if her body wasn't there. She could see it move through her, violate her very womb, so thick and huge it left no inch of her pussy untouched, unmolested. Her entire insides were now just a toy for Grimgor Ironhide.

And the orc grunted in pleasure, clearly enjoying himself, finding her semi-divine pussy to his liking at he raped her, as he thrust, her body treated as nothing more than a fleshlight for that hyper cock. For the dick of the biggest and meanest orc ever. Miao Ying's pain did not subside, even as the minutes piled on and Grimgor enjoyed himself more and more. Even when his free hand grabbed at her breasts, it was without any regards for her pleasure, or even for her well-being at all, and only for Grimgor's enjoyment as he grunted in pleasure.

When he finally came, it was with a loud, triumphant roar, as he shot his cum with enough force to bruise her, leaving another mark of her defeat on her womb, as she was flooded with gallons of disgusting orc semen.

But at least it was over. Grimgor had used her, had defiled her, and now he would finally end her. Even if she felt even more pain as he removed his cock, leaving her gaping. Even if her last vision would be of the orc's digusting green cock, dripping with his own cum and her juices he had forced out of her. at least now her suffering would end. Miao Ying closed her eyes, the thought that had made that brutal rape somewhat bearable fully blooming in her mind: it's done, it's over now. She closed her eyes, eager for Grimgor's axe to finally end it.

Instead, his hand closed around her throat and he effortlessly lifted her.

"Gonna keep her for a bit, still fun to use." he declared.