Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 60 - Sylvanas Windrunner gone wrong

Chapter 60 - Sylvanas Windrunner gone wrong

The day of her wedding was the happiest of Sylvanas Windrunner's unlife. ' Not that there have been many happy days to compare it to since…him,' Sylvanas thought as she walked through the corridor of Stormwind Keep. But even thoughts of that wretched event weren't enough to bring her spirits down. It had been a long, hard road to get to where she was, months of indecision, discussions, and arguments, but it had all eventually culminated in the perfect ceremony.

Naturally, there had been staunch resistance to the idea of a union between the warchief of the Horde and the High King of the Alliance from all corners of Azeroth when Sylvanas had first presented it. The Alliance were sure that Anduin's will had been subverted, surely there was no way he'd agree to wed such a genocidal monster otherwise. The Horde were furious that their warchief had negotiated for peace and subservience rather than taking what they were owed by force.

But both Anduin and Sylvanas had been steadily persistent, meeting all the heated disagreements with calm, rational logic. And sometime, over the course of months of negotiation, what had begun as mutual respect had slowly transformed into true love. Of course, there were some who'd never believe it. Alleria for one and Genn for another, but eventually even the most fervent opposition became just a vocal minority for the overwhelming tide of support that the factions had given to the happy couple.

The wedding itself had been a well-attended, lavish affair, as befitting the marriage of the two most politically powerful people on Azeroth. Sylvanas had even consented to allowing both the ceremony to take place in Stormwind Cathedral and for it to be officiated by a High Priest of the Light. Normally she would have despised being subjected to such a nauseatingly pure spectacle, but it had all been worth it for the buzz she'd felt when Anduin had slipped that ring on her finger.

All of that led up to where the Banshee- no, Alliance- Queen was now, striding toward her king's bedchamber still clad in her wedding attire. The long, white dress had not been modestly cut in the slightest, showing off the vast expanse of Sylvanas' cerulean cleavage and drawing every eye in the room. Death had not marred the Dark Lady's beauty in the slightest, and she took every opportunity to remind the word of that fact.

The long slits of the dress exposed not only her shapely legs, but if one looked closely they'd be able to see the pure white garter, stocking, and lingerie set that Sylvanas had been wearing underneath. And topping it all off was the shimmering veil that had been lifted from her face and now trailed behind her head in tandem with the train dragging across the stone at her feet. To all the world Sylvanas looked like the perfect bride, the only thing out of place was the small dagger strapped to the inside of her thigh.

'Fools,' she thought contemptuously. 'As if I'd sully myself with the likes of such a pathetic human.' Unfortunately for the boy king, his wedding night would be his last as a living being. The story Sylvanas would tell the world would be quite tragic, how assassins had snuck into their chambers, and how Anduin had heroically sacrificed himself for her. She'd play the grieving widow, bemoaning the loss of their union, until at last, she'd find the strength to soldier on, and to rule over the entirety of Azeroth by herself, as it always should have been.

'Perhaps I'll even allow myself to be 'convinced' to raise him into undeath for the good of the world,' Sylvanas thought bemusedly. 'It might be fun having a pet around.'

The moment of triumph was at hand as the Dark Lady slipped into Anduin's room, closing the door behind her with a nary a sound. She was so caught up in her visions of victory, that it took Sylvanas far too long to notice that she and Anduin were not alone in the chamber. A half dozen worgen stood in a loose semi-circle, and at the center of line was Genn Greymane himself.

Sylvanas startled, but recovered her composure quickly. "Why husband," she purred, turning towards Anduin, "I wasn't expecting an audience for our consummation. But I suppose I could be persuaded to let them stay."

"Check her," Anduin said shortly, paying his bride no attention.

One of the worgen immediately snapped to attention and began running his hands all over Sylvanas' body. And while Anduin had no interest in claiming his bride for himself, he could at least admit that the sight of her in her wedding dress being practically molested by a worgen was an arousing one.

"Stop! What are you doing? I am your queen!" the Dark Lady protested, but froze when the worgen groping her immediately found the dagger hiding beneath her dress.

"I almost can't believe you were right, Genn," Anduin said, shaking his head in disappointment. "She really is as arrogant as you claim. She really thought we would buy into her pathetic farce of remorse and repentance."

Sylvanas' shock quickly turned to anger as she realized she'd been caught out, but she forced herself to remain calm. "It matters not what you believe," she said dismissively, "it was a mistake letting me get this far in the first place. In the morning, the guards will find the bodies of the worgen who assassinated the king while I grieve over his corpse!" And with that, the Banshee Queen took a deep breath she didn't need and wailed .

But the screech that emerged from her lips lacked all of its usual supernatural strength. Instead it was merely the scream of a normal elf, and the Alliance men were delighted to hear it.

"You even thought we wouldn't take precautions against you," Anduin sighed. "The ring I gave you was designed to block your banshee powers."

Sylvanas immediately grabbed for the accursed thing, but it was stuck fast around her finger. "Release me!" she demanded. "Release me at once!"

"Now why would I do that?" Genn chuckled. "We like you so much better this way. Now you can pay for all the lives you've stolen. Take her boys!"

Immediately the Banshee Queen was swarmed by the pack of the worgen, heavy paws landing on her shoulders and forcing her to sink to her knees. The normally agile elf went down ungracefully, practically tripping over her wedding dress as the front of it got dirtied by the floor, emblematic of the sullying that she was about to endure. Sylvanas knew she should fight back, should try to get away, but without her unholy powers, her strength was simply pitiful compared to that of the wolfmen.

All around the Dark Lady, the worgen removed their trousers, surrounding her with an intimidating wall of cocks. Even flaccid, every one of the worgen were incredibly gifted, their enormous pricks hanging down to their knees, as long and as thick as Sylvanas' forearm. Each was an angry red color, crisscrossed with pulsing veins and resting atop a bulging nutsack with balls the size of grapefruits.


The first worgen slapped Sylvanas' cheek with his dick, the force of it whipping her head to one side and raising a light pink streak against the blue hue of her skin.


Another worgen sent her spinning back the other way, tattooing her other cheek with equal intensity.

"How dare- GWUH"

The beginning of an infamous Banshee Queen tirade was rudely interrupted by yet another smack. Every time Sylvanas opened her mouth to spit more vitriol, the worgen shut her up brutally and effectively with their dicks. It became a game to the wolves, raining blows down on Sylvanas' face without mercy or reprieve and trying to ensure that every inch of her sharp features became reddened and sticky.

Only after dozens of cockslaps, and once the Dark Lady had been sufficiently intimidated by their merciless abuse, did the worgen finally move on. Genn stepped up in front of her, his clawed thumb finding its way between Sylvanas' indigo lips, tugging her jaw open wide before he swiftly replaced the invading digit with his monstrous, throbbing, worgen cock.

"MMMPPPHHHH!" Sylvanas' eyes widened in shock, her entire body going rigid as she was orally assaulted. As soon as Genn breached her mouth, he wrapped his paws around her head, his fingers easily meeting on the other side at the base of her skull. He squeezed with just the slightest bit of pressure, as if to prove how helpless she truly was at his hands, and how he could just as easily crush her if he had the inclination. But clearly the worgen king had something much more nefarious in mind, death would be too good for the likes of the Banshee Queen.

'Shameful how a body this sinful was wasted on a bitch this vile.' he thought. 'And it seems heretical for her to be wearing white. Guess I'll have to tear it off of her.' Grinning, Greymane used his grip to jerk Sylvanas' head back and forth along his length. "I should have shut you up like this years ago, banshee whore!" he growled out loud, treating her with exactly as much respect as he felt she deserved. The Dark Lady's muffled gags were like music to his ears, and Genn began bucking his hips in time with his hands to see just how many and how loud the sounds he could draw from her unwilling lips were. '

It didn't take long for his tip to find the back of Sylvanas' throat, both because of the force of his thrusts and the comical size difference between his gargantuan prick and the relatively tiny elf. Each jab of Greymane's cock coaxed another splatter of drool from the Banshee Queen until her chin became a sticky river of spit and precum. Then, just when Sylvanas felt like she'd gained a handle on her violation, she felt Genn yank her all the way off his manhood, causing her to gasp instinctually as her throat was finally unblocked.

But before she had a moment to recover, or even process, another worgen grabbed her head and twisted her neck in his direction, ramming his own raging erection home in her mouth. And although this particular worgen might not have been Sylvanas' mortal enemy like Genn was, that did not mean he treated her any gentler. Using the undead elf's ears like handlebars, he immediately picked up where his king left off, probing away at Sylvanas' unyielding throat as he forced her to swallow him down.

Every worgen took their turn with the Banshee Queen's mouth, turning her most fearsome weapon into an unwilling tool for their own pleasure. They passed her back and forth like a party favor, sending her spinning around and ravaging her mouth. No two worgen fucked her the same, albeit each one brought a similar level of intensity and size that left Sylvanas' head spinning. Some of them pushed as deep down her gullet as they could, while others were content to prod against the soft skin inside her cheek, making it bulge lewdly. And even when they weren't making use of her mouth, the remaining worgen would find their own way to continue abusing her body.

Sylvanas' wrists were grabbed, her fingers forced to wrap around the worgens' thick shafts as they rubbed against her palm, soothing their heated pricks with her cool flesh. Her pale, ghostly hair was used like a rag to wipe the spit and slime off their cocks. One enterprising worgen finally had the bright idea to tear Sylvanas' dress down the front, letting her surprisingly large chest spring free. He seized the initiative and seized her breasts, groping and molesting the wobbling orbs to his heart's content. The next logical step was of course, a boobjob, and the worgen needed no pushing to take full advantage of the opportunity being presented.

All together the worgen utterly overwhelmed the Dark Lady with dick: one in her mouth, one in each hand, one between her tits, and the rest poking and prodding at any exposed skin they could reach.

"Alright, that's enough," Greymane said eventually. He drank in the sight of his most hated rival kneeling pathetically on the ground, her chest heaving with exertion and her hair tousled from the rough treatment it had received. "This night has only just begun, it's time to truly consummate your marriage!"

At the reminder of her wedding, Sylvanas finally remembered the other occupant in the room. Her gaze landed on Anduin, who was sitting at his desk, idly scribbling away at some paperwork without a care in the world.

"Your majesty, you cannot let them do this to me!" Sylvanas demanded. "The Horde will never stand for this! It's inhumane!"

Anduin turned another page over. "As opposed to pretending to love me for months, all the while plotting my murder? And I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? Oh no, you deserve every bit of what's coming to you, and I'm happy to let Genn be the one who delivers it."

"No!" Sylvanas cried as Genn easily scooped her up, one arm supporting her back and the other under her knees in a twisted mockery of a bridal carry. He quickly stepped across the room, ignoring the Dark Lady's futile flailing against his broad chest. The worgen king reached the bed and unceremoniously dumped her across it, letting Sylvanas' legs splay out wide and her head tip over the side as she flopped backwards. 'She was practically begging to be ravaged in her usual armor,' Genn thought to himself, 'but this ruined bride look is taking it to another level.'

"Did you really wear all this for me, you naughty slut?" Genn laughed as the way Sylvanas' skirts hiked up exposed her sheer, white lingerie. "You shouldn't have."

"Get away from there!" Sylvanas shouted, but Genn paid her no attention. His claws easily shredded the flimsy fabric, tearing through lace and silk until he could see her dripping slit.

"I don't think this counts as prima nocta, but I have first claim on the banshee's cunt," Genn told his pack. "But feel free to keep using her mouth, I prefer it when my prey doesn't speak."

The Banshee Queen kicked and punched in a frenzy trying to force Greymane off of her, but the worgen king would not be denied. He easily forced his way between her split legs, grabbing hold of each of her hands and pinning them by her waist. His leverage secured, Genn aligned the tip of his spear with Sylvanas' pussy. "Pray to whatever dark god you serve for mercy," he snarled, "because you won't receive any from me. Now SUFFER!"

Simultaneous with his howling declaration, Greymane rammed forward, pummeling his way past the resistance of Sylvanas' tight, barely wet pussy and stuffing her to the brim with worgen cock. And unfortunately for Sylvanas, "stuffed to the brim" only meant half of Genn's massive prick, and the worgen king was bound and determined to fit every remaining inch inside his undead fucktoy.

Sylvanas' back arched painfully off the bed, thrusting her breasts high into the air as her mouth fell open in a silent scream. She could feel her pussy being split open around his girth, feel the stretch and heat deep within her in a manner she never thought possible. The Dark Lady had no heartbeat of her own, but she somehow felt a thundering in her ears, her body pulsing in time with some discordant rhythm.

The other worgen were not idle during Sylvanas' crisis of faith, one had used the opportunity handed to him on a little pink platter and shoved his cock right down into her mouth. Even upside-down it was wet and waiting, and better still was the feel of Sylvanas' tongue as it wriggled against him where it was pinned by his girth.

Additionally, from his vantage point, the fallen elf's breasts were ripe for the picking. And so the worgen leaned over, latching onto one of her pebbled purple nipples with his teeth. He nibbled and bit and sucked at the little nub, while at the same time using his hand to grope the tit that wasn't receiving his oral affection.

All the aggressive attention Sylvanas was receiving was lighting her body up with all manner of unwelcome and wicked desires. But there was nothing she could do to resist her natural impulses, the way her nipples stiffened and her pussy moistened with arousal. Her mind and body were ill-prepared to handle this sort of situation, her thoughts started to cloud over and grow foggy as she was skewered from both sides like a Pandaren finger-trap.

Meanwhile, Genn was abusing her now-slickening cunt to rail her tight twat with ever-increasing vigor. The Banshee Queen's cunt was just as stubborn and unyielding as Sylvanas herself, although now it appeared that both her will and her walls could be broken in by a generous helping of worgen dick. But even with the additional lubrication, Greymane still hadn't completely bottomed out in Sylvanas' fuckhole just yet, there was just too much cock to fit in her tiny snatch.

Every jab of his prick sent Genn's head knocking at the Dark Lady's cervix like a battering ram requesting entry. And every accompanying jolt of pain through Sylvanas' system came partnered with an equally destructive burst of pleasure. 'I can't believe this is making me feel so good,' the Dark Lady despaired. While the existence of a hidden masochistic streak might not have surprised anyone who knew the Banshee Queen, discovering it for herself was throwing Sylvanas for a loop as Genn Greymane rearranged her guts.

The Banshee Queen could see her tummy tenting where Greymane's cock was punching so deep inside her, could practically feel her organs being nudged aside by the insatiable onslaught of the worgen prick, even though said prick somehow still had a few more inches to fit inside her. A situation that Genn seemed keen to remedy given the way he adjusted his attack, now using his grip on her wrists to haul her down onto his dick in time with his thrusts.

It was thanks to this added leverage that the dam finally broke for Sylvanas, the entrance to her womb finally giving way before Genn's aggression. The feeling of her innermost depths being split open around his prick sent her crashing through a cataclysmic climax, her entire body shaking and spasming in the tight grip of her captors as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her. Fireworks exploded behind her eyelids, her mind going blank for a second as her pussy flooded with nectar.

"Haha, yes! Watch the bitch break!" Genn cried, his balls tightening as he watched his enemy come undone before his eyes. He intensified his attack, his strong hips moving at a frantic pace as he approached his endgame. The sloppy wet sounds of a pussy being utterly ravaged bounced around the chamber, echoed by the clap of his churning nut sack against the Banshee Queen's fat ass.

But it was only when he saw Sylvanas begin to return to her senses that Genn finally allowed his own peak to crescendo. With a triumphant howl, he speared balls-deep into the Dark Lady's pussy, his knot swelling and locking him in place while he flooded Sylvanas' theoretically barren babymaker with an absolute torrent of virile wolven spunk.

For the Banshee Queen, the dual sensation of being seeded to her core and knotted like a bitch while in the midst of coming down from her earlier orgasm was nearly too much for her to handle. Once again her eyes went rolling in their sockets; every muscle of her body fired off at once, sending her legs kicking and her body twitching through an orgasmic seizure.

The worgen fucking Sylvanas face felt her throat choking around his member and abruptly followed her over the edge, having only a moment to lament being unable to knot her mouth, before dumping his own load straight into her stomach. Not content with merely soiling Sylvanas' insides, the worgen slowly withdrew his cock as it kept spewing, letting a few spurts land on her tongue and the last few all over her fine elven features.

The Dark Lady had no chance to keep up with the tidal wave of jizz she was being forced to swallow, and much of it came burbling right back up, spilling out of her limp mouth and nose and running upside down her face. It spilled into her eyes- gunking up her eyelashes and waifish brows, her hair- matting it together in sticky strands, and her dangling veil- soiling the pure white with translucent slime.

The Banshee Queen's cunt would be unavailable with Genn knotted inside it, so instead the other worgen continued to make full use of her mouth. They faced no resistance from the blissed-out elf, treating her open maw like the undead fleshlight they knew it was always destined to be. They all came in time, some of them following the lead of the first and erupting down her throat, others preferring to plaster her face with their seed or even aiming down the rest of her body, staining both Sylvanas' azure skin and defiling her dress with their off-white discharge.

It was only when Greymane's knot began to soften that Sylvanas did stir, momentarily regretting the loss of his heat before she realized what she was thinking, mentally chastising herself and instead letting the anger flow.

"Beashtsh!" she gurgled around a mouthful of splooge. "Monshtersh! How dare you! I will have your headsh for thish! I will flay the shkin from your bonesh!"

"Oh, good, the elfslut still has some fight left in her," Genn laughed. "I was hoping we'd get to continue our fun, I still have one more hole left to violate after all."

Erection still rock-hard and ready to go, Genn fully withdrew from the Dark Lady's abused fuckhole, letting the first bits of his seed trickle out past the no-longer-tight seal of her bruised pussy lips. He circled around to the side of the bed, easily hauling the slender elf into the air. He reached down and under her legs, letting his hands slide up her body, claws tearing through the skirts and sides of her dress until her knees were trapped in the crook of his arms and his fingers were clasped together behind her neck.

"Let's see if we can't remove that stick from your ass and replace it with something better!"

Sylvanas frantically shook her head. "No you can't! Your Majesty, Little Lion, Anduin, please!"

"Please what?" Anduin asked. "Please fuck you too? I don't think so. I wouldn't sully myself with the likes of such a pathetic elf. You're not worthy of the title of Queen. You're only useful for one thing, and that's keeping my men happy." His point made, the High King went right back to work.

"You heard the king, time to make me happy," Genn grinned from behind Sylvanas.

He slowly lowered her towards his waiting prick, enjoying her feeble struggles and attempts to squirm from his grasp. "Don't worry," Genn said soothingly, "I'll be sure to take this nice… and… SLOW!"

"GYAH!" The Dark Lady's eyes bulged and her mouth coughed up bits of spittle and cum as her ass was suddenly and viciously impaled on Genn's enormous cock, her entire body going rigid in his grip.

"Oops, guess that wasn't slow at all," Genn chuckled. The minutes that followed were a masterclass in how to show a stuck-up cunt that she was truly little more than an insignificant cumdump. The worgen king expertly manipulated Sylvanas up and down his cock, effortlessly lifting her until only his tip remained buried in her asshole then slamming her all the way back down to the hilt. While overloading his chosen mate with rapid-fire thrusts was certainly one effective method of bitch-breaking, there was also something to be said for vicious singular thrusts that scrambled her brains with every stroke.

Sylvanas' initial rage and threats had slowly quieted to desperate pleas and then falling to complete silence aside from the occasional pained grunt as Genn hit a particularly sensitive spot deep inside her. There was nothing to stop the worgen king from bottoming out as far as he wanted, and the Banshee Queen practically felt his cock in her throat from how hard he was reaming her ass.

"What are you all waiting around for?" Genn asked his men suddenly. "She's got another hole, doesn't she?"

The worgen, who had been watching their king's demonstration with appreciative awe, quickly snapped to attention, forming a line and taking their turns with Sylvanas' still-dripping snatch. And while they couldn't match Genn thrust for thrust, the double penetration of her cunt and ass was quickly turning the Dark Lady's mind to mush. No matter which worgen was taking his turn with her pussy, they were always in perfect sync with Genn, one huge wolven cock pulling out while the other was ramming in, ensuring that Sylvanas never went even a millisecond without a dick planted deep inside her.

Pinned between two strong worgen men, very little of the Banshee Queen could be seen aside from her feet bobbing helplessly in the air and the occasional swath of white fabric from her dress. Even when the worgen in front were switching out, they moved with such speed and such efficiency that the cock-struck elf was only visible for a split-second.

It was during those moments that Sylvanas could catch a glimpse of her hypothetical husband-to-be. Anduin was carrying on as if he didn't have a care in the world, perfectly content to sign some documents and read some ledgers while his former bride was being fucked to within an inch of her unlife by his subjects. He never even spared her a glance, entirely unconcerned with the brutal treatment she was receiving at the hands of his most trusted advisor and his men. 'How did this all go so wrong?' Sylvanas wondered.

Unfortunately for Sylvanas, that was the last coherent thought she was going to have for sometime. Perhaps noticing her wandering attention, or perhaps simply because he was enjoying himself so much, Genn somehow increased his pace, corded muscles working overtime to give the Dark Lady the assfucking she had earned from her history of cruelty and treason. The only thing the Banshee Queen deserved in this life was cock and cum, and Greymane was going to do his utmost to deliver on both fronts.

With his bollocks boiling once again, the worgen king buried his knot into the Dark Lady's backdoor, flatting her round asscheeks against his groin and flooding her bowels with a load no less voluminous than the one he'd pumped into her pussy. And once again, Sylvanas' body could simply not keep up, and the tide of spunk rising past her unworking stomach and esophagus began to spurt from the corners of her mouth.

"Look at the mess she's making!" the worgen laughed. "She loves the taste of cum so much, she can't keep it out of her mouth!"

Still locked in her asshole, Genn leaned down to one of the Banshee Queen's twitching ears. "Ready to admit you're a slut for worgen cock?" he asked.

"I…. will never…" Sylvanas mumbled weakly.

Genn grinned. "I was hoping you'd say that."

Genn let his men continue to use her pussy until his knot began to deflate, then he quickly threw her one last time onto the bed. He took just a moment to enjoy Sylvanas' disheveled state, the cum clinging to every inch of her, and the feeble winking of her sphincter as it tried ineffectually to recover from the gaping he had given it. Both of her fuckholes were battered and bruised purple, spread wide and continually leaking a waterfall of worgen jizz onto the bed where she once thought she'd cement her rule over Azeroth.

"She's almost ready," Genn told the rest of the worgen. "Time to push her over the edge."

Through the rest of the night, Genn and his pack ran an endless train on the Banshee Queen's cunt, never giving her a moment to rest, never giving her a moment to recover. They growled obscenities in her ear, calling her a 'worthless whore' and a 'Forsaken fucktoy'. They kept her ankles locked behind her head, pinning her to the mattress in a seemingly infinite mating press. The worgen kept coming and the worgen kept cumming, every load desecrating Sylvanas' pussy and coaxing another convulsive climax from her, keeping her drowning in a sea of euphoria.

At first, Sylvanas tried to fight, as futile as it might have been. She tried to push them off her, tried to deny the lewd epithets they had bestowed upon her, that she wasn't a sewer skank or an undead onahole. But it was getting harder and harder to keep up her energy as she slowly lost count of how many times she orgasmed throughout the ordeal.

Her initial climaxes had been intense, electric affairs, sending her whole body shivering and shaking as she rode out their effects. But over time each one drained more of her strength, more of her vitality, until the point came where she was barely reacting any more. Sylvanas may have well been a statue, the only thing moving was her stomach as it continued to swell, the lines of her feminine abs being lost under her bloated belly from the countless worgen loads she'd been granted.

When Sylvanas finally broke, it wasn't with a bang. It wasn't even with a whimper. Just as the sun had crested over the horizon, Genn had gifted her one last creampie, and Sylvanas hadn't reacted in the slightest. No twitching, no moaning, no smart remarks. She simply laid still, red eyes rolled back in her head and mouth hanging open in limp ahegao. She was no longer the Banshee Queen, she was simply a glassy-eyed fuckdoll for worgen to amuse themselves with whenever they wanted to.

Finishing the last of his paperwork, Anduin slowly got to his feet and crossed the room, taking a moment to admire the mindbreaking subjugation of his corpse bride. "Pathetic," the High King sneered as he looked down upon her. "To think you were once the most feared creature on Azeroth. Now even your most loyal subjects will want nothing to do with you." Sylvanas didn't stir. "At least you put on a good show. Watching you lose your mind as my men ruined your wedding night, your dress, and your life was pretty hot." He spat on her- the bubble of saliva scarcely visible amongst the coating of semen- to serve as one last punctuation mark of disrespect on the now-humbled Banshee Queen before he turned and left without a backwards glance.

The sunlight slowly creeping across the room shone iridescently off the layer of filth caking Sylvanas' skin. Her slender, toned legs, trained over a millenia in the forests of Eversong, were splayed and dangling from the foot of the bed. Her arms, corded with muscle from firing thousands of arrows, would never hold a weapon again. Instead they would be used to handle different kinds of shafts. Her body had once been an implement of rage and war, but would now only be used as an outlet for the unquenchable lusts of the worgen.

Her new purpose placed no value on the things that had once been important to her. Her body would no longer be judged on how effectively it could kill trolls, but rather how sexy and alluring her curvaceous figure could be to her worgen masters. Her tactical mind and tenacious attitude were no longer required, except when it came to figuring out how she could best please and keep up her endurance with the men who came to violate her. Her entire worth as a being, albeit one who neither lived nor breathed, was solely centered around her fuckholes, her tits, and her hands, and how quickly they could make a worgen climax and how much cum they could take.

Sylvanas had begun her day on top of the world, one step away from completing her master plan. She ended it underneath her most hated enemy, impaled on his cock and lying slack in his arms. Never again would the Banshee Queen threaten the sanctity of life and the safety of the world. Her ultimate destiny was now to serve as a worgen rocket-socket for however long they bothered to keep her around. All of her previous desires, all of her aspirations, all of her ambitious schemes had been cut to ribbons, lying in tattered ruins around her like the shredded remnants of what had once been her wedding dress.