Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 51 - Tohsaka Rin Vs the world (1)

Chapter 51 - Tohsaka Rin Vs the world (1)

Rin rubbed her temples as she actually considered it. She was going to grow a p-penis.

The mere thought of going through with it still felt ridiculous.

But she needed an edge for the coming grail war. In just two months' time, it would begin. Nearly five decades too soon but it would begin nonetheless. It was only by chance she learned of it too, thanks to Kirei of all people.

She had decided to vent some frustration and demanded a spar from her guardian. During said spar, the command seals he possessed as the overseer flashed. He couldn't ignore that and after she pestered him enough he told her the Einzburn had summoned Berserker a full two months early.

The cheaters.

But still what kind of monster did they make to be able to support Berserker of all Servants with only minor support from the grail? With her reserves, she could possibly manage one of the other classes of Servant… but it would cripple her ability to perform magecraft as the lion's share of her magical energy would go to the Servant.

Still, it was a boon to learn that the war was going to start anyway.

She imagined that the fake priest probably would have thought of telling her only a week at most before the war began to give her as little time as possible to prepare. So she was thankful for that little bit of fortune.

But that led her to her current problem. She had confidence in her skills… but she needed something more… and it required her to grow a set of male genitals.

She rubbed the bridge of her nose and then looked at the assembled regents. She had everything she needed for the potion.

So why was she stalling? Oh, right she didn't want to grow such an organ on her body.

She spent the better part of half an hour staring at the regents and the grimoire holding the instructions.

She then sighed and steeled herself. She was a magus and would do anything to further her research. Even if it meant wounding her pride… and modifying her body.

And so she started to brew the potion that would give her a penis.

As she went through the process of making the potion she thought about why she needed to do this.

Ah, she wanted to make sure she was able to produce more than enough magical energy to supply her Servant and then some. She knew she was likely more than capable normally… but with the war starting early, she felt that something was off and wanted insurance.

Normally she wouldn't resort to this. As she would more than likely just have taken out a loan to purchase more potent jewels… but her bank account was looking rather barren. Thank you, Kirei for your stellar work in draining her family's funds!

At least the bastard helped take care of her mother. It still hurt to see the empty gaze but she was alive.

Thankfully she didn't have to take out a loan as she had stumbled upon one of her ancestors' grimoires while cleaning up that held secret magecraft… but mostly it held specific spells that couldn't be discussed in polite company. She supposed a good place to hide family secrets was in a place no one would expect.

Even if it made it rather awkward to read about all the… lewd spells her family gathered and developed.

But there were more practical spells within one of which she will be using. The jewel studding method.

It allowed a person to generate and store an absolutely ridiculous amount of magical energy… by studding the penis with gems.

The process was actually rather fascinating. It took advantage of the male organs' ability to generate and store magical energy. Which is why she needed to gain one herself.

It was better than any alternate methods she found as this ability was why male mages often were the ones to sell their mana in the form of potions. Other fluids such as blood and breast milk worked as well… but most mages would never let another magus have access to their blood. As for breast milk, that usually required one to be pregnant, and while there were spells to induce it, she imagined it would be a nuisance to manage all the time.

So she chose the jewel studding method.

It was rather simple in the grand scheme of things. One would program a jewel with a spell to do two things. Gather and store magical energy and steadily release a small stream of vitality-tinted energy into the body, specifically to the penis and testicles. This would then create a sort of feedback loop where they would generate more energy only for that energy to be stored and used to further enhance energy production.

There would grow to be an excess that was stored in the jewels that could be drawn upon as if it were the magus natural reserves as the embedded jewels would grow to be considered a part of the body. Doing this bypassed the usual problem with her family's magecraft, which was using up jewels.

Though this would mean she has to polish her non-jewel-based magecraft now that she would have a bit more energy to burn.

But to do this she had to get the prerequisite organ first.

Which led her to the concoction currently brewing.

She followed the instructions to the exact details. She had hoped it would make up for the subpar ingredients. Many of the ones demanded were either too expensive or were now nearly impossible to procure. So she had to improvise. Thankfully the grimoire had a list of acceptable replacements, just with the stipulation that the end result would likely not be as potent.

Which was acceptable to her. She was growing one for more practical reasons… not for pleasure.

After hours of careful brewing, it was done. The ingredients had been rendered down into a glowing pink liquid, just enough for two doses. One to grow the penis and one to remove it.

She would keep it for the duration of the war and then get rid of it, maybe. It depended on how useful the jewel studding method proved to be. She imagined any future relationships would be awkward if she does actually keep it.

But that is a problem for the future.

She bottled her potion and cleaned up the mess. When she finished she took one bottle with her and secured the second in a safe place.

Now she had to get cleaned up herself, she did have school tomorrow.

As she strolled through her empty home she started feeling a bit peckish. She then remembered it was recommended to drink the potion on an empty stomach. So she skipped dinner to proceed with her plan.

She entered the bathroom and stripped. The grimoire said that taking the potion may make a mess so she thought it was best done in the bathroom for easy cleanup. She didn't want her workshop to stink of sweat after all.

She unhooked her bra and let her breasts free with a pleased sigh.

She then shivered as the cool air tickled her fully nude body causing her small pink nipples to pebble slightly.

She should really turn on the heat… but the electricity bill would be murder on her strained finances.

She then shook her head free from thinking about her dwindling savings.

She grabbed the bottle and lifted it to the light. She watched as the sloshing pink liquid glittered.

She took in a breath and muttered, "Time to do this."

She popped the cork and downed the contents. For a moment she waited… and nothing happened.

"Did I mess something u-" her words were cut short as her heart began to hammer in her chest. She clutched her chest as the bottle fell and rolled along the floor.

She breathed deeply as her body began to heat up not unlike when her circuits were running at full blast.

She collapsed to the tiled floor on her hands and knees as sweat began to drip off of her making a small pool beneath her.

Her vision blurred as her body was heating up to the point she let off steam into the cool air.

A moment later an intense burning sensation began at her crotch. A small weight flopped down from her crotch. She looked down and through blurred vision saw a penis… her penis. It was small like that of a child and covered in foreskin. It wasn't just that, as a moment later two more small weights joined it. Her testicles had dropped. They were small smooth and hairless.

As a whole, they looked… kind of cute. But another part felt a bit disappointed at their size.

Her thoughts as a whole all but vanished as the pain worsened… and then it stopped.

Or rather the pain turned into pleasure equal to the pain.

On her arms and knees like an animal, she let out a loud moan, "Fuuuuck!! I- I'm Cumming!!"

Her small childlike penis shot rope after rope of clear seedless cum plastering the floor with clear fluids.

But it wasn't just her penis that came, as a powerful orgasm ripped through her now gushing pussy.

Rin's face twisted up obscenely as pleasure wracked her body.

After a few minutes of pleasure beyond her comprehension, she collapsed into a pool of her various fluids.

As a whole, it was a sight to behold. The prim and proper school idol was on the floor face down ass up. Her hips twitched and occasionally bucked as a small penis and gushing vagina dripped clear fluids onto the floor.

It was then that the prim and proper school idol and magus heir, Rin Tohsaka, passed out in a pool of her own fluids cumming her brains out.


Rin awoke with a pained groan. Her entire body felt sore just like it did when she had a particularly brutal spar with Kirei. Her pelvic region was particularly sore.

She sat up and scrunched up her face in displeasure as her body felt sticky.

She raised a hand and found it coated in dried sweat or at least she thought it was just sweat.

She took a sniff and recoiled from the smell she exuded. It smelt strongly of sweat but also a mixture of two other things she couldn't quite identify at the moment.

Good thing she's already in the bathroom or else her workshop would have stunk to high heaven for who knows how long.

"Gross it's everywhere," she muttered as she went over her body finding the rest of it was coated in a smattering of fluids.

Casting her gaze downward she saw a tiny cute penis and a pair of small balls that rested on her crotch.

Then it all came flowing back to her. Brewing the potion, taking the potion, experiencing a not-insignificant amount of pain, growing a penis… and absolutely cumming her brains out.

Just thinking about that last one sent pleasant tingles throughout her body. Specifically, her new penis, which stirred awake. Her new organ grew… slightly as fresh blood rushed into it. It stood proud… or as proud as what looked like a two-inch penis could.

She curiously reached for it with her index finger and thumb, as its small size made anything more nearly impossible. That stung her pride more than she'd like to admit.

She grasped it and promptly bucked her hips while a lance of clear watery fluid shot from its soft pink tip that then landed with a soft, *splat* across the tiled floor a moment later.

She gritted her teeth as pleasure shot through her body from even the light touch. She promptly released her tiny penis that still dribbled a steady stream of what she now realized is precum.

Was there supposed to be so much of it and more importantly… was a penis supposed to be this sensitive!?

Even the few times she… relieved herself it never felt that good. Maybe it was a side effect of the potion.

She looked at the tiny length and equally small balls. That was probably a side effect as well.

She was tempted to touch it once more to perhaps experience that pleasure again… but through a force of will chose not to.

With trembling legs, she started up the bath to clean herself up from the mess she had made.

Making a point to ignore the trail of precum she left everywhere.

She hoped that stopped or else she was going to make a mess of her panties.

After a thorough scrubbing and long soak, Rin felt clean and refreshed. She was in a rather decent mood as well. Sure, she didn't get the exact results she wanted, as she was hoping for a bit more… meat to work with, but that was a more personal preference. All that mattered was she got the prerequisite organs she needed for the ritual.

Now she just had to wait a week till her body got accustomed to its new addition.

After that, she could perform the studding ritual.

Her good mood lasted until she saw the time, only an hour before she normally woke up for school.

Just great, she's going to be absolutely exhausted today.

Might as well make a big breakfast while she has time. She did skip dinner after all.

It was then her stomach made a rather loud growl.

With a light blush, she thought to make an extra large helping, just to be sure.

She entered the kitchen and got to work making breakfast. Feeling a bit starved she decided a western breakfast was the way to go, or more specifically an American breakfast since their penchant for large portion sizes suited her current needs.

Eggs were scrambled, pancakes were flipped, and bacon was fried. In the end, she had a large helping of food to devour and she did so with gusto, perhaps a bit too much gusto. She was starving and the potion was stated to use her own biomass to create the necessary organs. So while… small, they were still entirely new body parts and it had to take the excess from somewhere which is probably why she felt a bit weak in general at the moment.

So eating a ton of food to replace what was lost.

"Hmm… I never took you for one to eat like a pig, Rin," spoke a familiar irritating voice.

Rin twitched as her meal was so rudely interrupted by Kirei. She finished chewing her bacon and wiped her face. She then turned to the insufferable fake priest with a glare and promptly stopped as he had brought her mother.

"Quite the large serving you have. Even with your training, you may get fat," he said as he rolled her mother over.

Before she could retort, Rin looked at her mother's empty eyes and once again her heart ached. She was thankful as despite being in a near vegetative state for a decade looked no worse for wear… if a little chubby. Rin didn't know if her heart could take seeing her mother waste away and for that, she could frustratingly be thankful to Kotomine for using his healing magecraft to keep her body in decent shape.

However, little could be done for her mind as Kirei's healing skills didn't extend to the mind… well they could but she would sooner lobotomize herself than let Kirei root around in his mother's head. Without his direct assistance, he had told her that her mother had to want to wake up.

She patiently awaited that day… if it was to ever come.

She snapped out of her melancholy to see Kirei smile his usual smug smile. The sadistic bastard.

"But enough teasing I suppose. You do remember that it was the time for your mother to visit, correct?"

She did know it was time for her mother to come. She was just busy dealing with the fallout of growing… a penis.

Her priorities might have been skewed if she was being completely honest but she wanted to get that done before her mother came home from the care facility.

…The place where her mother spent most of her time, much to Rin's reluctance.

She tried her best but with the last of the family maids leaving when she entered middle school it became difficult to care for her mother even with Kirei's help. So she had her taken to a care home. Thankfully Kirei hadn't bungled her family's finances to the point where it would be difficult to pay for the care. She even cut her gem budget just so her mother could have good care.

She did have her mother come home occasionally in the hopes of her waking up, as it were. There were always flashes… but she would always return to her own little world.

Her happy little world, where her father was still alive and Sakura was still her sister.

…There were times were she was jealous of her mother's delusions.

Enough of those thoughts.

She sniffed dismissively and replied, "Of course, I remembered. But you will still have to take care of her during the day while I'm at school."

He smiled, "Of course. Perhaps listening to my sermon could rouse her."

Rin ground her teeth, "That wasn't funny ten years ago, and it's not funny now! If anything it would put her to sleep and give her nightmares!"

Kirei clutched at his chest in mock offense, "I'm hurt, Rin. I'll have you know my congregation enjoys my sermons."

She grumbled, "Yeah right they do." What congregation? Almost no one goes to his creepy ass church. Although there were stories of a beautiful blonde foreign woman frequenting the place. A bunch of nonsense in her opinion. As what woman would want to spend time with a creep like Kirei of their own free will?

Kirei then began to roll her mother out of the kitchen, "Well then I will leave you to your breakfast, Rin."

"Make sure to treat my mother well, Kirei!" she shouted as he left the room.

She just heard him laugh his insufferable laugh.

She let out a long sigh of irritation and then began to eat the remainder of her breakfast. She stabbed her fork into her syrup-drenched pancakes and chewed on them angrily.

Seriously that guy just ticks her off!

She finished off her breakfast by draining a glass of milk. She then let out a satisfied sigh, "Haah, I needed that."

She then washed up and went to prepare for school.

As she put on her uniform she looked at the small bulge in her panties made by her new penis. It wasn't really that noticeable, thankfully. Though if it did get bigger (she sort of hoped) she did have some tight spats she could put on to help hide it.

She put on her skirt and grabbed her school bag. With all that done she headed to the door.

At the door, she slipped on her shoes and set out with a silent mutter of, "I'm off," to the empty house.

The walk to school was quaint as it always was with students on their way to school and housewives out and about chatting. Though she did find her gaze lingering a bit more on the various female forms… well more so than usual. Her tastes were varied as she found appreciation in both the male and female forms after all.

Though she usually wasn't one to ogle she nevertheless found her gaze sticking just a tad longer. Was her new equipment already affecting her… or was it because of the feelings of pleasure she felt earlier making her a bit more… randy.

She wasn't sure but did her best not to let her gaze become noticeable.

As she neared the school gate a wind blew lifting the skirts of her schoolmates giving her an excellent view of many panty-covered asses. She felt her loins stir and she promptly mimicked the girls around her, not because of the wind but because of her erection.

She knew it likely wasn't noticeable, given its small size… but the thought of someone seeing it made her feel embarrassed beyond belief.

Once the wind died down she headed inside while her little penis remained stiff as a board.

This might be harder than she thought.

Rin bounced her leg anxiously as she waited for class to end. Four days, it has only been four days and she's already losing it. How do boys deal with it?!

Every day there was something that… that makes her hard! At first, she could ignore her new urges… but day after day they got more and more pronounced. She got hard at a vaguely feminine tree earlier! A tree!

It all started with that damned wind that blew up everyone's skirts. The sight of all those asses had her hard for most of her first class. After that, she was fine for the most part apart from the occasional flare-up.

The second day in the locker room was hell and heaven. A sea of creamy soft flesh. She managed to change in record time lest she ends up ogling all the girls.

Then the third day when she looked out the window she spotted the track team and ended up paying more attention to the track team's legs and asses than class. She was thankful no one noticed and that the teacher hadn't called her. Her panties were stained by her precum by the end of class. After that she let her gaze linger a bit on the various track girls, particularly the track girl trio.

Makidera's bubble butt was a feast for the eyes. Himuro's sizable tits jiggled wonderfully whenever she did the high jump. And Saegusa was just a cutie in general, whose clumsy attempts at sports just made Rin want to bully the girl.

She managed to wrest control of herself and was severely tempted to relieve herself after school that day but because she had to care for her mother she didn't have the time.

And then that leaves today. She is currently unbelievably hard from Fujimura-sensei of all people! The teacher bent over to pick something up and showed her fat ass to the class in the process. She didn't expect the woman's ass to be that thick and meaty! More so she and most of the class got a peak at her lewd thong! She was sure all the boys were attempting to stare holes into the garment… hers may have joined once or twice. With her new perspective, i.e. gaining herself a set of male genitals, something about Fujimura-senesi was un-mistakingly… erotic.

As soon as the bell rang for lunch she saw more than a few boys rush to the bathroom. She had a feeling why… and felt the sudden urge to do the same. But with a force of will. squashed those feelings.

Then Fujimura-sensei passed her and she noticed the woman wasn't wearing a bra and her prominent nipples were poking against the fabric.

Rin's composure broke and she ran to the bathroom.

The boy's bathroom was crowded with many waiting for their turn but the girl's bathrooms were of course empty. The girls weren't horny animals like the boys.

She didn't even think that she was technically one of those horny animals right now.

She quickly entered a stall feeling her lust clouding her thoughts and sat down on the toilet. She flipped up her skirt and eyed her slightly bulging pre-soaked panties. She slipped them down letting her tiny hard penis into the cool air.

She let out a pleased hiss as she gripped her penis with her thumb and index finger, "Ah, Fujimura-sensei!"

Up and down, up and down, she jerked while thinking of her fat-assed teacher. Not even a week ago would she degrade herself to masturbate during school! Let alone to thoughts of Fujimura-sensei of all people but here she was jerking her small meat like her life depended on it.

Her small penis leaked pre cum like a faucet lubricating her fingers making each motion smoother and all the more pleasurable.

Her head leaned against the wall while she jerked her tiny penis and with her sharp ears, she heard an almost symphony of, *fap* *fap* *fap* behind her along with moans of, "Fujimura-sensei!"

The boys from her class were sating their lusts with thoughts about their teacher just like she was. She felt an odd comradery form.

It was also extremely lewd to hear them jack themselves off. That only added to her growing arousal.

She felt it coming, a big one that built up over four days. She slammed her hand down and bucked her hips up and let her tongue loll out as her face screwed up in pleasure.

It was then the bathroom stall opened revealing the upperclassman gyaru, Arata Chika.


She screamed in her mind.

With monumental willpower, she held back her orgasm, and moments before her mind blanked out from the sheer pleasure of being caught she raised a hand and muttered, "Sleep!"

Arata's eyes dimmed and her mouth hung open as her hypnosis took hold.

It was then Rin allowed herself to cum.

Rin felt a shuddering in her core as her pussy gushed as she orgasmed hard and her tiny penis shot rope after rope of clear semen all over the blank-faced gyaru's body and face.

"Haah!" she breathed hard with exertion as her body trembled from the aftershocks of her orgasm.

She sat on the toilet looking up at the ceiling as a certain clarity hit her.

She needed to deal with Arata-senpai.

She looked at the blank-faced girl that was drenched in her clear semen. Honestly, it just looked like someone dumped a bucket of water on her with how watery it was… that could work.

She bid the hypnotized girl to fully enter the stall and Rin properly locked the stall this time.

Rin got a proper look at the girl. She was an almost stereotypical gyaru minus the tanned skin. Blonde hair, long colorful nails, expensive jewelry, and an outrageous body.

Rin couldn't help but stare at the girl's frankly massive breasts. Especially as her semen collected in her cleavage.

Rin gulped as the sight stirred her wilting erection back into full hardness.

Rin bit her lip as her mind continually filled with lewd ideas that she could do with the gyaru fully under her control.

She couldn't! That would be rape… but she wouldn't remember any of it.

Rin's breathing quickened as her desires ran rampant.

Just a hand… that's all she will do.

Rin sat back down on the toilet and muttered, "Stroke my p-penis."

The gyaru then did a lewd squat giving Rin a full view of her thong eating into her crotch. The sight alone made her penis spit out a gout of precum.

Arata-senpai grasped her penis with her index finger and thumb. Rin nearly came at the feeling of her soft fingers around her small shaft.

Then she started stroking. Soft-manicured hands went up and down and Rin realized it was different from the way she did it. Arata stroked her small dick with experienced motions and Rin quickly came all over the gyaru again. More of her clear cum built up in the expansive cleavage of the other girl. The way it dribbled off her form gave her a slightly oiled appearance.

O-one more time. She wanted to cum one more time.

Rin looked at Arata-senpai's plump lips and imagined them around her small shaft. Rin gulped and ordered, "Suck my penis."

The hypnotized girl obeyed and engulfed her member whole, balls and all.

Rin clenched her toes as her face screwed up in pleasure from the suction offered by Arata-senpai's soft lips and warm mouth. Arata-senpai's tongue lavished her penis and balls. She even felt the girl peel back her foreskin.

Rin then exploded in the girl's mouth as the now peeled sensitive skin was lavished by the girl's tongue.

The pleasure overloaded the magus' mind making a primal urge spring up in the absence of thought.

Rin bucked her hips and gripped the girl's blonde hair and drove Arata-senpai's face into her puffy mons as she blasted rope after rope of semen into the girl's warm inviting mouth.

Rin felt her face would have looked absolutely obscene to anyone watching… and that thought further excited her.

She came once more and then felt a bit fatigued. She ordered the girl to stop and slumped back onto the toilet bonelessly letting her now flagging erection return to softness.

Rin breathed deeply as sweat dripped off her body. That was intense.

Then clarity fully returned to her and she promptly panicked.

She pulled on her twin tails and muttered, "What did I Do!! God I- I raped someone using magecraft. My father would be beyond disgusted with me!! I'm disgusted with Myself!!"

She turned to her v-victim who sat still with her mouth open displaying her shame. Her mouth was filled to the brim with her watery cum… but something floated with it. Little yellowish flecks… Smegma. That was her smegma. Arata-senpai had peeled back her foreskin…

Rin then remembered she never peeled it back… or cleaned it.

Her four-day built-up cum and smegma were resting in her victim's mouth waiting to be disposed of.

Make her drink it.

Spoke an insidious thought and when she saw her penis was harder than its ever been Rin felt something within her break.

"Swallow," she spoke.

She watched as the older girl closed her mouth and swallowed. Arata-senpai then opened her mouth revealing it was clean.

Rin came at the sight.

With trembling legs, Rin let out a manic laugh, "Hehehe, Something is wrong with me."