Chereads / Oh No She didn't! / Chapter 50 - The journalist

Chapter 50 - The journalist

"Commander Shepard, she's here." EDI's synthesized voice came over the comm in Shepard's room, and waited a full ten seconds for a response before it continued. "Commander Shepard? She's not going to go away. You need to do this, whether you like it or not."

Shepard was currently busy laying flat on her bed, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about all of the things she'd rather be doing. Attacking a Collector base? That'd be nice. Tongue kissing a Volus? Yeah, probably. Cleaning out the waste trenches in a Varren fight pit? Maybe she could call Wrex and see if there was an opening on Tuchanka. Anything she could think of was better than what was waiting for her on the bridge - a time bomb of bad press, wrapped in a bitchy package and capped off with a voice so grating that it made Shepard nostalgic for the droning of a Reaper's indoctrination sound. Considering how much she really wasn't looking forward to this whole thing, it was no surprise that she still didn't answer EDI, simply staring up at the ceiling and daydreaming about her new life as a Varren scooper. Unfortunately, EDI wasn't as easy to ignore as Joker was.

"Commander Shepard, I have detected an air lock malfunction in cargo room 3-C." The AI's voice was sharp, calculating, and precise. "If this situation is not rectified, I am afraid that the contents of that cargo room will be lost to the vacuum of space."

Cargo room 3-C. Where Commander Shepard kept all of the expensive booze that Aria gifted to her.

"...dirty play, EDI." The Commander gave a small, frustrated sigh as she sat upright, and reached up to rub the back of her head. Her copper red hair was a tangled mess, and she was in no particular mood to brush it. If she was doing this? She was doing it on her terms, and that didn't mean dressing up in her finest formals just so she could clench her teeth for an hour. "Fine. Send her up, EDI. But tell Dr. Chakwas to stand by…just in case the bitch steps out of line again."

"I am sending her up now, Commander." Came EDI's swift response - so quick that it was clear she had begun sending the woman in question even before Shepard gave the go-ahead. "Please attempt to control yourself, the Alliance is attempting to extend an olive branch to us."

"Whatever." Shepard murmured as she pushed to her feet, eyes narrowing and her muscles going taut as she heard the turbolift approach. She rocked back and forth on her heels, gave one last glance at the mirror on the far end of the room, and silently promised herself that when she got through this, she'd treat herself. Maybe Asari whores on Omega. Maybe she'd just call Tali up and ask for a "just friends" handjob. Those Quarian fingers made for a mean grip. Either way, the redhead staggered forward and stood at the entry point for the turbolift, ensuring that when her visitor arrived, she'd be the first thing to see. And when the doors finally opened and a familiar face appeared before her, Shepard summoned every last bit of diplomacy inside of her. Every social grace Captain Anderson taught her. Every patient, piece of advice she'd ever been fed. "Hello, cunt."

Failed the paragon roll on that one.

"Commander Shepard. I see you're…every bit as rude as I remember." Khalisah al-Jilani stood in the turbolift, her irritating camera mech floating behind her and a smug look plastered on her face. She was wearing that same form-fitting dress of clashing orange and blues that she was known for in all of her holovids - something about a signature look, making sure the people of the Citadel recognized her brand. She invited herself into Shepard's quarters with a single step forward, and pulled up a datapad as she lifted a brow to regard her nemesis. "But don't worry, I'll make this quick. I know you're only having me here because the Alliance ordered it."

"Requested it." Shepard corrected her sternly, and pointed straight at the floating camera to make sure it got that data point down. With a lazy spin on a heel Shepard moved over towards her couch, and crashed down onto it with a thud. She was wearing her casual fatigues, and true to her decision to not dress up for Khalisah, they were only half-equipped. The zipper that would've normally closed it down the front was left half-open, revealing not only Shepard's toned abdomen but the sides of her particularly large breasts. It was a garish, scandalous look for a commander - but not exactly an uncommon one for the fallen first human Spectre. "The Alliance pissed away their right to order me to do anything when they spit in my face. If it wasn't for Udina promising me a whole fucking cargo hold of element zero to do this interview, you'd be turning tricks in the Lower Wards where you belong."

"How dare you!" Khalisah shot straight back, stepping towards the couch and bracing her hands on her hips. She never was the type to back down to Shepard - a fire in her eyes and an ambition in her belly that made her downright dangerous when she was sniffing up the wrong angle. Shepard had always figured Khalisah could've been hot…if the sound of her voice didn't make her want to jam an omni-tool through her face. "I'll have you know that I'm the most respected investigative reporter in the Alliance! Even your…pathetic attempts to humiliate me only elevated my name in the eyes of the soldiers! They know that when you punch a reporter, or when you insult her and almost make her cry live on air, that…that you're doing it to cover up the truth!"

"Yeah, okay." Shepard gave the other woman a flat look, clicked her tongue, and sighed. She allowed herself the chance to gaze up and down Khalisah for a few fleeting seconds - the dress didn't suit her, but the body was still nice enough below it. Especially the bulge that always seemed to tent the orange and blue garment at Khalisah's lap. "What truth is that, Khalisah? Enlighten me, since you're so fucking smart."

"Hmph! That your claims of fighting the Collectors are completely fabricated!" Khalisah lifted a hand, confident in her nonsense. "That you're not just working with Cerberus, you're working for Cerberus! Their chief agent, working directly underneath the secret council that runs that foul organization! My viewers know that even though you pretend this ship runs like the old Normandy, it's really a floating, depraved cabal where the syndicate members of Cerberus treat you like their personal cum dump! That you, Commander Shepard, are less a military hero and more the mind-broken whore of the Illusive Man himself! And when you're not doing performative stunts for the benefit of Cerberus' recruitment drives, you're getting high in your quarters, huffing Vorcha musk until you can't think straight!"

Commander Shepard just stared for a long, long moment, processing it all. It was the sort of idiotic, dirt stupid nonsense reporting she'd come to expect from Khalisah, but somehow even more sensational and baseless. At least when the bitch ran an article claiming that Commander Shepard was the cheap slut of every major shop on the Citadel, that was kind of true, from a celebrity promotional standpoint. But this? This was next level for Khalisah, and Shepard had only one response to it.

"...okay, think I'm going to beat the hell out of you now."

In the seconds that followed, Commander Shepard leapt from the sofa and tackled Khalisah with lightning speed, launching them both towards the hero's bed.

She tried. She really tried. And even though she failed, she'd still probably treat herself later. Those Quarian handjobs were just too good.


Beating the hell out of Khalisah might have been an overstatement, but Shepard certainly had her pinned to the bed in just a few seconds. There wasn't much of a competition between the reporter and the military veteran, especially when Khalisah was taken completely off guard - even if the woman herself had to admit she had it coming. Regardless, seconds after she finished running her mouth Shepard had her on the mattress, straddling the other woman's waist and holding her wrists down against the bed. The fact that both of them were significantly endowed was no secret to anyone with a set of eyes, but now that she was there that knowledge was staggeringly unavoidable, considering how they were left grinding against each other through the fabric of their clothing. Lust and frustration went hand in hand sometimes, and Shepard had never felt that impulse more than with the infuriating reporter that was staring daggers up at her now.

"Get…get the fuck off of me, Shepard!" Khalisah barked, and gyrated her hips forward, forcing both of them to flinch in a taste of excitement. "I swear, I'll tell the whole galaxy you're a brainwashed Cerberus cumsucking whore!"

"You're going to fucking do that anyway!" Shepard (correctly) snapped right back, her copper red hair hanging down to frame her scowling features. She'd never been good at keeping her cool - a paragon of virtue until something inside of her went wild, bringing out that sharp renegade streak. This was about as close to diplomacy as Commander Shepard got, and in all honesty this was EDI's fault for not thinking about that fact. "Pull the story back, al-Jilani, or I'll drop you off at a Krogan fuel depot and let you earn your way back home! Figure a mouth your size can probably squeeze all four balls in it!"

"Oh, you bitch!" Khalisah fumed as she fought back, and the subsequent tussle quickly went back and forth. Whether Shepard was distracted by the throbbing of her cock against Khalisah's or the reporter had been working out, the tables were swiftly turned as the two women started to twist together on the bed. Back and forth the two of them wrestled, their legs intertwining, their chests pressing flush against each other, and neither one of them holding back on the brawling, catfight tactics. Hair was pulled. Bites were delivered. Nails drug against exposed skin, leaving Shepard in particular sporting meticulously-manicured claw marks down her toned belly. And naturally, the longer the two wrestled, the more their respective clothes got tangled, ripped, and eventually discarded. The unflattering blue and orange dress was the first to go, but it was followed not long after by Shepard's military fatigues - the latter clinging to one of Shepard's ankles for the longest time while they wrestled, until she eventually kicked them off because they were slowing her down mid-scrap.

And before long - perhaps predictably so to anyone that had seen the two argue - the reporter and the commander were engaged in a fully naked contest for dominance, wearing nothing but sweat as they rolled around and found themselves grinding fiercely against each other. Commander Shepard had to admit - Khalisah had a better cock on her than the bitch deserved. It was damn near as big as Shepard's own, and complemented Khalisah's tits well, ensuring that the woman was the full package. It was just a damn shame that a woman that was so hot on the surface had to turn out to be such a colossal pain in the commander's ass, though even Shepard herself knew deep down, that was at least part of the appeal. As she reached out a hand to snake her fingers around Khalisah's base, she gave the other woman a few quick strokes, just as she nuzzled her own cocktip to the reporter's belly and liberally smeared her precum over her skin.

"You sure act tough, al-Jilani, but I've heard this story before!" Shepard smirked, an insufferably self-satisfied smile on her face. She spoke as she pumped Khalisah's cock a few more times, watching the look of pleasure cross over her rival's face. "You're just another Shepard fangirl hoping to get stretched around my heroic dick. Your whole bitchy reporter ploy managed to get you into my bedroom, but can you really cut it now that you're here?"

The entire time she spoke, Khalisah's cheeks darkened and her eyes narrowed, staring at Shepard while indignation filled her to the brim. When the time came, she mustered a surprising surge of strength from deep within - though the adrenaline from the handjob no doubt helped. With a sudden roar and a bit of hair pulling, Khalisah flipped the tables on Shepard, not just pushing the redhead down flat against the mattress, but straddling her chest at the same time. In an instant, Shepard found Khalisah's cock slap between her tits, and as the reporter pushed her palms to the sides of the redhead's breasts, she started to instinctively pump forward - all while the tip of her glistening, enormous cock kept poking at Shepard's cheeks and leaving them glazed in precum.

"This interview isn't over yet, Shepard!" Khalisah barked, and as if on cue, the floating camera suddenly darted from the background to hover around them. It recorded Shepard from all angles while she was titfucked, making sure to get a few close, intimate shots of her face to show the blushing, frustrated excitement plastered on the former Spectre. "You claim to be the hero of humanity, but your dalliances with aliens are well-documented by now! Can the people of Earth really trust a woman that has secret trysts with Councilwoman Tevos? Or once had a very public sexfight with Aria on Omega, complete with property damage and cum streaks on the dance floor?"

"Every Asari that I've fucked…" Shepard hissed, trying and failing to flinch away from the cocktip that kept prodding in her direction. "I fucked for the good of the galaxy!"

With a fury burning from deep within her core, Shepard summoned every ounce of strength she could, suddenly turning the tables on the other woman. Khalisah went flipping to the other edge of the bed, her cock swinging out from between the commander's tits just as she collapsed against the mattress, and Shepard was on her in an instant. The military woman had her feet on the ground as she snatched Khalisah's arms by the biceps, pulling her to the edge of the bed until the reporter's head dangled off of it. Then, with Khalisah's head hanging upside down and her mouth barely open in mid-gasp, Shepard took the obvious path of jamming her dick straight into the bitch's gullet - bulging her throat and choking her with Spectre cock. In just a few short instants, Khalisah had gone from feeling like the most powerful woman in the galaxy, titfucking commander Shepard, to just another slut that was wrapped around the commander's enormous, twitching prick. The taste of Shepard filled her senses and her face was buried to the other woman's sack, and though Khalisah tried to flail and fidget away, Shepard did her best to control her. One hand pinning her at the chest right between her breasts and another all the way towards Khalisah's cock, where the fingers wrapped taut around her and Shepard kept her in check with a few steady, ferocious pumps. And once she was there, her hips swinging and her dominance fully asserted, Shepard finally spoke - a smug smile forming her words while she did so.

"You think I don't know about your own run-ins with the Asari, Khalisah?" Shepard asked to a woman that couldn't possibly answer, considering how stuffed her mouth was. Shepard continued to fuck back and forth, only every pulling back to the point that her cockhead rested on Khalisah's tongue. She never even came close to fully pulling out - after all, she liked not being able to hear a single thing the reporter had to say. "I've got recordings of you. Videos of you begging to meet with the Asari Consort. Practically on your hands and knees, offering every credit in your account if she'd only give you a couple of licks. I don't need to beg for her pussy. I just walk through the front door and she's already bent over by the time I get to her room."

Khalisah's eyes were burning with fire at that point, and she tried her best to fight against the beratement from the other woman. Sure, she was humiliated to know that Shepard had footage of her begging for a Consort appointment - and just how Shepard had that information was another matter entirely - but she was even angrier that the former Spectre was actually invited into the Asari's quarters. What was so special about the redheaded military renegade bitch?! That cock wasn't that good!

Well…it kind of was, Khalisah had to admit. But still!

"G…Guhhh….gaaauuuugh!" Khalisah finally managed to force herself away from Shepard's cock, spitting it out of her mouth and groaning as lines of spit oozed from her maw, slathering down over her face. She suddenly reached with her lower half, putting those Citadel self-defense courses to good use, and wrapped her ankles around Shepard's head and shoulders before suddenly swinging forward, launching the commander right back onto the bed. As Shepard gave a cry and landed on the mattress with a thud, Khalisah was on her again in an instant - this time with spit smeared across her previously stoic features, and her cock hungry for more of Shepard than ever. "When I'm done with you, the Hanar won't even know what hole to put their tentacles in, whore!"

A flurry of wrestling activity continued once more, and in the brawl that ensued the two women found so many ways to violate each other. Cocks slapping each other's faces and bellies. Spanks delivered across curvy asses - whether it was with their hands, or with the hefty weight of their full, weaponized tits. At different intervals both women choked each other with their cocks and made sure the other fully knew what it was like to be smothered underneath their rival's balls, and for a fleeting few moments they were laying belly-to-belly with their dicks trapped against each other, grinding back and forth in a state of excitement while they may have been kissing. A little bit. Neither of them would ever admit it, of course.

Eventually, Shepard's training and stamina won out, and the commander had Khalisah pinned yet again. This time, to make sure her dominant position lasted she forced Khalisah to roll back on her shoulders with her hips lifted into the air, and was in the process of drilling down into her, jamming that Spectre cock right into her ass. Every time she bucked into the other woman from the vantage point of the mating position, she forced Khalisah's cock to bounce against her own face - smearing precum over the reporter's cheeks, forcing her to taste the excitement that Shepard was pushing into her. Khalisah was staring daggers up at the redhead the entire time, but was completely unable to push up from the pinned position - her body finally exhausted to the point that her muscles just wouldn't obey her. And Shepard, knowing she had the advantage, opted to throw the other woman the slightest bit of respect.

"You know, Khalisah, I'm almost fucking impressed." Shepard murmured, sweat coating her body like a second skin, her tits bouncing with every fierce, resonating thrust downward. Each time she packed her cock down to the core of the other woman, she could feel the pinch of Khalisah squeezing her all over again, the reporter's muscles forced to spasm involuntarily like she was trying to milk her rival. "Don't think you would've lasted two minutes against me when we first met. Hell, I know you wouldn't have, considering how easy you went down to a single punch."

"I've been…been…training." The words were forced out of Khalisah with a particular rhythm, each one squeezing past her lips as Shepard filled her ass. "You assaulted me the first time we met…humiliated me the second…I wasn't about to--hnnng…let you…win!"

When she tried to push up once more to reaffirm some dominance, Shepard shut her down hard - grasping the headboard and using it for leverage to drill down as intensely as she could. The end result left Khalisah crying out into the open air as her cock twitched and a mini-climax rushed through her, enough to squeeze out a thick, creamy dollop of cum from the tip of her cock, right against her stern features. The sight of it was a victory in and of itself for Shepard, as the irritable slut that had always vexxed her was the first one to cum in any amount. The Spectre wasn't too good to gloat, either, as she soon reached down a hand and pressed her palm against that patch of cum, smearing it all over Khalisah's face while she chuckled.

"All that training, and you only made your ass tighter for me." Shepard hissed with a dominant grin, her thighs spreading and her muscles preparing to really let loose. "Guess I should give you a fucking reward, huh?"

What followed was some of the most vigorous fucking that Shepard had ever done. She went taut, every part of her seizing up so she could snap into motion, using every well-toned muscle in the body that saved the galaxy. She grasped the headboard with both hands and she began to thrust with reckless abandon, jamming her dick straight down into that spasming, seizing ass that couldn't help but continuing to milk her. Khalisah's cries filled the air, no doubt dancing all the way down the turbolift shaft and onto the bridge below, announcing to everyone on duty that their commander was bagging the bitchy reporter they all resented. No doubt the members of the Normandy were raising a glass to their beloved commander that night, and Khalisah could only fidget in place while she was used, knowing deep down that she had lost the brawl, and that she'd have a walk of shame ahead of her in the future.

The bitterness, the resentment, even the humiliation all stacked up on top of each other, and it brought about a part of Khalisah that the reporter despised. For as much as she hated Shepard, her cock seemed to love the redhead, and it let her know that in dynamic fashion by constantly twitching, leaking streaks of cloudy precum, and then eventually betraying Khalisah entirely by twitching in the throes of a proper, full climax. When Shepard read as much on the woman's face, she took advantage of the opportunity by letting one hand move to settle at Khalisah's balls - massaging her, squeezing the bit of flesh that connected them to her shaft, working to make sure that the climax that followed would be so big and so intense that Khalisah couldn't possibly deny what happened.

The two stared at each other with spite in their eyes when Khalisah came, and that vitriol only made what followed all the more intense.

"Hnnng…!" The reporter seized, slamming her hands to the mattress and holding on tight as she started to pump her load straight down onto her own scowling face. Ropes of cum launched from her tip to blast her first across her cheeks and forehead, and then as she couldn't hold back a moan straight into her howling mouth. Her hair was left painted with streaks of white and as her orgasm continued Khalisah's cock swayed back and forth, eventually smearing herself across her surprisingly toned belly and blasting the space between her own full, heavy tits. She was making an absolute mess of herself and the proof of her climax was undeniable - the first one to properly cum, the one that objectively lost their bout. Shepard just fired an infuriating smirk at the reporter even while she kept thrusting, and she waited for a point in between Khalisah's moans for her to speak in a mocking, critical voice.

"This interview is over." She hissed, and then delivered one last thrust all the way to the base, in doing so pushing herself to her own climax. The sudden rush of cum that started at that point packed Khalisah's ass to the brim with cum, and Shepard was there to gloriously witness the way the bitch's eyes opened in utter shock - her lashes drooping from her own spunk, but otherwise exposing the raw surprise she had at how much cream Shepard was filling her with. She could feel it churning inside of her from the very first spurt, and when more packed its way inside Khalisah felt progressively heavier and heavier from the excess weight being poured inside. Cum spurted from the seam of where her ass gripped Shepard's dick, splattering against the point where their bodies met to make yet another rich, creamy mess on the commander's bed. Even worse, the experience of getting filled with cum made Khalisah's body betray her yet again, and an immediate second peak rocked through her, leaving her own prick twitching and spewing spunk once more. This time, she splattered the headboard above her before Shepard suddenly seized it at the midpoint and forced it down, jamming Khalisah's own cocktip into her mouth so she could drink it down.

It was hardly the last climax either woman would have that night, and in the sticky aftermath the two managed to squeeze out a bit of messy catharsis. There was a lot of bad blood between the two considering Khalisah's inflammatory interview style that had genuine negative effects of Shepard's efforts to save the galaxy and Shepard's tendency to solve problems with her fists, but there was nothing quite so able to work out the harsh feelings than some violent, depraved sex between busty women with giant cocks. That was something Shepard learned countless times over, considering all the bitchy Asari that she'd fucked throughout her adventures. By the time she pulled her prick out of Khalisah's ass and stared down at the other woman covered in cum, there wasn't exactly a fondness for her resting in the commander, but there was a…respect. At least a little. Enough that she reached a hand down, offering to pull Khalisah up to a sitting position.

And when Khalisah snatched Shepard's hand only to take it as a moment of weakness and yank her down to the mattress, the commander wasn't surprised. She'd never admit it, but a part of her was delighted over it. This showdown had been a long time coming.

What followed was even more vigorous wrestling from the pair, even more slippery and unchecked now that the first few orgasms had been squeezed from them. They brawled while Khalisah's cum slathered both of their bodies, with Shepard's entering the mix when Khalisah was slammed to the mattress and the excess cum that she'd just been filled with squeezed out of her ass to the sheets below. It was a sloppy affair filled with tribbing, slapping, hair-pulling, and even more kissing - though both women would firmly argue that they were only trying to assert their dominance with their tongues. Eventually, Khalisah even managed to get inside of Shepard's ass and fuck her just as had been done to her, though considering it was doggy style and Shepard could've easily flipped her at any time, it was hard to argue that the commander didn't let her have that one for free.

Either way, by the time the two had finished, Commander Shepard's quarters were a wreck. The sheets were wet with spunk and sweat, they'd upturned the couch and knocked over most of the things on Shepard's desk, and the commander's shower was still running from when they tried to clean up only to get into yet another fight, leading them to fucking and brawling their way right back to the bed. For now though, they laid side-by-side staring up at the ceiling, Shepard in practically the same position she was in when EDI first let her know that her guest was on board the Normandy. Both women's cocks were still half-stiff but mostly satiated, and both of them wore both the bruises and medals of honor from their war. The scratches. The bite marks. The rug burns on their knees. Shepard's throat had bruises from some vigorous choking delivered by Khalisah, while the reporter wore lines of impact across her ass from when the commander whipped her with a belt. It had been a long battle to be sure, but now that they'd both popped off more times than they could remember, there was some semblance of peace. Tense, tense peace, that soon fell apart as Khalisah lifted her head from the mattress.

"Commander Shepard," she spoke anew, not in the voice of a lusty sex rival looking for more, but in the tone of an investigative reporter looking for a scoop. "Would you say that your decision to work with Aria of Omega was really in the best interests of the galaxy? Or were you just trying to impress another piece of blue ass that might let you lay with her? Isn't it true that you're just using the war with the Collectors as an excuse to get your cock sucked by every sexy alien you meet?"

As Khalisah asked the question, the floating camera bot hovered into Shepard's line of sight again. By that point, Shepard had been resting with her fingers interlaced and her hands on her belly, and her eyes darted first to Khalisah, then to the camera, and then back and forth until suddenly she shot upright. With a deft motion she snatched the camera out of the air and as part of the same arc slammed it down on the corner of the nightstand, filling the room with a wild crashing noise and scattering camera debris across her bed. She slammed it again. And again. And again until there was nothing more left of the thing than a few sparking wires and a piece of scrap metal that Shepard casually tossed into Khalisah's lap, just before she laid flat on the bed again like nothing ever happened.

"The second one." Shepard finally answered the question, as calm as could be. "I'm mostly in it for the alien blowjobs."

But apparently, a bitchy reporter would also due in a pinch.

The End.