Eren's eyes fluttered open, the golden strands of hair tickling his nose. 'Lucifer?' He lifted his head slowly, groaning softly. His whole body ached from fighting against Malphas. Everything seemed blurry and hazy."Oh good, you're awake." Lucifer started, poking Eren's forehead with his index finger. "W-what happened?" Eren mumbled, rubbing his forehead. "You fell unconscious, my little dove." Lucifer answered, twirling a strand of his hair around his finger.Eren glanced around at the surroundings, it was nighttime now. The black sky full of stars that glowed with a purple hue. It was strange, he had always been unconscious during the night. He wondered if this place truly had nights or if it was some illusion."They are beautiful, aren't they?" Lucifer gazed up at the sky, a content smile on his face. "I have always found comfort in the stars. They remind me of simpler times." He sighed wistfully, closing his eyes, and focusing on the sky above."Simple times? What do you mean?" Eren asked, propping himself up on his elbows. Lucifer goes to speak, but stops himself, something clearly holding him back. "Another time, perhaps." He smiled weakly, shaking his head slightly.Eren watched Lucifer curiously as the reaper seems to get lost in thought. Lost in memories from a time long past. Eren decides not to press him further, instead enjoying the peaceful atmosphere that surrounded them."Why do you sleep here?" Lucifer looked down at him with a curious expression, "Where else would I sleep?" He raised his eyebrow inquisitively."Anywhere else? Wait. You thought you had to stay here all this time?" Lucifer asked, sounding genuinely surprised by his words."Yes? Where else would I go?" Eren sat up, rubbing his neck, feeling a bit stiff from lying on the ground this whole time."Oh, didn't I tell you about the living quarters?" Lucifer scratched his chin thoughtfully. "No?" Eren replied dryly, irritation creeping into his voice."Huh, I know. Come stay with me.""No." Eren denied him immediately, glaring at him suspiciously. Lucifer smiles innocently, as if he were an angel."Why not? My place is big enough for two people.""You beat my ass every day, and make passes at me every chance you get." Eren deadpans, still holding onto his suspicion.Lucifer raised his right hand. "I Lucifer, solemnly swear that... that..." Lucifer pauses, trying to find the right words."That what?" Eren probes, growing impatient with Lucifer's stalling."That I won't touch you or make passes at you unless you give me permission." Lucifer placed his other hand on his heart, holding up the other one as if he were taking an oath."Pinky promise." Lucifer smiled mischievously, extending his pinkie finger towards Eren."Really?" Eren replies exasperatedly."Really, really." Lucifer nodded his head enthusiastically, bouncing excitedly.Eren rolled his eyes and reaches out with his own pinkie finger. Linking them together, forming a pinkie promise. "Ok, but no funny business." Eren states firmly, trying to keep his voice stern. "No promises." Lucifer grins devilishly, pulling his hand back and standing up. "Let's go."Lucifer cradled Eren in his arms and extended his wings. Taking off into the air, leaving behind the arena. The wind rushing through his hair, causing it to tousle and blow around wildly. Eren stared at the night sky as they flew through it, marvelling at the stars that shone brightly above. 'This is incredible.' He thought to himself, enjoying the view.The pair eventually reached a singular mountain, sitting in the wasteland, it's peak soaring high into the night sky. Lucifer landed softly on the ground and set Eren down gently."Welcome to my humble abode." Lucifer gestured towards one of the many mouths on the mountain side."It's a cave?" Eren asked, looking around for a house or something of the like. "Nope, it's actually quite comfortable. It's a house but its inside the mountain." Lucifer explained, heading towards the entrance."You'll love this place. Just like me. Magnificent, beautiful and seductive." Lucifer boasted proudly, striking a pose as if he were posing for a photoshoot. ---It was hideous. As Eren walked through the darkness he emerged into a patchworked room. There was no style or cohesion to the loft.A kitchen that was ripped straight out of the 1950's complete with mint green countertops and floral patterns on everything, yet the oven was very modern, all sleek stainless steel. A few feet away was an antique dining room table with six chairs surrounding it. A red velvet sofa sat next to it; cushions haphazardly strewn about.An oversized Victorian era bathtub, sat in the middle of the living room, it had clawed feet and a golden faucet. The ceiling was covered in copper pipes, which made strange sounds as the house settled. On the wall was a large bookshelf filled with tomes and artifacts. Everything looked expensive and yet nothing matched, it was a clashing mess of different styles.The most offensive thing of all, was the bedroom, a Scandinavian inspired log cabin, complete with a queen-sized bed that had was covered pelts of animals. At least they were real furs, at least that's what Eren hoped. And to top it all off, a large portrait of Lucifer hang above the bed. Smiling seductively with his perfect hair, perfect skin, and perfect body.It was so awful, so obnoxious and vain, it had to be Lucifer's doing. "This... Is your home?" Eren asked, spoken with a mixture of awe and disgust."Yep! What do you think?" Lucifer asks, proud of himself.'It's fucking terrible.' Is what Eren wanted to say, however, seeing Lucifer's joyful face, not his faux happy facade. But the genuine happiness that spread across his features, Eren found himself unable to speak those words."It's homey." Is what had come out instead."Thank you!" Lucifer beamed happily, ruffling Eren's hair affectionately."I'm going to bed." Eren groaned, his eyelids heavy. The training was starting to take its toll on him."Where do I sleep?" He asked, looking around for another room or a couch."You can sleep in my bed, with me of course." Lucifer replied innocently."Hell no!""Oh, come on, don't be so shy. Where I came from, we shared beds all the time." Lucifer giggled like a school girl."I'm going to get my own bed." Eren grabbed some pelts and a few pillows, before leaving the room.He slept in the living room, building a small nest for himself. He found it surprisingly comfortable, feeling warm and snug. As he began to drift off to sleep, he felt he lacked something.Something that made him feel complete. 'Rika.'It had been years since he had slept by himself for a prolonged period, being so used to Rika's presence. It left him feeling empty, incomplete.'Fuck's sake.' Eren got up and took a couple of pelts with him, returning to Lucifer's room. The blonde reaper was already in bed, reading a book."I knew you would come back." He teased playfully, patting the space next to him. "Shut up. I'm only doing this because it's hard to sleep alone." Eren grumbled, making his way towards the bed.Lucifer smiled, marking his page, and setting the book down on the nightstand. "Of course." He replied in a faux serious tone, unable to keep the grin off his face."Goodnight, Lucifer." Eren sighed as he crawled into the bed. Laying down on the soft mattress. It was surprisingly comfortable, as if he was laying on a cloud."Goodnight, my little dove." Lucifer responded softly, draping the blanket over Eren.It didn't take long for Eren to fall asleep, as soon as his head hit the pillow, he drifted off into a deep slumber.