Chereads / Death Gate / Chapter 13 - Chapter 5: Reaper training - Human no more

Chapter 13 - Chapter 5: Reaper training - Human no more

[ 1200 days since Eren accepted his contract. Or there abouts.]The faint howl of the ashen wasteland blew into the loft. Stirring Eren, a signal to arise from his slumber. The cracks in the ceiling revealed the dreary skies above, dark, and cold. Its hue not changing for years now. Not that it bothered Eren, he had grown accustomed to the new setting.Something else Eren had grown accustomed to was Lucifer's ridiculous house of monstrous design decisions. It had gotten worse, somehow. More outlandish pieces of furniture began to appear over time. As well as artwork of varying taste. However, it seemed most were painted by Lucifer himself. Most were off himself, to always remind himself of his beauty. But most damming off all, a portrait of he and Eren.Well, Eren wasn't happy to be painted, as shown by the fact that Lucifer captured that in his portrait.Eren had been given his own room, much to the disappointment of Lucifer.The room was sparsely furnished, only containing a bed and a dresser with a mirror stationed atop. Nothing else. He had enough variety when he left his room.Eren rolled out of bed staring at the mirror that hung over the dresser. A young who had become more physically developed during his time in death's realm; his raven hair had slowly begun turning white at its roots, the tips still retaining their original colour. His delinquent fisheyes have dulled slightly, giving them a murky grey-blue tone. He gave the mirror only a fleeting glance before turning away."HELLLLOOOOO!" Lucifer barged into his room without a care in the world. "Good morning my little dove!" He chirped, poking Eren's cheek affectionately."Ugh... why are you so chipper in the morning." Eren groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes."Oh, you know me... just happy to bask in your glory." Lucifer responded in his usual cheerful tone. Although this time he had an uncharacteristic nervousness about him."Why are you here? I thought today was my one day off?" Eren questioned"Yeah, about that..." Lucifer fidgeted nervously.Lucifer had the worst poker face ever, his nervousness oozing out of him. Easier to read than a picture book."Lucifer? What have you done now?"Lucifer shifted his eyes away from Eren; his eyes hid an uncharacteristic, uneasy nature."Lucifer, Look at me."He didn't, instead letting his eyes wander like a dog looking to avoid its master's gaze after eating food that wasn't meant for him."Lucifer, tell me." Eren attempted to meet Lucifer's wandering gaze. "Lucifer…." Eren stood over the blonde reaper, finally meeting his emerald eyes.Letting out a loud sigh, Lucifer began to speak. "Malphas..." His words barley a whisper."He has finally managed to convince Gabriel to transfer your training over to him.""Fuck." Eren breathed, the realization of what this meant set in. He had become accustomed to fighting creatures, being a solo act. A solitary showman. But Malphas.Eren took in a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling. His mind racing with possibilities, outcomes. The uncertainty of what was to come weighed heavily on his mind."He won't get to me. If anything, I will put the bastard in his place." Eren asserted, placing a hand on Lucifer's shoulder."You can count on me." He gave him a confident smile, hoping to ease his concerns.Lucifer beamed happily. "You don't seem phased at all. That's my boy." Lucifer's tension eased with each word, his smile returning. "I'll meet you at the arena."With that, Lucifer was gone, leaving Eren alone once again.As he left the mountain home, he noted the sand was colder than usual on his bare feet.Donning his D-Dogs jacket far more faded than the day he got it, covered in patches to hid the tears of battles past."The hell do you want, Malphas," Eren muttered to himself. Eren has had run-ins with the reaper many times now, but none of them were ever pleasant, each time ending in pain for Eren. ---Arriving at the arena, the echoed whispers of the spectators greeted him from outside; as they waited for their champion to arrive. They wanted a show, and that's exactly what Eren would give them.Before he could enter the arena, the gaze of a predator made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.Malphas approached with a steady stride, emanating an eerie presence. His tall stature and rigid posture gave a menacing appearance."Malphas." Eren spat out.Malphas remained silent as he eyed Eren with disdain."What do you want, you boney prick." Eren growled, glaring daggers at the reaper. Malphas ignored him, walking past him towards the arena entrance."Where do you think you're going?" Eren shouted after him."I have little time for your childish taunts." Malphas stated, disappearing in the mouth of the arena.Eren followed, a chest full of fire and hunger. Eren had spent the past years training, fighting monsters that only served as fodder, fuel for his pride.Malphas would no longer be a looming nightmare in the back of his mind, but a foe no greater than the hunger of beasts slain."EREN!" "EREN!" "EREN!"The chants were deafening. Filled rows of both armoured and suited reapers, cheering for their champion. The noise shook the foundations of the arena, rattling the walls with fervour.At the centre of it all stood Malphas, motionless, waiting patientlyTo his left stood Gabriel, neat red suit, silver hair draping down his shoulders, expressionless.To his right was Lucifer, the natural gleeful expression had faded, replaced by unease and despair.Gabriel held an obsidian box, intricately decorated with ancient runes."Open it." Gabriel commanded, turning the box to Eren."What is it?" Eren asked cautiously, examining the container carefully."A gift... from Azazel himself." Gabriel replied ominously.Eren was hesitant to open it, uncertain of what lie inside."Open it." Malphas spoke, an unfamiliar tone emanated from his voice. A softness? No. Something else. Almost a sadness.Within the box lay; a severed forearm, pale as ivory, adorned with complex tattoos, wrapped in golden cloth. Its most prominent feature was a long tendril that sprouted from the palm of its hand, a hook like appendage made of bone."What is that?" Eren inquired."A gift from Azazel. Your new weapon." Gabriel explained, holding it out to Eren.Tendril twitching as it grew closer."I'm sorry Eren." Lucifer finally spoke. His tone was sad and mournful, tears threatening to fall from his emerald eyes.Malphas produced his obsidian dagger from behind, without a breath; slicing off Eren's left arm, a spray of crimson painting the ground.The searing pain shot through his entire body, panic setting in. He clutched the wound, trying to stop the bleeding."Wha- What have you done!" Eren cried. The crowd jeered; their cheers of approval filled the arena.Malphas cast aside Eren's arm, dropping it with a wet thud.The tendrils wrapped around the stump and attached to Eren. A pulse of energy travelled through him, his remaining skin at the stump rippling with the impact. Cold and alien, a sensation unlike anything he had ever felt. Eren screamed in agony as his entire being convulsed violently. His body thrashing about uncontrollably.Eren squeezed his eyes shut, clutching his wound tightly, hoping for the pain to subside.After what seemed like an eternity of torment, the pain subsided. Eren regained control over his body.Lucifer rushed to his wards side, kneeling next to him."Eren... I'm so sorry. There was nothing I could do." His voice cracked with guilt."You didn't have to cut it off! It would have attached itself regardless." Lucifer shouted towards both Malphas and Gabriel."Quiet your tongue, Lucifer. You knew as well as I, that Azazel's gifts come with a price." Malphas spoke coldly."Your accidie and vain attempts at garnering approval had created a liability. I'm here to remedy that."Lucifer lifted the injured Eren up. "How do you feel?" He asked gently, inspecting Eren for any injuries."Fine... Just... numb." Eren responded softly, cradling his new appendage."Good. Now, Let's take a look at your arm." Lucifer gesturing towards the new arm.Eren extended his left arm and flexed it experimentally, twisting it at the wrist. The limb moved smoothly, fluidly. Eren inspected it closely, trying to figure out how it worked. The bone hook had vanished, hidden within his forearm."Try to summon it." Lucifer encouraged.Eren concentrated on the energy within his body, focusing on the sensation of the hook. The sensation was like a heartbeat, thrumming through his veins. The hooked appendage emerged from his forearm, long and sharp, resembling a bladed hook. Instead of metal, it was a bone-like substance, rough and jagged.Eren controlled it like a third limb, twisting it around in the air, examining it."Incredible..." He muttered in awe. Changing its shape with a mere thought. Strangely, it's as if Eren had always had it. The act of using it came naturally to him, it felt normal."Enough. Begone Lucifer." Malphas' voice commanded. The very actions of Eren, an offensive act to his eyes."We will begin our training now." Malphas stated firmly."Lucifer what's my training?" Eren asked as Lucifer was escorted away by Gabriel."I'm truly sorry, be strong Eren." Lucifer turned back and gave him a pained look."Remember you are not alone."With that, Lucifer disappeared into the shadows with Gabriel.Turning back to face his would-be tormentor who had also vanished. Leaving Eren to worry. What was Malphas planning for him?