Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16 : "A college education is invaluable."

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16 : "A college education is invaluable."

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"A college education is invaluable."

He snorted at that, "Except in very specific circumstances, it's useless. There are plenty of jobs I can get without wasting four years of my time learning useless information.

Many of those jobs even pay well. While others go to college, I'll be getting four years of on-the-job experience, and really experience is all that matters."

Souna hummed at that and didn't argue the point. College actually wouldn't mean anything to her or her future plans so she could see his point.

She didn't necessarily agree though. The game continued as Souna asked, "If you're not interested in clubs, perhaps you're interested in the student council?"

She had no plans to invite him yet, she was just gauging his reactions and trying to draw him into more conversation to get a better feel for how his mind worked.

It's the same reason she invited him to play chess, beating him meant nothing but learning how he thought was invaluable.

He shook his head, "Not in the least."

"Oh? Is there something about the student council that repulses you so? Most of the boys in the school would do just about anything to join us."

"I've got better things to do than join your miniature dystopian regime."

Souna choked on her own spit as everyone in the room looked at Ryuji in shock, "Excuse me?"

No one commented on Souna's shrill voice so neither did Ryuji, instead he just gave her a bland stare, "What else would you call your unjust totalitarian ruling of the student council?"

Souna scowled darkly at him and glared so hard he thought he might catch on fire, "Explain yourself. Now."

He just gave her a completely flat look as he returned, "Not exactly proving me wrong." Her glare intensified so he just shrugged, "Fine. After talking to the other students I've picked up a bit. Let's start with the obvious, the perverted duo."

Souna scoffed, "I admit they were, rambunctious, at the beginning of last year but their behavior has obviously improved since no complaints have been filed against them. They might be annoying but those two are hardly that big of an issue."

Ryuji studied her, and seeing she was completely serious, scoffed. Though his look was sharp as he stated, "You're not Japanese are you?"

Souna jerked but rallied, "Of course I am."

He shook his head and smirked like he'd won something, "No you're not. Oh sure you got the name, and your looks are Eurasian enough to pass for Japanese.

But if you really were born and raised in Japan, then you'd know exactly how ignorant what you just said sounds." He moved his eyes from Souna, who was gaping like a fish, to the other girls in the room as he asked, "Were any of you born and raised in Japan?"

All of them raised their hands. He smirked at that, "Then would one of you kindly inform your ignorant president about what she's missing? I don't want her to think I'm making something up."

Souna looked at all her peerage members in surprise, but she focused on her Queen as she asked, "What does he mean?"

Tsubaki, looking uncomfortable being in the middle of the... conversation, still answered, "He's referring to Japan's extensive decency laws."

Ryuji picked up from there, "Decency laws so strict, that your refusal to do anything about the perverted duo for all of last year, would make you an accomplice to their crimes. It doesn't end there though.

See, after I learned that the duo weren't expelled and prosecuted for an entire year because you dismissed every complaint, I got curious.

You became president by winning the election at the end of your first year, but every person I asked said they didn't vote for you at the end of your second year."

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Many wondered who in their right mind would vote for the president that not only blatantly allowed perverts to run rampant, but then turned around and gave them punishments for things like skirts being a few centimeters too short, missing parts of their uniform, and other more minor things.

Punishing the girls for minor things while letting true law breakers get away with it? Is it any wonder that three out of every five girls I spoke to don't even care to report anything anymore?"

He moved a bishop and continued into the silence, "So, it's obvious that no one voted for you to make you president this year." He eyed her, "Did you even allow for a vote last year or did you continue to abuse your power? I'm going with option B because I also know, for a fact, that no one else in your 'cabinet' was voted in.

They were all hand-picked by you, just like you attempted to get me to join."

All Souna seemed capable of saying was, "I see." as she moved one of her rooks, "Check."

He glanced at the board for a moment, then moved his queen piece right into a space diagonal from her king, a space where only the king could possibly take the piece, her knights, bishops, and rooks all out of position to do so.

Additionally, halfway across the board, his bishop was lined up with his queen meaning the king couldn't take it. In other words, "Checkmate."

If anything, the awkward silence got even more awkward after the word left his mouth. He climbed to his feet and collected his bag.

Once he was prepared to leave, he gave a polite bow, "Thank you for the invite and the game. Let's never do this again. Good day."

No one tried to stop him from leaving the room.

Ryuji sat at the desk in his personal dimension, he'd gotten changed into comfortable clothes after arriving home and immediately hopped into it.

He was really looking forward to designing his first scenario! As he focused on his abilities, a frown crossed his face, "What the fuck?"


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters