After deciding their first course of action—journeying to Slidr, Forseti marked a route on the map. It conveniently passed through Saoirse's territory, offering homes and allies along the way.
First, Sirius needed to return Sirius' car to his house.
Returning to the area in the forest where it was sitting, the car sat, now growing moss in the ditch.
"We are definitely going to need a tow truck." Saoirse said, eyeing the rimac nivera in disbelief, not wanting to touch the task.
Sirius folded his arms and thought through the situation and then he said, "no I think it would be fine, I can pull it out."
"Pull it out; It's got to weigh a ton!" She said incredulously.
Sirius went to the trunk and pulled out a rope, then tied it around the bumper. In no time, he climbed back up the muddy embankment and walked out into the middle of the road.
Then he began to shift into a beast.