Listonne buzzed with an unusual energy. Crowds were present at every corner and chatters filled the street. Though one thing was common through out the whispers, the tournament.
"Hey, who do you think its going to win", a dark slender man said slamming his eight bottle of wine on the tavern table causing the rest of the bottles to shake.
"The hunters of course", another one answered.His name was Haeme. Unlike his counterpart he had a bigger body build and his brown hair looked chopped at most places earning him the nick name the ragged brute.
"No one can beat Gorme, my brother is unstoppable", he added smirking taking another bottle off the rack.
"I heard there's a new group in town "the predators" i hear their leader is quite strong", the slender one whose name was krobe added.
"Ha ha ha ", Haeme laughed loudly causing some stares in their direction which quickly dispersed when the saw the source.
"There's a reason why we have been on top all this years, we will crush them", Haeme declared confidently though his mind was filled with thoughts.
Who exactly are these people and most importantly who in the world is their leader....
May took a relaxing stand after defeating the fifteenth person and Jack couldn't help watch in awe.
"I take back what i said", Jack, Juniors senior brother said to the older gentleman.
"She's out of this world", Jack added watching her wipe the sweat of her face.
May's encounter with the hunters had caused quite a stir in Listonne and her last words
You messed with the wrong predator..
Had gotten a whole new reaction.
News had spread in Listonne that there was a new group in town, the predators and they were going to challenge the hunters in the tournament.
But most importantly, their mysterious female leader got the town whispering. Some said she was an ancient warrior while some said she was an orphan who made a deal with some powerful beings to gain power and was here for revenge.
But one thing was on the great warriors mind, she sure could do with Zaras home made doughnuts right now. Swinging her hand slowly, stretching a little she joined Jack and his dad who were in the middle of making plans.
"The tournament is in two days", Don, Jacks dad said as she joined addressing everyone.
The rest of the men were there, some rubbing their aching muscles where the have been smacked during training.
"This tournament requires a maximum of ten. All of you have been training for a long time for this. I'm just sad i won't be on the front lines", he added rubbing his sprained knee causing Jack to pat him lightly on the shoulder.
"Kol Dipper Ria Xaden Lanne Rex Kasper Theon, Jack and May, you guys will face the hunters", he said motioning them.
"This is the revolution, lets make history", he exclaimed earning cheers from all of them.
May took a step to leave after Don was through with his speech. Though she was only in town for a few weeks and wasn't directly involved with the hunters people like that reminded her of savage brutes like Pierre who abuse their power and and go to many lengths.
Unlike Valnaria where she couldnt do anything she was determined to make a change here and put her hopes on Ian. Speaking of which she wondered how he was.
Was he safe...
She was pulled back to reality as a hand lightly held her on her wrist.
"I dont mean to pry or anything i just noticed you were lost in thought and i also noticed that while we were in the black mamba tavern", Jack said.
"Are you alright?", he added in a soft voice.
"Im alright", May said flashing the warmest smile.
"Lets head inside", she added after which she walked slowly to the house.
Because of the events of the day she had completely forgotten. At the tavern, something had drifted into her nostrils which gave a sense of familiarity.
What was that...