In front of the academy gate, a carriage was placed, and a man with an acquisitive face and eyes operated it. Lars and Alex took steps to enter and gave a hand sign, telling the man to move forward. As the horses gained pace, the carriage moved forward at a frantic pace.
Lars had some questions in his mind that he hadn't asked the previous night when Alex asked him to join as a guide. Though he asked now, when the carriage had a 2-kilometer distance from the academy, "Sir Alex, can you tell me why you chose me as your guide? I mean, you could have outfitted someone, a non-amateur person." Lars asked desperately. Alex answered his question in an earnest tone, "I am not going to raid a dungeon, Lars." In addition, he told the man operating the carriage to stop.
Lars was puzzled by the idea of stopping the carriage. "Sir, what happened? Why are we stopping?" his tone baffled.
"You are going to the royal hall, also you remember the spells I taught you, use them on horses whenever they feel exhausted.
And Tell my father that I will spare until the morning; after that, I don't know," Alex said with a compliant face, his tone still serious. Lars was hopelessly muddled, but he had a belief that Alex wouldn't jest with the face he was making. Thus, he told the carriage man to make headway to the royal palace.
Alex donned a mask on his face that Principal Carlas had provided him. His appearance completely changed as he imagined his hair long and white, giving him an ominous emergence back. Alex had everything in his grasp, that was sure, but no one knew what was in his mind.
he muttered to himself as he gave a glance at the place where he was - a usual street cornered by a forest. "I think I need to wait in this forest till sunset." His emotions calmed as if it was a silence before the tragedy. He drew his way to the forest, seeing some shabby and small-scaled trees and herbs. After getting deep into the forest, he saw a huge tree parallel to the sacred fig.
"This place is great for my cultivation training till sunset." He sat down taking off his mask, lying on his waist against the humongous trunk of the tree.
Meanwhile, two men clad in black robes stood in a room. A gleaming light from the side made their shadows visible.
Person 1: "Sir, messenger, we have everything in control. We can finally take control of everything." His voice was barely audible.
Person 2: "Oh, yes, we are in control, but why am I seeing tension on your face?" His tone was sly; anyone could tell he was superior to the first person.
Person 1: "Sir, I am a little confused and varied about that Agniverta kid. He has become a formidable obstacle to our plan." His voice trembled as if he had fear of his death.
Person 2: "Didn't you give him lords…" His voice got inaudible after the sentence.
Alex's thoughts emerged. After a long time, he was solitary, by himself, and had time to think through everything. "It's been nearly four months since I transmigrated into this body. I am not sure what I should do. This world is boring; there are no battles worth fighting. What I am doing here is nothing, behaving like a kid. I can recall the words when I died - they said I was shameless and helpless.
I think their words have become true. Even when I try to fight, this feeling of incompleteness that I have felt in this world won't go away. I feel as if everything that I have in this world is not mine, it is borrowed from this kid whose body I am in, and from human eyes, it is the truth.
So, what I think... the Heavenly Demon, one renowned for his power, his path of immortality."
Sheng Cheon once again deepened more deeply into his thoughts. He again recalled, "What am I? What path should I choose? I was the one who tailored the path of immortality in Murim.
The path of immortality is the soul that is truth, that is life. It doesn't differentiate between the rich and poor, older or adolescent. That is the only thing that's worth making an efforts in every single life. That was the path I created. But see myself now - that path is crumbling inside me." the man, whose path was stroked by his own solitude, took a deep, thoughtful slumber for a while.
The sun was setting, its way going down in the last yellow, reddish luminescence, making Alex's face glow more than the sun itself. He opened his eyes and felt the atmosphere darken.
At the same time, Lars's carriage stopped at the front door of the royal palace. He made his way, taking fast steps to the royal hall, but what he saw was completely unexpected: the knights of the royal palace fighting each other. The king was protecting and fighting, and it seemed as though he was protecting Ronika, who stood beside him, holding his mantle.
Lars surged forward at a fast pace, making his way to the knights who were fighting, but he couldn't. A long spear from afar, flitting through the air, came at Lars. He couldn't dodge, shutting his eyes briefly, lapped in fear.
In his mind, there was nothing; it was empty. But a person repelled that spear.
Lars opened his eyes, taking a deep breath in a sigh. "I am safe," he thought.
General Viscal stood, bending his face toward Lars, saying in aww, "You don't even have the right to call yourself a knight anymore, Lars."