Chereads / Glorious Smash / Chapter 13 - Observing The Opportunity to Outsmart The Jabber

Chapter 13 - Observing The Opportunity to Outsmart The Jabber

Viscable thrust both his knuckles downward, engulfing his wrist with encircling yellow flares. The wires on his rapidly ensnared the untamed bolt of lightning, fueling the lower part of his arms with a tainted amber torch. He also slowly moved forward, covering the ground with the swarm of electricity from his foot.

A shivering caution clouded Azka-Lal's mind as she sharply darted her sight toward her foe who took another step forward, triggering the snakes to hiss distortedly. With one step being taken by Viscable, The Old Woman swiveled her hand, commanding the snakes to gather the acidified gulp on their fangs.

This time, I will not let you near me. The Old Woman shoved her shotgun arm forward and ordering the snake to puke out gulps

Trio gulps quickly descended to the glowing ground like a shooting star, evoking the flood of acid to expand. The expansion of the acid signaled The Blaster Jabber to mash his knuckles altogether, positioning them downward. A bemused gasp was exhaled from The Old Woman especially when Viscable charged more flares on his knuckles.

No way a guy like him foolishly tries to wipe out the swarming acid's sea with his fists. Unless this is a pure show-off or worse his new form is not meant to be for melee.

Either way, I'm going to try my best. Azka-Lal grunted, charging the blue lava-like liquid on her canister.

Viscable darted one last gaze at the expanding acid before he hopped upward, slamming his knuckle into the air below. It jounced him further from The Old Woman, generating the meteor-like bolt that instantaneously fled away. Azka-Lal screeched in shuddering shock with the bolt turning its direction into her.

"That's a first," Azka-Lal mumbled, whipping the ground with her snake-like tail and inhaling the chilling air.

She sighed and shouted, "Platy Crazu, decimate this projectile!!"

The acidified ocean halted its movement when it gobbled a huge mass of water that spawned a silver cloth animal with its glowing green skin. The animal for the counter the projectiles was a platypus with a purplish chainsaw-like beak, creaking its high-pitched roar.

The platypus skewered the bolting projectiles with its beak, infecting the bolt with the acidified fluid. The projectile quickly evaporated into boiling smoke in an instant as well as the platypus, allowing Azka-Lal to breathe out relaxing air. However. the chance didn't last long when she raised her gaze.

Azka-Lal motionlessly watched The Blaster Jabber initiate the flurry of punches, releasing hundreds of meteorite yellow volleys raining upon her. She bowed her head to refill a trace of calmness, flexibly sliding herself to the back and aiming her rifle arms. At the same time, the three snakes puked out the round of acid bubbles, summoning another encroaching flood of the sea nearby her.

"Quite surprising that you chose a boxer form to play a full-range attack like this," Azka-Lal whispered, collecting the thrilling voice within her lungs and glimpsing at The Blaster Jabber who withdrew his hand, ending the flurry. "You always brought an unexpected surprise."

"Reminded me of that hair magician, Prila who defeated me alone 5 years ago," Azka-Lal remarked, repeatedly thrashing the ground with her tail as she fixated her sight on The Blaster Jabber. "Goes to show that the new heroes are always getting stronger and stronger as time passes."

"As much I love crushing the dream of most new heroes, he is the one that pushed to fight to the fullest," Azka-Lal mumbled, sharpening her sight to the glimpse of Viscable falling and briefly spotting the dark torch flow on his beating heart. 

"Crabian Acidus, incinerate all of this meteor-like blast!!" Azka-Lal chanted, shimmering the red flashes on the necklace and gathering the flock of energies within the hole of the rifle's muzzle.

A colossal summon was unveiled from beneath the sea ocean, especially in the form of the dark-purple, metallic shell crabs who hopped to the sky. More precisely, the crimson crab claws took the shape of scorpion stings and a giant emerald railgun with snake fangs bullets latched on its back.

The crab sounded its ear-piercing screech, aiming the railgun upward and funneling the maroon red sparks into its hands. Viscable visibly obtained the sighting of the next attack of his foe, awakening the showering yellow particles that came out from the thickened square on his back,

It enveloped his entire body with the fiery amber aura, levitating on the top and drawing his fulminating knuckles. The giant crab fired a massive barrage of acid bullets by spinning its rail gun and venomous blood-red beams from its claws. Each of the bullets vaporized the meteor projectiles from The Blaster Jabber.

Even the stretching red beams also pulverized the row of projectiles, rotating to the sides that exploded the other projectiles in their surroundings. Watching none of the raining volleys was able to reach its main objective, The Blaster Jabber consecutively pushed his knuckles forward, liberating the blitzing bolts instantaneously falling.

The trio snakes on Azka-Lal's back desperately fizzled, her to revolve his rifle to the right, ramming the trigger to unshackle the bluish beam. The beam flexibly reshaped into the heterochromatic wormhole of red and blue, spontaneously sinking the twin bolts into its lowest depth.

The portal vanished into thin air after completing its task, allowing Viscable to place his knuckle closer to his ribs. The Blaster Jabber inhaled the air in his surroundings, pushing his knuckles forward and locking his glance toward Azka-Lal who continuously exhaled an exhausted air. 

Viscable switched his glance to the middle above, flashing the yellow gleams within his eyes before he caught the piercing screech. He calmly witnessed The Crab bounce forward, sharply positioning the railgun that regenerated the acid on its spinning muzzle and lifting its scorpion stings.

Inside the mask, he grinned and whispered, "Need more couple of attacks to complete her execution."

"Seems she couldn't sustain her ultimate form for a long time," The Blaster Jabber assumed, stretching his grin. "And for the giant crab that approached me, I could destroy this quite easily."

Viscable budged his charged-up knuckles down and chanted with a deep tone, "Blaster Knuckle, demolish both the crab and the old woman."

"Abyssal Portal….UPPERCUT!!" The Blaster Jabber screamed, thrusting the double uppercut

Therefore, the discharging yellow square spawned beneath the colossal crab, electrocuting it with the wild vines and immobilizing its motion. Azka-Lal was startled in shock as she watched the colossal crab shackled by the electrical vines, forcing her to grumble and frantically look back.

The square was also abruptly debuted below her, sealing movement with the electrical vines binding on her limbs. The intense pain of the execution drove her to unbendingly shriek in agony, flapping her tails and tremoring her arms. Even the snakes on her back also contortedly cried.

The more the crab and Azka-Lal endured the electrocution pain, the faster the square whirling below them. The rapid speed rotation led it to materialize an upper part of the giant and yellowish muscular humanoid figure under the giant crab, especially with The Blaster Jabber holding his knuckles together, marching vigorous flames on the top of his head.

"The true avatar will march on its foe and bring a single fist of destruction!" Viscable chanted with a stoic voice, retreating his knuckles and raising one of them to set a mark on the sky above.

"Go and crush that pathetic giant crab," The Blaster Jabber uttered, blurting out a round of delighted laughter.

The muscular humanoid jumped out from the spinning square, welcoming the crab with a bolting jab on its stomach. It even carried upward the crab who shrieked in unbending pain, deciding to thrust forward its other knuckle on the stomach. Then, a series of electrocuting punches was declared by the humanoid, tearing every part of its shell of with each fist landing on its target,

Hundred of consecutive punches tackled on the crab to be more precise, prolonging its bleating cries. Even the rail gun began to tear off from the crab's upper part alongside the scorpion claws. The thundering torches became brighter like a moon on the night sky as the humanoid strengthened the power of its punches.

The muscular humanoid withdrew its fists, rolling the right knuckle that spun around similar to a propeller. The last spin was initiated when it manifested the instantaneous cyclone of bolts, thrusting to pound toward the colossal crab. Only a single hit of the fist severed all the limbs of the crab detonating the electrifying bombardment that reduced its remains.

I only needed a lucky shot to at least….land the poison on him. Azka-Lal mumbled, luckily able to break the shackle of the electrical vines on his shotgun arm, 'A lucky shot from my beloved snakes.'

Come on, Azka-Lal you can still have a chance to execute him. Even though this is one of the most thrilling victims, I have to win this for my comrades and the future of Uprising Venom.'

Azka-Lal giggled to ease up the pressure and uttered, "More like, I still have plenty of chance to outsmart him."

She cautiously rotated her sluggish shotgun arm down after the muscular humanoid suddenly blinked out from her eyes. Her anticipative guess was unraveled through the humanoid hoisting its knuckle, trying to leap away from the clutches of the spinning square. An active aura gathered on the shotgun muzzle as the hands were on close range of jabbing her jaw.

"Impressive, but I still have a chance to…counter this," Azka-Lal said relaxedly, firing the trigger and letting out the bluish beam.

The beam launched through The Muscular Humanoid's arm, cracking every single part of it like shattered glass. At the same time, the humanoid ensnared the burning flashes toward Azka-Lal massively growing its size into ten times larger than her. The Old Woman submissively placed her head when the flashes bombarded her.

A flaring amber explosion soared until it jolted into the sky above, leading the square backpack to flicker out the dust. It sped up the momentum of The Blaster Jabber falling to the ground. In a quick reflex, Viscable flipped his leg and smoothly landed on the duck position by jabbing the ground below.

Viscable darted toward the explosion and brazenly commented, "There is a high chance she could get up from that."

'I bet she is not aware of my execution plan' The Blaster Jabber crossed his arms haughtily and switching his glance to the middle above, transpiring the flare strings on his eyes.

Viscable heaved his left knuckle. Every effort she can do to stop me will be proven meaningless.

I couldn't wait to see the execution directly in my eyes. Viscable pressed his shimmering eyes to the smoke of the explosion, hiding the shadowy silhouette of Azka-Lal.

Suddenly, a fleeing green beam swindled The Blaster Jabber's focus as he gasped, hurriedly thrusting his molten knuckle to the side. With the beam close enough to pierce his heart, The Blaster Jabber plunged his knuckle to the beam and bounced him to the left when a bolting volley was freed.

The bolting volley tackled the beam and failed unceremoniously due to the one touch of the beam evaporating into a mass of steam. The beam ended its quest when it speared the nearest area's barrier, vanishing into complete dust. Viscable hastily widened his eyes to the explosion spot, scanning the silhouette of his foe hiding within the smoke.

Another speeding beam was unbridled, provoking The Blaster Jabber to position his right knuckle beside his cheek. An electrifying flare constricted on his left wrist as he roared a rigid scream, swiping his emanating hand that generated the moon scythe projectile. The projectile intercepted the beam and managed to incinerate the half part of the beam.

Sadly, the projectile would soon dissolve due to the green strings encroaching within it, detonating itself into a small explosion that dragged the beam too. A resilient stance remained to influence The Blaster Jabber, locking his sight to the middle above and chuckling in an enthrallment.

Under the smoke, Azka-Lal heavily exhaled her tiresome air and glanced at the decapitated shotgun arm, rotating her sight to briefly peek at the other half that lay on the venomous ground. She sighed in disappointment before blissfully chortling, barricading the misery from gaining the complete touch in her mind. The Old Woman hurtled out from the smoke by slithering her snake tail forward, showing her presence full of injury.

"You are one full of surprises," Azka-Lal praised, silently flapping her snake tail that stretched further into the venomous sea of acid.

The Blaster Jabber laughed and taunted, "I'm even more impressed you still didn't give up until this point."

"You have three disabled limbs, yet you persisted in fighting me," The Blaster Jabber uttered, "Usually, other vile villains will choose to surrender."

"Oh please don't compare me to them," Azka-Lal insisted sarcastically and argued. "I can confirm that you lied about your experience."

"It must be more than ten years, especially for mastering that dark power," Azka-Lal added, receiving another glimpse of the dark torch within his beating heart as she emanated the forest-green light into her eyes. "The same dark power from outside of this world. It cannot be less than ten years." 

The Blaster Jabber chuckled as he slid his knuckles and uttered, "You meant The Calamity Heart?"

"The same power that originated from Tacrion when I traveled into Langorold," Viscable stated. "Of course, it took me more than ten years in that time. Luckily, the time in there is not the same as Earth."

"Quite a valid explanation," Azka-Lal complimented, letting the three snakes crawl away from her back and diving into the ocean of acid. "No wonder you seem calm and collected on this Superhero experience."

"However, this little distraction is quite useful to buy me sometimes," The Old Woman mumbled gladly.

"Muskataria Serpenta!!" Azka-Lal chanted, sleeving her entire face with the enlightening green aura.

Hence, the trio of giant snakes with scorpion stinger head plates ascended from the wavering ocean of acid, shooting their craving gazes toward Viscable who was still on the ground. In a smooth flow, The Blaster Jabber pushed two consecutive punches forward, blasting off the twin lightning bolts.

The lightning bolts indeed struck two of the snakes who dragged down their biting jaws, but their impervious skin nullified the bolts. Even though the second bolt didn't stimulate any sign of pain from the snakes, The Blaster Jabber excitedly giggled and continued to jab the air forward.

Twin lightning bolts discharged from Viscable's knuckles, gliding to the giant snakes who opened their starving fangs. Like the previous result, the bolts were unable to penetrate its skins. Viscable pulled back his knuckles and engulfed his arms with the active yellowish flames.

Nevertheless, The Blaster Jabber briefly roared a glorious scream as he initiated the flurry of punches, simultaneously releasing the hundred bolting volleys that rallied up. A cost to release the attack was paid with his hands becoming numb, marking the quick end of his hundred punches. He collectedly pinned his sight at the giant snakes who exuded the slimy-like emerald aura on their scorpion stings head plate, awaiting for the outcome of the current assault.
