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Dropped into a galaxy far, far away.

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Reincarnation into Star Wars in 41 bby at the age of 16, along with a few upgrades.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Bleh.

Bla, bla, bla, we all know the cliche, person dies and an R.O.B reincarnates them.

The ever shifting amorphous blob of colors had asked where I wanted to go and I told it. What I didn't get an option for was everything else.

Dropped on a random world in the outer rim with nothing but my now "upgraded" body and mind. And my clothes but they don't mean much. (Jeans and a t-shirt)

I didn't know how I new it but I could simply understand that my mind and body were much more the human, also because I was now over 7 feet tall and unnecessarily ripped.

As I was sitting there on the ground I instinctively knew and felt everything about myself. My bones were larger and denser, I had a sub-dermal armor of keratin plates produced by my own body.

For all intents and purposes I was a super human. It brought to mind a Halo spartan or a lesser Warhammer 40k Space Marine.

I looked up and around myself, examining my surroundings in a detail I couldn't have even understand in my past life.

My eyes were like an eagles mixed with a cats. Every I saw was in excruciating detail, to my horror as I realized what was around me.

A battlefield, or what was one.

The body's of multiple races I could recognize and other I couldn't. I could sense everything, the stained sands of the ground, the smell of war and death from the dead and dying, burnt ozone and dust all making me sick.

There were sound of screaming and other such sound of battle around 2000 feet ahead of me. I could even hear strange grunt/roaring shouts the any fan in the franchise I had chosen would recognize.

I quickly stood and grabbed the beast weapon to me, an old battered rifle. A cycler rifle, typically used by the Tusken raiders. I smiled looking at the slug thrower/gun, I'd indent know how they worked but as a crude gun it would be rather simple.

My mind suddenly reveled one of its own "upgrades" as I suddenly remembered something. I had been an avid Battlefront player of both games and had read some wookiepedia info. Part of that info was the cycler rifle and some other weapons use a magnet type system to "throw" a projectile.

Properly observing the weapon I could see that after firing it would likely reload itself and perhaps do a sort of charge in order to fire another round.

UUUUUUUUURH! UUUUUURH! Uuuurh! Uuurh! Uurh! (Star Wars subtitles say (Yells aggressively))

I obviously recognized the sound of the Tuskens. As I looked around I spotted one on a small outcropping of sandstone looking at me. I knew that meant they likely would try to shoot me, so I took aim at the crazy sand alien and shot. The rifle had more kick to it than I expected but I was now superhuman and it wasn't to bad.

The shock of the surprising kick had caused me to lower the rifle some and lose sight of the raider. I would like to go up there to see what damage the shot did but that would be idiotic as I had no idea if there were more.

Thinking quickly on how to get out of this situation and to the bit of civilization on this desert planet, I grabbed some items and such for nearby bodies and an additional rifle and some kind of blaster pistol and bolted for the closest high ground that wasn't the tusken hill. Making it up on a sand dune I could see many points of interest.

I had exited a small valley where I guess this battle between slightly civilized people and raiders had started.

I was glad I had made it to the high ground as I could see more tuskens had entered and had started searching the dead.

I ducked down and hid while looking around at what else I could see over the rest of the dunes. I can't see much other than what might be buildings on the horizon, but I wouldn't want to travel that distance without more supplies or transport.

I also might not be able to trust the sight of the buildings due to heat hazes/mirages , but I believe that I can trust this new improved eyesight of mine.

Urh urh Urh urh!

Damn, the Tuskens must have found the one I shot. I needed to leave the area as the open dunes are practically tusken home turf.

Blam! Crack-ping!

The rock beside my head exploded and a slug thrower round missed face. I could already see the raider on another dune aiming at me again.

I hoped the rifle had already reloaded as I took aim at the enemy and pulled the trigger.

Another boom and a large chunk of the raider splattered on the ground.

The detail my eyes could see was gruesome as the round put a softball sized hole in its chest.

Crack!?! I stumbled forward and slightly down the dune I was on. Looking up I saw a raider had gotten behind me and smacked me in the head with a strangely shaped club.

These nearly mindless tribal aliens were starting to piss me off. They seemed to be everywhere as in my tumble and glaring at the one who had smacked me they seemed to appear out of the dunes like bugs.

I had been surrounded by them so I knew I had to fight. Running up the dune was surprisingly easy for me, covering the distance and startling the raider as I punched it in the chest.

I had hoped to knock the breath out of it and snatch its weapon away, give the bastard a taste of it. What I didn't expect was to cave in its torso.

It fell as I grabbed the club and spun now understanding the power I had. Spinning around to look at the other Tuskens it seemed they had some intelligence in them as they started fleeing after seeing me kill a comrade with a single punch.

They probably have some transport in the form of banthas, as well as supplies for desert travel.

Digging into the bag of quickly looted stuff I grabbed the unknown blaster pistol and checked it. I could easily recognize the blaster know that I wasn't rushing, an S-5, a rather large blaster resembling a large revolver. It was perfect for me as the large size fit my hand and the recoil of it would be negligible as I was much stronger than a normal human.

Taking aim and firing at the fleeing enemies was like shooting fish in a barrel as the powerful bolts of the handcannon put large black spots on their backs.

I had let a few had escaped so I track them to their banthas and what I assumed might be a camp or caravan.

Looking over the massive dune I had just crossed I could see it, a small camp of crude huts and multiple bantha. They were my ticket to civilization and transport off this ball of sand.

I could see the raiders scurrying around so I took this time to look over what I had.

2 cycler rifles one had a scope

1 S-5 blaster pistol

1 strange club

2 small metal balls with red buttons on them. (these are definitely being kept as a trump card)

A bag with small gas containers for blasters and some provisions.

The clothes on my back and sand in between my toes, which I hadn't noticed that I had no shoes for some reason, yet had clothes. Maybe the weird R.O.B hadn't thought they were necessary.

Slinging the scope less rifle onto my back along with my small bag, I took a knee and aimed my rifle at the little ants still panicking down in the camp.

Boom! Pulling the trigger I smiled in satisfaction at the gun in my hands. It was incredibly satisfying to fire these fictional weapons and the sound and feel of this crude yet high tech rifle was amazing.

Peering through the scope at the raiders they were now panicking about the corps with a hole in its chest lying in the middle of their camp. As I was observing another group of tuskens exited a larger hut and began bringing order to the rest.

The crosshairs of my gun rested tight below the neckline, on top of its spine. Another pull of the trigger and the leader falls nearly decapitated.More panic breaks out as the raiders do their best to hide or take cover.

Scoffing, these Tuskens seem to be much more incompetent then the ones in the movies and shows. Another few dead bodies and the idiots seem to finally be looking for me.

Crack! A head disappears from the one that had just spotted me. Ten shots later and I can't see anymore of them, the rest are likely hiding in huts.

Keeping my eyes on the camp I draw me blaster and more towards the closest hut, I circle around finding the entrance facing into the camp. I take the risk of turning my back on the rest of the camp I leap into the entrance and immediately blast a tusken in its face.

Turning around I spot 3 more peeping out of huts and my my goes into overdrive, everything was so much slower including myself. It felt like minutes had passed before my sights were on the enemy, I pulled the trigger, the bolt lancing out of the barrel the moment it was in line with the raiders head.

I was aiming for the second before the shot had gotten more than 5 yards from me. I recognized that I had some form of bullet time as I put down the other two Tuskens.

As the bullet time ended I felt something smack my back, turning around I found a tusken who looked ready to piss itself.

Grabbing the club I had tied to my waste I swung at the idiot, in a futile attempt to block it raised its own club only for mine to shatter his and inbed itself in the unprotected head.

I then realized heard a soft but painful buzzing in my head and my eye were starting to hurt from the bright light of the twin suns. I had a migraine, great.

Searching the camp I made sure the banthas were still secure and began to loot. I tied every rifle together and rapped the in some unknown cloth. I had also found a rifle in much better condition the the rest and ditched the other two with the rest, I had even found plenty of ammunition for them.

I gathered all the provisions I could and set them in a hut, hiding them under a pile of cloth and hide. Eventually the pain in my head became to great and I made a small hideaway under multiple different things and lay down to fall asleep, ready to end my first day on the accursed planet of Tatooine.

A rumbling in my stomach ended my lulling, so I dug out some of my food. I found some kind of jerky and hardtack. Chewing on the two I remembered my previous life and my fist time eating hardtack. This stuff certainly was some kind of hardtack, a horribly hard cracker bread thing. It didn't help that it wasn't good when seasoned with sand.
