Chereads / Dropped into a galaxy far, far away. / Chapter 2 - Plans, I hate ‘em.

Chapter 2 - Plans, I hate ‘em.

I woke up groggy and uncomfortable, blinking at the blurry darkness surrounding me. I was covered in sweat as I had likely slept into the day as the planet was blasted by its twin suns.

Crawling out of the small hideaway, I stood in the hut I had claimed. My body felt amazing, I had seemed to have had the best sleep in my entire existence. I didn't even need to stretch.

Grabbing the provisions I had looted from the camp I headed outside the hut. It was nearly blinding, save the fact that my enhanced eyes barely strained to adjust to the light.

Readying my blaster I made my way to the banthas to feed/water them, as well as prepare them for traveling to the buildings I had seen on the horizon.

Tying all the bantha together I set of in the vague direction I thought would lead to the buildings. I now had time to fully inspect my new body and possibly my mind.

Looking at myself I realized how much darker my skin was compared to my previous self. My skin was a nearly flawless tan with no gaps of lighter color due to uneven tanning.

My body was ripped but not the body builder type or the perfect swimmers physique that is a cliche for many of the fanfics I had read. My hair was dark brown and was a thick tangled and curly mess.

Examining the rest of my body I could somehow feel the inside, better bones, sub-dermal armor, increased healing speed, massive powerful muscles, and reinforced ligaments.

After my body came my mind, it was if I had a sandevistan from cyberpunk but it was simply part of me. I also had a new unknown section integrated into my brain, I can only guess this is where forgotten knowledge or other information comes from. There were also gaps in my memory that were likely from my past life that had been erased by the rob for some reason. I couldn't even remember my name.

I had closed my eyes to focus on my mind, and when I opened them I could finally see the buildings again. Looking at the city I was stunned, it was sitting on top of a cliff with a smaller part of the city at the bottom of said cliff.

I made out what was probably shops coming and going from it, most disappearing into the sky. My mind told me what this city was, the port city Mos Espa.

I eventually arrived at the edge of the city as it seemed to have nothing as an entrance. Following the edge I found a small destitute market like place with most people eyeing me as I arrived with a few banthas. An ugly disfigured fat man trundled over to me a I jumped off my ride.

"Ya here to sell them bantha boy?" He asked, he sounded weird like a greasy car salesman and a grumpy grandpa mixed together.

I nodded my head and grabbed the wrapped up rifles I had found, 7 and the one slung on my shoulder. The man gestured for me to follow him to his small merchant shop and woke a small pit droid, ordering it to tie up the bantha.

As he reached into the small stand I tensed expecting a blaster to be drawn. Instead he brought up a small metal box with an electronic code lock. Opening the safe I could see coins. My mind answered the unasked question, the gold was called peggat, silver was trugut, and brown or bronze was wupiupi.

He grabbed 25 peggat coins and set them on the stand. He gestured at the rifles "Let me take a look at them slug throwers." I set them down and unwrapped them, seeing a small grimace flash across his face. "Best I can do is 30 for them all."

I knew I wouldn't get a good price for them but this was more than I had hoped to get for them as most where in bad condition.

I sold the unusable gas containers and food I had looted. Overall I got 56 peggat coins which was a little under 2500 republic credits.

Now with some money I began wandering the city, as I walked I could feel the eyes of the shady peoples glance over me. I understood their looks, I was wearing jeans and a tee, with a small bag on my side and a slug thrower on my back, all of it made worse as I had no footwear.

I looked like I had nothing of worth, just an unusually large destitute with a small bag and a crappy rifle.

As I was walking I heard it, a weak buzzing sound. It reminded me of a fly, I could hear the adjustments to the flapping speed, allowing me to guess it was hovering.

I stopped and looked around remembering and realizing where I was. I recognized it, it was easy to know as there was a large amount of junk peeking over walls that were connected to a building.

My guess was answered as I walked towards it and saw the sign, "Watts's Junkshop" with a small blue outline of Watto's figure.

Entering the shop I could barely see the walls as there was junk everywhere. Standing behind the desk was a woman with a small bundle of cloth on her back.

That was likely baby Anakin, and I briefly remembered the "Killing baby Hitler" thought experiment, but I quickly removed that from my mind as I hoped I could change things for the better.

No one had noticed me so I quickly exited as I wasn't prepared to do anything yet. I continued wandering until I found a weapons shop. I wanted a faster firing weapon and some kind of bodily protection along with boots.

I found what I wanted in the form of some light durasteel plates that strapped to parts of my body. The rifle I got was a DC-15A and cost a lot. I bought a light duster of some kind and some boots designed for a large humanoid species I didn't know.

Everything had cost 41 peggat as I now had money I wanted to try haggling with the shopkeep.

Walking back to the junkshop with my new gear I was ready to follow through with my plans. Getting over the wall of the junkyard was easy with my height and strength. I walked towards the door of the shop and hid in the junk. Grabbing a large item I threw it deeper into the junkyard. A buzzing sound immediately came from the shop as the door opened to an blue alien with a weird snout nose and large bug wings.

Watto raised blaster and started hovering into the junkyard past me. About 5 yards away I slowly took aim with the DC-15A on full power. Pulling the trigger a hail of blue bolts launched from heavy blaster, the shots burning away chunks of wattos backside and flash melting his insides.

Checking his corpse I grabbed the blaster and searched his pockets. I had to roll the body over, finding another pocket on the front of his jacket thing. Digging into it I found what I had been hoping to find, a small device for control of slaves.

Leaving the smoking body I went to the door and opened it. Diving to the side into a painful pile of junk, multiple blaster bolts fly out striking a few junk piles further away.

Tossing a metal thing into the doorway it was hit and singed by a few blasts. Thinking about how to get Shmi to hold her fire I throw a smaller metal object and yelled grenade.

I hear lots of fumbling and charge in finding her crouched behind the large desk of the shop holding little anakin. Running over I kick the pistol out of her reach and pull out the slave controller. She slowly looks up at me after no explosion. Showing the device I hold it out to her as she looks at me and it wearily.

"Stand up please" I say while she attempts an intimidating glare. I gesture with the device again and she snatches it from my palm. "You can stop glaring at me now I'm not going to hurt you or your child" I tell her, as she changes to a nasty stink eye. "How can I trust you? You just slaughtered my ex owner." She asked me, her angry mother voice was quite demanding.

"To answer your question, I'm not going to hurt someone I want to work for me." I explained to her that I was going to take over this junkyard and convert it to a small foundry and factory. Her stunned look and slowly calming demeanor told me all I needed to know.

I wanted her to be a secretary of sorts doing paperwork and such while I did the physical work of sorting the junk piles.

A few days passed and I was now on my 5th day on Tatooine, the junk had be sorted and I had sold most of the better and expensive junk. Using that money I bought what was needed for a foundry, multi cauldrons, furnaces and basic molds were set out in the clearing in the junkyard.

I had separated the junk out based on what metal it was made of. The largest pile was durasteel but iron, silver, gold, and multiple other materials were present in some amount.

The durasteel was what I wanted to melt down first as I would need lots of it for my plans.

It was now my 12th day on Tatooine and the metals were all in ingot form leaving a large empty space where if all used to be. I had sold some of the ingots so I could pay Shmi and by the parts, materials and other items I need to build a small automated assembly line.

2 days later the line was complete, but I didn't have the parts to make what I wanted. I was low on money and was getting desperate.

On the 15th day Shmi mentioned a large gang was extorting some nearby shops, and it gave me hope. During the day I hunted the gangers to get info about the gang. That night I armed myself fully and made my way to the gang HQ.

Sitting on the roof of a building I was scoping out the gang building, they had horrible security as most were asleep of out of their minds on something.

One of the few things I had built was a powerful silencer for my cycler rifle, the gang members dropped like flies as the rifle now made a loud but brief clicks instead of a loud boom.

Approaching the building after watching for more gangers I drew my DC-15A and my pistol. They were both large heavy blasters but my strength easily compensated for using the unweildy blasters together.

I went in loud spraying the low power rifle everywhere to suppress and targeting bigger threats with my pistol. The old cantina floor was now littered with bodies and I could hear lots of scrambling and shouting from the upstairs.

As the idiots charged out of the door I blasted every single one of them, all making a pile in front of the door and making it easier to shoot their comrades.

They stooped after 15 or so had died and I slowly walked up the stairs, pulling one of my trump cards, a thermal detonator that I had set to low power is I didn't want to annihilate the top floor.

Pressing the button and tossing it through the door I hear more panicked shouts and movements as I bolt back down the stairs.


The building shakes and dust rain all around, I couldn't hear anything more from the second floor so I climbed back up and peeked in.

Most of the body's were mushy puddles and spatter on the walls and ceiling. The furniture didn't do much better as most was just worthless junk now. At the end of the room sat a cracked desk lying on top of who I could assume was the boss.

All the gangers were very dead and spotting a safe in the corner under debris that had been furniture, I walked over to the leader under the desk throwing it off him and searching his body. Finding an intricate key in an inner pocket I approached the safe.

Clearing the debris from it I push the key in and turn, until the lock clicks and the door shifts as the bolt is opened. Looking into the safe my inner loot goblin goes nuts, multiple small gold bars, stacks of wrapped peggats and a few loose items including a gold inlaid GALAAR-15 blaster carbine.

4 hours later I had looted the gang base and had put everything on a cart I found outside. 10 minutes later I was back at my base and unloading. I'd had a long night and wanted to get some sleep as I would be making droids to automate the a forging process for parts to make bigger and better droids with, along with another automated assembly line to produce weapons for selling as I needed a proper cash flow.

As I was lying down in bed I realized something.

Plans, I hate 'em.