Chereads / The Orion Legacy / Chapter 15 - Counting Constellation

Chapter 15 - Counting Constellation

After months of meticulous planning, Armyt and Ellis were ready to embark on their mission aboard the mothership, while Aimma had chosen to stay behind in Shambhala. Some inhabitants had opted to remain on Earth, seeking peace away from the looming conflict.


Trailing behind them were over twenty warships, led by Haiku Admiral Helianthus. It was evident that the Haikus were spearheading the expedition's organization.

General Carter and his team were filled with awe at the sight of such advanced technology. It was the first time they had encountered anything like it.


Upon boarding the mothership, everyone was outfitted in Kayronian Battle Suits marked with the Earth Team emblem. They were also armed with cutting-edge weapons, including laser guns and swords. Once equipped, they gathered in a central area for an address from Admiral Helianthus.


He looked up from his datapad and solemnly relayed their mission: to assess the situation on Kayron. His expression grew graver as he revealed that the scout team had reported the planet was under siege. Gigantic, dark trees now dominated the landscape, some towering higher than the Twin Babel Towers, with roots so extensive they seemed immeasurable.

The group sat in stunned silence, absorbing the magnitude of their task. There was no turning back now.

Gadriel stepped forward, his face set with determination. "We will reclaim Kayron, no matter the cost," he declared, his voice resonant with conviction.


The team nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened by Gadriel's words. They cast one final look at each other and set their sights on their mission.


The date for their return to Kayron was scheduled. They would need to adhere to the same criteria as their initial journey to Earth, as their enemies could project their consciousness in astral form but required mortal vessels to sustain themselves on Earth.


Ysabel, Gadriel, and the rest began their travel through the wormhole back to Kayron.

As they journeyed, Ysabel and Gadriel grew closer despite their shared past. While Carter and Brady trained with the ship's advanced military technology.

Ysabel woke up in the mothership's cabin, her thoughts consumed by one thing: kissing Gadriel. Even she could sense his desire. Drawn together by an undeniable force, they found themselves irresistibly close.

They moved against each other instinctively, their lips meeting in a series of unplanned kisses—awkward yet intensely sensual.

Their kisses grew more fervent, exploring each other with a passionate urgency. Gadriel's hands roamed over Ysabel's body, his touch igniting her skin as he pulled her closer. She felt as if she were melting, becoming more pliable in his embrace.

As their bodies moved together, the rhythm quickened. Ysabel felt an incredible wave of pleasure that seemed to emanate from every part of her being.


The intensity of their passion built as they continued, every touch and kiss adding to their mutual pleasure. When they finally reached their climaxes, they were left breathless and deeply connected.


Afterwards, as they lay together, Ysabel felt a profound bond with Gadriel, a connection like nothing she had ever experienced. Looking into his eyes, she saw a warmth and intensity that spoke of love—a realization that she was in love with him too.


They shared one final kiss, tasting a sweet, salty blend that would remain unforgettable. Regardless of what the future held, Ysabel knew she would always remember Gadriel and the love they shared.

Their journey to Kayron took several months even with the wormhole's aid.


Arrived in the constellation of Orion, the Admiral decided that the fleet would land on Epoch, one of Kayron's moons to establish a forward base of operations. The twin suns would hide their energy signatures from prying eyes and the moon's strong magnetic field would mask their defences, giving them an advantage no one expected.

Ellis and the Earth team were sent to examine the site and analyze its enigmatic trees. Outfitted with a transmuter, they can now comprehend and converse in thousands of languages from across the cosmos.


As they entered the planet's atmosphere, they were immediately struck by the eerie silence that hung in the air. The once vibrant and bustling planet had been reduced to a desolate wasteland, with the towering trees casting an ominous shadow over everything.


The thunder and lightning growled and flashed with a wild cadence.

Empty, the silence of the wasteland is like a deafening howl, the wind a howling gale with no place to land.

The only sound to be heard is the low rumble of thunder, a brewing storm with no target to strike.


The crackle of electrostatic discharge and shock waves and the boom of falling trees. The sudden silence the falls after the roar and rumble of a falling tree.


The group moved forward cautiously; their senses heightened as they scanned the area for any signs of life. Suddenly, they heard the sound of rustling leaves and the snapping of twigs from behind one of the towering trees.

Without hesitation, they raised their weapons, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Slowly, a figure emerged from behind the tree, their eyes wide with fear.


It was a Kayronian, their body thin and emaciated from years of living in hiding. The Kayronian stumbled towards them, their hands held up in surrender. "Please, don't hurt me," they begged, their voice weak from disuse.


Carter lowered his weapon, Ellis stepping forward with a sympathetic expression. "We're not here to harm anyone," she reassured the Kayronian.

"We're here to take back Kayron," Carter said, his voice firm and resolute. "Are you with us?"

"Can you lead us to the survival spots? Can you give us more information about those trees?" The General was getting impatient, from what we know the gigantic trees are all around the planet, their roots twisting like black tentacles into the soil and what happen if we destroy one of them?


"Take it easy, General," Ellis replied. "You're scaring everyone. There's nothing to worry about."


The Kayronian looked up at her, his eyes filled with hope. "You're here to liberate us?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

The team took some samples of the roots while Hellis provided initial aid to the survivor, "you're safe with us now, what's your name?"


My apologies, my name is Jaro Alin.


My name is Ellis, I am the second princess Dragonaut and daughter of the late Queen Shiondreil. Allow us to guide you to a safe area so that we can better comprehend what has happened on Kayron.


At this moment, Jaro took a step back and shouted "I knew it! You are one of them! I've never heard of any princess named Ellis - Queen Shiondreil only had one Child - the princess Aimma!"


Ellis's eyes glowed with a golden hue as she whispered, "I command you to return and sit quietly." He felt powerless against her words, as if his body wasn't his own. He turned back and obeyed her commands. Ellis apologized for using her powers, but it was evidence that only members of the royal family possessed such magical abilities.


Jaro told her that those trees of death are in reality a system feed the Ominous Void with vital energy that she need to expand through the whole universe. That we can't destroy those trees because if we look at closely there's dark fruits hanging on each branch, and inside each fruit there's a Kayronian.


The Ominous Void sent every living being in what they called "Utopia world", they are plunged into an artificial coma, living a perfect life in a dream while the tree absorb slowly their vital energy, so you can't destroy them without killing our people.


We were waiting to board when we realized the portal had been sabotaged from the other side, trapping us in a situation where death seemed certain. All the planets within the Spark Union had fallen, one after another.


But where had everyone gone? Ellis explained that during the expedition, there had been an attempted coup, leading by the elder Satmar. The rebels had poisoned King Gadriel and sealed the interstellar gateway, right before she was born - 700 years after these events unfolded.


Jaro was confused. He said it didn't make sense; the royal fleet had only left 8 months ago!

The Earth team was shocked, Ellis sat down adding that if this is true, there is only one possible conclusion: instead of travelling to another universe, they have leapt back in time about 5,000 years.


The Earth team decided to further their investigation and brought Jaro back to their camp for questioning. When they arrived, Gadriel and Ysabel were already there, waiting for Ellis to report. Knowing that Nobody can lie in the presence of Ellis, she introduced Jaro to the admiral commandment. All of them were astonished by his explanation.

In order to fully understand what was happening with those trees of death, Armyt embarked on a spiritual journey. She went into the depths of the forest and performed a ritual of communion by placing her hand on one of its roots.


The energy streamed through her body and suddenly a vision appeared in her mind's eye: A gigantic tree of death where all the branches and roots interconnected into one incomparable tree, located in Vega –the old capital city.