Chereads / The Orion Legacy / Chapter 20 - The Future Unwritten

Chapter 20 - The Future Unwritten

It appeared as though things were returning to their original places in the universe, life had resumed but with a future of hope. There was still much to rebuild on Kayron, but progress was being made: Princess Ellis had been named the new regent and Alasteir the kingdom's prime minister, while Armyt and Arjus resolved to travel the universe in order to liberate other oppressed peoples and ally them to the Union Spark.


Back on Earth, not much had changed - economics conflicts and political scandals persisted - but I knew that no matter what happened, the 25th Queen of Shambhala would be watching over us.


Space-time portals had been forbidden by Queen Aimma so as not to disturb the balance of time, but who knows, one day we may meet up again with our friends from the future.


Oh yes, general Carter, having been permitted to remain on Kayron and given the position of head of the Royal Guard, was entrusted with a new task. Princess Ellis had to be provided with an escort for her journey to different planets in order to strengthen mutual relations.




The End