"For a start you can get out of my chair" Lord Corlys said, his voice
low and snarling, the look of surprise on his face rapidly giving way
to anger.
"Of course," he replied, levering himself up "I never wanted to spend
my time wiping a Kings arse anyway."
Lord Corlys replied with only a grunt, and moved warily to sit down
behind his desk, he sat at one of the chairs before the desk, seating
himself comfortably and arranging his clothing, diligently giving off
the air of someone without any concerns in the world.
"I could call my guards; your head could be adorning traitors walk
within the hour."
"You won't," he replied easily, not in the slightest bit worried.
"I won't?" asked Lord Corlys, tilting his head minutely but in an
obvious enough manner to indicate a question.
"No, you won't."
"And pray tell why not?"
"Please Lord Corlys, these games are unbecoming of you, we have
serious business to attend to, you and I. Matters of great import will
be decided here, between us, matters that will affect the Seven
Kingdoms for years to come."
"Or I could shorten you by a head and be done with it?"
"If you do, remove my clubfoot while you are at it, I've had enough of
it dragging behind me in life, I'd rather not have it accompany me
into the afterlife. But you won't… shorten me by a head that is."
"You are very sure of yourself for a man whose side has just lost a
"Did we? Lose a war I mean?"
"I think everyone in the Seven Kingdoms would agree that you have
just lost a war Lord Strong, I'm certain that is how the Maesters will
record it in the histories…."
"And yet I sit here, and you have not called for your guards, that
does not seem like the actions of someone confident in supposed
"Let me see - we have dragons, and you have none, we are in
possession of Kings Landing, we have the support of the North, the
Crownlands, the Vale and the Riverlands. I think we have won,"
came the smug assertion of the Sea Snake.
"We have the Westerlands and most of the Reach, along with the
Stromlands, unoccupied by your troops. You have a Riverlands
devastated and scoured, whole parts of it razed to the very bedrock
by dragonfire. Along with an empty treasury, with your House
providing most of the coin for the Blacks for nigh on three years now,
all your trueborn grandchildren dead and Prince Daemon's get as
heirs to the Iron Throne. If you call that winning I would hate to see
what you would define as losing."
When Lord Crolys just scowled at him he added, "oh and winter has
come, to quote your allies the Starks."
"Do you know where I have just been Lord Strong?" the Sea Snake
asked, anger nearly choking his words.
"No," he replied, keeping his voice level but his eyes fixed on those
of Lord Corlys.
"I, I have just returned from burning the body of my granddaughter,
Princess Rhaena. Who was raped and mutilated before being killed.
Her husband, Prince Hugh, put the torch to the pyre upon which she
rested, the last of my trueborn grandchildren…."
"Who will mourn for Queen Alicent, Prince Maelor, Princess Helaena,
Lord Otto Hightower? Who will accord them their rights by the Gods?
Who will see to the care of their souls Lord Corlys? And who will
seek justice for their murders, just as you want justice for your
"I swear by the Gods, Old and New Strong I'll!!!!!"
"You'll what Lord Corlys? Subject me to endless torture? Kill me in
some imaginative way? The very fact that I am here, talking to you
should tell you all you need to know…."
Silence stretched out, the tension in the air so intense that he
thought he could hear it beginning to scream until the Sea Snake
said, "What do you want Lord Strong?"
"Very much the same as you my dear Lord Corlys, my life, my
position and peace in the realm."
"And in return?"
"There is the question of, how shall we say…. the binding up the
wounds of this war, and what better way than a marriage no? Prince
Aegon shall marry Princess Jaehaera, Prince Viserys shall be the
heir to his brother Prince Aegon until he has heirs of his body with
his wife Princess Jaehaera."
"I don't need you for that Strong" came the swift reply from Lord
"No, you don't, that I will admit, but what I can bring is the immediate
loyalty of all the Houses who would dispute the claim of Prince
Aegon to the Iron Throne."
"And just how many is that?" ah finally, a decent question from the
Sea Snake.
"All of them," he confidently predicted, probably a little white lie but
sufficient for now and his purposes.
"Can you now? And what else?"
"There is the matter of some of the more egregious actions that have
resulted from this unfortunate business and if pardons for suitable
parties could be arranged, or even allowances for other parties to
take the Black?"
"Some, not all," came the swift reply from Lord Corlys, and neither of
them needed to voice who they were referring to.
He bowed his head slightly and then continued, "there is also the
matter of the upcoming Regency of Aegon, third of his name, likely to
be a long one."
"No." Corlys replied.
"You have not heard my proposals yet?"
"I don't need to, I will assume the mantle of the Regent to King
Aegon, SECOND of his name, for the entire period of said Regency.
In return I would welcome your return to the fold with a full pardon for
your actions. In addition, I will retain your services as Master of
Whispers on the Small Council."
He set his face to immobility instantly, now that was most interesting
now was it not? More than he could have expected in truth, much,
much more. So, the question was if this was a trap or a genuine
offer, and how did he feel if it was one or the other? No matter, he
would deal with it one way or the other, if it was either a genuine
offer or a trap.
And Lord Corlys's ridiculous assertation that he wished to be Regent
for the entire length of the Regency of King Aegon? Well, as his
mother had once told him 'if wishes were horses'…..
"Your offer has great merit my Lord Hand, I would of course require
all of this in writing, signed and sealed by yourself as Regent to King
Aegon, second of his name, and not as you currently are, as Hand to
King Aegon, second of his name, before I could possibly accept…."
Again, why is Corlys being so agreeable to him, and his heckles
began to rise. He would have to investigate this further, to see what
traps he might be walking into.
He would have to see about making contact with that whore, the
laughably titled Lady Misery, who had provided him with a pleasant
diversion as she had groped and floundered as Daemon's supposed
'Mistress of Whispers'. Now that things were returning to their proper
place and setting, he could actually use the services of this Lady
Misery, her network of whores and the odd bully boy and cut-throat
would be a welcome addition to his own. He might even let the
whore keep her life if she proved useful enough, or even just
agreeable enough.
"There is the matter of Prince Hugh, and his position in the light of
recent events," he stated, assuming that he knew what the position
of Lord Corlys would be but interested none the less. The bastard
Prince would have to go, of that he was certain, for what had Prince
Jacaerys been thinking? To let the baseborn, to let smallfolk, try and
claim the unridden dragons on Dragonstone? Well, unfortunately he
could not ask the lad what he had been thinking as he was long
dead, but the stupidity of him! It was probably for the best that the
lad was resting in the Strangers embrace and would never sit atop
the Iron Thorne, for ideas like that were a sure sign of either
madness or feeble mindedness, or maybe even both. And he knew
that Lord Corlys could not have been happy at the bastard being
foisted on his granddaughter, legitimized or not.
"With his marriage to your dear granddaughter tragically cut short,
can I assume that any familial bonds you might have had with the
bastard Hugh are no longer of concern or merit?"
"You may not" Lord Corlys snarled, oh dear, what was the old Sea
Snake up to now?
"Well, Hugh is an obstacle, or he will be I fear. He is technically 4th in
line to the Iron Throne and the Lords will never accept a bastard
rising this high…"
"He was legitimized by Prince Daemon as one of his get."
"There is precedence in Andal law for the revocation of
legitimization, said laws are still valid and were not repealed by King
Jaehaerys, the laws involved being the actual preserve of the Faith
of the Seven. Hugh can be stripped of his legitimization with relative
ease, or so Lord Ormund Hightower assures me, it would merely fall
to the Regent to not oppose the ruling from the Faith of the Seven
that Hugh lose the name that was never his in the first place."
"No," came the swift reply. Ah, a shame that, a real shame, but he
tilted his head in question to see if the Sea Snake would illuminate
him with regard to this decision.
"Hugh is very distraught at his wife's death, my granddaughter's
death," the Sea Snake hissed, "the, the, fucking stones on you
"I am merely pointing out what is best for the realm," he replied
smoothly, suddenly much more interested and engaged on how this
conversation might go, for this might actually challenge him
"Hugh retains his Targaryen name and position, that is final!"
He made no reply to this, only knowing that the Sea Snake had
obviously decided that this Hugh lad was going to be one to the main
props of his power, and all probably without the lad himself even
knowing it. "And the ridiculous offer of lands made to Prince Hugh?"
"They will be revoked, Price Hugh will have an income as a Prince,
paid out of the royal treasury," came the even reply. Which you of
course as Lord Regent control in effect he noted to himself.
"Should it be required he could also be stripped of his knighthood,
the details of which have not yet been sent to Oldtown to be entered
into the Book of Honour by the Faith, and thus his knighthood is not
really official as of yet…."
"I knighted the lad…." Came the very, very angry reply from Lord
Corlys. Very well, he would leave that as is, no sense in pushing his
luck any further. But still, he could not leave the topic of the bastard
Hugh just yet. "And his dragon, do you not, well fear the beast?"
"His dragon is no threat if its rider is no more. If Hugh is smart, and
the lad is, smart that is, he will keep his mouth shut and accept all of
this. I will grant him a fine sounding title and office, though one which
is meaningless and without any real power, and in due time I will find
a suitable new wife for him."
Well at least the Sea Snake was thinking about the biggest threat to
them, that dammed beast Vermithor and its troublesome rider. But
he feared that thinking was not going to be enough, he personally
would have had Hugh knifed and been done with it, as would
Ormund Hightower, who still might have Hugh disposed of.
The Sea Snake's bastard Addam was obviously under sufficient
control for him not to be a factor, or Lord Corlys would have made
mention of him.
"What else Strong, I doubt you came here to just barter for your
miserable life?"
"Indeed, Lord Ormund Hightower would like the opportunity to swear
allegiance to the Iron Throne and re-enter the fold as a loyal subject
of said throne."
"Does he now?" asked Lord Corlys, a wry snarl pasted on his face.
"Yes, though I promised all the lords who currently dispute the
occupancy of the Iron Throne, it is in reality Lord Ormund who will
deliver on this pledge."
"As I suspected, you are just a fucking messenger boy Strong!"
hissed Lord Corlys, before he added "I assume that Ormund wants
something in return, something more than just keeping his head and
not having to freeze his stones off at The Wall for the rest of his
misbegotten life?"
"You suspect correct, Lord Ormund Hightower requests the position
of Hand of the King. He feels that in light of the damage inflicted on
the realm, of the loss of trade and the likely severity of the winter,
that he, given his ability to deliver the Reach, and its bounty, along
with that portion of the Royal Treasury currently residing in his care,
should account for something….substantial…"
"He must have an even bigger pair of stones than you Strong, and
they must be made of fucking brass!" remarked Lord Corlys, the heat
in his voice only partially suppressed.
"I could not possibly say my Lord."
"The last time I looked the Tyrell's were Lord Paramount's of the
Reach, why does Lord Ormund appropriate the duties of House
Tyrell for himself?"
"House Tyrell….stayed neutral during the recent events, you know
as well as I do that though they have the title, they lack the
means…..of enforcing their will on their bannermen."
"I should attain House Hightower root and branch!" came the quick
response from the Sea Snake, he replied equally quickly, "but you
won't, you cannot in fact, and you know it. House Hightower has de
facto control over both the Citadel and the Faith of the Seven, 'soft
power' at its finest. Unless you want every Septon preaching against
House Targaryen, and against Prince Hugh in particular, you will do
Lord Ormund this honour and show how magnanimous you are in
victory. I need not tell you what you would face if the Citadel turned
against you?"
"I thought you said I had not won Strong!" spat the Sea Snake in
reply, but he did not reply, simply sitting patiently and waiting for the
inevitable response.
"Well, nobody ever accused the Hightower's of lacking ambition,
that's for certain," Lord Corlys observed wryly after a few seconds of
silence after his outburst, before he paused for a second, finally
saying, "done."
And with that single word he knew that the next few years would be
perhaps the most interesting of his life as the Sea Snake and Lord
Hightower would plot and scheme against each other. And with the
sure and certain outcome that one would kill the other, the only
question being who would murder who in the incessant struggle for
power and position.
"Oh, and one more thing, I think you would like to recover
"Yes, alas, during the confusion and terror, the royal armoury was
raided, several items are missing, among them Blackfyre, it would be
a shame for House Targaryen to lose one of its ancestral blades now
would it not?"
"How much?" Lord Corlys sighed; he could see the Sea Snakes face
already pinching at what was sure to be the astronomical price he
would demand.
"In return for full pardons signed for me and Lord Ormund, which will
also guarantee our safety and immunity from any future prosecution
for our respective roles during this recent unpleasantness, why only
the cost of the parchment to write these pardons on…."
"You are not asking for much are you?" snapped Lord Corlys.
"As opposed to how many millions of Gold Dragons that the sword
would cost to buy back, and could you even be certain you could
recover the blade? For there are many in Essos who would pay tens
of millions for such a relic…."
"Fuck you Strong…"
"I will take that as a yes then…." He replied, barely bothering to hide
the smile on his face, the Sea Snake was at least being reasonable
and understanding finally that one could indeed win and war but lose
the peace that followed.
"And Lord Stark, who should arrive in a few days' time?" he asked,
curious to see what Lord Corlys would say about his erstwhile
northern ally.
"What of him? He will be accorded the usual respects and courtesies
due of a Warden, and dispatched north again with all possible haste
along with a rather large shipment of grain that arrived recently from
Essos to feed Kings Landing, which should not now be needed as
the war is over?"
"Our new King, Aegon, second of his name, is most generous to his
northern subjects. I hope he can be equally as generous to those
Lords who support his rule."
"I am sure he will be" came the flat reply from the Sea Snake.