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Replicator: My clones will rule the world!

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One day, the world gained supernatural powers overnight, and every single living creature had a superpower. A young man was given the power to replicate his DNA and control his own clones! What does the young man desire to do with his newfound abilities?

Chapter 1 - Awakening; or, The Second Coming

"WHERE THE HELL AM I!" I scream as loud as possible while I feel my guts scraping out of my bones.

"Calm down, Kurio. we haven't even got to the good part yet." The dark floating figure says. I can't see clearly from all the blood flowing down my face, but I can feel him smiling while torturing me.

"No need to rush Kurio. You will get used to it soon."

My whole body slowly starts feeling like it's boiling up. "PLEASE STOP!"

"Humans these days are so impatient."

Suddenly, my limbs are being pulled and torn out. I see my view stretch, then blank out.


All of a sudden, I see again. Immediately, I started hyperventilating, I took at least five minutes to catch my breath before finally calming down.

'Thank God it was just a dream.' I was wide awake in my room. Slowly, my eyes began adjusting to the dark environment around me. It looks like it's way past evening.

I haven't had a dream since forever, but why did it have to be a nightmare? Did it have to do with what I had for a late-night snack? Now that I think about it, there's a fat chance it was the moldy pizza, which I microwaved and drank an unhealthy amount of root beer.

'Besides that, that didn't feel like a dream. It felt too real.' I look at my hands and arms, blood red and sweating like I was just recently wrung dry of my blood. Surprisingly, it looks much worse than it feels.

Anyhow, it seemed like I woke up too early. The last thing I remembered was playing some video games with the new cheats I installed. I reach out my trembling hand towards my bedside table to grab my phone. As I was reeling my arm back, I suddenly got a sudden cramp. FUUUUCK!

Aggressively, I snatched my blanket and wrapped it around my arm, easing the pain.

I additionally dragged more of the blanket to accommodate for the cold weather. However, the blanket got stuck on the right side of the bed.

As I was bringing my right arm outwards and ready to pull in, I noticed something in the bed. I look longer to make sure I see it correctly. I see the silhouette figure of a person's body shape extruding out of the blanket. They seem to be fully covered and looking away from my direction.

I immediately freeze. There's no mistaking it. There's someone under my blanket. I can barely tell from the darkness. I chose to wait until my cramp faded out before I uncovered the sheet. Meanwhile, I'm constantly keeping my eye on this person. The moment it moves an inch, I'm getting up and packing my bags, ready to go to another country with a same-day flight ticket.

After what felt like ten solid minutes, I calmed down a little. The cramp was completely gone now. I checked my phone and saw it was only four-thirty in the morning, the sun would start rising soon.

 'Since I'll be staying awake either way, might as well search up how to wake myself faster,' is what I think to myself before I open the browser and one of the top news is a virus break out. It wrote, "What's Going On With The World? New Virus Instantly Spreads The Globe!"

'What kinda of shitty clickbait is this?' I think to myself. I thought I set my browser settings to not provide any degenerate news sources. I bring my phone closer to head the bottom text, "Official Publication Written by the Foreign Press Center of Japan." Why is the foreign press writing a title like this? The thought that government agencies are attempting to use the new generation's dumb marketing tactics made me cringe a little.

'Well, I'll just read this article later in the morning,' " is what I thought to myself.

I decided to finally uncover the blanket so I would get up early.

 In one big swing, I pull out the entire blanket and see... a woman? A NAKED WOMAN?! "What the hell?!" I yelled while tripping backward from the sudden shock.


'Why is there a naked woman in my bed?!' I think to myself. 'I don't remember going to a party or anything, wait, I never go to parties or get drunk!' I snapped back up from the floor after I heard my mom's voice coming from the hallway. "Yuuji! Are you ok? Why did you scream all of a sudden?" 'Mom? Now?' I hear my mom's feet hit the floor from her bedroom and start walking towards my room.

I quickly throw my blanket back on the naked woman. I immediately noticed something was off. Besides the fact that there was a naked lady in my bed, she had attributes similar to me! Light brown straight hair, sharp nose, round face with average cheekbones. What stood out was the longer hair, bigger lips, eyelashes, and somewhere around D-cup breast size!

I quickly turn around and stand in front of the bed in an attempt to hide the woman from my mom. The only door in my room bursts open. "Yuuji, are you ok?" My mom barges in the door. I stare at her speechless, pointing my finger toward her head, "Your hair," I murmur. "What are you talking about?" Mom says as she whips her hair in front of her and immediately starts to notice her hair has turned into some sort of crystallized strands that also bend just like normal hair. The reflection of the sun on her hair makes it glow a soothing sky-bluish color.

Her hands start shaking a little. "Is this real? What is this?" She looks awfully distressed. I also calm myself down, "I don't know what's been happening, I think something happened when we were asleep."

"Like a disease?" She says as she fiddles with her hair.

"I'm not sure."

"Well, what happened to you? You were screaming just now, but I don't see anything weird on you." Immediately after her question, a scream started in the other room, my brother's room. Kazu.

"What the fuck is this?!" We hear as we see Kazu on his bed, examining his new, rock-shaped body. His skin, no, his muscles perhaps, were all made of light-orange rocks and a couple of stones poking outside. Mom steps forward to hug him, "Oh God, my dear Kazu." He used to be around 5'9", now he seemed about 8 feet tall at least. All the clothes he was wearing were ripped except for his boxers.

"Are you freaking"— his voice became more tearful,"—kidding me?" I began to release tears after the situation dawned on me, 'We will probably never go back to how we were before.'

I think back to what I read on my phone, about that article from the foreign press, "I think it's happening to more people it's not just us." I tried to explain. "Like a virus, but it turns people into different stuff. I saw a news article when I woke up. But I didn't read it, just the title," I spew out while cover my face with my arm to wipe off tears.

When he saw me starting to sob, he reassured me, "Hey, don't cry, at least the rocks on my head don't make me look smooth-out bald." I don't know how he could stay calm like that. If I were him, I would be going insane.

They will start to ask me about my power, and I'm not exactly sure what it is, but anyone with a brain could connect what the woman sleeping in my bed has to do with this new power. Could it be that my ability allows me to pull hot ladies? Maybe this ability thing doesn't sound too bad after all.

A moment later, all of our phones start blaring out, "This is a public service announcement, an unnatural phenomenon has occurred, please stay inside and await further orders. I repeat. This is not a drill. This is a public service annou"—Kazu shuts it off.

"Hey, if this isn't just happening to us, then what about the rest of the world?" Kazu asks the most important question in this situation. "No one is going outside right now!" Mom declares, wiping her tears out.

I'm getting a sense that something big is about to happen. The air is fuming with the promise of interesting things to come.