Replicator: My clones will rule the world!

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Experiment Attempt 500,000

All it could see was pitch dark.

All it could hear was wind-tearing sounds surrounding itself.

All it could smell was a strong metallic smell.

'Who am I?'

"DPC five hundred thousand," a monotone female voice responded. "Combat initiation within 10 seconds."

The entity now identified as DPC 500k was now able to see when it opened up its eyelids.

As its head was pointed downwards, it noticed its body, 'body confirmed female, approximately 20 years of age.' DPC 500k thought to herself.

Looking up, DPC 500k noticed it was in a brightly lit room, an experiment chamber.

"Initiation in 5 seconds," the female voice spoke again.

DPC quickly noticed a window panel that was filled with a grey solid color.

She attempted to move and noticed the floor was filled with an unidentifiable dark red liquid that rose to DPC 500k's ankles, with what seemed to be limbs spread around the room.

"Initiation in 2....1"

Vrrr, the center part of the wall in front of DPC, opened to expose a gun barrel, which immediately shot out a heavy caliber round.

DPC's entire bloodstream gushes at record-breaking speeds and dodges the bullet by forcing her feet to push her body off the ground, tearing her leg muscles in the process.

DPC lands on the top corner of the room with her feet, to which she notices another part of the wall is opening on the opposite side of the wall, aiming directly at her.

DPC quickly pushes her feet off the wall, this time calibrating herself to not rip her muscles apart.

DPC landed with her feet on the floor, splashing the red substance.

On each of the four walls, a barrel popped out. However, they didn't shoot immediately, and some of the bullets were delayed. DPC immediately noticed this when two bullets were shot in a different timely manner.

There was no way to know which would shoot first. As soon as a bullet was fired, DPC was ready to push off.

Each second, more and more barrels opened up on every wall. All she could do was dodge the bullets in the center.

When all the walls were filled with guns, they all stopped firing at once.


DPC 500k breathed heavily in an optimal rhythm to concentrate her breathing.

Then suddenly, without warning, all the guns from every side fired their heavy rounds at the same time.


Within almost the speed of light, DPC 500k calculated 10,000 different scenarios to find the maximum percentage of survival.

DPC immediately curled her feet into a bone-breaking angle to establish enough rotation force to spin around, using her right arm to block all the bullets while spinning to attempt to halt the bullets from reaching her internal organs.


After spinning around blocking all the bullets with her right arm, DPC's entire right arm exploded from catching all the bullets at once.

DPC 500k was bleeding and was now feeling dizzy and had blurry vision.


Barely holding herself together, DPC thought to herself, 'Is it finally over?'

Immediately again, all the guns in the room shot at once.

This time, DPC used her left arm and used her broken legs to spin counter-clockwise.

This time, DPC's left arm exploded. Also, despite her attempt to block all the bullets, a whole row of bullets managed to shoot her right side.

DPC fell to the floor, face-planting into the metallic substance.

All the guns on the walls were closed back up.

DPC 500k thought to herself, 'Maybe the red substance can heal me and restore my lost limbs,' since her limbs were extruding the red substance, perhaps it would rebuild itself if it were consumed.

DPC started drinking up the red substance on the floor that didn't add any effect.

DPC then noticed a red line beam slowly crawling towards her.

In fear, DPC attempted to move out of the way, for she was not fast enough, and the red line managed to sever her legs off.

'Calculated 5,000 scenarios to survive, 4 plausible outcomes,' DPC 500k let out her last words before her eyes faded to black.

A portion of the ceiling opened up for a robotic arm to show up, a needle attached to it.

The arm pointed the needle towards DPC, moved closer to inject the needle, and extracted a tube of blood from DPC 500k.


"Operation attempt 500,000 successful, clone survived procedure 13.51 seconds longer than the previous highest record. New DNA sample extracted, ready to commit disposal. " The female monotone voice spoke before the center of the floor opened up and sucked in all the blood and limbs in the room.