一个富裕家庭的爱情故事那个女人看起来大约 25 或 26 岁,留着一头长长的波浪形头发,看起来极其狂野.她的脸很漂亮,她化的妆容让她的脸白,红,黑,紫,棱角分明,就像一个西方模特.白色部分是她的脸,红色部分是她的脸颊和嘴唇,黑色部分是她的眼睛,紫色部分是她的眼影.她穿着一件紫色露肩短袖上衣和一条印尼风格的长裙.她看起来很优雅,但莫名其妙地狂野.她是一个看起来充满活力的女人!她扶着的那个男人,外表英俊,身材健壮.白色的衬衫和深色的休闲裤让他看起来非常高贵!但她不喜欢那个男人看她的眼神.太热了...而且...井...反正他们相遇的那一刻,她就有一种他想吃掉她的错觉.虽然后来那个男人的眼神变得很普通,但她还是下意识地抗拒着这个男人.容玲对着女人点了点头.女子拉着男人自己坐下,笑着向容玲打招呼:"嘿,真巧,在这里遇见你!我介绍一下,这位是丰檀,丰业的少爷.她转头对风檀说道:"风檀,这位是荣玲,亚东集团的大老板,知名人物,商界传奇人物,呵呵...我们都叫他容少!"很高兴认识你,很高兴认识你!"风檀伸出手,荣凌看了他一眼,伸出手,空空一摇,然后缩回.他的态度有些冷淡,风檀有些尴尬.女子笑了笑,再次看向林梦:"容少,这位美女是谁?"朋友的女儿!"容玲的声音淡淡的,仿佛不愿意多介绍.女子漆黑的眼眸转过来,眼中闪过一丝理解,她立刻露出了笑容,不再纠结于林梦的身份,开始微笑着与荣玲交谈.在那之后,总是这个叫曦兰的女人和荣玲谈笑风生.他们谈论的,跟林梦有点远.要么是关于生意,要么是他们圈子里的一些事情.林梦一言不发,只能默默地咬着馒头.凤檀此时也有些尴尬.虽然他不能一直成为 J City 的话题中心,但还是第一次像这样被忽视.他试图打断曦兰和容玲的话,但容玲对他的态度真的很冷淡.好几次之后,凤檀不甘心做出这样的尝试,开始将注意力转向林梦,那个当初遇见她时就惊艳的女人!说实话,冯檀在酒色界已经很久了,但从来没有见过像林蒙这样的人,有着如此苍老的面孔,如此清纯无瑕的无端妖妖.一双漆黑的眼睛,带着淡淡的雾气,似乎能说话.于是,他稍微靠近了林梦,以自以为是的温文尔雅的方式对她笑了笑:"你好!林梦有些不好意思,收回了正要接馒头的手.她只好礼貌地回答:"你好!林梦的回应,让冯坦的心一下子暖了起来.尤其是当她出于礼貌对他微笑时,她柔和的笑容看起来真的很可爱!容玲真是玩得开心,居然吸引了这么一个猫一样的美女!"我叫冯檀,我想我以前没见过你.你是谁的女士?林梦很丢脸.以她现在看不见人的状态,她又怎么能回答风檀的问题呢!见她不说话,风檀觉得她害羞,顿时对她露出了无尽的魅力笑容,友好地说道:"哈哈...别怕,我就是想和你交朋友!我认识很多朋友,这个城市的那些女士就是我的朋友.你可能从他们那里听说过我的名字!林梦微微摇头.她不是小姐姐,自然不会和那些大公司的小姐们扯上关系.此外,她的日常生活圈子是两点之间的直线,除了学校和家.她一回到家,大部分时间都被锁在房间里,不可能和这样一个高贵的男孩交朋友.见林梦还是一言不发,风檀顿时变得有些着急.他想知道这个女孩怎么了.为什么她和容玲一样,无视别人呢?难不成她看不起他这个风集团的少爷?!风檀有些不高兴,但他真的很想逗弄美丽迷人的林梦,于是他捡了几个笑话来逗弄林梦.起初,林梦还是可以配合和一起笑的.但随后,冯檀的笑话就变得有些粗俗了.那些肮脏的笑话让林梦坐立不安,心里不舒服.她转头可怜兮兮地看着荣玲,焦急地咬着嘴唇.容玲似乎很开心地和习岚说话,没时间管她.但看了她一眼后,他突然结束了与习兰的谈话,问林梦:"你吃饱了吗?Lin Meng nodded hurriedly, wishing he would show mercy and let her go immediately. But he slowly took out a wet tissue and wiped her mouth, and then two hands. He wiped very carefully and slowly, as if he was not treating ten fingers, but ten precious jade onions.Lin Meng's little face blushed uncontrollably again. With two other people watching, she felt that such intimacy was too unrestrained.Feng Tan's eyes almost popped out, and he felt that the blushing face was even more seductive than the white jade fragrance just now. When Lin Meng and Rong Ling got up and left, he could hardly look away."Hehe..."Mocking, Xi Lan pushed Feng Tan. Feng Tan's body shook, and he came back to his senses as if waking up from a dream. Facing Xi Lan's mischievous eyes, Feng Tan was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't hide his desire in his heart, and asked: "Who was that girl just now?"Xi Lan rolled her eyes and snorted disdainfully: "Why, did you like her?"Feng Tan laughed and didn't deny it.Xi Lan rolled her eyes again, and muttered in a curse: "Men!" They are all bastards who are tempted by beauty!"If you want her, just wait patiently. When Young Master Rong is done, it will be your turn!"Feng Tan was stunned. From Xi Lan's tone, the girl was...Xi Lan smiled softly, and her black eyes, framed by purple eyeshadow, glanced at Feng Tan coquettishly, saying, "Lin Bao did something surprising in order to get a share of the construction business under the name of Yadong Group. You must know that, right?"Feng Tan's eyes widened suddenly: "You mean, the girl is... Lin Bao's..."Xi Lan nodded in tacit agreement.Feng Tan suddenly became excited, and his handsome face immediately revealed his desire: "I thought she was a young lady from some family, but she turned out to be a little toy!"Xi Lan pushed him and said angrily: "Go away, be more polite, she is still a little girl!""Hehe, she is a little girl on the surface, but she is already a woman on the inside. For someone like her, Young Master Rong will definitely torture her to death...""Don't!" Xi Lan suddenly became serious and stopped laughing: "Don't say that again in the future. Young Master Rong's jokes are not allowed!""Why not?!" Feng Tan was unhappy, and the dissatisfaction with Rong Ling that he had suppressed just now burst out: "I respected you just now, I just let you call him Young Master Rong. In this J City, what does Rong Ling count as? ! "Xi Lan's face suddenly darkened: "That's because you don't know Rong Ling's wealth at all. If you know more about him, you won't and dare not say such words just now! What is your J City? Compared with B City, it is far worse. In B City, Rong Ling is a figure who can call the wind and rain, and no one can do anything to him. Not everyone can call him "Young Master Rong". You can only call him with my help. Didn't you see that he didn't pay much attention to you just now? ! Humph, I'm afraid that in the future, you can only call him "General Rong" like ordinary people! "Feng Tan's face changed slightly. He knew the identity of his female companion today. As the eldest lady of Dafa Group, she is also a well-known figure when she goes out. She can say such words, of course, it is not alarmist!Who is this Rong Ling? !Feng Tan was a little curious!