林梦被容玲带走了.他紧紧地拥抱着她,让她觉得自己快要融入他的身体了.有点痛,他的肌肉硬得她感到有些恐慌.但她却没有勇气痛苦地哭出来,因为容玲的脸色很糟糕.无论她多么愚蠢,她都能感觉到容玲此刻充满了愤怒.咬着嘴唇,她只能忍着默默地跟着他.他走得很快,很快就到了停车场.等待他的手下已经接到命令,已经在一旁等待着.他愤怒地把她推上了车.看起来他正在推动一个严重的罪犯.别说他一点怜悯都没有,只好让她吃点苦.她全身都扔进了车里,小脸撞上了车垫.幸运的是,汽车脚垫很软,并没有对她造成太大的伤害.她用双手托着自己的身体,惊慌失措地试图站起来.容玲已经弯下腰上了车.门砰的一声关上了,声音震耳欲聋,充满了愤怒!"开车!"容玲的声音里充满了愤怒,却丝毫掩饰.训练有素的人立即发动了汽车,时髦的保时捷像一匹黑马一样疾驰而去.她终于从车里爬出来,惊慌地抬头看着他,吓坏了.他似乎懒洋洋地坐在那里,但他漆黑的眼睛里却凝聚着一股狂风暴雨.他那张英俊的脸庞,那张满是愤怒和怨恨的脸庞,也是毫不掩饰地紧绷着.这一刻,他就像一把从刀鞘中抽出一半的剑.只要多一点刺激,剑就会出鞘,肯定会流血.她战战兢兢,发誓自己从未见过如此强大的人,强大到让人感到害怕,不敢靠近.她低下头,悄悄地动了动她的屁股...然后又移动了它...离他越来越远,最后,她缩进了车子的一个角落.他一只手放在裤腿上,一根手指像弹钢琴一样上下移动.林梦总觉得自己一副算计的样子.当他的手指停止移动时,他突然转过头来看着她,眼神如剑.她咽下口水,恐惧地看着他.他挑眉一笑,但这笑容却让林梦感到很冷."过来!"他这样命令,她越来越不安.犹豫着她是否应该过去.他突然停止了笑声,脸色冰冷如冰,语气怒如野兽."过来,别让我第三次说!"他冰冷的眼睛悄悄地眯了起来,仿佛有杀意.她尖叫着,好想打开车门跳下车.但如果她真的跳下去,即使没有死,她也会瘫痪.她恐惧地看着他,无奈地靠近了他,心中的小心脏像兔子一样跑来跑去.他伸手狠狠地捏了捏她的下巴,就像刚才高习捏她的下巴一样,问道:"他刚才在哪儿吻你?她的脸色微微苍白,在他凶狠的注视下,她舔了舔干燥的嘴唇,用手指颤抖地触碰着自己的嘴唇."来!""就在这儿?""是的."她重重地点了点头.他的眼睛开始变暗,他低下头,伸出舌头,轻轻地舔了舔她的小嘴,然后走开了.仔细看着眼前这张小脸,多么可怜,却处处迷人."多么漂亮的脸蛋!"不知道他是在叹息还是嘲讽,容玲低下头吻了她.起初,它相当温和.他的舌头轻轻扫过她的嘴唇,把她的小嘴舔干净,不留任何痕迹,让人误以为他在给她消毒.舔完之后,他的动作突然变得凶狠起来.他什么也没说就塞进她的小嘴里,开始沉迷于她的嘴里.很快,她就因为窒息而感到头晕,身体像海绵一样软化,疲惫地半倒在他身上.一双水做的眼睛更是朦胧,湿漉漉的仿佛刚被水洗过一样,漆黑浑浊,根本看不到底部!He kept staring at her, staring at the pair of demon-like eyes. Seeing her intoxicated in the deep kiss, her consciousness was blurred, and she was a little oblivious, his body became hot, and he wanted to tear off her clothes, strip her naked, and possess her, so that those dark eyes would silently shed emotional tears.It was so demonic!He cursed in his heart and let his mouth go. She half-closed her narrow eyes, her face flushed due to lack of oxygen, and she opened her mouth for no reason, which could not be closed for a while because of his invasion.She was dazed, half leaning in his arms, motionless, as if she was mesmerized by the kiss.He looked at her and found it very interesting again. He lowered his head and kissed her cherry-like lips very gently.She came back to her senses, fluttered her eyelashes like a comb, saw him clearly, and saw the smile on his lips. Her face turned red again, this time because of shyness. Half turning sideways, she buried her head between his legs in embarrassment, and dared not look at him again.What happened just now? ! It's so embarrassing! She seemed to have fainted!She really didn't dare to look at him, making herself like an ostrich, as if as long as she buried her head between his legs and couldn't see him, she could pretend that nothing had happened!"Hehe..."He laughed, thinking she was like a large toy, very funny, and hard not to love! Forget it, let her go, she looks so pitiful!The subordinate driving in front was a little surprised, it has been a long time since I heard Rong Shao laugh so sincerely! It seems that this Miss Lin Meng is a little different!