林梦牵着他的手,他们走过了玉锦酒店豪华的大门和华丽的大堂.The lobby manager stepped forward respectfully and called her: "Mr. Rong——"He just nodded, pulled her and continued to walk forward.穿过大厅,踏入电梯后,电梯的编号不断跳动,直到再也跳不起来,然后停了下来.电梯门打开,豪华的红地毯和无尽的走廊映入眼帘.他的手很干,但相比之下,她的手被汗水打湿了.他的身体热得焦急,但他的小手却像刚从冰水中捞出来一样冰冷.她根本不敢看他一眼,但从那抚摸的手和他平静的脚步中,她猜到他比她冷静得多.又或许,在他眼里,接下来要发生的事情跟吃晚饭一样平凡.在车里,他只吻着她,贴在她的嘴唇上,一动不动,仿佛想感受她嘴唇的触碰,没有深入.然后,他离开了,让她走了.放松,懒洋洋地靠着,闭上眼睛休息.看来她对他的魅力只到了他想尝尝她的程度.如果是这样的话,那应该是好的.但她有点慌了,他似乎对她没什么兴趣,所以他爸爸的事...正当她思考的时候,门打开了,然后又关上了.她迷迷糊糊地跟着他进了门,还没等她意识到自己已经进了房间,他就粗鲁地把她推到了门上.门很硬,突然间让她受伤了.她皱起眉头,他压了下去,他高大的身躯就像一头沉重的野兽,压着她.他微冷的嘴唇,带着微微炙热的气息,突然贴在她的嘴唇上.与上次他一动不动地压着她不同,这一次,他非常凶猛.激情的巨大差异让她头晕目眩,无法反应!发生了什么事?他们不是和他一起走吗?为什么他现在用火热的身体把她压下去,疯狂地亲吻她!她惊慌失措地尖叫起来,忍不住挣扎起来!她...不想!她害怕接下来会发生什么!她好害怕,她不想,她想逃跑,她想求他放过她,饶过她...她的挣扎对他来说是如此微弱和可怜,因为他个子很高,总是对运动感兴趣.相反,她的挣扎加速了他们身体之间的摩擦,让他的身体更加兴奋.他想要这个女孩,这是不可否认的.他的愿望忠实地反映了这个事实,他的心清楚地告诉了他这一点.他在车里忍耐了,首先是因为他不想吓到她;其次,他习惯了把美味的食物放在一边,慢慢吃.他不想像个色狼一样在车里匆匆忙忙地吃掉她.相反,他宁愿在一个没有人会打扰他的房间里逗弄他的猎物,一点一点地把她变成自己的.这个女孩似乎从里到外都散发着迷人的香味.他又用力咬住了她柔软的嘴唇,然后改变了姿势,开始攻击她纤细的小下巴.她的挣扎,绝对不是不舍的挣扎,也绝对不是悬念.她是认真的.她推他,双手打他,下巴剧烈地颤抖,最后,它打在他坚硬的牙齿上.她痛苦地喊叫,而他在钝痛中停了下来.他捏住她的下巴,强迫她抬头看他.他仔细低头看向下面的脸庞,那张脸依旧洁白如玉烟,但那张红色的小脸却仿佛在燃烧,那双仿佛一直流淌着春水的眼睛,也随着小火花跳跃.像编织的贝壳一样的牙齿咬住了因他的吻而肿胀的嘴唇.她是如此倔强和不屈,但也如此美丽.惊人的美丽,像熊熊燃烧的火焰一样迷人!She was destined to be a fairy that made people crazy!"Don't want to?!" He lowered his head, pressed against her lips, and whispered. His voice was still mellow like strong liquor, but it was stained with a hint of coldness.She was stunned for a moment, and all her struggles stopped in a daze.He bit her lips vigorously, retracted his legs, and also retracted his arms that supported her.Without his help, she slid down the door softly. She reached out awkwardly to drag the door behind her so that she would not fall to the ground. In front of the tall him, she looked even smaller and slenderer. His tall figure, under the light, cast a shadow that almost completely enveloped her. She was in this shadow, unable to escape, as if she had been followed by this shadow.He took a step back, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked her up and down.Her clothes were a little messy because of his pulling. Half of her white shoulders were exposed, which was the most unintentional immaturity, but it was the most attractive.She didn't dare to reach out to tidy up her clothes, because his eyes were very cold, and the coldness made her heart tremble."Don't you know why you came?" His voice was like his eyes at the moment, very cold and full of irony. "Before you came, didn't anyone tell you what to do?"After saying that, he turned around and didn't look at her again, as if her attraction to him had ended there.Her heart tightened, and she wanted to say: Don't--But she could only watch him slowly take off his suit, remove his tie, and elegantly unbutton his shirt, revealing his wheat-colored skin with clear texture and full of beauty...Then, he walked into the bathroom naked as if she didn't exist, and closed the door. There was a splashing sound, it was the sound of him taking a shower!His ease made her embarrassment even more obvious!Her legs went limp, she suddenly sat on the ground, tears falling from her eyes!