Chereads / Kono-Kiri Shop warriors of Nerima / Chapter 5 - Mirror of emotions?

Chapter 5 - Mirror of emotions?

"That is the most I've ever fought. Ugh I feel terrible I don't want to do that again..." Blearily Ringo opens his eyes, mind running faster than his body uncertain if he wanted to fight again or not. Normally he would shut the discussion out, but this time it seemed to be stuck on his head like the lingering pain from the knee he received.

He stood up wobbling slowly his mind felt blank he doesn't remember how many times he got hit, in what way, or how hard only that he was fighting harder and harder with someone that didn't just keep up but stayed ahead of him. "None of it mattered though" he thought to himself

"but it all did" he argued. To...himself he couldn't feel his pupils or any thing, it was as if he was in limbo. he was hungry but couldn't eat, bored but didn't want to do anything, He felt tired but he couldn't go back to sleep. everything was conflicting with himself. he felt a slight anger as he stumbled down the stairs to see Cologne cackling at Akane trying to hit Ranma as he lands on the table causing it to get broken.

"Get back here Ranma!" it seemed Ranma managed to insult Akane again but as she nears the stairs Ringo spins her by the shoulder stopping her assault "STOP IT NOW!" he shouted at Akane as his anger is turned to an equally irritated Ranma "She was just trying to hit me. So don't go shouting at her" he grabbed Ringo by his collar as his eyes narrowed

"So I should shout at you then huh?!" their foreheads suddenly clashed as they stared each other down with more fury but suddenly a worried look appeared on Ringo's face as Akane separates the two "Stop it Ranma. he may have been a bit rude but we broke some of his stuff"

An upset look crossed Ringo's face as it quickly turned to confusion "What was with that face Ringo" Ranma was now more confused than he was angry

"I.. don't know why" Scratching his head Ringo looks around remembering he was at his house his confusion grows more "Why are you two-no-three at my house" as if he forgot himself he suddenly remembers "Oh- yea when cologne said you lost energy I thought you at least be up at work since you don't do much anyway."


"Anyway... Since you weren't there I went to go check on you- what's with the surprised faces?" Akane and Ringo were staring a Ranma surprised he would care enough to check on Ringo but Ringo shook off his surprise -and slight annoyance- pointing at Akane "Why did you come?"

"Well since there aren't many people who take me seriously when sparring *ahem* Ranma" they both cast a glance at Ranma "What?"


"So I came here since Yukue is usually here to ask her if she wanted to be my sparring partner"

"Did she say yes?"

"yes but she also said she'd be pretty busy at work but she wanted to stay to look after you so I took her place" a tinge of jealousy crossed Ringo's face but he moves on pointing at Cologne "To help you when I saw Akane and Ranma were at your house"

Remembering that Cologne put the feather in his head he looks to her for answers "I've been feeling emotions that I wouldn't normally, do you know why?"

"Your feather is out of energy, just like you, so it draws in other peoples emotions making you project their feelings. If its strong enough you might even change depending on who it is."

Ringo thinks of his future as he has a shy look to his face as Ranma and Akane look away from each other

"L-like Ranma?" she nods as Ring now looked insulted -because of Ranma-

"how will I change back?"

"When a stronger emotion is felt"

"Isn't a stork enough!" Ringo storms off toward his room to get as far as he could

 *crack* thunder flew through the air as if summoning something or someone...




 *Boom* the door fell before a slipper

 She held two delivery boxes in her hand..

 She wore a Chinese outfit...

 Vibrant purple hair....

"It was Shampoo!" Ringo had no idea why he felt worried from her arrival but Ranma and Akane did. "Ni hao!" Shampoo put her foot down noticing Ranma before Ringo could hide away and was now embracing him but thanks to how weirded out Ranma was Ringo was able to let go quickly.

"Why do you hug Ranma bird brain" she was standing over Ringo who met her fierceness

"Why did you have to come here klutzy cat." the two growled at each other

"Shampoo wait its not what you think!"

Akane cuts in between the tension as best as she could "Then what is it?"

"His feather makes him feel other peoples feelings see." as she pointed Ringo did indeed loose his Fierceness sharing a worried look like Akane.

A grin crossed Shampoo's face as she tries pulling out the feather but instead lifts Ringo off the ground as he stands so she couldn't lift him further as she is irritated "Its stuck moron! I cant pull it out either." they sat down disappointed but as Shampoo goes to talk to Ranma, Ringo hugs him again

"You do again!" Shampoo started to grow furious

"I don't mean to!" Ringo was no help either but the moment she insulted him in mandarin he followed suit turning into bickering and then arguing before...


A gust of wind burst from Ringo's feet upwards as the fury turned him into a girl

Her hair was now longer somehow, two sharp large strands fell in front of her ears like shampoo, they swooped to the side with the top of her hair pointing up and slowly pointing down to the bottom, Her eyes turned amber while her hair was a bright brown and her eyes were round but sharp "Why are you all staring!" though everyone was shocked Ringo stayed furious.

She kept staring at everyone defensively

Ranma looked forward with slight jealousy "Why did you change so much? My hair doesn't even change style"

A thought crosses Ringo's mind "Cologne what happens when my feather regains energy would I be stuck like this!?"

"Until you spend up all your energy again"

Ringo looks at Ranma stomping toward him and grabbing his collar "Hurry the hell up and get angry!"

"Watch who you grab you... moron" Ranma tried to get angry but Ringo stared up at him with hopeful eyes "What are you doin! get mad! a guy is shaking you!" Ringo started shaking him more violently even tearing up a little "Come on...I might have to date guys, n' become a mom or something"

"W-Women are still an option Ringo" he was patting Ringo's shoulder as he tried to make him look at the bright side

"But I want kids! I might be tied to a deal my parents made" those words resonated with Ranma 


Ringo turned back into a guy "You cant let your parent's win, Ringo!" Ranma takes a stoic pose staring off to god knows what. Ringo started to tear up looking up to Ranma feeding his ego more "Thank you big bro"

"Hehe don't sweat it" he rubbed his nose"

"You don't have to pay for storage for the rest of you life" a mountain rises up behind Ranma as he started Cackling full of pride as Akane makes amazing dinner for once as Ranma wakes up from his dream because of Ringo bursting a paper bag.

With a raised eyebrow Ringo asks Ranma "Are you alright up in there?"

Ranma chuckles as he prepares to bring his delusion to life "Heh You cant let your parents win, you can thank me later" he takes his stoic pose again but...

"Okay sure" Ringo walked to his room staying away from everyone.

Ranma stood there shocked of how ungrateful Ringo was "I think you did something pretty good Ranma. You helped him out!" Akane gave a thumbs up

"I-It was nothing" Ranma looked away closing his eyes till Ringo peeks out of his door "Can you leave my house I cant sleep when you get all giddy"

He practically exposed Ranma "Shut up Ringo!" Ranma stormed out of the house embarrassed as eventually everyone followed suit. Ringo was fixing his door a moment later as Yukue came back "Why aren't you in bed. you are sick aren't you?"

Ringo's hair burst into flames for a moment "I got better..." his head was held down. "Alright then just don't. push your self"

"I wont..."