Chereads / Kono-Kiri Shop warriors of Nerima / Chapter 6 - Officer Kinchō

Chapter 6 - Officer Kinchō

"Its been one week and two days since I've been on the case of a Ringo Konotori. he is suspected for theft, the possession of an endangered animal, and allegiance with that gang locals call "The Nerima Wrecking Crew" end log" the person was wearing the typical American detective outfit the trench coat, shades, a vest, tie, fedora, and rainboots? He pulled out the plain white stick which was slightly chewed on and put it in his mouth but as he walked toward the shop he changed course and walked into another shop.

He walked out with a paper bag that hid what he bought minus the large lollipop. He begins approaching the shop again before a smell caught his attention as he veered off course again walking out of another shop with some okonomiyaki. HE nears the shop again... and... he is walking over-... ugh GET BACK TO THE INVESTIGATION MORON!! "Oh-uh sorry.." …he began walking back-... Leave the toy "But-" Leave it! "Fine..." anyway... walking back.. yada yada-HE nears the shop before peeking inside only to see no one there not even himself... where is he now? Never mind. Stupid kid....

"That was a close one.. they almost saw me." Ringo had a worried look on his face as he rises from behind the counter "I didn't think someone would come here" he was stuck in thought before it was broken by Ukyo walking in "I need the explosive sauce pot and the flour bomb" she was about to sit and wait but Ringo was already placing her items in a wheel barrow the moment he saw her enter already waving her goodbye by the time she placed her order. "Best of luck!"

"Huh? oh uh Thanks!" Ringo had started grabbing a pair of Chui because- "Hand Shampoo-" before Shampoo could even finish her demands here maces were already in her hands "You hand bow too-" he handed the bow that was resting on his leg prepared for shampoo "Best of luck!" as he was waving he was already grabbing some black roses with powder and a ribbon with adhesive on it

"Ohohoho Hurry and bring me my rose bouquet of serenity and my ribbon of encapsulating beauty!" she was already walking out of the shop with her items as she was in the middle of her demands he just silently waved as she leapt away.

The commotion that broke out outside was his moment of calm as he mumbled to him self "pretty active day huh" as he was hanging a disguise outside attached to a light brown wig while a water bucket was hanging meticulously outside as Ranma swooped in snatching the outfit and wig before pouring the water on himself as he leapt into a closet and came back out "Thanks Ringo!"

"Uh huh" Ringo was balancing a box of gadgets and knives with a heavy umbrella as Mousse arrived with Ryoga not getting the chance to speak as Ringo tossed the items into mousses sleeves and handed the umbrella to Ryoga "Bye!"

as the two walked away Ringo started to make some food for himself -for once- but his peace was ruined by a child walking in with Yukue who finished sparring with Akane.

"Is your name Ringo Konotori?" the strange child was forcing a deep voice while eating candy as he looked up at him with his eyes as he pulled his shades down. maybe it was the detective outfit or the attempted voice but something compelled Ringo to say "So what if I am? Whos asking." The child stumbled around in his coat a bit before pulling out a badge he almost dropped "Officer Kinchō that's who! You are under arrest!"

Ringo chuckled a bit "So you say. But how can you stop me... when you cant handle this!" he suddenly leapt behind the child before flicking his hands at him as he unleashed an EXTREME...Ly~! brief shoulder massage afterwards running out of the shop leaving the child slumped and relaxed.


Moments later the child stood up staring blankly before running outside "The suspect had used a forbidden technique and escaped! the stork was nowhere to be seen and it has been confirmed that he is indeed in cahoots with the wrecking crew"

He chased Ringo before stammering a bit *ahem* "End log" as he picked up a surprising pace which was redirected when he saw a group of children playing tag as he joined in *Ahem* your chase! Kinchō somehow remembered his pursuit as he catches back up to Ringo "How is this kid fast enough to catch up!" Ringo suddenly rounds the corner into an alleyway before leaping up a wall "Just give up kid you cant catch... me.....Crap I shouldn't have stopped." suddenly Ringo runs out of energy falling off the wall into some cardboard boxes



"You got anything to say? crook"

"Is that a lucky penny"

"What? Where!"

Ringo points to a distant house as Kinchō runs but stops and turns back to Ringo "Don't move!"

"I won't"

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

"Hmmm I don't trust you crook." suddenly Ringo gets lifted by the child as they walk to the house which happened to be Yukue's who happened to be walking home "What in the world..." The sight of a child lifting Ringo baffled her.

"There really was a lucky penny you didn't lie!" Kinchō picked up the coin but for some reason Ringo began chuckling 

"What's so funny crook?"

"You're one to talk crook. You committed a crime!"

"W-What? How!"

"Look in your hand kid that coin was someone else's and you took it and pennies aren't from Japan!"

 Kinchō dropped the coin with a stunned look "I'm an officer how could I do such a heinous thing like stealing!"

Ringo broke free from his cuffs as he stood above Kinchō with a disappointed arm cross and stare "Tut tut tut you should've known better" Ringo began laying wallets in front of the boy "Look! you cant get enough, you're stealing more than just pennies now!"

Kinchō was now shouting as if he were getting possessed "H-how could I!" he ran away crying as he threw his fedora to the ground never to be seen again.

Yukue walks up to Ringo who was chuckling at his evil "You are so cruel you know..."

"Huh I am?" Yukue believed that was sarcasm "Really.". Though, Ringo genuinely didn't know he was being cruel.

"Eh he'll be fine kids have many dreams in their life"

"if you say so... say where did you those wallets from" she waited for an answer but Ringo just walked away.


-two hours later-

Ringo was eating some noodles from the "Cat Café" his eyes were half closed as he was bored till someone knocked on his door. It was Kinchō! and he was wearing a black sports jacket and sweat pants with a beanie and a mask made from a folded cloth "Teach me the ways of thievery o' great crook!"

"Sure." a devious grin formed on Ringo's face in Kinchō's imagination while his face was blank minus the fire on his head "Rule one don't announce that you are a thief to someone who isn't. Lesson done you are a master thief now goodnight." before Kinchō could even speak he shut the door "...Thank you master!"

That totally wont have consequences down the line.. And! That was the end of this chapter as- one sec my boss walked in



"No more narrating from you. You are fired."
