The half-collapsed spire still loomed on the horizon, its crooked silhouette a grim promise of what lay ahead. The route there was proving treacherous; cracks in the ground spewed occasional bursts of flame, and the swirling heat seemed to intensify the farther they went. Yet Damien and Anna pressed on, driven by their need to find their respective companions.
They passed through a maze of toppled pillars and charred rubble—remnants of whatever civilization once occupied these scorched lands. Anna paused now and then to catch her breath, pressing a hand to her bruised ribs. Damien kept a wary eye on the surroundings, his coat still singed from the Pyrofiend Alpha battle.
Eventually, they entered a broad courtyard enclosed by partially collapsed walls. The stones underfoot were cracked, some spots glowing with residual heat. A strange hush hung in the air, broken only by distant rumbles of shifting debris.