Chereads / Naruto: The Life Changer / Chapter 45 - Chapter:45

Chapter 45 - Chapter:45

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O} {N}


He didn't get any more recipes, just money (always welcome) and the occasional [Cured Squirrel Fur], of which he wasn't certain what he was going to do with. The chests were a little better, but mostly contained keys for the [Grand Chest] (whatever that was) and a bit of extra cash.

Currently, Naruto was sat down and taking a break, examining the map of the area as he did so. It looked hand-drawn, with the locations he had discovered chest marked with a star. Currently, he had four keys and the map showed that they were in a sort of square position, with two of them closer together than the other two.

"Could a fifth one be…here somewhere?" Naruto mused aloud, pointing at a place located upwards and in the centre of the two key locations furthest apart and across from one another. If one was in that area, that made a pentagram, meaning that the [Grand Chest] might appear in the centre somewhere, probably along with the Field Boss.

Naruto checked himself over before heading out. Thus far, he hadn't lost much HP, just about thirty points to a surprise attack from a [Gnashing Grey Squirrel] that popped up when he thought he'd dealt with all of them, and he'd already regenerated that health while resting, so he was good.

He hadn't even had to use any of his jutsu, not since that first [Gansetsukon], but he knew he'd likely have to use jutsu against the Field Boss when it turned up.

Five minutes and five dead squirrels later, Naruto was removing a key from the last chest, along with a rather odd item to keep in a chest; the blue and white wrapped hilt of a tantō, with part of the blade still attached, but very obviously damaged. It looked like someone had smashed the blade with a hammer or something.

[Hilt of Toradora]

The hilt of the tantō known as Toradora. The blade has been broken, but perhaps not beyond repair by a skilled smith.

…was what his [Observe] skill said about it. Naruto waited for a moment and, sure enough, a quest window popped up a couple of seconds later.

[Quest Created!]

A Broken Blade can still Cut!: You have discovered the hilt and what little is left of a tantō called Toradora. Take it to your friend Tenten to see if it can be fixed!



Naruto stared at the window, slightly perplexed. This was odd. There was no quest succeed/quest failure notices listed. Shrugging, the blond boy hit 'Y' before placing the hilt and the last key in his inventory and heading to the centre of the pentagram formed by the chest locations.

"This had better be worth it." he grumbled as he picked up a rock so he would be able to use [Gansetsukon] as soon as he spotted the Field Boss.

Thus far, his [Shurikenjutsu], [Hikō Yoshin Fast Draw Technique] and [Beginner's Hakage Taijutsu] had all gone up by a couple of levels, so this time he would try and level up his Doton Ninjutsu. He really had to start trying to find some jutsu for his Primary Fūton Affinity though.

Abruptly, the ground started to shake. Naruto yelped in surprise as he staggered against a nearby tree and looked around for the cause of the earthquake.

A large tree erupted from beneath the ground, with an extra large chakra mutated squirrel clinging to the top of it, with a pair of [Gnashing Grey Squirrels] at its flank.

"Huh…so this is a Field boss." Naruto mused as he looked up at the monster. It was the size of a Labrador, twice the size of the [Gnashing Grey Squirrels]. It had burnt orange fur and you could see the rippling muscles beneath it. Naruto checked out the name floating above its head.

LV7 Berserk Fox Squirrel

"{Observe}" Naruto whispered.

Berserk Fox Squirrel

This beast was infected with a tiny dose of the chakra of the Kyūbi no Kitsune during its attack twelve years ago and has grown to monstrous proportions. With no sense of self preservation, it will attack innocent people until it is dead.

Special Status: Berserk, Feel no Pain, Iron Muscles.

Special Abilities: Summon Minions.

Naruto paled as he read on. This thing was using the chakra of the Demon Fox! If it wasn't stopped, it could hurt people! Like him! He hurriedly examined the four unknown buttons.

[Berserk] (Passive/Active)

You are a fierce warrior, lost in a sea of rage and fury. You are granted enhanced strength, endurance and speed at the cost of your sanity and self-preservation instincts.

- Passively grants +15 STR.

- Passively grants +15 SPD.

- Passively grants +15 STA.

- Passively reduces INT by 15.

- Passively reduces DEX by 10.

- Actively forces you to attack the nearest foe and attack it until it is dead.

- Actively reduces WIS by 15.

Costs 50 CP/Per Minute.

[Feel no Pain] (Passive)

Through either pure mental control or sheer rage, you are immune to pain and can tank the strongest of attacks without flinching.

- Passively raises STA by 30.

- Passively renders user immune to the sensation of physical pain.

[Iron Muscles] (Passive)

You have trained extensively, to the point that your muscles are so large and thick that they act as light armour when in combat, albeit to the detriment of your speed.

- Passively reduces speed by 10.

- Passively grants an Armour Value of 10 to all locations except the head.

- Passively increases STR by 15.

[Summon Minions] (Active)

Letting loose a howl, you can summon subordinates to your aid.

- Actively summons forth either 2 to 3 [Rabid Red Squirrels] or 2 [Gnashing Grey Squirrels] to your aid.

Cooldown: three minutes.

Costs 30 CP to use.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O}