If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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Your home, and the building it is in, is very much in a state of abandonment. By accepting the quests highlighted in silver, you can set about the business of restoring the place to habitability.
To accept a House Quest, merely walk up and tap the floating silver Exclamation Marks, read the window that pops up and then the 'Y' button, just like any other quest.
Unlike with regular quests, you do not earn EXP or Ryo for completing these quests, merely having your home up to snuff is a reward in and of itself.
"Huh…who knew?" Naruto muttered, before wondering why this appeared only now. Did it have to do with him levelling up for the first time since gaining his new apartment?
Shrugging, Naruto walked over and tapped the silver icon once, making a silvery window pop up.
[House Quest Alert!]
Green Thumbs and Blonde Hair: Your flowerbeds are empty. Go to the Yamanaka Flower Shop and purchase soil, compost and flower seeds, then set up your flowerbeds.
All in all, it was probably one of the simplest quests Naruto had received since he had acquired his Gamer ability, so he accepted it before heading to bed.
The Next Day
At the End of Academy Classes
"Hey, Ino!" Naruto called, stopping the Yamanaka Heiress in her tracks.
"What, Naruto?" she asked impatiently, "I have to help my parents at the shop now."
"That's why I wanna speak to them." Naruto replied, "I have a couple of flowerbeds that I want to fill and the only place I know that sells the kind of soil and compost for flowers is your place."
"Huh." Ino looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Didn't think you were the gardening type."
"I did have one at my old place…before someone ripped all the plants to pieces." Naruto grumbled, "Even my houseplants were destroyed."
"Sucks to be you." Ino said with a hint of sympathy in her voice, "Fine, come with me. Daddy will want to speak to you about it."
As Ino led Naruto out of the classroom, two pairs of eyes followed them, one pair of light lavender and one pair of emerald green. Both felt jealousy in their hearts, but the latter only felt a small twinge, while the former raged against the time that Sakura, and now Ino, were spending with the boy she liked.
Naruto examined Ino with his [Observe] skill and was surprised by what he found.
Name: Yamanaka Ino
Class: Mindwalker Adept
Level: 8 Next Level: 46.90
Title: Academy Student (+25% EXP to LV10)
Age: 12
HP: 625/625
CP: 300/300
STR: 12 (-5)
STA: 12 (-5)
DEX: 26 (-5, +5)
INT: 27
WIS: 25
LUK: 29
Status: Uchiha Fangirl (-25% to all EXP Gain, -10% to Teamwork), Yamanaka Clan Heiress (+30% Effectiveness to all Yamanaka Clan Jutsu), Fashionable (+20% to [Barter] and [Haggle] skills, +25% Bonus EXP to those skills as well), Green Thumb (+50% effectiveness with [Gardening] Skill, +30% EXP bonus from [Gardening] Actions).
Perks: - Strong Minded
- Natural Talent: Mindwalker
- Acrobatic
- Herbalist
Flaws: -Vain
- Fangirl
- Daddy's Girl
- Malnourished
Yamanaka Ino is the Heiress of the Yamanaka Clan, famous for their skill with the Mind Arts. She is strong willed and proud, to the point of arrogance on occasion, but is essentially a good person. She has much skill in her family's Jutsu set, but squander's that talent as one of 'Sasuke-kun's' Fangirls.
Her stats were far more balanced than Sakura's were, as she was obviously not close to being as smart as her frenemy was, but her physical skills were better…especially the DEX stat. Naruto guessed that the [Acrobatic] Perk had something to do with that.
"So, how was Forehead's tutoring yesterday?" Ino asked out of the blue, jarring Naruto from his thoughts.
"Eh? Oh, it went well." Naruto replied, "My brain hurt from all the information, but Sakura-chan's a good teacher. I'm gonna ace the damn exams this time round!"
"After failing twice, I should think you would!" the blonde girl snorted, "I'm surprised you didn't try and steal the exam questions last time."
Naruto looked at Ino in surprise. "Why would I do that? If I don't earn a hitai-ate the right way, there's no point in wearing it."
Ino looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "We aren't training to be samurai, y'know. To a shinobi, there's no such thing as fair play."
"We aren't shinobi yet." Naruto pointed out, "The first time I tried to graduate early, a girl called Ichigaya Terumi got expelled from the shinobi program for doing that."
"Really?" the purple-clad girl asked in surprise.
"Yup." Naruto nodded, "She got caught by a chunin when she tried to enter the room where the exam papers were kept. I remember Jiji scolding her about it. I think she's back in civilian school right now."
Ino looked thoughtful at this. It made sense to Naruto though. If the students had to cheat, it should be actually during the exam, when the chunin-sensei could see and grade their stealthy information-gathering skills for themselves.
You have deduced something important about the Genin Exams! You gain +1 WIS!
Ignoring the new window, Naruto saw that they were approaching the Yamanaka Flower Shop. The colourful façade had always made Naruto a little wistful for his lost garden and houseplants; at least now, he could actually do something about it.
"Daddy, Kaa-san, I'm home!" Ino called as she ran into the shop.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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