Chapter 8 - First Meeting

*Axel's POV*

"Silvara Tempest. As you probably already know of my families status, I will allow you to accompany me to the city to be compensated." She stated haughtily like I owed her something.

With a raise of my eyebrow I looked a Lozen while lowering my hand from it's awkward wave. With a nod of my head and not a word to the snobbish lady I turned on my heel an started walking away. Even if I fail this mission, I refuse to be treated like a slave or fool.

While we were starting to walk towards the river again Lozen spoke into my mind. "That woman is truly ungrateful. How dare she speak to you like that after you just saved her. Now she thinks that we have no clue that she is following us slowly. Huff."

A small smile playing on my lips, I ran my hand through Lozen's soft fur. "Calm down my friend. She is scared and we know she comes from a large family family. She could just be going the same route as us. I just want to get back to camp and cook the rest of those goats. I am pretty hungry right now."

With a nod in agreement we decided to just ignore the tag along and her small pack of wolves. I am sorry but the first thing you say to someone that just saved you is to act like it is their good luck to be near you and protecting you, then you really need to just go away.

Arriving at our camp shortly after I once again admired how much easier it was to survive with such off the charts strength. You couldn't have even imagined building a full hut every night on my last world. I had quickly made a hut out of bark from the giant trees in our surroundings with a bit of mud to glue it all together. In the end a large shelter that could fit Lozen and I, 4 times over, was built in less then 15 minutes.

As I was coming to the entrance of my hut for the night I heard hurried footsteps behind me. I didn't feel any killing intent or anything so I didn't really mind I was just curious.

"Why do you keep ignoring me?" I heard her ask when she cot closer to me. I could hear the confusion in her voice. With a raised eyebrow I turned towards her and stared at her silently for a moment.

Just as she was starting to squirm under my gaze I replied to her. "Do you really want to know? I don't mind saying just don't blame me later."

With a nod she said," Speak." In a high tone, once again putting on the holier than thou attitude that grated on my nerves.

Gritting my teeth slightly so I didn't lash out at the woman I spoke slowly and as clearly as I could.

"This attitude you have right now. You didn't even thank us before trying to treat us as some servant or slave. I did not have to fight that group. We could have just stayed right here an not gotten involved at all. Now you are once again acting like I should be worshiping the ground you walk on!"

Her eyes widened with every word I spoke. It seemed that she truly may not have known that she was acting that way but I did not care. No, for some reason she made me angry. I felt like she should have been different, or maybe I just hoped she would have been different.

Without giving her time to respond I continued.

"Just for shits and giggles let me guess because I truly don't know who the hell your family are nor do I know who you are. Hmm, my guess is that you are probably some young heiress of a large family that holds power in politics, business, and probably even the military as well. At least judging by the way you are holding your shoulders it should be a bit of military. What do you say? Sound about right? But at this point lady, I will just stay out of your way. I will be travelling down this river because I have no idea where I am."

Even her small mouth had dropped open slightly listening to me speak. I doubt anyone has ever tried to talk to her that way. To be honest though I didn't really care. I was starting to feel my anger rise quickly and I knew that I needed to calm down so I walked over to Lozen and just buried my face into her fur.

"You... You, how could you speak to me like that. Not even my father scolds me! You know nothing, hmph, you probably out here hiding from the law! I will tell the police and my father where you are hiding as soon as I get back to town!" With that she turned and tried to run away but the funniest thing I had ever seen happened.

Her 5 Dire Wolves all blocked her path. The strongest among the 5 looked at Lozen for a minute likely having a conversation about the young lady. For her part though she started stamping her feet in embarrassment. 

"Move, c'mon guys lets just go home by ourselves! Mother and 'Father" will be worried if we stay out her much longer. How about this when we get home I will give you extra treats just move please lets go!" Her wolves did not budge. 

It wasn't until I heard Lozen's chuffing laugh that I really wondered what the Dire Wolf was saying to her. After about 3 more minutes of Lozen talking to the wolf she turned towards me and told me what was really happening here.

"Master, the wolf was saying that her master is acting childish right now. She says she is normally not like this and they all think that the girl is attracted to you. They also think that after what just happened with her being betrayed that she is using this false bravado as a defensive mechanism. She hopes that you will please be patient with their master as she has never been in a situation like this before."

Yeah that sounds about right, it really is just like I thought. Although she could've been nicer from the beginning. Hell at least a thank you for gods sake.


*Silvara POV*

This man is handsome. Those were my first thoughts after the battle. Even worse when he gave his awkward introduction I could feel something weird in me. It was like I wanted to just be close to him and hold him. That is not a feeling I have ever had with anyone before. In my nervousness I fell onto my defense, my family and their power. 

I wanted him to accompany me, but what the hell just came out of my mouth. Oh my god he is going to think I am super spoiled now.

Shit he is walking away. Damn he looks good even walking away. Shit need to keep up, don't get lost in your head girl. I have change my persona. 

"Master please calm down, you are not acting like yourself. You never get flustered like this." The largest and strongest of my Dire Wolves named Greta spoke into my mind feeling my chaotic emotions flowing.

Taking a deep breath I ran forward to catch up when he arrived at a pretty solidly built structure. I observed it for a second an thought he must have been living here for quite awhile.

When he yelled at me and said those things. It was like I couldn't escape this hell. I wanted to run away but my stinky wolves all blocked my path. As I was trying to get past them I could feel Greta talking to the Black Fenrir. Without turning around I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Nothing about the past few days has gone right for me.

First I am betrayed and almost raped by that group. Now because I cant control my own mouth I offended the person who saved me. I just want to go home.


A sob came out of my lips unbidden as I collapsed to my knees. The weight of everything just starting to take its toll. I am so tired and scared, I just want to see my daddy and have one of his hugs to keep me safe.


*Axel's POV*

Seeing the young woman start sobbing uncontrollably I was a little stunned. I had no clue how to handle this situation. I looked to the wolves and gestured towards her expecting they would go and support her. But no, the little shits all turned their heads away like they didn't see anything.

I looked to Lozen, a silent plea as I stared into her ice blue eyes. To which she ruthlessly rejected.

"Master you made her cry, you comfort her. Just do what you want someone to do for you when you are feeling down."

Something I want to have others do for me when I am feeling down? I don't really know because I have always had to rely on myself most of the time I never had the luxury of relying on others for support. Thinking to here there was one thing that I had always wanted.

Slowly I approached her while she sobbed uncontrollably. I looked towards the largest of her protectors and the large wolf nodded her head in acceptance. Slowly crouching down I reached my arms around her slowly. With a gentle movement I picked her up and held her closely. Surprisingly she didn't resist at all.

Feeling my touch she had tensed for a flash of a second before just relaxing into me. She cried harder and harder as I just rubbed her back. I remembered what she had recently been through and I knew it had to be a lot. So for now I have chosen to forgive her. After awhile I carried her into my makeshift hut and sat down with her next to the fire and watched the rest of the goat cook.

It seemed like about an hour before her crying slowly came to an end. Shortly later I heard soft snores coming from my shoulder. Poor girl, she had probably been running for her life most of the time with those trash on her tail the entire time.

Slowly I stood back up with her and moved her over to her wolves who were already moving t make a space for her in the center. Gently laying her down I noticed how close our faces were. It struck me once again that this woman was incredibly beautiful.

Her soft pink lips were looking very kissable but I restrained myself. It wouldn't be my style to try anything on a defenseless woman. Instead I raised my head and gently kissed her forehead wishing her good dreams. I couldn't explain it but when she latched onto me I felt any and all my anger just wash away like it was never there.


It wasn't until the next morning that Silvara woke up. I had been up for awhile reheating some meat from yesterday for breakfast. Considering the mana in the meat we didn't really have to worry about it spoiling. Not to mention the stuff in my inventory doesn't spoil or changed from the way I put it in.

I looked over at her and smiled.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Do you feel better?"

Her cheeks got a small red blush on them just making her even more gorgeous. It feels like she gets more beautiful the more I look at her. Little did I know, this silly woman was thinking the same thing about me.

"Yes, thank you I feel much better... Umm Axel right?"

"Yupp, that's me. What's up?"

Taking a moment it seemed she was working up to something. 

"Axel, what are you doing this deep into the Great Ruin Forest on your own?"

Her question was expected. Finding out the name of the forest I am in though was nice. Pondering my answer for a moment I decided to mix some truth with some fabricated details.

"Well I am not quite sure. I cant remember anything but the last week and my name. I have been here in this forest the entire time. I actually woke up even deeper in the forest but Lozen and I have been travelling to the closest city she knows of."

"Oh, That would probably be the city of Ruinton. That is the city that I live in with my family. To make it clear, yes I am from a big military family. I am sorry you cant remember anything but if you'd like when we get to Ruinton I can help you see some healers to see if they can bring your memories back."

Hesitation appeared for a moment on my face as I secretly conversed with Sylph confirming if it was a normal thing for people to be able to detect if I was a reincarnator or not. To my surprise it was a very normal thing and by saying I didn't remember anything I was just digging myself a hole for no reason.


With a deep sigh I looked at Silvara and spoke up with a heavy look. "Actually I can remember everything perfectly."

"What do you mean Axel?" She asked me starting to back up. She was most likely thinking that I was just another trap for her so I spoke quickly as to not drag this out and give the wrong impression.

"I just reincarnated in this forest a little over a week ago. I didn't know how you guys felt about reincarnators so I didn't say anything. It was Lozen who told me just now that my situation is quite common."

Staring at me for a second she seemed to be holding something back. Her face was going red like she was going to explode. Just when I though that she was going to pop I braced for the blowback wincing slightly and then... She laughed.

She laughed hard at me but it was beautiful. If I had a choice I would love to hear that laugh every single day.