Chapter 30 - plan

"Angelo, how did you do that?"asked Mina.Oh simple, you see many know that the voudaju van ehance a weapons properties, but what many don't know is that by applying curses to a weapon.

"You can change its function. A stick can have the cutting power of a sword and the striking power of a spear."replied iodine.

"That's not something my family taught me."Said Ethan."While it should be common knowledge, many only use curses to suppress an aponent and don't utilize its full potential."said iodine.

"So what else can curses do?"asked Rachel,New instrest shining in her eyes.The can also become curse puppets while many curse puppets are attached to a person, usually to wesken them.

Curse puppets can also be used as a second fighter or companion when a person dies with regret their spirit may corrupt their curse puppet.

Some have even found a way to make this work without lingering regret."said iodine."Okay, that last part has to be non-sense."said Rachel.

"No emotions are tied to voudaju, so lingering regret can cause one's consciousness to awzken in a curse puppet.

But not only that, when a person dies, their spirit can also posses someone becoming a curse puppet to protect said person.

In fact, when you get stronger fighting someone like this, may he or her first mission curse puppets largely make up most rumors of ghost come from."said iodine.

"Stop with the rant. Show us how to do what you did."said Peter, another student.Okay, so how I cast the curse is i I spill my blood into it and let out a small chant.

I've done this so many times that I don't have to do the chant.But the chant is "changero wero anera concares."said iodine.

"Oh, but if I remember correctly, you have to use your voudaju to manipulate the blood to write out the chant."said Mina.

"That is correct, Mina. The longer the chant, the more blood required and more voudaju to conjure it."said iodine.

But it's never that simple curses cost several times the amount of voudaju which elements do, and you have to have a stable state of mind while casting curses or things could go horribly wrong."said iodine.

"Can we get a demonstration?"asked Mina."Sure, but I'll give a demonstration."

iodine then raised the broom stick as he used a voudaju needle to prick his finger.Blood then dripped onto the stick."changero wero anera concares."

The blood then spread onto the stick as it started to sizzle.It then burned it the wood as the staff started to glow with purple light.

Iodine then swung the blade down horizontally as a large wave of dust flew into the air, but nothing happened.

But inly a second later, a giant slash mark was carved into the ground, spreading through half the arena.

the stick then suddenly disintegrated to dist as iodine sighed."I guess I'm still not at the mastery level required to exert so much force using a stick."said iodine.

"What I just did is not only change the properties of the stick to be able to cut but a changed the weight of it so it would generate more wind pressure."said iodine.

"That's good and all angelo, but if I shoot you with a gun, all of that fancy sword play will be useless."said a random student.

"Well, Bryce, you can come and demonstrate that while I demonstrate how many times I can cut off your head before you pull that trigger and the time it takes to reach me."said iodine as all the students started to laugh.

The sound of a bullet was then heard as iodine sighed.he raised his pinky figure as the bullet bounced off it.

Everyone turned to the top of the stands, seeing a girl with green eyes and tanned skin holding a


She then spoke loud enough for everyone to hear."Well, I had time to pull that trigger, and my head is "

Blood then started to drip from the side of her neck as he gun fell to the ground, split in half.The girl then stood in shock as iodine smiled, only his reconstructed broom in hand

"You know guns are made with rapid fire, so people who have no aim can land one in ten bullets clearing when choosing a weapon you ignored that ms nori.

Also, attacking a teacher on school grounds without a challenge is a detention."said iodine as he walked out of the arena, his students following behind.

"How did he do that? I'm assuming he used a wind blade, but i did'teven notice, "said Ms grace."No, that was pure raw speed in under nano second he flew up a hundred meters and fkew back down without a single fluctuation of wind.

To do that, he'd have to have moved so smoothly that he didn't even stir the wind almost as if he had just walked up a flight of stairs and back."said the principal.

"Who did you hire as a teacher?"asked Mr grant."I don't know."

"Now, students, i am sorry for making missing so much class, but I have some work to do and will see to leave early so you all can get early dismissal."said iodine as he vanished.

Iodine appeared in Angelo's room, sighing as he changed back."Wow, so I guess you inherited Angelo's attitude to flex every chance he gets."said mikel.

"If a professional sprinter races a toddler at a speed slight above an eight year old, is that flexing? I think not."said iodine.

"But it would have been better if you didn't humiliate that man in front of all the beautiful young girls and teachers with a broom stick."said Alex.

"Did you not hear how he was speaking as far as I see it? I gave that boy a long overdue ass whooping."said iodine.

"Personally, if I were that teacher, I'd quit and fake my death."said Mikel."Iodinas must you create angelo a knew enemy every day."said aluro.

"Hey, don't use my full name, aluroen."said iodine."What was Angelo on when he made those names."said mikel.

"Everything all at once."