The four immerged from a portal in a room filled with several cabinets and documents on the
"Where are we?"asked mikel."This is the school file room."replied iodine."What are we doing here?"asked Alex.
"Did you idiots not think yo check the file room."said aluro."No, but considering we're here, neither did angelo."said alex.
"No, he didn't infact he is terrible at doing detective work."said iodine."Anyway, stop the chatter, and let's get searching."Said mikel.
After around fifteen minutes, aluro alerted the other's to something he found."Hey, what is al?"asked mikel.
"Don't call me that ever again."said aluro."Fine, just show us what you found."said Alex."Now that I think about it, both of you can be called al."said mikel.
"Just put that aside for now."said iodine as he pointed to the documents on the table."What does it say?"asked mikel.
"It's documents of students who have mysteriously gone missing."replied aluro."Yeah, but what dies have to do with anything?"asked Alex.
"All of these students were from underprivileged families and were given scholarships all except two of the twelve children in the past two years died in a combat situation."said aluro.
"So what are you saying?"asked mikel."From what I'm guessing, these kids are all sacrifices no one will miss, and one of the girls' families died in a car crash.
It just so happens this girl. Anya lrnia and Ryan worthal were the only ones who didn't die or go missing incombat."said iodine.
"But what separates these two deaths?"asked aluro."They were likely the only two from families who didn't sell them."said Alex
"That it for a person to be a sacrifice to a relic their lively good may have to be sighed over to sort of bind their spirit.
This can be done by a parent or guardian, but even if it's done by a parent or guardian, the victims blood and unwilling consent is still required."said iodine.
"It's likely that the academic contract sighed by the student is a form of consent.And then the parents found out about it and refused to comply they were threatened with their families' death."said aluro.
"So it's likely they'll go for another victim soon from what I gathered. The current lineup of victims are Rachel,amera, Diego Questa, and Mina Rohan."said aluro.
"That last girl is the one who developed a crush on angelo."said mikel."Wait, this all seems too easy, this information casually laying around."said iodine.
"You're right their must be something more."said Alex."True, but information like this is grounds for me to start being the juge,jury, and executioner."said iodine.
"Careful, Mr. juge jury and executioner, we can only use five percent of our cardigan abilities at ten percent of their full capabilities, and we are twenty time's weaker physically."said aluro.
"That's true. However, one thing you're forgetting is we still have infinite voudaju."said iodine."But that doesn't equal infinite stamina."replied aluro
"Stop the arguing their might be a hidden door here somewhere or something else. Let's search around some more."said Alex.
"Wait, i searched the building with space warping, but there seem to be no secret trapped doors, but that could be false."said aluro.
"A false reality I was made for these."said iodine."Not so fast theirs something wrong with this place it isn't a false reality it's something else but what."said aluro.
Just then, they heard loud footsteps approaching the room."Oh damn it's Ms. Grace iodine shape-shift me into angelo, and you three go along."said Alex as he peeped through the window.
Aluro then grabbed his dragging him and mikel through the portal as iodine swiftly rearranged the room.
Ms. Grace then walked in her long black hair fluttering behind her as her confused green eyes stared down at iodine, who was marking test papers.
"I thought you won the bet you don't have to mark those papers."said Ms grace."I didn't agree to such a bet, and I only fought him, so he'd stop talking down to me."said iodine.
"But did you really have to use a broomstick the whole school she's you as an arrogant show off."said Ms grace.
"I didn't do that embarrass him before he interrupted me. I was giving a lesson on the importance of using curses in battle it just so happened that I could demonstrate my point."Said Ms grace.
"Where did you learn to fight like that anyway?"asked Ms grace."My father, he wouldn't let me touch a sword until I could scratch him with a stick."said iodine
"Wow, he must have been really strong."said Ms grace."You have no idea till this day. Even if he uses a twig, I still can't land a hit in him."said iodine.
Recalling how, even at their peak, none of the cardigan could touch angelo's father."I suppose it's only natural. I have a long way to go before I'm ready to challenge him or my grandfather."said iodine.
"Anyway, enough about me, do you have anyone you wish to surpass Ms grace?"asked iodine.Ms. Grace didn't answer as iodine sighed.
"I suppose it's too personal anyway. Is Mr. fracis fine?"asked iodine."Yes, he's just unconscious. The nurse says he had zero injuries due to you ."said Ms grace.
"It's nothing special. You can't be an efficient fighter. If you can't heak yourself."said iodine."They say that all rounders like you are destined to fail."said Ms grace.
"The people who say that they just don't have the time or efficiency to train all their skills. I have both."said iodine.
Ms. Grace chuckled as she walked up to iodine."You're a good kid with a bright future ahead of you. Keep up the good work."said Ms grace as she turned and left.
"If I was with the others spectating this confrontation, the four overprotective sisters would be rushing to kill her, and the rest of us would be laughing."said iodine.
"Although this woman is six years older than angelo, and I don't think his grandmother and parents when we find them will take too kindly to that.
Oh, who I am I kidding angelo with a woman aluro could envision that through a hundred timelines."said iodine.
A pain then hit iodine's chest as a voice came into his head."I heard that."