Elerate heard the King ordering his men to stop. With a few deep breaths, he attempted to calm himself. Going for a decoy group wasted too much time. Once he realized his mistake, he quickly doubled back, hoping to catch the King before he left. Slowly, he approached the small group of guards that were protecting them. Elerate gathered up his courage as he took the last steps that separated him from the King.

"Your Majesty." Elerate started, giving a slight bow. His voice was raspy and quiet. Clearing his voice, he continued. "I am honored to stand in your presence." Elerate noticed Keldo held a paper in his hand. "I was to hand you a note that is precious to you, but seeing how you already received it."

"Where is my daughter, Elerate?" Keldo asks sternly. 

Elerate could see the worry and concern that filled his eyes. He responded quickly, surprising those around him. "I'm not going to tell you. Drave is the one that will if he so desires."

"Then what are your orders from him?" Celia demands.

"I'm going to take you to him."

One member of the army came up to Keldo. "Don't do it, sire. You know that this is exactly the opportunity he has been waiting for."

"What do you recommend then, Scyfire? My daughter is his captive." Keldo asks the man.

Scyfire looked at Elerate and then turned back to Keldo. "Might I suggest that one of us goes in your place? Your daughter is as important to us as she is to you. You should know about the relationship I have with her better than anyone else."

"I'm afraid that wouldn't work." Elerate replies, raising a hand. He cut off Scyfire before he could speak. "Drave was clear in his orders. Only Keldo and Celia are to come. But if you don't want to see her alive again, then by all means."

"We will follow you, Elerate." Keldo replies. "But I warn you, if you try any tricks, we will punish you."

Elerate calmly smirked at the threat. "The same is said to you."

Keldo motioned to his men to follow them. After crossing the sandy terrain, Elerate led them to piles of rocks. Desecration of a place once sacred by Morvaies before their corruption. After reaching a rare heap that was the same color as the sand they tread upon, Elerate turned to Keldo and Celia as they were dismounting their horses. 

"This is where you must leave your guards, your Majesties." Elerate says without hesitation.

Keldo turned to the commanding officer. "Nightfire, if anything happens, you know what to do." He whispers before turning to the others and ordering them to remain outside.

After climbing to the top of the mound, Elerate pushed a bolder to the right. A vibration filled the ground as a door opened near the bottom of the hill. As the tremors stopped, Elerate slid the few feet back down. Entering the now open passageway, he beckoned Keldo and Celia to follow.

After weaving back and forth through the maze of tunnels, they entered a large room with charts hanging from the walls and books on a long table. Some small tables and a few chairs tucked away. Sitting at the far end of the room was Drave. His feet up on the desk. His dark maroon eyes staring.

Drave stood up and walked slowly but deliberately towards the King and queen. After taking a few steps, Drave's attention was immediately drawn to Elerate.

"Elerate, didn't I clarify you were the one to hand Keldo the paper?" Drave asks. His voice was a fearful calm.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes." Elerate stammers. He knew Drave was upset.

"Then explain to me how he received it before he even got to you?" Drave continued. He acted as though they were alone.

"Where is my daughter, Drave?" Keldo interrupts. He knew what the Dark One wanted, and he would keep Kestra here until he got it.

"Let's see here. I will answer your question as soon as you answer mine." Drave grinned, looking at them.

"And what is that?" Celia inquired.

"Do you really think that I would tell you where she is?" Drave smiles. He turned his back to them. He calmly waited to see if they would run. The sound of Celia stepping back towards the door reached his ears. Looking at the Queen, his eyes went blood red.

"Vinctos." Drave whispered.

Celia and Keldo could no longer move. Drave had them trapped. He knew Keldo wouldn't surrender Melderan without knowing that Kestra was safe. That was one thing that Drave couldn't avoid, no matter how hard he tried.

"I will ask you again, Drave. Where is Kestra?" Keldo demands as he tried to free himself with magic. He felt the magic flow but could not expel it.

Drave raised his eyebrows questioningly at Keldo, looking at him square in the face. "I will not tell you." Drave whispers before walking away, tucking his hands behind him. He stopped at the long table before continuing. "I will, however, bring her to you. Once I do, you will surrender Melderan to me." Drave turned to face Keldo. "If you don't, you will never see Kestra alive again. Do you understand?"

Lowering his blue eyes, Keldo understood Drave's warning all too well. "Yes." Keldo says quietly. He knew the game they both had to play.

"Excellent choice." Drave responded.

Walking past the sorrowful Keldo and Celia, Drave exited the room. Looking around the stone hallways for Strailoch, he found him down the right of the hall.

"Drave, what do you request?" Strailoch asks once Drave approached.

"I need you to bring the Princess up. She should be well enough now, and her parents want to see her alive." Drave responded. They continued towards the corridor without a word.

"Now that the King and Queen are here, I say we just get rid of the girl right now." Strailoch growls happily.

Drave stopped suddenly and looked at him. "That wouldn't work. Keldo wouldn't hand over Melderan if he didn't see her. He would think she is dead, and I wouldn't have any way to convince him." Drave replies, shocked.

"What about the Queen?" Strailoch asks.

"It wouldn't be the same." Drave sighs. "Celia would convince Keldo to let her die, rather than handing over Melderan."

"Fine. I will bring her up, even if I have to drag her by the hair." Strailoch angrily replies. "The Kanier deserves nothing less."

"Don't harm her too much. We want to make it appear that Kestra has been well looked after, don't we?" Drave looked at him, anger in his eyes.

"Like I care." Strailoch mumbles under his breath. "Once the land is mine, I will do what I please with her."

Drave swallowed as he heard those words. He watched as Strailoch disappeared into the darkness. Shaking his head once he was out of sight, he walked back towards the room. He stopped before the door, where three others were standing.

"Go inside and guard Keldo and Celia. I will join you as soon as Kestra has been brought up." Drave orders his men in their native language.

Without a word, the guards entered the room. Drave knew Kestra would be here shortly. His mind wandered back to her. He could picture every detail. How her hair would sweep back when she walked, her blue eyes, her flawless features.

No, Drave clenched his fists. I can't lose focus.


Kestra heard footsteps coming down the stone stairs and tried to figure out who it was. The potion that Drave forced her to drink helped. Her muscles didn't scream in pain, and she no longer had a pounding headache. She sat up, not wanting to be surprised by Drave yet again and prepared herself for the worse. But who she saw through the bars was far more frightening.

"Well, well, well. It's nice to see you once again, Princess Kestra." The Captain mocked, unlocking the cell.

"What are you doing here, Strailoch? You're supposed to be dead. I saw you lying on the forest floor, lifeless." Kestra whispers, scarcely loud enough to be heard, as she stood up.

"Drave sent me to show you to your parents. If I'm not mistaken, they really miss you." Strailoch continues. He laughed, ignoring her words.

Strailoch knew Kestra would try to escape if he didn't get a firm grip on her when she exited the cell. But she surprised him. He expected Kestra to dash out as soon as he opened it, but she stayed there, staring at him. 

"Well, if you will not come out peacefully, it looks like I will have to go in there and get you myself." Strailoch yells.

Kestra dodged Strailoch as he rushed towards her. Running for the door, she almost reached it before stumbling. She was roughly jerked back and toppled into him. Looking back, she saw him grinning as he tightened his grip on her upper arm.

"Looks like you can't lock me in like Gallix did. Was that your plan, Princess?" Strailoch asks mockingly, drawing a dagger. He knew Kestra couldn't do anything, as he placed his blade on her back. Her sword was in the armory once again, and Sylvaria was locked in the cell. "Just like back in Eldar. But this time, I have the upper hand." Strailoch whispers in her ear.

Kestra suppressed a shiver that ran down her spine. Strailoch should be dead. Instead, he is right here.

"Strailoch, let her go." Sylvaria growled, watching Kestra being forced out of the cell.

"What are you going to do about it, dragon?" Strailoch replies mockingly. Narrowing his eyes, he continued. "I've enough of you. Why he doesn't just kill you is beyond me." Strailoch growls, forcing Kestra up the stairs, ignoring Sylvaria's snarl.

Strailoch continued to force Kestra through the corridor before leaning in towards her ear once again. "I should dispose of you now. With your sword and dragon locked up, you have nothing to stop me."

"I still have my magic, Strailoch. You can't do anything about that." Kestra says forcefully. She cried out in shock and pain when Strailoch cut the back of her collarbone. She realized what she just said and wished that she could have remained silent.

"You don't even have that anymore, Kestra." Strailoch snarls, grabbing her shoulders. He forced her to turn and face him. "Do you know what this is, Princess?" He showed her a dagger, with a green and red hilt, and a faint light blue blade. Kestra placed a hand over her mouth, stifling a gasp. She had never seen one in person. Only in her father's texts.

It can't be. They were all destroyed long ago. Kestra thought, as Strailoch forced her back around and around the corner. It has to be some illusion.

"A Cursed Blade. Only a handful survived the destruction. It's possible that you've already read about its uses." Kestra remained silent. Realizing she wouldn't respond, Strailoch continued. "I'll give you a brief history lesson. An informational gift, if you will, from Timore."

Kestra's heart stopped when she heard that name. Once a Guardian, Timore became fascinated with power, obsessed even. There was only one thing that could quench his thirst. Become the Supreme Being. Ever so slowly, he wove a web of lies to achieve his desire. Sensing the change, Lum went to the council and reported her finding. After discovering the lies, Timore was banished. He became a being that controls the darkness, striking fear into the hearts of the living, and the very thing that created the Morvaies.

"And why would he give me any information?" Kestra whispers, her throat running dry.

 "He has his reasons. I don't question them. You should learn not to, as well. Now listen carefully." Strailoch gripped her arm tight. "A scratch drains the magic only for hours but causes more physical pain initially. On the other hand, the less pain, the more time your magic is drained from you. Sometimes days. Honestly, it's a shame it can't be both. It would be perfect for a time like this. Don't you agree?" Strailoch loosened his grip before pulling her towards the corridor once again.

"Why would he want me to know that?" Kestra whispers to herself.

"He wants you to use your magic to make them once again." Strailoch whispers in her ear. Pulling away, he continued as though nothing had happened. "After what happened in Eldar, did you think I was going to take any chances?" As Strailoch continued to force Kestra down the dark corridor, she tried to escape by using the one thing she believed she still had.

"Ineing." Kestra whispers under her breath, not wanting to alert Strailoch. Waiting for the magic to fill her, she heard Strailoch chuckling. She turned her head and glared at him.

"When you saw it, I thought you knew what it was." Strailoch tells her. He leaned in close and whispered into her ear. "Do you really think I would give you the chance to escape again?" Strailoch continues forcing Kestra down the corridor. Coming towards the end, he dragged her to the right. He waved a hand in front of a bolder that blocked a path.

Not waiting to see what will happen, she broke his grasp and ran for the nearest exit that she could find. She could hear his footsteps gaining on her fast. Before she reached the end of the hallway, she felt his hand grab the neck of her shirt and pull her back.

"Answer me honestly, Princess. Did you truly believe that you could run from me? You're not in the castle or the forest. You didn't know this, but you're in The Abandoned Caverns." Strailoch says calmly.

All the color went out of Kestra's face as she heard those words. She continued to struggle to release Strailoch's grasp rather than answering, as he pulled her to the now open passageway.

"Now, now. Why so much struggling? Don't you want to see your parents? They have missed you terribly." Strailoch spoke almost sympathetically.

Once down the dark path, Drave walked towards them. "Kestra, someone is here to see you. They have been so worried about you." Drave stared at Kestra's blue eyes. He noticed a drop of blood running down the front of her collarbone and frowned. Moving her hair to the side, he saw the cut. Anger burned within him but kept his voice steady. "Strailoch, next time you cut someone with that dagger, cut them where it's not obvious." Drave orders, wiping the blood off Kestra's collarbone with his sleeve.

"Yes, sir." Strailoch responded, putting away his blade. Drave continually tries to intimidate him, always failing.

She suppressed a jolt as he reached to touch her arm. She despised him, but couldn't do anything. Her arms were being held behind her back, and magic was out of the question. She shuddered when Drave brushed his fingers against her arm.

Drave felt her skin under his fingers. He lost himself in her eyes. Despite the fear in her eyes, he remained indifferent. "Strailoch, I will take her in." Drave spoke. Strailoch released his grasp on Kestra as Drave moved behind her. "Follow us." Drave placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her forward slightly. Before entering the room, he laid a finger over the cut. "Jenve." Drave whispers and allowed the mark to heal. It did nothing to help her magic return, but at least she was no longer bleeding.

Entering the large room, Kestra heard Drave mutter something incomprehensible. She saw her parents being guarded by Morvaies, spying Elerate on the other side. She felt herself being pushed into a lone chair across from her parents. I'm so sorry. She wanted to say. She saw Strailoch walk closer, whispering to Drave.

"I will watch her. You talk." Strailoch had a stern tone in his voice.

"Don't harm her, Strailoch." Drave replies.

Kestra saw Strailoch grinning as he walked over and stood behind the chair. Daring a glance behind her, she saw his blade exposed once again. Glancing at his face, she saw a feral look, like a cat waiting to pounce.

"As you see, Keldo, your daughter is doing fine. There is not a scratch on her." Drave comforts, walking towards Keldo. "Now that you have seen her, it is time for you to uphold your part of the bargain." Drave continues.

"Father, don't do it!" Kestra screamed, standing. She didn't expect it to do much good. She gave a brief shout as Strailoch reacted. He dug his fingers into her shoulders and forced her back into the chair. Kestra felt the pain from the force run into her back. "Let the grown-ups do the talking, Kanier." She felt the breathy words against her ear. "If you want to make it out of this mostly unharmed, you would do well to hold that tongue of yours. "

Drave stared at Kestra, partially expecting her to remain silent when he talked. Walking over to her, he knelt down. "That isn't your decision. It's your father's." Drave tells her. Leaning towards her ear, he continued in a whisper. "I would be silent if I were you." He brushed his fingers over her cheek. Feeling her shudder, he stood up and walked back to her parents.

Elerate noticed Drave's eyes at the action. He saw Strailoch grin at him and then returned his focus to Kestra. I need to get her out of here, Elerate thought, or if I can't, I need to let someone know what is going on so that they can help. Elerate reflected, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Your part of the deal. I don't think you want anything to happen to the only heir to the throne now, do you?" Drave stated, looking at Kestra. He watched as Strailoch yanked Kestra's hair, exposing her neck. He saw the quick grin as Strailoch placed his dagger under her chin. "You see, you don't really have a choice. If you refuse, Kestra will die. You accept, and she will live." Drave continues.

Keldo looked at Drave, then at his daughter. He knew Kestra was in a dire situation that she had no part of. Kestra shouldn't have her life threatened, not in this way. 

"Well, what is your decision?" Drave says, bringing the king out of his thoughts.

Keldo looked at Celia, then back at his daughter. Kestra's eyes were full of fear, but she wanted to show him he shouldn't be worried about her. She could take care of herself. His eyes drifted upward towards Strailoch. He saw him grin, tightening his grip on her hair. He was going to enjoy making her suffer if they didn't do something.

"Keldo." Celia's voice was soft as she cries. "You know what we must do."

"I accept defeat. Just don't harm her." Keldo replies sorrowfully. He saw Strailoch give a slight nod.

"Wise choice." Drave stated. Turning his back on Keldo and Celia, Drave started towards Kestra and Strailoch.

"Now let Kestra go Drave. You gave your word that you would." Celia says, holding back her tears that were threatening to spill.

"You are mistaken Celia. I said that I would let her live." Drave replies.

Celia watched in fear as Drave brushed Kestra's cheek with his fingers, pushing back strands of her coal-black hair behind her ear. It scared Kestra to hear what might happen. 

"As you can see, I have grown quite fond of Kestra." Drave says, turning back to them. Keldo was calm and collected, Celia frightened. 

 Drave saw the fear that filled her eyes. I'm sorry. He said in his mind. This is the only way I can save her. "I might make her my queen, although it would be easier just to kill her off. Who needs a living member of the royal family to overthrow you, anyway?"

"I will never become your Queen, Drave." Kestra shouts.

He heard her sharp intake of air as Strailoch pressed his dagger harder into her throat. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to silence her. Drave didn't turn around. It was her choice, and he wouldn't force it.

Drave turned to her. So brave. He thought to himself. I wonder where she got her bravery from, and why, of all people, does she have to be the one? "Killing your family and friends would be such a waste, don't you agree?" Drave whispers to her. "So, if I were you, I would just go along with this quietly." Drave turned to the Morvaies that were guarding Keldo and Celia. "Vinctos." Drave whispers, waving his hand. Knowing that Kestra understood little of the Moravian language, he continued in it. "Take them down to the lower dungeon."

Kestra watched her parents get roughly forced out of the room by the Morvaies. She felt her breath hitch as Strailoch pressed his knife a little more into her neck, making sure she tried nothing. As the door closed, she knew they were the only ones left in the room. She couldn't hear anything besides her own ragged breathing as the blood pounded in her ears. Strailoch still had his dagger to her throat and it didn't seem he'd be releasing her soon. A minute went by before she saw Drave move out of the corner of her eye. He walked up to the door to shut and lock it before turning around, walking back towards her.

"Strailoch, release her. She isn't going anywhere now." Drave spoke without looking at him.

Slowly, Strailoch released Kestra's hair and put his dagger away, stepping away from her. Kestra tried to hide her face by letting her hair fall over it. Drave placed his hand under Kestra's chin, forcing her to look at him. He pushed her hair behind her ears. 

"Why must we keep her alive, Drave? Keldo handed Melderan over to you. What more do you need with her? Wouldn't it be better if you just got rid of her now? You're aware of the prophecy." Strailoch spoke as though Kestra wasn't in the room.

"Because Strailoch," Drave started, looking at Strailoch, "I have grown fond of her like I said earlier." Drave turned back to Kestra. "Besides, it's better to have someone of the Royal Family alive. Someone the Elves trust." Drave released his hand from Kestra's chin, letting her turn her head away from him.

"She and I have destinies that are to be crossed. You know the prophecy, Drave. She will never defeat me." Strailoch stopped, seeing if Drave would turn around. When he didn't, he continued. "You know my power, what I will do to her. Do you truly wish for her to go through it?" Noticing Drave refused to reply, he grinned. "Maybe we did better than we originally thought." Strailoch finished, eyes gleaming.

Drave ignored what they said as he paced the room. Somehow, he would have to get back to Melderan with Kestra without being seen. Once he got there, Strailoch could enter the castle with ease. Then maybe I could get her away until she has learned what she needs to. Drave thought. He looked back at Kestra. He could see the frustration in her eyes. The pain. The fear. He saw her standing slowly. He knew what she was planning and would not stop her.

Elerate saw what Kestra was doing and started inching for the door. Maybe I could get her out without them knowing. He thought to himself.

"Strailoch, do you know the best way to enter Melderan without being caught?" Drave asks. He looked over at the map of Melderan on the long table, given to him by Gallix during their conversation. He had forgotten that Elerate was still in the room.

Strailoch studied the map hard. Looking up, he saw Kestra heading for the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Strailoch shouts.

Drave looked to see who Strailoch had yelled at. Seeing that it was Kestra, Drave looked at him. "Strailoch, she can't escape without magic. What are you worried about?" Drave questions. He walked towards Kestra and placed his hands on her shoulders. When he saw Elerate next to the door, he let a quiet growl escape his lips.

"Nothing. I think we should talk about how to get into Melderan at a different time when she isn't listening. She could tell Gallix, and I'm sure he has a way to communicate with the Guard." Strailoch replies. His eyes never left Kestra until he saw her suppress a shudder. He knew she saw the hatred within them.

Drave shook his head as he walked towards Strailoch. "You know as well as I do, Gallix is dead. She can't tell anyone. Even if she could, it wouldn't make a difference now. Will you guard the door? I wish to be with Kestra alone."

"Of course." Strailoch replies with a grin. He walked towards the door, stopping beside him. "Don't tell her anything that would ruin what we worked so hard to establish, or I will make her forget again. And this time, I wouldn't restrain him." He whispers in his ear. He saw Drave's anger as he walked away with a chuckle. Reaching the door, he mumbled under his breath. Once opened, he grabbed Elerate by the shoulder and pushed him out, giving a grin before leaving, himself.

Kestra quickly looked around for anything that could help. The few torches were all she saw within reach. Her gaze shifted between Drave and the closed door. She could not escape. Her gaze met Drave's, and his eyes immediately turned a blood red.

"Vinctos" Drave whispered.

Kestra stopped suddenly. She felt the magic wrap around her entire body. She clenched her teeth in frustration, knowing what had happened. Drave had placed an immobility spell on her.

"You know you can't escape Kestra, so why don't you just give up? Besides, even if you had your magic, that pathetic little amount you elves know couldn't free you." Drave stated as he walked towards her, his eyes returning maroon. "Your parents tried without success. If only your people weren't so careful around mysterious magic." Drave's voice lowered the closer he got. Standing behind her, he stroked her shoulders.

Kestra could feel Drave brushing his fingers through her hair. "Let me go, Drave. You have Melderan. What more do you want?" A small amount of perspiration formed on her forehead.

"What do I want?" Drave asks questioningly. Kestra could feel his breath on her skin. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. "My dear Princess, you have to think bigger than a kingdom. There is an entire land that needs a ruler." Drave stopped suddenly. Outside the door, he thought he heard arguing. He stepped closer to confirm his suspicion. He recognized the arguing voices outside. Kestra could not understand what they were saying, and he knew it.

"…he better hurry before we get impatient. Besides, you know as well as I do that…" a whispered voice says, trailing off in Morvaiean.

"I am well aware of that. Give him time. It won't be long now that we have her and her parents." Strailoch replies in the same language.

"What if he isn't as broken as we think?" The voice stopped for a moment, before continuing in a frightening growl. "If he takes too long, his secret will be a secret no longer, and his sweet little girlfriend will be mine if He would allow me to have her."

"I'm sure there will be no objections. She will be yours only after we secure our success."

"From the moment I laid eyes on her, I've wanted her. Assuming the others don't get to her first and ruin every chance I might have."

Drave knew that the two men were talking about the prophecy. A low growl escaped his throat. The Generals were getting impatient, and he couldn't stop it. Before his secret got out to the others, he had to hurry. He knew Kestra was the girlfriend involved, and he had to protect her from any harm. He stood there for a moment before going back to her.

Kestra struggled, hoping that she could escape while Drave was at the door. What is he doing anyway? No, I don't have time to think about that. I need to escape while he's distracted. Once she saw Drave coming back towards her, she turned her head, hoping that he wouldn't see the fear that she was so desperately trying to hide.

"Kestra, you know that fear cannot be stopped. You might as well let it fill you up. You'll feel much better. That way, you can stop trying to be someone you're not." Drave's gentle voice had no effect.

"I will not give that satisfaction, Drave." Kestra's voice was not more than a whisper.

Drave looked at her in surprise. "Hmmm… are you sure about that? You know, I have always been curious about what your aura is. Your mother's is the ocean, isn't it?"

"LEAVE MY MOTHER OUT OF THIS!" Kestra yells, snapping her head towards him. Nobody talks about her parents like that, not in front of her.

Drave leaned in close so that his cheek was touching Kestra's. "I like you, Kestra. Don't make me do something that we would both regret." He inhaled slowly while playing with her hair.

Kestra knew she couldn't do anything. She bit her lower lip and tensed, not wanting to show fear. That was one thing she would not give him.

Drave gave a soft growl when he felt Kestra tense up. She is even braver than I had expected. But she is wasting her energy keeping that fear from overflowing. If she would let it show, she could face it instead of hiding from it.

"Vinctos." Drave whispered.

Once free, Kestra tried to escape from Drave. She swiftly ducked around him, running towards the door. As her upper arm was grabbed, she let out a startled yell. She could feel herself being tugged back towards him. Looking up, she saw the humor in his eyes. The jerk actually found her attempt funny.

"Tsk. I thought we agreed we were going to cooperate with each other." Drave spoke calmly. "It looks like we're going to have to use a different method."

Pulling her across the room, he grabbed a rope from the table as they passed. With a small chuckle, he pushed her into the chair. Before she could recover, he began wrapping it around her. Although she struggled, he could finish without a problem. "Don't waste your energy. You might need it later." Drave continues. He walked in front of her, forcing her to look at him. "You are wondering why I kept you here. I can see it in your eyes." He pulled another chair close to her. He grinned as he saw her tremble with fear. Finally, He thought. She is letting it show.

"Seeing how I'm now King of your beloved homeland, I need to keep you alive." Drave continues as he sat down. "You are probably wondering why, if it's easier to kill you. It's simple, really. I need you to get me into Melderan. Once there, I should fulfill my other responsibilities quickly. That's where you come in. They all trust you. Only a few, trust me."

"So you want me to lie to my people, is that it?" Kestra growls as she continues to struggle with her binds. Exhaustion overwhelmed her body. She panted heavily, her breaths shallow and irregular. Stopping momentarily, she glared at him.

Drave smiled. "That's precisely it." He watched her struggling to free herself before shaking his head. "You are wasting your energy. The dragon scales used to reinforce the rope make it impossible to break."

Kestra looked at Drave in shock. There was only one way to armor one like that. One must be able to attain the outer dragon scales, crush them to dust, and combine it with a mixture of potions. The fraying rope should be coated evenly with the combination. If uneven, the rope would have weak points. It was challenging to accomplish. The problem was, there was only one dragon left. Sylvaria was too young to shed her scales. Drave's chuckles reached Kestra's ears, as if he could read her mind.

"I know what you're thinking." Drave spoke. Staring into Kestra's eyes, he continued. "What your father doesn't know is that Boaoen didn't disappear. My father captured him. A fact that you might be interested in hearing is that Boaoen is Sylvaria's father." Drave stood and continues walking around the room as he did.

"Boaoen wouldn't give himself up easily, Drave. There is no way your father could have captured him." Kestra says weakly.

"That may be true if he tried to, himself. But he had help. My father, Volspec, didn't like the dragons. Many thought that it was because a dragon gave him a scar on each arm. None knew the real reason, except him." Drave stopped and looked at Kestra. "Do you want to hear it? I thought so." Drave stated before Kestra could respond.

"A dragon killed Volspec's father before his eyes. The dragon tried to kill my father, giving him the scars on his arms. Since that day, my father wanted to destroy them, make them pay.

He managed to achieve exactly that. He massacred every dragon and shattered every egg. The purpose of capturing Boaoen was to subject him to torture and train him to be loyal to my father. But somehow, your dragon survived. Tell me, where did your father find her?"

Kestra remained silent. If she told Drave where her father found Sylvaria, she would be betraying both. Even if her life was at stake, she promised to never reveal that Sylvaria was discovered in a deep crevice near Cathealth Ocean, just a short distance away.

Stopping behind Kestra, Drave waited for a reply. "Where did your father find her, Kestra?" Drave asks again. His voice was growing louder and lower.

Kestra remained silent. Knowing Drave was waiting for a response, she sensed his growing impatience. It didn't matter to her how anxious he became. She refused to disclose the truth to him. Kestra gave a gasp of pain when she felt Drave pull her hair, making her look at him.

Drave looked her in the eyes, while his eyes were going blood red. "If you will not tell me, I will have to ask your father. He will give me the answer because if he doesn't, I will torture you until he does. Or you can tell me right now, it's your choice." Drave whispered. His voice was raspy. Kestra remained quiet. "What a shame. Strailoch." Drave called without releasing Kestra's hair.

"What is it, Drave?" Strailoch asks as he entered the room.

"Bring Keldo up here. It seems like our princess is still stubborn." Drave tells him.

"I could make her talk if you wanted me to." Strailoch says, cracking his knuckles.

"That won't be necessary. Just bring Keldo up." Drave spoke, calmly. His eyes went back to dark maroon.

Kestra felt her heart beating against her chest. She needed to tell Drave a lie. "Stop!" She yells. Both turned to her. "I'll tell you Drave. Just leave my parents out of this."

"Never mind, Strailoch." Drave waved his free hand.

"Are you sure?" Strailoch asks.

"Yes." Drave replies, smiling. Once Strailoch left, Drave turned back to Kestra. "Well, where was she found?"

"At the top of Mountains Peak." Kestra whispered. She hoped Drave fell for it.

"Wise choice telling me, Kestra. I was afraid that I would have to make your father tell me, which would have been quite a mess, don't you agree?" Drave grinned. He released Kestra's hair and walked around.

"Now tell me something Drave," Kestra whispers, "why did you need to know where Sylvaria was found?" Her throat was dry.

Drave looks at Kestra, confused. "Because my father checked every crevice, turned over every rock," Drave says. "He checked Mountains Peak twice, aware that Boaoen was discovered and apprehended there. He wanted to make sure that there was no golden dragon around." Drave answers. He didn't tell her that Sylvaria was the one who would restore the Dragon Race. Or that Strailoch and Volspec were trying to destroy any hope for the prophecy to come true. "It seems like she was well concealed." Drave finished walking off.

"One more thing Drave. There was one major flaw in your so-called story. Dragons couldn't have attacked Volspec. There wasn't a single dragon who would have, knowing it would send the land into chaos."

Kestra waited for a reply but heard nothing but her breathing and footsteps from outside the room. Her eyes flashed from side to side, looking for Drave as the torches went out. She couldn't see him, nor could she hear him. She sat there in silence, waiting for what might happen. Her head snapped up as she heard the door open.

Panic spread through her when she felt Drave's breath on the back of her neck. His fingers ran down her scar once more before she felt the rope being loosened and removed.

"Strailoch will escort you back to your cell. I can't believe you are the one that has been spoken of." Drave whispers in her ear. He brushed his fingers over her arms before Strailoch came up to them. "By the way, princess, Strailoch will be your personal bodyguard from here on out. Wherever you go, he will follow." He turned his attention to the other. "Before taking her down to her cell, let her visit her parents." Drave orders with a grin. "And give them a message for me."

"What message?" Strailoch asks, warning in his voice.

"You have a dangerous secret. Tell it to your daughter." Drave growls in Moravian, so Kestra couldn't understand.

Kestra looked at Drave with an icy stare as Strailoch forced her up and twisted her arms behind her back. What did he say? "You will not get away with this Drave! Do you hear me." Kestra shouts as Strailoch pushed her towards the door.

"Beautiful and a vixen. You might want to watch your back." Strailoch laughs.

"Your right Strailoch, she is a vixen." Drave says, opening the door for them. "I do hope you will not fight with me often, Princess. You will lose constantly."