Chereads / KESTRA: THE PROPHECY / Chapter 16 - Ch 16 BETRAYED

Chapter 16 - Ch 16 BETRAYED

Drave couldn't help but smile when he saw the sleeping form stir. He watched silently as her eyes adjusted with a groan. The carriage bumped over fallen branches, and he looked up quickly, hearing the crackle of twigs beneath the wheels. His focus returned to the other with a chuckle. "Have a good rest, Princess?"

"No, I didn't. Considering how you put me to sleep." Kestra replies furiously as she sat up on the seat. Noticing the blanket, she immediately dismissed it from her mind. The lack of sunrise led her to believe she had been out for a couple of hours. Turning towards Drave, she noticed the grin on his face. She noticed him grabbing the note she hadn't noticed earlier. I hope Scyfire didn't do anything extreme. Her mind played out several scenarios.

"Well, I couldn't have you disrupting my army while we were back there, now could I?" Drave says. He noticed Kestra glancing at the note next to him. "Oh, this?" Drave continues, lifting the letter. "Someone you might know wrote this. Tell me, do you recognize the name Scyfire?"

Kestra's eyes widen. He caught her stifling a gasp with her hand. "I will take that as a yes." Drave smirked. "He left a fascinating note." Drave held it in front of him, waiting.

Kestra snatched the note from Drave with trembling hands. While clutching the letter, she buried her face in her hands. Scyfire is such an idiot. Kestra thought. Once we reach the Horror Tree, Drave is going to send men to capture him. I need to warn him before that happens.

"Seems like you know him reasonably well. How do you know him?" Drave asks calmly. 

What does he know I don't? Kestra contemplated. "How do I know who?" Kestra replies harshly.

"No need to get protective." Drave placed his hands on Kestra's knees.

Kestra suppressed a shudder when Drave came over and sat by her. She knew he would do whatever it took to get any information. He's going to start with Scyfire, I just know it. She thought.

Drave put his arm over her shoulders. Her attempt to move resulted in Drave digging his fingers into her. He forced her head on his shoulder, using his other hand. He dragged his hand slowly up and down her arm.

"Now, what do you know about Scyfire?" Drave asks again, this time in a hushed voice.

"Why would I tell you?" Kestra responded in a harsh tone. Though she despised his actions, she stayed motionless.

"Are you always going to be this difficult? You've always made a big fuss about the simplest things." Drave murmurs, burying his chin in her hair. "Just tell me. It's easier if you tell me willingly rather than him being tortured when captured."

Kestra gave a silent sigh. What could she tell him? It was impossible to tell Drave that Scyfire was the love of her life, a Royal Guard, and that they planned to wed after the war.

"I don't care what you do. You can torture me or kill my friends. Drave, you can destroy my homeland and threaten my life. I won't share anything about my family, friends, or feelings." Kestra replies sternly.

The realization of her words caused Kestra to bite her lower lip. Just now, she told Drave that she had feelings for Scyfire. Drave could easily assume that she loved Scyfire with all her heart.

"Your feelings? For Scyfire? So, he's your boyfriend?" Drave asks, surprised.

Kestra didn't reply. She didn't know what else she would spill, even by accident. It would benefit everyone if she stayed silent. Kestra didn't realize that they stopped until Strailoch opened the door.

"Should we make camp here, my king?" Strailoch asks. A warning, sharp and cold, glinted in his eyes.

"Yes. This place is just as good as any." Drave replies without releasing Kestra. She tried to pull away, but Drave dug his fingers into her shoulder again.

"Do you wish to be alone?" Strailoch directed a quick glare at Kestra before refocusing on Drave.

"That's unnecessary." Drave slowly let go of Kestra's shoulder and withdrew his arm. "Is the camp already prepared?"


"Well done." Said Drave, as he stepped out. "Let's go, Kestra."

Strailoch wasted no time in gripping Kestra's wrist and swiftly pulling her out of the carriage, leaving her no chance to react. Kestra could fully take in the sight of the army for the first time. Everywhere she looked, she saw Morvaies with double-edged swords, some wearing black chain mail, others wearing armored vests.

She observed them engaging in various activities. Some starting fires, sharpening weapons, fighting with each other, and other activities. Among the Morvaies she counted, there were about eight, including Strailoch, who wore gloves with iron claws. She could only see up to the rank of general.

She couldn't make sense of it. It was unexpected for so many to return to war after the casualties they suffered. Something chilled Kestra more than the army itself. Every Morvaie they passed stopped whatever they were doing and stare as she passed by them with Drave. Some even whistled at her. Others tried to get close enough to provoke and torment her. A wave of thankfulness washed over her as Drave's angry snarl and the sharp command to return to work sliced through the air.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Drave asks.

Kestra jumped. She had been too involved in observing the army that she didn't realize that Drave had escorted her away from them into a small clearing. Nor did she realize Strailoch had released her wrist at some point.

"What is? Your army or the clearing?" Kestra replies harshly.

Drave chuckled and looked at her. He witnessed her rubbing her wrist, assisting the blood flow. "Your enthusiasm is truly admirable. Why don't you relax? This is where you will stay tonight, anyway."

Drave walked away when he turned back. "I wouldn't try any funny business if I were you. Escape and Strailoch will have to bring you back. We both know how much he would love that." He tells her, disappearing into the forest.

"No funny business. Yeah right. There isn't much I can do, anyway." Kestra grumbled while heading towards a large tree. "I might as well wait for a bit. Rushing into it will just cause more trouble. I have to wait and see how often someone is to check on me." Kestra murmurs to herself as she took a seat. After a few minutes of listening to the surrounding noises, she looked up to the sky and said a silent prayer. 

Please. If you are there and hear the cries of the people of the land, help us. You have chosen me as a Liberator. Legend says I'm the only one who can protect my kin at this time. You appointed me to fight against the enemy of us all in this mortal form. I cannot do it without your help.

The sound of a twig snapping jolted Kestra back to reality. With her eyes fixed ahead, she saw Drave entering the clearing.

"Surprises seem to never cease with you." Drave says, a smirk on his face. "I honestly thought that I would come here and find you gone."

"Sorry to disappoint." Kestra responded with sarcasm.

"Don't be so defiant, Princess. Your life is still in our hands." A gruff voice snarled.

Kestra looked to the left to find the owner. Strailoch stood there as if he had been there for a while. "I've just talked to the Generals, my liege. They wish to know the next phase of the plan. Why don't we go update them?"

Strailoch looked between Drave and Kestra before continuing. "Don't fret over the Princess escaping. I will guarantee that someone thoroughly patrols this area."

Drave walked towards Strailoch before turning back to Kestra. "I will be back soon." With that, the two left Kestra alone.


"I must ask Strailoch. What message did you convey to the Generals?" Drave asks once he knew they were far enough away.

Strailoch stopped mid-step and turned to one of the nearby captains. "See that a guard checks on the Kainer every half hour, nothing more. If she escapes before our return, inform us immediately." The Morvaie growled before carrying out the order.

Drave continued to glare as Strailoch as he remained silent.

"What did you tell them, Strailoch?" Drave growled again before they continue walking.

 "You know Drave, I don't know if I like this side of you. Do not forget that Kestra is still alive only because I need her, not because I want her to be. Perhaps you already need another reminder of what could happen if you do not stay in line."

 Drave lowered his eyes, knowing very well what he meant.

 "That's better." Strailoch continues as he walked forward, knowing Drave followed. "I told them that if she continues to be defiant, we may have to use a different tactic to subdue her. I never expected her to possess such a fierce, burning spirit. For your feelings for her, you better do something, or we will."

"And just what would your tactic be?" Drave questions as they approached the western side of the camp.

"One that would be more effective than the one you say you have." Yungite replies, stepping out of the shadows. "So tell us, my king, what is the plan?"

Drave noticed the others step out from behind their own trees before replying. "We have reason to believe there is a member of the Royal Guard following us." Drave showed the others the note before continuing. "I believe the Princess may know him and will try to warn him."

"That can be easily prevented." Kentight responded with a gleam in his eye. "If we have her guarded by one of us, she wouldn't be able to warn anybody. I will even volunteer myself if needs be."

"As true as that is Kentight," Strailoch replies calmly. "if we allow her to warn this Elf, we could find out just how much the Royal Guard knows. Also, we may gain a precious ally with a little persuasion."

The Generals chuckled at that remark while Drave stood silent, his fingers digging into his palms. Despite his disagreement, he didn't dare oppose the plan. He had firsthand knowledge of the persuasion employed by the Generals. At one point, he was on the receiving end. Before he could think about it more, they pulled him from his thoughts.

"So, who will follow her?" Yungite asks as he leaned against the large pine. "She is a clever little thing."

"I will." Strailoch replies without hesitation. A wicked smile formed across his face that brought a shudder down Drave's spine. "The three of you handle the camp, and we'll discuss further as we approach." The generals nodded without a word and went their separate ways. Once they left, Strailoch brought his attention back to Drave. "I must get into position. Wait for my signal, and I will bring the Princess and the Elf to you in the clearing." Without another word, they dispersed.


Kestra watched as Drave and Strailoch left the clearing. She didn't know what they had planned, but she needed to prepare herself for any situation. Well, she thought. I need to do something to pass the time. She leaned back against the tree, trying to clear her head. After a few minutes, she stopped. "This isn't working." She whispers. Just then, she noticed a lower rank Morvaie step into the clearing.

He looked at her before speaking. "You don't seem to be one that can cause too much trouble. Not like your father." His words were choppy, but in her native tongue.

Kestra felt her blood boil. Despite the Morvaie's sneering challenge, a heavy silence hung between them as she held her tongue. 'Pay no attention to him.' A soft, gentle voice told her. 'You cannot be easily taunted if you are to rescue your people. Remember your training. Remember who you are. Singina.' Kestra looked around to find the source of the voice she just heard. 

"What are you looking for?" The Morvaie asked her, not indicating that he had heard. He stepped forward, drawing his sword, ready to attack anything that came towards him.

"Just admiring the beauty of the forest. I've forgotten how peaceful this place can be." Kestra replies as calmly as she could.

The Morvaie started laughing at the response. "Is the forest of Eldar what you consider peaceful? You Elves are well aware of the hidden dangers that can lurk here. You are truly naïve. Thinking a place like this is peaceful."

"I may be naïve, Morvaie. But I also know that many of the so-called 'dangers' of this forest will be gentle as long as they do not have a reason to feel threatened. Something I'm sure you Morvaies will find out soon enough. Especially when respect is the key."

The Morvaie growled as he sheathed his sword. "Don't try anything stupid. We will know if you do."

"And how would you know? Unless you are staying here with me?" Kestra replies, still calm.

"Don't be getting any ideas, Kanier." The guard looked her over quickly. "As much as any of us would love to stay with you, you're not too big of a worry to post a guard. But be warned, we will check you every half hour."

"You really aren't the smartest, are you?" Kestra taunted.

The Morvaie growled in response as he left the clearing to continue on his patrol. Kestra watched him go before turning her thoughts elsewhere. She knew she had heard that voice before. Many years ago, when she first started training with the soldiers. She smiled as she thought back on her father's reaction.

"You wish to do what?!" Keldo asks, surprised. Never in her life had his daughter made such a request.

"I want to train with your warriors, Father. I feel inside that it is something that I must do." She replies hesitantly. Perhaps asking him was a mistake.

"What gave you that idea? Have you been into the weapons scrolls again?" He asks with a bit of humor in his voice.

"I don't think that you would believe me if I told you."

Keldo looked at her gently with a smile. He always knew this day would come. The moment she entered the world, he felt the weight of his daughter's destiny, a premonition heavy and inescapable. "Go ahead and tell me."

"Well," Kestra started shyly. "It was as though the wind itself spoke, so gentle. And it said that I have a purpose I needed to fulfill, and the time was now to start."

Keldo took her in his arms and whispered, "Kestra. You have been truly blessed. You have experienced that which very few ever will. That voice is that of the Guardians. If I had to wager a guess, I would say it was none other than the Head Guardian herself."

The rustling leaves pulled Kestra from her thoughts once more. She stood up and looked around for any signs of disturbance. Finding none, she felt restless. "Now, I'm just foolish. Getting jumpy from every little thing will not help." Kestra whispers to herself. 'Clear your mind, Singina.' Aeona continues. 'Not everything is what it seems. You have an enemy who is not as he appears. A deceiver clad in the scales of dragons.'

Kestra took the time that she had to do as suggested. With a few deep breaths, she cleared and focus her mind. She waited until all she could hear were the sounds of the forest and the guard to pass before she set out. 

Strailoch noticed Kestra leave the clearing as he watched from the trees. Placing his dagger back into its sheath, he jumped down and set out after her. "That's it. Lead the way." Strailoch whispers to himself as he followed her.

'Singina. There is a change about to happen. Remember to keep a rational mind. Fear will soon be your enemy and your salvation.'

"What does that supposed to mean?" Kestra whispers as she continues, shoving the lower branches out of her way. She kept her ears open for any pursuers. "How can fear be both an enemy and salvation?" She shook her head and turned her full attention to the task at hand.

She couldn't help but grin when she approached the Horror Tree. According to legend, the dark live oak's age matches that of the land. Its wild branches spread out as it reached for the sky. Formerly the forest's most sacred site, it is now the source of its danger. "The site where the Guardians would gather in times of old. Now named because of the dishonor wrought upon it." She whispers.

Crouching down, she ducked under one of the huge braches and looked around. To her right, there were the lush bushes. To her left, she spotted him leaning against the overturned roots of a small pine. Carefully, she made her way, stopping only a few feet away. "Scyfire."

Scyfire jumped when he heard his name. Turning, he saw Kestra under one branch. Looking around, he found her alone and approached.

"Kestra, is it really you?" He asks. "How did you get away?"

"They left me unguarded. But that's not why I'm here." Kestra whispers back. She had a sinking feeling that if she didn't hurry, they would find her.

"What do you mean?" Scyfire felt confused.

'Singina, tread carefully. A great evil follows.'

"Scyfire, why did you write that note?" Kestra continues in a whisperer. With a growing sense of urgency, she knew she needed to get him to leave before Drave noticed her absence. "Drave may be a lot of things, but he isn't an idiot. He will send some of his men to search in this area. Did you honestly think you could defeat him?"

"I don't understand. What are you so worried about?" Scyfire scanned the area before continuing. "You're safe, and we are back together. Nothing can tear us apart." In retaliation, Kestra used all her strength to punch him on his arm. She didn't have time for games, not this time.

"Ow. What was that for?" Scyfire rubbed where Kestra's blow landed.

"Maybe I forgot to tell you that Drave sent guards to check on me every half hour. Once he finds out that I left, he will send Strailoch after me." Kestra replies sternly.

"I can handle a Morvaie. Come on, we can escape and get you away from them."

"He isn't just any Morvaie. Strailoch is his right-hand man. You can't beat him, Scyfire. I didn't convince my father to let you in the Royal Guard just so you can get yourself killed by writing some dumb note." Kestra tells him furiously. "I must leave before they realize that I'm gone. And believe me when I say I would run off with you now if I could."

"Why can't you? Kestra, what has gotten into you? He's threatened you, hasn't he?" Scyfire struggled to understand why she would run back to what had been trapping her for months, instead of coming with him.

"I can't risk having people's lives destroyed more than they already have been. Leave now Scyfire, return to the castle. Let Shadow know what has happened. You can't beat him alone, no matter how much courage you have. We need the Guards' help. It's the only way we will win." Kestra turned to leave, but before she could make it five feet, she heard the rustling of leaves and a voice to her right.

"So, Scyfire is your boyfriend?" Strailoch says, walking towards them.

"How did you find me?" Kestra asks, her voice shaking.

Strailoch shrugged his shoulders casually. "Use that mind of yours, Princess. Surely you can figure it out."

"Drave sent you to follow me, didn't he?" Kestra responded.

"Kestra, who is this brute?" Scyfire asks, drawing his sword. Kestra turned back towards him but couldn't answer. The words stuck in her throat.

"I'm what you dread in the night, and our fiery Princess's personal guard." Strailoch replies, placing his hands on Kestra's shoulders. His grip tightened as he felt her shifting under his fingers.

"So, you must be Strailoch." Scyfire replies, stepping forward with his drawn sword.

"Ah, you have spunk, boy. For that, I will give you credit. However, don't be stupid." Strailoch stated as he saw Scyfire approaching. Ignoring Kestra's increasingly desperate protests, he kept her in a firm headlock, his grip tightening. "You don't want any harm to come to Kestra now, would you?"

Scyfire stopped in his tracks as he watched Kestra place her hands on Strailoch's arm. He felt her fingers working at his hand, trying to loosen his death grip. With anger, he sheathed his sword, which in turn loosed Strailoch's grasp slightly. "Great, we all understand each other. Now start walking. We will follow you. And don't try anything foolish, boy, or she reaps the penalty."

Kestra felt the hope in her beginning to leave. Scyfire was her last line of communication with the Royal Guard. Now that they had caught him, a wave of uncertainty washed over her as she wondered about everyone's fate.

"Kestra, you were right." Scyfire whispers sadly as he walked past them.

Kestra noticed that his voice wasn't quite the same. It almost seemed strained. He is just scared. Kestra decided. "It's OK," the words whisper. "I'm still here." Strailoch shot her a warning glare, his eyes narrowed and his jaw tight.

"If only I had run when I had the opportunity and never wrote that note. I just couldn't face the fact that I might lose you forever. I couldn't live with myself without attempting to rescue you." Scyfire continued as they approached the clearing.

Kestra felt the arm around her neck tighten, forcing her to stop. She noticed they had barely entered the clearing. She observed Strailoch shoving Scyfire forward with his free arm to maintain their progress. Kestra spotted Drave sitting on the other side, observing their entrance.

"Well, well, well. What have we here, Strailoch?" Drave asks as he noticed the three.

"Her boyfriend." Strailoch declares, pushing Scyfire towards Drave.

"Boyfriend? I took that to be nothing more than an act." Drave declares, shocked. He stood up to get a better look. "The newest member of the Royal Guard? The pipsqueak who seemed to excel quicker than he should have. I have to say, that really clears things up."

"If it isn't the captain who escaped capture. I've always known there was something different about you. You always seemed a little off." With a determined stride, Scyfire walks toward him, his reply sharp and clear.

"Scyfire, don't provoke him." Kestra whispers weakly. She sensed a subtle tightening against her throat as a warning.

"Why not? He doesn't look like he could do much damage. His monkey boy that's holding you seems more dangerous than he does." Scyfire replied calmly.

Kestra saw Drave's eyes go a deep red. Without warning, Scyfire doubled over, clutching his abdomen.

"Still think I can't do any damage?" Drave asks as he stepped towards Scyfire. "Do you want to see what else I can do?"

"Drave, stop it." Kestra screamed. Strailoch released her, and she ran towards Scyfire.

Drave acted like he didn't hear Kestra's request. He kicked Scyfire hard in the stomach, forcing him to lie on his back. "It would be such a waste to kill you off right here. You're so young and inexperienced. There is a lot you could learn." Drave continues peacefully. "What are your thoughts, Strailoch?" Drave asks, looking at him as he walked up and placed his foot on Scyfire's stomach, albeit gently.

Kestra looked over at Strailoch with confusion. She felt rough hands grab her as she tried to kneel by Scyfire. She shot Drave a furious look as he carefully pulled her back a few inches. Her attention turned back to Strailoch as he mumbled under his breath. Raising his head, he rubbed his chin as he pondered the options. Why does Drave care what Strailoch thinks? Drave is in charge, isn't he? Kestra thought. She watched as Strailoch slowly smiled as he decided, sending fear into her heart. His smile seemed to be filled with pure evil.

"I think he would be an excellent addition, your Majesty." Strailoch finally replies.

"Always good to have support in a decision like this. So, I'm going to offer you a choice, boy." Drave looked back at Scyfire, his hands still on Kestra's shoulders. "You can either join my army or can be the first prisoner of my new rule and killed once we reach Kneontide. The choice is yours."

"Drave, how could you be so heartless?" Kestra asks as she shook off his hands and kneeled by Scyfire. Strailoch removed his foot from his stomach as she did so. As she brushed the hair away from his eyes, she cradled Scyfire's head tenderly on her lap.

"It's a gift, Princess. Nothing more, nothing less." Drave replies with a shrug of his shoulders.

Scyfire looked at Kestra with confusion in his eyes. Conflicted, he felt a heavy weight in his chest as he considered his choices. Does he throw away his relationship for a chance to live? He closed his eyes tightly as he pondered his options. Suddenly, a calm came upon him. This has been the plan from the start. He reminded himself. As he opened his eyes, they were full of resolve. He saw the worry in Kestra's eyes. Maybe there is a way to still have both. But if I must choose. "I was planning to ask about joining your army." Scyfire uttered weakly, sitting up. Everyone looked at him, shocked. 

Drave recovered first. "Excuse me?"

"If you must know, I will tell you. I'm one that follows power." Scyfire continued as he placed his weight on his arms. "I know better than to risk my life for worthless causes. I know the kingdom will fall into your hands, and I will not stop you, and those who do are nothing but blind fools."

Kestra kneeled there, stunned. She considered Scyfire loyal to her and her parents. His dedication to power took her by surprise. The weight of everything crashing down overwhelmed her. 'Singina. Let us help you.' She heard the voice growing faint, but did not heed it. Scyfire never loved her. He manipulated her to gain the power he desperately wanted. Kestra felt the tears streaming down her cheeks.

She could only watch as Drave helped Scyfire up before pulling a vial out of a pouch he had on his belt and offered it to him. She recognized the dark blue liquid; identical to the potion Drave had forced her to drink during her escape attempt from the Abandoned Caverns. With tears in her eyes, she watched Scyfire take it from Drave and swallow the liquid without hesitation.

"Aw, come-on. Don't look at me like that, Sweetie." Scyfire stated when he looked at Kestra. Disappointment and shame filled her eyes. "You didn't honestly think that I would die when I have my whole life before me, did you?"

"I thought you loved me and would die for what you believed in." Kestra replies, choking back the tears. She kept her eyes glued to the ground. She didn't want Drave or Strailoch to see her like this.

"I am going to die for what I believe in, Kestra. I believe in following those who have power." Scyfire told her, kneeling in front of her, cupping her chin in his hands. "And I love you more than anything until I looked at life and realized how valuable it is. You only get to live once, babe, and I intend to live my life to the fullest." Scyfire kissed her softly on the lips before he dropped his hold.

Kestra couldn't fightback her tears any longer. "You're a traitor, Scyfire. And I will never forgive you for what you have done. You betrayed both the kingdom and me. You are nothing but a deceiver clad in the scales of dragons." Kestra uttered.

"Strailoch, show Scyfire the ropes around here." Drave orders, kneeling, and placing a hand on Kestra's shoulder.

Scyfire bowed to Drave and followed Strailoch out of the clearing. For once, Kestra felt a sense of peace and contentment being alone with Drave, the only sound the gentle rustling of leaves. She didn't care when Drave kneeled next to her and pulled her into his arms. Scyfire didn't love her. In Scyfire's eyes, she was nothing more than a pawn, a stepping stone to his ultimate goal of reaching her father.

"I begged my father to let him in the Royal Guard because I thought he loved me." Kestra whispered. "But now, he broke my heart because he doesn't care who's in power, or who dies, as long as he can live. He never cared about me. All those times he said he loved me, comforted me, those were all lies. Lies that put him in a position so that he could become king. He would have killed me if he thought that would help save his own skin."

Drave's eyes widened in surprise. He felt lost, unsure if any words or actions, no matter how kind or grand, could possibly mend her broken heart and bring her solace. For the first time in his life, Drave truly felt sorry for Kestra and wanted to help but didn't know in what way. He aimed to tell her he loved her and would die for her.

The desire to confess the secret that kept them alive consumed him. He knew if he did, the Morvaies wouldn't bat an eye and destroyed everything in sight, and kill them. Drave felt something deep down that wasn't malevolence and wickedness that the Morvaies felt, but sympathy and love. Drave gave a silent sigh as he stood, leaving Kestra alone with her thoughts.