The battles continued. Some had clear winners, while some ended up with no result due to the 20-minute time limit. Those who had won got 2 points, and those who ended up in a tie got 1 point. The points were tallied up for the participants after each battle.
By the time the sun is over the top of everyone's heads, another high-voltage battle is about to come up. It was between a girl who was rumored to possess Riversis ability, one of the greatest supporting type inborn abilities in the history of mankind, and a boy known for his legendary parrying abilities that even a 7-star Arcana Master finds it tough to land a scratch on his body.
A hush fell over the crowd as Artaigne stepped into the arena, her crimson gaze locked onto Yudhisthira. She stretched her fingers around the hilts of her twin daggers, rolling her shoulders, while her opponent—calm, unreadable—stood with his golden spear resting against his shoulder.
The Proctor's voice boomed: