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Chapter 1 - EMMETT BAKER

Not all love stories begin with a rosy tale or "Once upon a time" or "They found a Prince Charming and they lived happily ever after".


 There are love stories, which begin with a past of terror and people who go through that past are marked, until they manage to reverse fate.


 There are stories that begin with the dead and the smell of blood around them and the weight of their deaths is stronger than love.


 This is an excellent example, when love has a cursed past, and that past, they will not let them be happy and precisely, the story begins with three important families and a horror event, which will mark the lives of all and forever.


 From this story, no one will know exactly what love is or who they should trust and who they should not, because destiny and people have worked to make things happen.


 The first story is the beginning of a series of crimes that does not allow love to survive cruel reality and forces the lovers to be separated.


 The first story belonged to Emmett Baker and Edward Bowman when they have only fifteen years old.


 Everything bad and good begins at the age of fifteen. They have known each other since kindergarten and from then on, they became best friends.


 They lived at that time in Bronx and although is dangerous, the two friends always watched their backs, to protect each other and nothing bad happens to them.


 One of the visits to the house, Edward meets Bridget and when he sees her for the first time, they are fascinated and delighted with each other.


 Edward often visited Baker`s house for Emmett and more for Bridget, with whom he spent more time and had excellent communication. Everything was going well, until one fine day, everything changed and their lives, and the union of the two families began to take very different paths. Edward and Emmett had agreed to meet at the corner of Edward's house and they did. The next day, Emmett goes to meet Edward, when he sees him selling drugs. Emmett couldn't believe what he was seeing. His best friend turned out to be a drug dealer. He did not want to talk to him that day and the only thing he could do is return home and refuse when he calls or goes home. From that moment on, he kept hearing horrible things about Edward and his family and he didn't like hearing horrible things about him at all. With all that he had heard, he decided to start collecting evidence, in case something bad happened to him; so that, the crimes committed by the Bowman family do not go unpunished. After two weeks that he managed to collect the evidence, he wrote a letter in which spoke of all the crimes that the Bowman family, and their friends had committed and the letter said the following: "To whom It may concern:  The person who is reading this letter means that I will already be dead and that person who is not be easily manipulated by anyone.  This person is the daughter of my best friend name is Jeremy Cartwright. Only you, as Jeremy Cartwright's daughter, who will never allow herself to be manipulated by anyone, should stop guys like Edward Bowman, his family and their friends.  In this same black heart that I turned into a necklace, you will find addresses and numbers of the places in which, I hid all the evidence that I managed to gather against them.  I cannot leave them in plain sight because the enemy is smarter than you and sooner or later, they would find the evidence and burn it and that is something I do not want.  What I can tell you is the following: they have been doing money laundering for some time, scamming all the people they could and kidnapping women to turn them into prostitutes.


 On the other hand, they have killed entire families, just keep their money. This is just a preview of all the crap that I have discovered against them.  I know that by the time you are reading this letter, you will be a beautiful lady and have suffered greatly from the loss of your entire family.  So, I ask you in the name of your family, in my name and in the name of all those people who were unlucky enough to have met those people to stop them; so that, they stop being deceiving and lying people.  My little naughty, I trust only you, no one else. Until a next life,Emmett Baker  After that, he made many black necklaces, that have the same description as the first one, and inside it, he put the letter and a paper with all the indications. Once that was done, he closed it and went to Jeremy Cartwright's house, to give him this necklace. "Jeremy, I don't have time. I give you this necklace and I want you to please give it to your firstborn, as a gift that I once existed, on this earth, "said Emmett, with tears in his eyes.  "Emmett, what are you talking about? Why are you telling me this?" Jeremy asked, concerned about how his friend looked.  "Right now, I can't tell you anything. All you have to know is, whatever happens, don't trust the Bowman family at all. They are not what they say they are. Right now, your daughter will be our salvation," Emmett said, handing her the necklace and fleeing the house, as if they were chasing him. For two weeks, he was refusing Edward to see him and his calls that, little by little, he got used to not seeing him. For his part, Edward, was busy with the sales of drugs that he did not have time to call Emmett, to ask why he did not come to meet him. After a month, Emmett and Edward meet again at the store that is two hours from their respective houses. When they met again, they did not know whether to greet each other or pretend as if they had never met. "Hi Emmett. How have you been? Are you OK?", Edward began, who wanted to know the real reason why he did not meet him that day and why he is making himself refuse.  "Well, and you? Have you been okay?" Emmett asked, avoiding her gaze.


 "I have been fine. I want to know why you didn't come to meet me that day. I've been waiting for you for hours and you never showed up. Why have you been avoiding me?" Edward asked, unable to cope with this dry conversation. "Do you really want to know why? Drug dealer? Or what do they call people who sell drugs, is it mule?" Emmett replied, really annoyed.  "How did you know? Since when have you known?" Edward asked, surprised at Emmett's response and accusation. Edward was speechless. He didn't know what to say about it. He had no idea what step he had to take before a really upset Emmett and willing to tell his family the whole truth. "I did go the day we agreed to meet and I saw you, selling drugs. I don't know how many people you've sold drugs to and I don't care, the only thing that matters to me is that I don't want you to be near my sister or my family. To me, you are a scum not worth having as a friend," Emmett said, looking at Edward with contempt.  "How ...…?" Edward didn't know what to say or do about it. "You know perfectly well that my family is against drugs, drug addicts, and drug dealers, people who buy and sell drugs and prostitutes or" Ladies of the Night." We have been raised and educated with these ideas and we were told ad nauseam that we should not be friends with any of these "kinds of people", because they would damage our reputation. Unfortunately, you are all that and that is why, I must stay away from you and defend my family," said Emmett. "Why didn't you come over so we could talk? I wasn't selling drugs, I swear to you," Edward said, trying to fool Emmett, but not to avail.


 "I do not believe you. If you get close to my family, I'll make sure you regret doing it and if you lie to them, it will be worse," Emmett said. "Damned! I will get closer to your family, as many times as I want; I will especially get close to your sweet sister Bridget and make her my wife. Once married to her, I will spend your family's money at my will, to grow the drug business and I will do everything possible for your wife to become the "Lady of the night," Edward ended up saying in a tone arrogant and defiant. "I will not allow you to hurt my family. At this time, I will go to them, Cartwright and Anderson`s families, and tell them the truth. I won't let you hurt them. You are the worst garbage, you are a disgusting person, you are worth nothing, neither as a man, nor as a human being.  I don't know why you are alive. I regret having met you, I regret being your friend, I regret having invited you to my house; anyway, I regret absolutely everything that has to do with you. I know that you will end up killing me, but before I die, I managed to gather all the evidence against you and your disgusting family, against you and against your friends and that evidence is held by a person who will destroy you and you will never know who you are. I gave those tests. I will die knowing that I have triumphed over you.   The only thing I will say is, that person, will be your end and that same person, will free me from the hell that you will force me to enter", said Emmett, in a tone of absolute sincerity. "You're a disgrace. Don't tell me the name of the person you gave those tests to, but sooner or later, I'll get to that person and that person will know who I am. Let's see if you can make it home, so you can tell your family what you know about me," Edward said defiantly. And at that moment, Edward shoots out of the store, straight to his parents' house. He was an hour away from reaching the house, when Edward's friends intercept him, causing their car to collide with Emmett's car, causing him instant death.


 After they achieved their goals, they take him to the hospital and it is not like any other hospital, because it is a hospital for the undead. In that hospital, Edward's family, he and his friends, are the absolute owners and have always been in charge of reviving the dead, with all the skills and abilities, so that they can live among themselves. While they had him kidnapped in that hospital, Edward was in charge of informing the family that Emmett had died, in a car accident and that they have not been able to find his body. For weeks on end, the Baker family was looking like crazy for Emmett's body and they never found it; so, they had no choice but to resign themselves to the fact that he did die and make a worthy burial for him. After a month, when things have cooled down, Edward goes to the hospital for the undead and together with all his family and friends, they manage to revive Emmett, but with another physical appearance, without a name and without memories. "Welcome. You will be my new puppet," Edward said, laughing like crazy, as did his family and all his friends. Since then, they have left him in charge of the hospital; so that, all the blame falls on him, for challenging them. After six years of dating, Edward and Bridget marry, with the approval of the family and not knowing who really is.