Chereads / Shades: Code black / Chapter 7 - Mistakes

Chapter 7 - Mistakes

We are made whole by our imperfections.

A wise man said once 'A thing that is perfect has no reason to exist'. I wonder Is this statement true


" In down town of N.S.O people have woken up to find what has been declared a type 2 beast barreling through and destroying all in it's path"

" News flash. It's big! Like really massive. This could be the largest ever recorded core beast new orkshire has seen. It is only a few inches shorter than Goliath that was been contained last year in minako city. "

" If you are a resident in the area be advised do not try to leave. This creature doesn't seem to be targeting people but a certain place "

" It's been confirmed it's heading for the highest point in the city if you live on that path please evacuate to the side directions.

The operatives are on their way "

" Damn it. " Simon had been attending to the beast by himself for the past hour but reinforcements where still on their way. Initially the creature had been estimated as a small threat. So he alone was dispatched but it grew and now he can't handle it alone.

' it's body seems to react to pain by growing larger, using the buildings to supplement parts chosing to let it go to prevent increase in size won't work. Small scale attacks from my pistol or my blade won't work so I'll have to substitute with airial maneuvers. '

He lept off the ground, activated his crystal and gripped the side of a building with his hands and started climbing. His crystal had been changed last month but he hadn't activated it since so it's power should be enough for him to last for another thirty minutes.

He kept from the top of the building, his jump force now ten times it's previous force launched him far past the top of the creature. While passing he stabbed a hook he had fashioned into it's body.

Landing on the opposite building he calmed himself and let his senses take over

' the only way to bring this giant down is to get it's weight to work against it '



He swung with the rope and went down to it's knees and slashed. With the force in his legs he pushed upward and slashed again. He pulled the rope with incredible force and slashed again.

And again and again and again.

He maneuverd his body to move all across it's massive frame and delivered deep hurrendous slashes. It's parts started to fall of and for a moment it faltered.

Again and again now including thrusts.

It faltered once more

He slash at its mouth that was located in the centre of its frame, at its four legs at its antennas and at its top.

It faltered and finally came to a stop

Rooooooaaaarrrrr. It screamed and stopped moving. The ground started to rise filling the gaps in it's body and increasing it's size. To an onlooker it would seem like all his efforts were put to waste but it was just his plan.

' it's working. I just need to get all it's legs as quickly as possible now.'

By two o clock on a Tuesday morning a monster went on rampage killing several people and it was all because of an oversight made by an operative.

Damien was finally relaxed but he felt off, like something was wrong with the world somehow. It was a really odd feeling considering that he was sitting naked on a rock facing a large lake and the view of its surroundings was breathtaking. So what was it that Damien was feeling weird about.


Thump! Da thump!. Something was barreling through the forest something of incredible force and mass and power yet it skillfully avoided destroying any of the trees.

Far behind it a phone sat showing the news and blood covered the whole area.

Blake was pissed. He couldn't believe that he was being dragged across town just because of a core beast that his team leader couldn't handle.

Blake wasn't sad though. He was only angry because it had interrupted his nap but the beast itself gave him an intense feeling of joy.

Kruger wasn't the type of man to ever react with emotions so people weren't surprised with how unhurriedly he read the report. He had been briefed before getting it but he still wanted to look at every single detail.

"why is this only one page"

" Umm sir the creature was just hastily re assessed. Changing it's previous documentation was a long process "

" That's not what I meant. The world is full of interesting things and we can only know so much but we should know everything about that which concerns our lives. " He paused for a brief moment then gave orders regarding fifteen operatives who were to join in extermination and told the ' man of science' to follow along .

' I wonder if the transfer would have dealt with it before we arrive '

At 2:30 Tuesday morning Neil was at home. Neil rarely ever sleeps long. He had just brewed himself a cup of coffee but changed his mind and choose tea instead.

Sitting on his sofa, legs on the table. He was relaxed. After thinking for a while he decided not to start his day with the news rather he wanted something funny so he turned on a children's channel.

' ah all is right in the world ' after a brief pause he added ' I hope '

At a hundred miles per hour a motorbike was speeding towards a beast taller than some mountains. It's driver wasn't scared she knew what she was doing. She had been stopped on her way hear by reporters so she decided to increase her speed so nothing could distract her. ' incredible ' she could see the collosus in front of her but that wasn't what she was calling incredible, it was the operative holding it down. For some reason it seemed like they were playing wack a mole and the tiny operative was the mole. From a distance you would think that whoever it was fighting was fine but with her crystal already activated her sight was ten times what it was and she could perceive his slow pace and how many times the person was so close to getting squashed. ' I have to move faster. I have to help'

Simon was barely hanging on. His stamina was drained. He had expected that the monster would have fallen if he destroyed the legs completely and so he went into overdrive and exceeded his usage parameters, destroying the severing the legs completely but. The monster didn't even flinch. Almost automatically it shot out new legs. Creating then faster than it had been regenerating prior to this. Simon had made a mistake. He had forgotten to account for the unit predictable nature of beasts. Now he was hanging on for dear life. The monster was seriously pissed at loosing it's legs so it was rampaging trying to destroy the vermin that had done it.

' where in gods name is the reinforcement I was waiting for ' by chance at that moment he noticed a shape moving really quickly in his direction. It was gaining speed and the closer it got the more he realised what it meant... 'shit!' .

He moved faster than he should have tried moving in hope that he could save the person trying to run from the creature.

' why is he coming this way. Go back I'm almost there ' then she heard it

Thump thump de thump. It was unreal. A massive shape flew over her head and landed nimbly on the ground and continued towards the collosus.

Sweeerve! " What is that thing"

" I don't know" Simon was now jugging in her direction " but I hope it's not the other ones friend "

" Sir somethings happening" a staff member handed him a tablet, on it Live feed from a news chopper showed a massive monster taller than some mountains with four legs and it's mouth in the centre. It seemed to have been made of broken buildings yet oil and blood was all around its body even clinging to it as if a part of it. Then the camera turned to another creature barreling through the city. This one was easy to describe, it was a massive dog on its hind legs.

The dog was getting closer to the collosus but it wasn't slowing down. Onlooker didn't notice but the wolf was snarling as if annoyed by the other creature.

Booooom it's paw banged into the collosus from beneath its mouth. Without wasting a second more it's other arm, with less force banged into it's gut. The collosus was trying to comprehend what was happening when it felt it's body move. It was being lifted. As if a collosus itself the wolf dragged the actual collosus picking up speed with each step then it hunched it's back, stretched it's hind leg backwards and lifted. With all its might it got the creature up a few feet but quickly lost balance and dropped it. Not losing its chance the collosus opens it's maw to bite down on the dog but being quicker the dog easily evaded it. Then lunged again this time with its snout, biting a large part of the collosus but not gripping it , the wolf forced it's mouth to shut, until it did his maw , pierced through horribly. Drags at the collosus making it lose balance, with force equivalent to a bulldozer it pulled downward.the collosus was enraged and screamed. Trying to heal it's damaged parts the wolf stuck it's arm straight into the monsters mouth and held. With its other arm it bashed and bashed the creatures legs. Destroying them all over again. The dog , no wolf howls and looks down at it's side that has been pierced by one of the creatures antennas. The wolf uses it's free arm to scratch at the antenna but it's weird texture doesn't allow for grip. The antenna strikes again this time along with the second. The wolf is trying to heal but the creature applies force and destroys the wolf's arm, it howls in pain and bites down on the antennas with all its force they are ripped away. The creature screams then the wolf strike with its maw directly into the mouth. The creature closes down its mouth but opens it again to seems like the wolf is eating its insides. Almost immediately after it starts to pull. With strength double it's prior attacks it drags and drags the creature. Then releases it. No not releasing it. The wolf now has a large chunk of stone in it's maw. It spit it out and looks the collosus in the eye then turns around. The wolf is running away in the direction the collosus had come from. The collosus regenerates a single antenna and looks at the wolf. With speed that it shouldn't have, due to it only have regenerated two legs the collosus chases the wolf. The wolf having reached the end of the path stops and turns around. Without an arm it charges the collosus.

Both staring at each other with contempt the two titans clash. Just before they collide the wolf seems to get larger. Roaring at each other the wolf thrust it's arm and the collosus thrust it's antenna. The wolf jumps and it's size seems to be reducing then with its hand first it hits the collosus.

There's a brief pause where nothing happens then the wolf howls starting to increase it size it pulls out it's arm and with it pills of dust within its paw is a large red stone. For a few moments everyone present is enchanted by it's beauty then it's crushed.

The battle is over the wolf is the victor, at least that's what one would expect but the wolf has made a mistake cause right now it's surrounded on all sides.