Chereads / MANDROID [Back up] / Chapter 8 - SHATTERED BONDS


Absorb Energy? :]

Thinking thoroughly, steve saw no point in saying No ,his body wouldn't harm him now,would it?.

Saying yes ,a weird feeling went through his hands ,like a cold liquid was squirming through his hand from the crystal .

[Energy absorbed]

'200/100? ,what the hell ?

It's like that energy is there, but my body can't process it'.

With that, the crystal became dull, shocking everyone around him as one thought went through their minds.

'That's a rank three crystal . Shouldn't it take a while to absorb the energy in it ?
He absorbed it instantly '

Going to the tail of the scorpion, Aniyah cut off it's stingers and placed them in a container big enough to contain them.

"Okay, let's go back."With that, they head back into the car.

As they were coming back, steve had one same thought in his mind that he couldn't help but blurt out.

"That thing you guys did back there. How did you do it? Those ' Talents' as you call them."

"Hm, it seems your memory loss is so much that you forgot the many casual things ingrained in daily life." Danso pondered.

"Well, it's merely the manipulation of energy."


'That thing in me said something about energy from that crystal and from me,that purple ball is also created by energy.This 'energy' I feel like I have heard it before.

"Yeah, energy , it's one of the mysteries of life ,it can be used in many ways.

We merely used it to activate our abilities." Zuri suddenly sounded like the smartest person around.

"Abilities, huh?"


"Oh see him ,I heard he's sick .That he has mental problems ,he beats up people for no reason at all leaving them bloody."

"Shush ,he may hear you .

I heard that he watched his entire class die once,anyone would go crazy afterwards."

"He's freakishly strong for a normal human being ,he is about 13."

"Whoa, no way ,he's that young. "

"Well, yes, he is the son of an enerion, so he is probably one."

Wherever I pass, I see people that talk about me like I'm so monster ,I mean, i guess i am, but it still stings, though.

I asked my dad to train me since then.

Now, I can fight with a low rank hunter without even being one .They say I'm crazy but I merely beat up people who annoy me .

My dad may have been a hunter, but my goal isn't to be a hunter. I will become the best hunter on this planet , and then I'd see if anyone would annoy me."

*We have information about Mr. amari , and he died in action against a rank 7 beast. "

My dad dead ?

"Which beast ?"

"Flame attribute one ,we are still searching for it."

Flamed beast ,same one?

'Still searching for it ' like they'll continue caring after a week.*

My only happiness in this world now is my mum ,I have no friends,my dad is dead ,and I have no siblings.

Although everyone thinks I'm insane my mum loves me regardless ,she teaches me ,corrects me .

She makes me a better person.

Although she vents, sometimes it'shas never been of hate .

She took my dad's death calmly ,although she had puffy eyes the next day she never showed distaste about his death.

*"Neto, no matter how angry you are ,never kill a human being.A life is precious , so do what you can to protect people."

"But some people don't need protection,they are stains in our world,if I kill them the world will be better."

"My child, you think incorrectly,all life is precious, whether good or bad .It doesn't matter what they do. Killing them will not help .If you can correct them, you do so."

"Ahh, whatever you say, mum,"

"And stop beating other children up. I'll flog you if you injure someone else again.Your dad didn't train you to beat up children your age."

"Yes, yes ,whatever you say, mum."*

I have never won an argument against my mum, but i never lost one either .She's the only one alongside my dad who could move through my insanity.

Most of my psychiatrists had to seek psychiatrists because of me,the irony.

I love my mum more than anything in this world, I'll protect no matter what, even if I do so with my life.

"Mum, I'm home, I got your favourite sna-"

The scene before me was the worst possible scenario in my life , but it was in front of me regardless, no matter how hard I tried to reject it.

My mum's body bloody and with her were two men, one holding her by her neck mid-air.


"I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you longer."

She muttered as she smiled with blood dripping out the sides of the mouth .

She didn't say for me to run maybe because she knew these men wouldn't be able to kill me .

As this happened I was about to destroy everything in my sight but look in my mum's eyes said otherwise, I saw that she wouldn't want me to do anything against these men even though they are the ones who killed her.

Why? even in death, she didn't want to cause harm.

I hate it.

Intending to grant my mum one last wish. I decided to beat them up and call the Hunter Association .

Then man threw her body to the side like she didn't matter .

I scrambled to get to her body, and I hugged her tightly ,I couldn't save her, but maybe I could fulfil her dream and save other people.

That's it, maybe I'll be able to stop any more people from dying like my mum did ,I can't fulfil my mum's dream .

Then I heard it.

"What a waste of our talent ,we were told to kill this useless waste .

What a waste of my time."




waste ... waste .. WASTE...WASTE?

My mother is a waste.....

My mother is a waste?


My blood boiled at that statement, and every thought in my head vanished , and then I understood.


Mum, you were wrong ,some people don't need saving.


That's it ,Some people need to burn in the deepest darkest parts of hell.


"Is that his son ? Should we kill him."

"No, it's not needed."

I looked through the shadows, pulling me into insanity and smiling they we were on the same track for once.

"Is that so ? My mother is a waste, huh? I'LL KILL YOU, "

The light in my life was snuffed out and was called a waste , I'll kill you all.

-Hahahahaha ,kill everyone

Only darkness came next.

With the screams that were melodies to my ears I ripped their bodies apart with so much as my bare hands ,words like 'impossible','stop please','help me'were tunes that made me happy.

My mum begged you guys, didn't she , DIDN'T SHE???

A smile creeped onto my face as I killed my fellow humans , ripping their body skin and bones alike ,with happiness on my face as I laughed at this situation.


Ha ha

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Am I crazy ? maybe I am.

Blood dripping around me,body parts scattered around me .

I sat in the centre of my damage with my mum's body in my arms ,my body drenched in blood not belonging to me .

"See, mum ,I did it .They are dead ,they won't harm you anymore.I was not able to grant your last wish , don't be mad, mum.I'm sorry."

Tears leaked from my eyes .

How long has it been ? It'salmost like last time.

"THIS IS THE A.E.D ,OPEN UP."A loud knocking made its sound.

"Mum, should I answer them?"


A bulky man broke his way through the door .

"I'm in ,Where are y- HOLY FUCK "

"What's wrong captain,did you see the ki- shit.

Did a Beast do this?,Why wasn't there any alarms ."

"I don't think any beast was here ,look at that kid."

"Wait ,sir you don't think ?"

"Exactly,he did this ."

"No fucking way."

What ,are you guys scared?

"Mum ,these guys annoy me can I kill them?....Okay mum I won't kill them ."

"Shit, Ummm kid we need to take you out of here can we take that body away from you ?"

"Terrible liar .

This is my mum ,If anything hurts her I'll kill you ."

"Of course"

' I'm a D rank hunter and this kid freaks the flipping shit out of me ,he looks like he could kill me at any moment.

He's probably an enerion.'

"Let get to the head quarters "

These guys are terrible at lying,the want to arrest me .

But as long as nothing harms my mum's body I won't kill anybody.

"We have found the kid ,and he's is the same one in that incident.

....Opposite actually he's the cause this time,i guess he snapped."The bulky man said over his phone


Was that a vision.

A memory? whose ? mine ?

Was that me?

A deranged 13 yr old?

No way.

If so, that means my name is Neto.

[Have accessed a bit of lost memories.


Quest obtained : Absorb rank 5 crystals to regain all memories and cure body


Change name to Neto ? Y/N ]