The Priest quickly opened the door revealing a huge towering figure standing in front of it with his hands stretched out towards the door knob. The Priest did not spare him a glance as he clasped his hands together as a form of greeting and walked out. The Priest did not bow as he did not view the man as someone worthy of such a gesture.
Whatever he had to find out with Zephyr's Entity, he could still do that after all he was not a little priest with a small post but one of high status with very little area out of his grasp. So there was no reason why he should share the room with the animal and walked down the corridor and his steps echoed along the walls into the room he had just left through the open door as the man stood staring at his victims.
Zephyr stared blankly at the ceiling inspecting it with so much attention as if expecting the drawings to come alive any moment- taking deep, long, steady breaths. His mother stared blankly at the door not daring to cross eyes with the man as she sat at the edge of the bed as if ready to flee any moment from now.
"I have been looking for you." A deep baritone voice bellowed as he entered into the dark room illuminated by a single large bulb on top of the bed casting silhouettes all around the room. His eyes watched the two off the them sit stiffly and stare away from him. "Have you lost your hearing, Willow?"
"No." She answered meekly not able to hide her shaking fingers. She wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, she did not want to spend another second with this man in the same room.
"Let's not waste our time, shall we?" He asked as he put on a very broad smile that made his faint blue eyes stand out amidst his long lashes showcasing his large teeth. "What is the Pet?"
The room was silent after he spoke for over a minute and he was losing his patience. 'Why do they not just answer simple questions?' he thought to himself as he drew closer to his wife. 'If they do not want to talk, I will make them talk myself!'
"Darling," He started as he placed his large hand on Willow's head with some power behind it. "What did your son get?"
"He is your son too." Willow said in a weak voice with so much spite resulting in her being yanked upwards by her hair and a slap landed on her face and the sound of her knees collide with the floor resounded in the room.
Zephyr closed his eyes as he heard the slap and swallowed a bitter lump down his throat. He had seen this happen so many times and had not gotten used to it for a day. What could he do? He tried to get his mind away from his body, listening to his breathing and searching through his memories for a happy moment. A moment when he was genuinely happy, at rest, at home unlike what was currently happening right now but he could not find any. There was nothing he could hold on to.
His frantic search is cut short as he could feel a blow on his stomach startling him in the process. He saw himself quickly leave his body and return just as fast causing a huge wave of pain come over him. He curled himself and rolled on to the floor.
"A man like you can't help your mom?" Ubel said with a disappointed sigh.
'How can I start a losing fight?' Zephyr murmured to himself. 'Between the three of us, you and mom are the strongest, you got a direwolf as companion while mom got a fucking phoenix and you want a new born to enter a fight with such prowess. Listen to yourself old fool!'
While Zephyr was distracting himself from the pain with his thoughts, another blow was on its way but it did not land as Willow pounced on Ubel with Circe's gauntlet, piercing into his skin and ripping it apart. She threw her fist frantically as her emotions consumed her. She did not want to use her hand to hurt a man she once loved- no, a man she still loves.
Ubel was taken aback by the surprise attack, Willow had never attacked him during their fights,this was a first. After all, it was also the first his first time of including Zephyr in the altercation. He quickly turned around with a crazy smile as his eyes shone with madness and pushed Willow off his back giving her his full attention.
His stare sent a shiver down her spine, it had been a long time he had given her undivided attention. 'Did he back down? No he can not, Ubel does not back down easily.' she thought as she bit her tongue and bitter tears rolled down her cheeks. "Please leave him out of this, why would you want to hurt your own son?"
Those words angered him and he kicked her on her hips as he followed it with a loud resounding slap. She was shocked, bewildered but she did not stay down as Ubel was going for Zephyr again. She punched him away from her son.
After receiving the punch, Ubel stared at Willow's hand with a surprised look. "How did you get that?" He asked as he pointed at the gauntlet.
A tears rolled down her right cheek as she stared at Ubel with so much pain written in her eyes. She wanted to say those words she had recited to herself several times when she would confront him of cheating on her. But no words came out. They were to heavy for her lips. She could not bring herself to say the hurtful things that hunted her to the man she loved.
A laugh just erupted from the corner of the bed, Zephyr laughed his eyes out as he held his stomach in pain and stood to his feet, seriously laughing. He had never seen that look on his dad face in all the years he had shared with them. He looked shocked, surprised, AFRAID.
"Are you scared of what happened to her?" Zephyr said among his laughing fits. "You never worried or even tried to cover your cheating ass and now you care what happened to your mistress? You are a funny man." He said as he started a coughing fit but the two were too stunned to take action.
"I killed her." Zephyr said with a straight face as he stared into Ubel's eyes. "It was quite disappointing how much easy it was. Watching you made me think taking a life was quite a task, turns out it was an annoying chore."