Zhen walked around the room slowly savouring this moment. This was all he had vern waiting for. To punch and kill Geroj. Here he was , before the very man who slayed his parents coldly. He was so excited that he began to think of the most cruel death to offer him.
"Zhen. What do you think you are doing? Look, that you killed two of my goons does not mean you can defeat us all. By the way you are nothing but a kid." Geroj said and Zhen smiled to himself.
"A kid you say." Zhen said. He was actually sixteen years old by now. Simply put he was a kid to these men before him.
"How about a kid who slaughters your own family? How about a kid who kills you today? Geroj sorry to say this but you shall not live up to a day longer for I shall kill you !!!!" Zhen exclamained as he used his hands to slam against a table causing to fall out to give a loud sunder and break.