'60 years ago, there was an outbreak of abominations in the face of the Earth. This was due to the large numbers-well not to high compared to recent times- of gates opening on Earth, which allowed the infiltration of 'the Netherborn' (different term for the monstrosities that came through the gates). However, the presence of such beasts allowed other things to infiltrate. These other things I'm talking about is 'The System', although it works much differently than those manhwa systems as it doesn't provide methods of 'leveling up' however it does inform people around what they have acquired and some back-story about the item, there wasn't a much better fitting term. This system trials people and gives them their attributes and Ather or animus depending from which part of the world one is. The official word from 'The System' is Ather but some people choose to say Animus due to their ill feelings towards their 1st trial. During the 'mass infection' where many random people were infected by the system, the most concentrated level of survivors tended to be from the age of 16-20. This then lead to Jhon Mc-Ardury's theory of 'the system mass trial' as after the initial mass infection, it became much more common for people of the ages between 16 and 20 to carry the power of the system. The system bases ones attributes and Ather on their soul. Yet the rarity of the Ather depends on ones achievement during their trial. As of now, us humans are aware of a few categories, these include: Common, Rare, Great and Supreme. These are all the official rarities that the government has confirmed but it is rumoured that there is 3 more. What they are we don't know.'
'Why the hell am I still paying attention, I wont stay here much longer anyway'- said Albecht.
'Albecht! I've had to stop my teaching yet again to ensure you're paying attention.'-said Miss Whitford or as Albecht likes to call her, Miss Yapuchino, and she continued-'you know what, I cannot have you disturbing my lesson any more. Stand outside. Now.'
With that, Albecht smiled and stood up. At least now he wont have to deal with her talking. As he stood up, he didn't go that high, he is only 5'7 after all but he always reassures himself with the belief that he's only 15 so he will grow more. Further more, due to his disadvantaged background, he has had to study a lot more than others, this allowed him to skip a couple of grades and now he is at uni. He has hair around 2 inches long and wavy although he couldn't take care of them properly and has them in a quite messy manner.
Whilst heading to the door of the class, he remembered the headteacher's nags about not getting sent out of the class or he will have to stay doing voluntary community work in school. With that, he kissed his teeth more times than he communicated for today.
As soon as he stepped foot in the corridor of the class, it was broadcasted to the school that Albecht needs to present himself in front of Mr. Skyford or otherwise known as the head teacher. He reluctantly started to head towards his office.
This then propmted him to ponder over the school layout. It's quite an interesting piece of architecture, looking from the top one can see a large square. Each side is 50 m thick, due to the corridor and classes. It has the ground floor and 2 floors atop. Right now, he was located in the right flank of the square from the entrance as this is where the classes seemed to be located. Whilst Mr. Skyford's office was on the 2nd floor on the back flank, it seems that Albecht has quite some distance to cover. He utilised one of the 4 stairs that are each located in a corner and also realised that the back flank served as theoretical combat learning and the left flank for practical. The large hole in the middle was used for an offical dueling ground and a place for outdoor eating which was quite small, -'Such brutes, they only care about fighting', well in this world one has to.
As he is wrapping up his thoughts, he reaches a tall door made out of dark ash wood that has a golden handle.
Knock, knock, knock.
'Come in'- says Skyford.
As Albecht walks in, he notices the same face for the milionth time, a tall middle aged man around his mid 40s with a large white beard and more white hair than black. His deceving and deep voice ringing about his ears yet again and the hawk like eyes penetrating him to his very soul. Well it makes sense, his Ather is connected to reading another's attributes and mundane ather skills. He is able to see what people may get in the future but it is highly unbelievable and only works on lineages.
'What is it this time?'- moans Skyford tiredly
'I didn't even do anything, swear down'- said Albecht decevingly
'I know u didn't'- Laughed Skyford- 'this time I actually want to speak with you'
'Oh, hehe, ahem, ahem. Yes?'- Almost exposing himself said Albecht
'The lunch lady, the one that sneaks food for you, Miss Smith, said you're planning on leaving school within a week inorder to get a job and live a more normal life, I mean , you do live in am unofficial safe zone so I understand, but you can't give up on school so easily'
-said Skyford worryingly
'Yes I do plan on leaving, I don't find these lessons particularly helpful.'-Albecht Sternly disagreed.
'I see… What if I provide you the ability to have combat lessons.'
'Let me have a moment.' asked Albecht strangly politely.
He was considering the advantages that it brings about, one could never go wrong with combat training especially since he was part of a university that specilised in martial art training and asked for more funds in order to be able to participate in such lessons. As soon as he acknowledged this, he decided he would agree.
'I'll stay, but I'd like to add a condition.'
'Sure, what is it? Even though you're alredy getting a lot'
'I'd like paid lunch aswell'
'Deal' – Agreed Skyford instantly.
- - - -
Later that day, Albecht found himself back in the office. It seemed that Skyford has caught up to his behaviour.
Sighing Skyford monas -'i shouldn't have signed that contract. You know, almost all staff complain about you, and they wont even agree to permenantly exclude you from the school even though you act like this. Its really weird.'
'What can I say, I'm only a chill dude.'-said Albecht jokingly.
'Well since you're here and your teacher doesn't want you back, how about you head to the combat lesson? I mean I don't think you have anything better to do.'
'Well… Sure'
As their conversation drops, he makes his way to the door. Right before he leaves, Skyford says, 'Pick which ever class you want to attend.' 'Was gonna do that anyway.' and with that he leaves Skyford behind saying 'I know you were.'
Albecht is walking in the school corridors as he notices his grumbling stomach, with that, he decides to get some food before engaging with the combat lesson.
As he goes to get lunch, he was also considering his choice again. 'if worst comes, I will at least be able to deal with the dangers of the system and other world, but I don't really want that… Right?'. As it seems, Albecht tends to enjoy moments of thrill, moments that make his blood run cold. When he has free time, he goes around vandalising peoples properties, preferably in front of cops. This allowed him to achieve a very good insight when it comes to awareness of the location he is currently at. This also made him very observatory. For example, when seeing a new person, he is able to very quickly decipher the extend of their physical abilities. It wasn't exactly reliable, but it served its need of evaluating cops before committing a crime. Though, with the increase in Awakened people, his ability has started to prove futile as it seems the system drastically increases ones physical ability and not the muscles appearance, almost as if teaching them how to use their body more effectively. Due to these traits of his, he always wonders twice when thrill is involved. Also, it is this particular trait that is now taking him to the most highly skilled class.
Before he could realise, he was now standing on the top floor on the left side, waiting to be allowed in the theoretical class of combat teaching.