it was finally time "8pm" arya felt a rush of nervousness as the time grew closer she knew by "9 o'clock" she would be a married woman and that piece of information both exited and frightened her, she enjoyed the cool gentle breeze of her possible final evening walk in the eastern palace as she goes to meet her father in the grand hall
king ash could not take his eyes off his beautiful daughter as she walked up to him she looked like a falling angel as the cold night shined on her caramel skin, she looked every bit like her mother, it was hard for king ash to pretend like he didnt care about his little pearl but that was just how things were and even though his heart ached on every insult she had to take, every bruise she had gotten, how much neglect she had to endure, he knew it was for the best not to interfere
''father, im here" arya said snapping king ash from his thoughts
''you are late arya'' ash scolded as he stretched out his arm interlocking it with Arya's as the doors to the grand hall opens
. arya felt darkness engulf her has she entered the grand hall, she felt the grim expressions of everyone falling on her like weights, she tightened her grip on her fathers arm and braced herself as she walked down the aisle
every second felt like an eternity, every step she took her newly acquired adrineline faded into fear she looked at the other end of the long purple Aisle and there he was
She spotted him, her groom to be, at the other end of alter, and she was utterly surprised by his beauty, she had heard that the soon to be emperor of crescent was otherworldly in terms of looks but she had always thought that was a far exaggeration, like how they said lord indigo of alexander was one of the most beautiful men to ever grace this earth, the disappointment Arya felt when she saw his ugly face, she had just assumed they did the same thing for the crown prince but boy was she wrong
His stature was majestic, he was very tall, fit looking, and his white hair was very unique, it was one of the first thing Arya noticed about him, aside from his striking green eyes, his bored appeal gave him this dangerous feel, like everything about him screamed royalty, more royalty than any other alpha,king or lord Arya had seen
Arya's eyes fell on Another tall figure standing at the back of her noticeably bored groom, he was an old looking man, but he was not like any other old person you have probably seen the only that gave away his age was his grey hair and rogue grey moustache, he also screamed danger Arya couldn't help looking at the scar looking at the scar on his left eye, wondering how he got it, after all he was obviously a ware wolf and they usually never got scars because of how fast they healed, she also couldn't help but notice his slim frame, complementing his dark suit
Arya stopped looking at the two strikingly handsome men and focused on Walking down that terribly long aisle without tripping on her 4 inch heels
Kolvo watched his cute little bride in awe as she noticeably tried to balance on her feet with her tiny stilettos, he was happy to say that he was wrong when he said she was ugly, she looked ethereal, he just couldn't wait to pull on her curly brown hair, or kiss her red plump lips until it was sore what kolvo felt for Arya immediately he saw her was just awe of her beauty he knew he would never feel any other thing for her, ever, after all his heart belongs to another
He watches her amused by the way she sways innocently walking down the aisle, his eyes falling on her body, admiring how her white dress clings to her chest pushing it up, he enjoys the sneak peek her dress shows him of her plump upper boobs, his eyes moves to her sexy shoulders, her olily skin was a very lovely shade of caramel, kolvo couldnt help wondering how it would be to lick it up, he shifts his eyes back to her sexy amber eyes locking gazes with her as he reaches the alter
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here together to celebrate a union like no other, the joining of two people who would oversee the fate of the universe, we are not just joining two souls, we are joining four tribes, the east tribe, the west tribe, the north tribe and crescent, would the lovely couple hold hands" the archbishop starts off as arya stretches out her hands shyly intertwining it with kolvo
"Do you prince kolvo of crescent take princess ayra of the east tribe of the east tribe as your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in porverty as long as you both shall live" the arch bishop asks as the deafening sound of silence takes over the hall
Arya held her breath as she waited for kolvo's answer, looking at his deep grey eyes as she silently prays
"I do" kolvo answers after what felt like a million years disappointing the guests who came there to see Arya fail again and Arya slips her ring on his long slender fingers looking directly at his green eyes, but he avoids looking at her eyes so Arya stops looking at him
Arya looks at her father who was standing by the alter as the priest asks her his question
" I do" Arya answers without thinking thrice and stretches her hands for him to slip the Emerald ring on her fingers
"I now join the both of you in holy matrimony, if anyone in this congregation sees a reason why this couple should not be joined together speak now"
Arya's eyes fell on her step sister Anna Maries seat but not even her was brave enough to stop this wedding, that was the first time Arya had seen her not running her big mouth and she was loving every bit of it Arya knew that Anna Marie wouldn't dare talk but she asked ruby to sit down near her just incase she had a moment of stupidity
"We'll since no man has no reason why this couple should not be wed, I now pronounce you husband and wife" the priest finishes
Kolvo stares at Arya dryly as she leans in to kiss him and he holds her waist and skillfully pulls her closer and presses his lips on hers, making her blush shyly he moves his lips from her lips to her ears
"You know vervain doesn't work on me" he says pointing to the vervain laced charm his hands Falling on her chest making her hold her breath as he touches her vervain laced necklace that Lori gave her "I just choose not to read your mind" he says as he steps away from her as she tries to regain her balance
And Every one cheers as kolvo waves at the crowd then walks away and in hand with Arya.