After the wedding Arya found herself wandering the dark halls of the eastern castle, lost and confused, her groom to be had just left not even waiting for Thier reception
With every one busy with the banquet and with no way of getting to the grand Hall Arya found herself sinking into a bench in the courtyard, looking at the stars and wondering how her life would be, being married to that cold man, wondering how he would treat her, and if it would be better to just stay in this toxic house hold than marrying a man she doesn't even know
"It's time for you to go to crescent miss" a deep voice sounded coming from the north side of the courtyard waking Arya from her sleep of thoughts, she looked up to see a mature man walking towards her making her sit up
"And you are...." Arya asked confusedly
"I'm Soren the king's man , and I'm here to take you to crescent" he answers stretching his hands to help Arya up from the bench
Arya looked up to his face and couldn't help studying it, and she had to admit that man looked ethereal
He had slicked back black hair, thin spectacles, pale skin, grey eyes, blood red lips and a slim frame, with a well tailored crisp black suit, he had a permanent grim expression on his face that gave Arya the creeps and he screamed royalty too, like he looked too perfect and expensive to be just a king's man he was giving more of a kingly aura
"Are you coming or not" Soren says making arya reluctantly take his hands as he leads her to Thier jet
Soren provided Arya with a change of clothes, so that she would not have to wear her uncomfortable gown throughout, he also gave her some movies to choose from as she would be alone throughout the flight
Arya didn't mind the space, she used that time to walk through the luxurious jet, she admired the exquisite interior, the white and rose gold making the jet look classy every detail designed to perfection, every artwork rarer than the next, Arya decided to make herself comfortable in the luxury that was provided
as Soren diligently flew the jet, Arya helped her self to the movies and snacks that the jet provided, she had not had a bite to eat all day and she was friggin starved she finished the snacks Soren provided and still went on to the drawer were Soren told her the rest of the snacks were and took more from there
And the clothes Soren gave her were so comfortable she could cry from pleasure she eventually drifted into sleep mid movie letting drool escape her lips as they drew nearer and nearer to her future
"Finally you are awake, you were out for two days" a young looking Asian lady says worriedly looking at Arya
"Where am I" Arya asks as she rubs her eyes looking at the unfamiliar room in front of her
"You're in your room ma'am, I hope it's to your liking, everything has been made to suit your taste, the bedding is pink, so are the walls, and we made it big enough for your gymnastics, the pink rug is also suited to your taste and soft enough for you to practice on without any chance of you getting hurt and your walk in closet is right there, we got you clothes to master kolvo's liking and the bathroom has a large jacuzzi and all the skin care for your skin type" the lady says to a confused Arya
"Sorry how did I get here, what happened" Arya asks rubbing her eyes, brushing off the maids little tour
"Ohh, Soren said you went to the wrong cabinet and took His Majesty's wolfsbane sleeping cookies, instead of the normal ones so prince kolvo decided that instead of waking you up and engaging in a conversation, he'd just carry you here" the Maid explains, leaving Arya a little embarrassed, she should have just asked Soren where the cookies where instead of taking them herself, her thoughts drifted to the fact that she was no longer in her home in the east tribe she was now in crescent in this strange place, where she knew nothing about the rules or her husband, she didn't know his likes his dislikes whether he was a good person or not, and fear engulfed her in the fact that he would have to bed her, would it happen soon or he'll be patient with her and wait, curiousity engulfed Arya like an ocean that she needed to swim out of or else she would drown
" his Highness, is he coming to consummate the marriage ?" Arya asks the maid shyly twisting her hair making her smile at arya
"It depends on him ma'am, but it's already 3pm ma'am and I'm guessing you must be starving freshen up and join prince kolvo for lunch, please don't be late" the maid replies as she opens Arya's white curtains and starts to leave
"Wait....what's your name" Arya asks stopping the maid from leaving
"Ohh pardon my manners I'm suyin" she answers smiling at Arya as she shut the door leaving her alone in the huge room
Arya looked around there room in awe everything was actually to her liking but whenever she is asked what her favourite colour is she always says she did not know she never said out loud that she envisioned her future room white and baby pink but she decided not to think about it
She started walking around her room she, wondering if it was a shared room but according to the decor of the room it seemed like it was for her only she wondered if she would only stay there in the afternoons and she would go to the princes room in the night or he would come to her room when ever he wanted sex
The grumbling sound of her stomach made her forget about her thoughts and go to the bathroom to have her bath so she could join her husband for lunch.